depgen: Clean up TeX symbol generation

See the `preproc:tex-gen` comment for more information.  This retains the
existing behavior, cleaning it up quite a bit.

This has no impact on performance; it's just continued refactoring to
prepare for optimization.

Mike Gerwitz 2023-10-19 10:44:48 -04:00
parent 659a0e71fb
commit abc37ef0cc
1 changed files with 63 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -39,15 +39,14 @@
exclude-result-prefixes="ext util xs">
<variable name="tex-defaults">
<preproc:sym value="\alpha" vec="A" />
<preproc:sym value="\beta" vec="B" />
<preproc:sym value="\gamma" vec="\Gamma" />
<preproc:sym value="x" vec="X" />
<preproc:sym value="y" vec="Y" />
<preproc:sym value="z" vec="Z" />
<!-- see preproc:tex-gen#3 -->
<variable name="tex-defaults" as="element( preproc:tex )+">
<preproc:tex value="\alpha" vec="A" />
<preproc:tex value="\beta" vec="B" />
<preproc:tex value="\gamma" vec="\Gamma" />
<preproc:tex value="x" vec="X" />
<preproc:tex value="y" vec="Y" />
<preproc:tex value="z" vec="Z" />
@ -173,53 +172,14 @@
<variable name="tex" as="xs:string?"
select="if ( @tex ) then @tex else $sym/@tex" />
<!-- even if function, @tex overrides symbol -->
<when test="$tex and not( $tex='' )">
<attribute name="tex" select="$tex" />
<when test="@type = 'func'">
<attribute name="tex">
h <value-of select="@name" />
<!-- assign a symbol -->
<variable name="pos" select="position()" />
<attribute name="tex">
<variable name="texsym" select="
$tex-defaults/preproc:syms/preproc:sym[ $pos ]
" />
<!-- scalar/vector default -->
<when test="$texsym and number( $sym/@dim ) lt 2">
<value-of select="$texsym/@value" />
<!-- matrix default -->
<when test="$texsym">
<value-of select="$texsym/@vec" />
<!-- no default available; generate one -->
<value-of select="
if ( number( $sym/@dim ) lt 2 ) then '\theta'
else '\Theta'
" />
<value-of select="$pos" />
<attribute name="tex" select="
if ( $tex and not( $tex = '' ) ) then
preproc:tex-gen( @name,
number( $sym/@dim ),
position() )" />
@ -228,6 +188,53 @@
Generate a default TeX symbol given a symbol's relative position within
some context.
Generally, the relative position is with respect to a parent
identifier. The TeX symbols are typically used in a let list to visually
define variables that are later used in rendered expressions (on e.g. the
Summary Page).
<function name="preproc:tex-gen" as="xs:string">
<param name="name" as="xs:string" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string" />
<param name="dim" as="xs:double" />
<param name="relpos" as="xs:integer" />
<!-- TODO: TAMER'll probably address this before it's fixed here, but this
may fail to generate a symbol! -->
<variable name="texsym" as="element( preproc:tex )?"
select="$tex-defaults[ $relpos ]" />
<when test="$type = 'func'">
<sequence select="concat( '\textrm{', $name, '}' )" />
<!-- scalar/vector default -->
<when test="$texsym and $dim lt 2">
<sequence select="string( $texsym/@value )" />
<!-- matrix default -->
<when test="$texsym">
<sequence select="string( $texsym/@vec )" />
<variable name="theta" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $dim lt 2 ) then
'\Theta'" />
<sequence select="concat( $theta, '_{', $relpos, '}' )" />
<template mode="preproc:depgen" priority="7"
<preproc:sym-dep name="{@yields}">