tamer: nir::interp: Errors and recovery

This finalizes the implementation for interpolation.  There is some more
cleanup that can be done, but it is now functioning as intended and
providing errors.

Finally.  How deeply exhausting all of this has been.

Mike Gerwitz 2022-12-07 10:54:21 -05:00
parent 2f963fafb2
commit cf2139a8ef
2 changed files with 415 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
//! issues will be mapped back to a source location that makes sense to
//! the user with a high level of granularity.
use memchr::memchr;
use memchr::memchr2;
use super::{Nir, NirEntity};
use crate::{
diagnose::{AnnotatedSpan, Diagnostic},
diagnose::{panic::DiagnosticPanic, Annotate, AnnotatedSpan, Diagnostic},
fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote},
parse::{prelude::*, util::SPair, NoContext},
@ -232,6 +232,11 @@ impl ParseState for InterpState {
type Object = Nir;
type Error = InterpError;
// TODO: Span slicing should be coupled with `SPair` so that it's not
// possible for them to get out of sync with specification slices
// (slices are `char`s, spans are bytes).
// When doing so,
// also introduce diagnostic panics for string slicing.
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
@ -314,13 +319,20 @@ impl ParseState for InterpState {
// Note that this is the position _relative to the offset_,
// not the beginning of the string.
match s[offset..].chars().position(|ch| ch == '{') {
match next_delim(s, span, offset) {
// Close before open
Some((bad_pos, '}')) => {
let espan = span.slice(offset + bad_pos, 1);
Transition(ParseLiteralAt(s, gen_param, s.len()))
// The literal is the empty string,
// which is useless to output,
// so ignore it and proceed with parsing.
Some(0) => {
Some((0, _)) => {
Transition(ParseInterpAt(s, gen_param, offset + 1))
@ -328,7 +340,7 @@ impl ParseState for InterpState {
// Everything from the offset until the curly brace is a
// literal.
Some(rel_pos) => {
Some((rel_pos, _)) => {
let end = offset + rel_pos;
let literal = s[offset..end].intern();
@ -363,15 +375,37 @@ impl ParseState for InterpState {
// explicitly closed,
// and cannot not be nested.
ParseInterpAt(s, gen_param, offset) => {
// TODO: Make sure offset exists, avoid panic
// TODO: Prevent nested `{`.
let ospan = span.slice(offset - 1, 1);
// Note that this is the position _relative to the offset_,
// not the beginning of the string.
match s[offset..].chars().position(|ch| ch == '}') {
Some(0) => todo!("empty interp"),
match next_delim(s, span, offset) {
Some((nested_pos, '{')) => {
let nspan = span.slice(offset + nested_pos, 1);
Some(rel_pos) => {
// Recovery:
// Since we do not know the user's intent,
// just bail out to the next reasonable
// synchronization point
// (end of the specification).
Transition(ParseLiteralAt(s, gen_param, s.len()))
.err(InterpError::NestedDelim(ospan, nspan))
// Empty param `{}`
Some((0, '}')) => {
// Recovery:
// Skip the empty param and continue parsing,
// since it does nothing anyway.
Transition(ParseLiteralAt(s, gen_param, offset + 1))
span.slice(offset - 1, 2),
Some((rel_pos, _)) => {
let end = offset + rel_pos;
// The value `@foo` in `{@foo@}`.
@ -390,7 +424,22 @@ impl ParseState for InterpState {
None => todo!("missing closing '}}'"),
// End of specification string before finding closing `}`.
// Since we were unable to complete parsing of the parameter,
// we cannot output it;
// to recover we will omit the token entirely and
// proceed to close.
None => {
let espan = span.slice(s.len() - 1, 1);
// Recovery:
// We cannot emit a param that has not yet been parsed,
// and we have reached the end of the string,
// so we can prepare to conclude parsing.
Transition(ParseLiteralAt(s, gen_param, s.len()))
.err(InterpError::Unclosed(ospan, espan))
@ -411,6 +460,20 @@ impl ParseState for InterpState {
/// Locate the next opening or closing delimiter beginning at the given
/// `offset` for the specification string `s`,
/// if any.
fn next_delim(s: &str, span: Span, offset: usize) -> Option<(usize, char)> {
span.internal_error("while parsing this specification")
&format!("specification byte offset {offset} is out of bounds"),
.find(|(_, ch)| matches!(*ch, '{' | '}'))
/// Whether a value represented by the provided [`SymbolId`] requires
/// interpolation.
@ -419,8 +482,8 @@ impl ParseState for InterpState {
/// The provided value requires interpolation if it contains,
/// anywhere in the string,
/// the character [`}`].
/// This uses [`memchr()`] on the raw byte representation of the symbol to
/// the characters `{` or `}`.
/// This uses [`memchr2()`] on the raw byte representation of the symbol to
/// quickly determine whether a string is only a literal and does not
/// require any interpolation,
/// which will be the case the vast majority of the time.
@ -432,13 +495,14 @@ impl ParseState for InterpState {
/// that can be re-located quickly enough.
fn needs_interpolation(val: SymbolId) -> bool {
let ch = b'{';
// We can skip pre-interned symbols that we know cannot include the
// interpolation character.
// interpolation characters.
// TODO: Abstract into `sym::symbol` module.
quick_contains_byte(val, ch)
.or_else(|| memchr(ch, val.lookup_str().as_bytes()).map(|_| true))
quick_contains_byte(val, b'{')
.or_else(|| quick_contains_byte(val, b'}'))
.or_else(|| {
memchr2(b'{', b'}', val.lookup_str().as_bytes()).map(|_| true)
@ -472,12 +536,74 @@ fn gen_tpl_param_ident_at_offset(span: Span) -> GenIdentSymbolId {
/// Error while desugaring an interpolation specification.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum InterpError {}
pub enum InterpError {
/// End of interpolation string was reached before an expected closing
/// delimiter `{`.
/// The two spans represent,
/// respectively,
/// the position of the opening delimiter and the final character of
/// the interpolation string.
/// The latter span will be rendered in such a way as to indicate that
/// parsing ended at that point without having located the closing
/// delimiter;
/// it is _not_ appropriate to suggest that the user add the closing
/// delimiter at that location,
/// since that may not be correct.
/// We could be more intelligent about this in the future,
/// but it's probably not worth the effort given that the solution
/// will hopefully be obvious to the user.
Unclosed(Span, Span),
/// A closing delimiter was found in a literal context.
/// A corresponding opening delimiter `{` was not present for the
/// closing delimiter `}` found at this [`Span`].
/// An opening delimiter was found while already parsing a parameter in
/// the specification string.
/// The first span indicates the opening delimiter,
/// and the second span the extra opening delimiter.
NestedDelim(Span, Span),
/// An interpolation parameter is the empty string.
/// This is useless at best,
/// but was possibly accidental.
/// Note that this does not throw for whitespace-only parameters;
/// that'll be handled by later parsers.
/// An empty parameter would _also_ be able to be handled downstream,
/// but this provides a more friendly diagnostic message.
impl Display for InterpError {
fn fmt(&self, _f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
// No errors yet.
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use InterpError::*;
match self {
Unclosed(_, _) => write!(
"unexpected end of interpolation specification \
(expected closing delimiter `}}`)",
Unopened(_) => write!(
"unexpected closing delimiter `}}` in \
interpolation specification \
(missing corresponding opening delimiter `}}`)",
NestedDelim(_, _) => {
write!(f, "cannot nest interpolation parameter delimiter `{{`")
EmptyParam(_) => write!(f, "empty interpolation parameter"),
@ -485,8 +611,44 @@ impl Error for InterpError {}
impl Diagnostic for InterpError {
fn describe(&self) -> Vec<AnnotatedSpan> {
// No errors yet.
use InterpError::*;
match self {
Unclosed(sopen, send) => vec![
sopen.note("opening delimiter for interpolation parameter"),
"specification ended here while expecting closing `}`",
Unopened(span) => span
.error("this has no corresponding opening delimiter `{`")
// It is important to convey that nesting is not supported while
// not jumping to conclusions as to why this error may have
// occurred;
// if we want to provide suggestions,
// then we need to evaluate the erroneous specification
// further and establish some heuristics to guess what the
// user might have meant.
NestedDelim(sopen, send) => vec![
sopen.note("opening delimiter for interpolation parameter"),
send.error("cannot nest opening delimiter"),
EmptyParam(span) => vec![
"interpolation parameter must contain an identifier",
"an empty interpolation parameter (`{}`) would have no \
effect on the",
// TODO: auto-wrap instead of having to output multiple help
span.help("interpolated string, and so it is disallowed."),

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
use super::*;
use crate::{
parse::{Parsed, Parser},
parse::{Parsed, ParsedResult, Parser},
span::dummy::{DUMMY_CONTEXT as DC, *},
@ -223,6 +223,56 @@ fn desugars_many_vars_and_literals() {
// Since we're slicing up strings and spans and trying to keep them in sync,
// we best make sure we're doing it right,
// given that strings are `char` and spans are `u8`.
fn proper_multibyte_handling() {
// Carefully observe the multibyte characters.
// In the below diagram,
// the right span endpoints represent the _final_ byte of the
// multibyte sequence,
// since the brackets are intended to be inclusive of the entire
// byte sequence.
let given_val = "føö{@bαr@}βaζ{@qμuχ@}";
// [-] [---] [-] [----]|
// 0 4 6 11 13 19 26|
// |B C D E |
// [-------------------]
// 0 27
// A
let a = DC.span(30, 27);
let b = DC.span(30, 5);
let c = DC.span(36, 6);
let d = DC.span(43, 5);
let e = DC.span(49, 8);
let given_sym = Nir::Ref(SPair(given_val.into(), a));
let toks = vec![given_sym];
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
let expect_name = expect_expanded_header(&mut sut, given_val, a);
// These two are the as previous tests.
Object(Nir::Text(SPair("føö".into(), b))),
Object(Nir::Ref(SPair("@bαr@".into(), c))),
// This pair repeats literals and vars further into the pattern
// to ensure that the parser is able to handle returning to
// previous states and is able to handle inputs at different
// offsets.
Object(Nir::Text(SPair("βaζ".into(), d))),
Object(Nir::Ref(SPair("@qμuχ@".into(), e))),
Object(Nir::Ref(SPair(expect_name, a))),
// Adjacent vars with empty literal between them.
fn desugars_adjacent_interpolated_vars() {
@ -257,3 +307,179 @@ fn desugars_adjacent_interpolated_vars() {
fn error_missing_closing_interp_delim() {
// v missing delim
let given_val = "foo{@bar";
// []| |
// 0 2'3 7
// |B C D
// |------|
// 0 7
// A
let a = DC.span(10, 8);
let b = DC.span(10, 3);
let c = DC.span(13, 1);
let d = DC.span(17, 1);
let given_sym = Nir::Ref(SPair(given_val.into(), a));
let toks = vec![given_sym];
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
let expect_name = expect_expanded_header(&mut sut, given_val, a);
// The literal is well-formed,
// and so will be output as expected.
Ok(Object(Nir::Text(SPair("foo".into(), b)))),
// `@bar` would normally be here,
// but it has been omitted because it is malformed.
// Instead,
// we produce an error.
Err(ParseError::StateError(InterpError::Unclosed(c, d))),
// Recovery:
// We still need to expand into something valid so that we can
// proceed with compilation the best we can.
// Having omitted the above token,
// we're able to proceed as if the user didn't provide it at
// all.
Ok(Object(Nir::Ref(SPair(expect_name, a)))),
fn error_nested_delim() {
// opened here v v nested
let given_val = "moo{@bar@{baz}}quux";
// []| | |
// 0 2'3 9 |
// |B C D |
// |-----------------|
// 0 18
// A
let a = DC.span(10, 19);
let b = DC.span(10, 3);
let c = DC.span(13, 1);
let d = DC.span(19, 1);
let given_sym = Nir::Ref(SPair(given_val.into(), a));
let toks = vec![given_sym];
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
let expect_name = expect_expanded_header(&mut sut, given_val, a);
// The literal is well-formed,
// and so will be output as expected.
Ok(Object(Nir::Text(SPair("moo".into(), b)))),
// We haven't yet completed parsing of the parameter because we
// encountered a nested `{`.
Err(ParseError::StateError(InterpError::NestedDelim(c, d))),
// Recovery:
// We cannot output the parameter because it failed to parse.
// Furthermore,
// given the user could have intended for any number of
// different interpretations,
// so we're just going to bail out to the easiest
// synchronization point
// (end of the specification string)
// and ignore everything that follows rather than
// potentially interpret it in confusing ways.
Ok(Object(Nir::Ref(SPair(expect_name, a)))),
// We could choose to ignore this,
// but it surely was a mistake.
fn error_empty_interp() {
let given_val = "moo{}cow";
// [][][-]
// 0 2'3'5'7
// |B C D
// |------|
// 0 7
// A
let a = DC.span(10, 8);
let b = DC.span(10, 3);
let c = DC.span(13, 2);
let d = DC.span(15, 3);
let given_sym = Nir::Ref(SPair(given_val.into(), a));
let toks = vec![given_sym];
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
let expect_name = expect_expanded_header(&mut sut, given_val, a);
// The literal is well-formed,
// and so will be output as expected.
Ok(Object(Nir::Text(SPair("moo".into(), b)))),
// The interpolation param is empty.
// Recovery:
// Just ignore the empty param and continue.
// It wouldn't have had any effect anyway,
// being empty.
Ok(Object(Nir::Text(SPair("cow".into(), d)))),
Ok(Object(Nir::Ref(SPair(expect_name, a)))),
// This situation may very well mean that the user forgot an opening
// delimiter,
// so we ought to check for it.
fn error_close_before_open() {
// v close before open
let given_val = "@foo@}bar";
// | 5 |
// | B |
// [--------]
// 0 8
// A
let a = DC.span(10, 9);
let b = DC.span(15, 1);
let given_sym = Nir::Ref(SPair(given_val.into(), a));
let toks = vec![given_sym];
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
let expect_name = expect_expanded_header(&mut sut, given_val, a);
// We encounter an error while parsing the literal.
// Recovery:
// We do not know whether the specification up to this point
// was supposed to be a literal or a param.
// Just bail out;
// maybe in the future we can do something better.
Ok(Object(Nir::Ref(SPair(expect_name, a)))),