tamer: asg::air: Remove comment about AIR being light

It used to be, but has not been for quite some time.  Further, it _does_
replace (encapsulate, rather), the ASG's API.

Mike Gerwitz 2023-05-23 14:46:09 -04:00
parent e8335c57d4
commit ac9b7f620e
1 changed files with 0 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -25,15 +25,6 @@
//! It allows parsers to operate as a raw stream of data without having to
//! worry about ownership of or references to the ASG,
//! and allows for multiple such parsers to be joined.
//! AIR is _not_ intended to replace the API of the ASG---it
//! is intended as a termination point for the parsing pipeline,
//! and as such implements a subset of the ASG's API that is suitable
//! for aggregating raw data from source and object files.
//! Given that it does so little and is so close to the [`Asg`] API,
//! one might say that the abstraction is as light as air,
//! but that would surely result in face-palming and so we're not going
//! air such cringeworthy dad jokes here.
use super::{