@ -181,23 +181,21 @@
symbol, then it must not be used); note that lv:yield actually compiles
into a special symbol ___yield -->
<variable name="yields" as="element( preproc:sym )+">
<copy-of select="preproc:sym[ @name='___yield' ]" />
<!-- TOOD: this shouldn't be a magical exception; map it -->
<sequence select="preproc:sym[ @name='___yield' ]" />
<!-- also include anything derivable from any @keep symbol, either local
or imported -->
<copy-of select="preproc:sym[ @keep='true' ]" />
<!-- TODO: these should be included as a consequence of the linking
process, not as an exception -->
<copy-of select="
<!-- TODO: messy; refactor this symbol situation -->
<!-- this should be the sole source of outputs and, consequently,
dependencies -->
<sequence select="
@type='map' or @type='map:head' or @type='map:tail'
or @type='retmap' or @type='retmap:head' or @type='retmap:tail'
" />
<!-- TODO: same as above -->
<copy-of select="preproc:sym[ @name='___worksheet' ]" />
<!-- TODO: also should not be an exception -->
<sequence select="preproc:sym[ @name='___worksheet' ]" />
<!-- start at the top of the table and begin processing each symbol
@ -325,81 +323,9 @@
<variable name="pkg-seen" as="xs:boolean"
( $cur/@src = '' or not( $cur/@src ) )
and $stack/preproc:pkg-seen/@src = ''
or $cur/@src = $stack/preproc:pkg-seen/@src" />
<variable name="newpending" as="element( l:pending )">
<sequence select="$pending" />
<!-- if this is the first time seeing this package, then pend its
@keep's for processing -->
<if test="not( $pkg-seen )">
<message select="'[link] found package ', $cur/@src" />
<variable name="document" as="element( lv:package )"
select="if ( not( $cur/@src or $cur/@src = '' ) ) then
document( concat( $cur/@src, '.xmlo' ),
$l:orig-root )
/lv:package" />
<variable name="keeps" as="element( preproc:sym )*" select="
or ( $l:orig-root/lv:package/@auto-keep-imports='true'
and ( @type = 'class'
or @type = 'cgen' ) )
and not(
and @extclass='true'
and not( @name=$pending/@name )
and not( @name=$stack/preproc:sym/@name )
" />
<variable name="keepdeps" as="element( preproc:sym )*">
<call-template name="l:dep-aug">
<with-param name="cur" select="$cur" />
<with-param name="deps" select="$keeps" />
<with-param name="proc-barrier" select="true()" />
<with-param name="parent-name"
select="concat( 'package ', $cur/@src )" />
<sequence select="$keepdeps" />
<variable name="stack-seen" as="element( l:sym-stack )">
<if test="not( $pkg-seen )">
<sequence select="$stack/*" />
<preproc:pkg-seen src="{$cur/@src}" />
<variable name="newstack" as="element( l:sym-stack )"
select="if ( $pkg-seen ) then
$stack-seen" />
<apply-templates select="$cur" mode="l:depgen-process-sym">
<with-param name="pending" select="$newpending/*" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$newstack" />
<with-param name="pending" select="$pending" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$stack" />
<with-param name="path" select="$path" />
<with-param name="processing" select="
if ( $cur/@l:proc-barrier = 'true' )
@ -610,11 +536,13 @@
@name=$cur/@name ]" />
<!-- TODO: this uses @name instead of @src because of map import
paths; decide on one or the other -->
<variable name="src-conflict" as="element( preproc:sym )*"
select="if ( not( $cur/@src ) or $cur/@src = '' ) then
select="if ( not( $cur/@name ) or $cur/@name = '' ) then
$existing[ not( @src = $cur/@src ) ]" />
$existing[ not( @name = $cur/@name ) ]" />
<if test="$src-conflict">
<call-template name="log:error">
@ -622,7 +550,7 @@
<with-param name="msg">
<text>symbol name is not unique: `</text>
<value-of select="@name" />
<text>' found in</text>
<text>' found in </text>
<value-of select="$cur/@src" />
<for-each select="$src-conflict">
@ -805,20 +733,13 @@
<!-- TODO: some better way. -->
<template match="preproc:sym[ starts-with( @type, 'map' ) or starts-with( @type, 'retmap' ) ]"
<template match="preproc:sym[ starts-with( @type, 'map' ) ]"
mode="l:depgen-sym" priority="7">
<!-- do not process deps -->
<template mode="l:depgen-sym" as="element()*"
<sequence select="." />
<template mode="l:depgen-sym" as="element( preproc:sym )*"
@type='const' ]"
@ -1384,78 +1305,7 @@
<template match="preproc:sym" mode="l:map" priority="5">
<param name="symtable" as="element( l:dep )" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string"
select="'input'" />
<param name="from" as="xs:string"
select="'destination'" />
<param name="ignore-error" as="xs:boolean"
select="false()" />
<variable name="name" as="xs:string"
select="@name" />
<variable name="src" as="xs:string"
select="@src" />
<!-- map symbols must always be remote -->
<variable name="pkg" as="element( lv:package )"
select="document( concat( @src, '.xmlo' ), . )
/lv:package" />
<!-- get map symbol dependencies -->
<variable name="deps" as="element( preproc:sym-dep )*"
preproc:sym-dep[ @name=$name ]" />
<if test="not( $deps )">
<call-template name="log:internal-error">
<with-param name="name" select="'link'" />
<with-param name="msg">
<text>could not locate symbol dependencies: </text>
<value-of select="concat( @src, '/', @name )" />
<!-- FIXME: we should not have to check for @yields here; we may
have to require imports in the map to satisfy normalization
before-hand -->
<variable name="unknown" as="element( preproc:sym-ref )*"
not( @name=$symtable/preproc:sym/@name
or @name=$symtable/preproc:sym/@yields ) ]" />
<!-- ensure that every dependency is known (we only care that the symbol
actually exists and is an input) -->
<when test="$unknown and not( $ignore-error )">
<for-each select="$unknown">
<call-template name="log:error">
<with-param name="terminate" select="'no'" />
<with-param name="name" select="'link'" />
<with-param name="msg">
<value-of select="$type" />
<text> map </text>
<value-of select="$from" />
<text> </text>
<value-of select="@name" />
<text> is not a known </text>
<value-of select="$type" />
<text> field for </text>
<value-of select="concat( $src, '/', $name )" />
<text>; ensure that it exists and is either used or has @keep set</text>
<l:map-error />
<!-- good to go; link symbol -->
<apply-templates select="." mode="l:link-deps" />
<apply-templates select="." mode="l:link-deps" />
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Styles node based on keep flag
Copyright (C) 2016 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
This file is part of TAME.
TAME is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
External nodes should be styled as such
<xsl:template mode="dot:attr-keep" priority="5" match="
*[ @keep='true' ]
<dot:attr name="fontcolor">red</dot:attr>
Default node attributes
<xsl:template match="preproc:sym" mode="dot:defnode-keep" priority="1">
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@
<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="dot:attr-extern" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="dot:attr-color" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="dot:attr-shape" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="dot:attr-keep" />
@ -101,11 +101,6 @@
<lv:classify as="{$as}" yields="{$yields}"
desc="{@name} package is eligible">
<!-- TODO: this should really be a compile-time value -->
<xsl:if test="@keep-elig-class = 'true'">
<xsl:attribute name="keep" select="'true'" />
<!-- each of our imported packages' elig classes must be truthful -->
<xsl:apply-templates mode="preproc:gen-elig-class-matches"
@ -500,11 +500,6 @@
<xsl:apply-templates mode="preproc:expand"
select="@*" />
<!-- force @keep on @terminate -->
<xsl:if test="@terminate='true'">
<xsl:attribute name="keep" select="'true'" />
<!-- copy everything else -->
<xsl:apply-templates mode="preproc:expand" />
@ -434,40 +434,4 @@
Generates a classifier for each boolean param
This is for convenience; a boolean can esssentially be considered its own
classifier, so let's generate one to cut down on the amount of code.
Technically not a macro, but needs to be done before preproc:expand.
XXX: Get rid of me! Now unused!
<xsl:template match="lv:params[ not( @preproc:processed ) ]"
mode="preproc:macros" priority="5">
<xsl:attribute name="preproc:processed" select="'true'" />
<xsl:sequence select="@*" />
<xsl:apply-templates mode="preproc:macros" />
<xsl:for-each select="lv:param[ @type='boolean' ]">
<xsl:variable name="as" select="translate( @name, '_', '-' )" />
<xsl:variable name="genas" select="concat( 'is-', $as )" />
<!-- ensure that this name does not already exist -->
<xsl:if test="not( /lv:*/lv:classify[ @as=$genas ] )">
<!-- TODO: We're flagging as @keep for now due to gclass needs, but this
should be removed later -->
<lv:classify as="{$genas}" desc="{@desc}" keep="true">
<lv:match on="{@name}" value="TRUE" />
@ -517,7 +517,6 @@
<xsl:param name="orig-root" />
<xsl:param name="package" select="@package" />
<xsl:param name="export" select="@export" />
<xsl:param name="ignore-keep" select="@ignore-keep" />
<xsl:param name="no-extclass" select="@no-extclass" />
<xsl:param name="keep-classes" select="@keep-classes" />
@ -593,7 +592,7 @@
<xsl:when test="@pollute='true'
and @local='true'
and not( @extern='true' )">
<xsl:sequence select="@name, @src, @pollute, @keep, @parent, @extclass" />
<xsl:sequence select="@name, @src, @pollute, @parent, @extclass" />
<!-- copy all the symbol information -->
@ -633,23 +632,6 @@
<!-- keep manipulation: *always* keep classes if requested, even if
@ignore-keep is provided; in the case of the latter, unsets @keep -->
<!-- keep classes when requested -->
<xsl:when test="
( @type = 'class' or @type = 'cgen' )
and $keep-classes = 'true'">
<xsl:attribute name="keep" select="'false'" />
<!-- demolish @keep if requested -->
<xsl:when test="$ignore-keep = 'true'">
<xsl:attribute name="keep" select="'false'" />
<!-- children should always be copied, unless poluting -->
<xsl:if test="not( @pollute='true' and @local='true' )">
<xsl:sequence select="preproc:*" />
@ -663,7 +645,7 @@
<xsl:variable name="external" select="boolean( @external='true' )" />
<preproc:sym name="{@yields}" type="rate"
extclass="{$external}" keep="{boolean( @keep )}"
local="{@local}" dtype="float" dim="0" tex="{@sym}" />
<xsl:apply-templates mode="preproc:symtable" />
@ -706,7 +688,7 @@
<xsl:template match="c:*[ @generates ]" mode="preproc:symtable" priority="5">
<xsl:variable name="parent" select="ancestor::lv:rate" />
<preproc:sym name="{@generates}" keep="{boolean( $parent/@keep )}"
<preproc:sym name="{@generates}"
type="gen" dtype="float" dim="1" desc="{@desc}" tex="{@sym}" />
@ -718,10 +700,9 @@
<xsl:template match="lv:classify" mode="preproc:symtable" priority="5">
<xsl:variable name="external" select="boolean( @external='true' )" />
<xsl:variable name="terminate" select="boolean( @terminate='true' )" />
<xsl:variable name="keep" select="boolean( @keep='true' )" />
<preproc:sym name=":class:{@as}"
extclass="{$external}" terminate="{$terminate}" keep="{$keep}"
extclass="{$external}" terminate="{$terminate}"
type="class" dim="?" desc="{@desc}" yields="{@yields}"
@ -733,7 +714,7 @@
to avoid scanning separate object files for such common information)
<xsl:if test="@yields">
<preproc:sym name="{@yields}" keep="{$keep}"
<preproc:sym name="{@yields}"
extclass="{$external}" terminate="{$terminate}"
type="cgen" dtype="boolean" dim="?" desc="{@desc}">
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- TODO: Remove @keep -->
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
Reference in New Issue