Graph-based POC

This makes use of Petgraph for representing the dependency graph and uses a
separate data structure for both string interning and indexing by symbol
Mike Gerwitz 2019-12-01 01:17:37 -05:00
parent d78d81d721
commit 8455a38a1d
3 changed files with 253 additions and 101 deletions

tamer/Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "tamer"
version = "0.0.0"
dependencies = [
"fixedbitset 0.1.9 (registry+",
"petgraph 0.4.13 (registry+",
"quick-xml 0.17.0 (registry+",

View File

@ -17,4 +17,5 @@ opt-level = 3
quick-xml = ">= 0.17.0"
petgraph = ">= 0.4.13"
# used by petgraph
fixedbitset = ">= 0.1"

View File

@ -18,20 +18,204 @@
//! **This is a poorly-written proof of concept; do not use!** It has been
//! banished to its own file to try to make that more clear.
use fixedbitset::FixedBitSet;
use petgraph::graph::{DiGraph, EdgeIndex, Neighbors, NodeIndex};
use petgraph::visit::{DfsPostOrder, GraphBase, IntoNeighbors, Visitable};
use quick_xml::events::Event;
use quick_xml::Reader;
use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, Iter};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use std::io::BufRead;
use std::ops::{Deref, Index};
use std::rc::Rc;
type SymRef = String;
type DepMap<T = SymRef> = HashMap<T, Vec<T>>;
// The term "sym" is used throughout because it's easier to search for that
// in source code than "symbol", which is a generic term with many different
// meanings.
// if mutability is needed:
//struct SymRecord {
// data: SymData,
// // the idea is to keep the index encapsulated so that nothing else can
// // ever hold a reference to it, ensuring that it's freed when the node
// // is removed
// index: Rc<RefCell<Option<NodeIndex>>>,
struct SymData {
name: Rc<str>,
type DepGraphNode = SymEntry;
type DepGraphEdge = ();
struct DepGraph {
graph: DiGraph<DepGraphNode, DepGraphEdge>,
// serves as both a string internment system and graph indexer
index: HashMap<Rc<str>, SymRef>,
// if removals are permitted:
//index: HashMap<Rc<str>, Weak<RefCell<Option<NodeIndex>>>>,
// This encapsulates the underlying Graph to enforce certain
// assumptions. For example, we do not permit removing nodes because that
// would invalidate the NodeIndex reference in the index, which would then
// require workarounds like the commented-out code above and below.
// While Petgraph's use of indexes to represent graph and edge references
// makes it easy to bypass the borrow checker, it does just that---it's no
// different than a pointer reference (albeit guaranteed to safely reference
// a node rather than an arbitrary memory location) that can change out from
// under you at any moment. As such, much of the planning that went into
// this was determining how to best mitigate that.
// The linker has certain needs that may differ as the compiler evolves, so
// it may be desirable to permit deletions in the future. In the meantime,
// if a node needs to be deleted, we can simply remove all edges from it and
// possibly mark it in a way that states it was removed.
// This graph uses a separate map to serve a dual role: a string internment
// system and an indexer by symbol name. This will have to evolve in the
// future as the graph ends up containing more stuff.
// This is currently called a dependency graph, since that's what we're
// using it for, but in the future the compiler will also use it as an IR,
// so this will likely be renamed.
impl DepGraph {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
// TODO: with_capacity
graph: DiGraph::new(),
index: HashMap::new(),
fn declare(&mut self, name: &str) -> SymRef {
match self.index.entry(name.into()) {
Entry::Occupied(o) => *o.get(),
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let entry = SymEntry::MissingSym {
name: Rc::clone(v.key()),
let index = SymRef(self.graph.add_node(entry));
// will not duplicate dependencies if they already exist
fn declare_dep(&mut self, symbol: SymRef, dep: SymRef) -> () {
self.graph.update_edge(*symbol, *dep, ());
fn lookup(&self, name: &str) -> Option<SymRef> {
self.index.get(name.into()).map(|index| *index)
fn index_iter(&self) -> Iter<Rc<str>, SymRef> {
// POC when removals were permitted:
//fn add_symbol(&mut self, sym: SymData) -> NodeIndex {
// let name = Rc::clone(&;
// let record = SymRecord { data: sym, index: Rc::new(RefCell::new(None)) };
// let index = self.graph.add_node(record);
// let index = Rc::downgrade(&self.graph[index].index);
// self.graph[index].index.replace(Some(index));
// self.index.insert(name, index);
// index
impl GraphBase for DepGraph {
type NodeId = NodeIndex;
type EdgeId = EdgeIndex;
impl Visitable for DepGraph {
type Map = FixedBitSet;
fn visit_map(&self) -> Self::Map {
fn reset_map(&self, map: &mut Self::Map) {
impl<'a> IntoNeighbors for &'a DepGraph {
type Neighbors = Neighbors<'a, DepGraphEdge>;
fn neighbors(self, n: Self::NodeId) -> Self::Neighbors {
impl Index<SymRef> for DepGraph {
type Output = DepGraphNode;
fn index(&self, index: SymRef) -> &Self::Output {
// TODO: we may not to allow this; using SymRef could be a means to
// guarantee that a lookup has occurred and that it actually exists. We
// don't need this if we set NodeId = SymRef in GraphBase, but that requires
// implementing other traits as well.
impl Index<NodeIndex> for DepGraph {
type Output = DepGraphNode;
fn index(&self, index: NodeIndex) -> &Self::Output {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
struct SymRef(NodeIndex);
impl From<SymRef> for NodeIndex {
fn from(symref: SymRef) -> Self {
impl From<NodeIndex> for SymRef {
fn from(index: NodeIndex) -> Self {
impl Deref for SymRef {
type Target = NodeIndex;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum SymEntry {
MissingSym { name: Rc<str> },
pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut pkgs_seen = HashSet::<String>::new();
let mut deps: DepMap = HashMap::new();
let mut fragments = HashMap::<String, String>::new();
let mut depgraph = DepGraph::new();
let package_path = std::env::args().nth(1).expect("Missing argument");
let abs_path = fs::canonicalize(package_path).unwrap();
@ -41,11 +225,21 @@ pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
&mut pkgs_seen,
&mut deps,
&mut fragments,
&mut depgraph,
let sorted = sort_deps(deps)?;
// println!(
// "Graph {:?}",
// depgraph
// .graph
// .raw_nodes()
// .iter()
// .map(|node| &node.weight)
// .collect::<Vec<_>>()
// );
let sorted = sort_deps(&depgraph);
println!("Sorted ({}): {:?}", sorted.len(), sorted);
@ -55,8 +249,8 @@ pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
fn load_xmlo<'a>(
path_str: &'a str,
pkgs_seen: &mut HashSet<String>,
deps: &mut DepMap,
fragments: &mut HashMap<String, String>,
depgraph: &mut DepGraph,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let path = fs::canonicalize(path_str)?;
let path_str = path.to_str().unwrap();
@ -87,7 +281,7 @@ fn load_xmlo<'a>(
.find(|attr| attr.key == b"name")
.map(|attr| attr.value)
.and_then(|mut name| {
read_deps(&mut reader, deps, name.to_mut())
read_deps(&mut reader, depgraph, name.to_mut())
.ok_or("Missing name"),
@ -107,11 +301,7 @@ fn load_xmlo<'a>(
b"preproc:fragment" => filtered
.find(|attr| attr.key == b"id")
.map(|attr| {
.map(|attr| String::from_utf8(attr.value.to_vec()))
.and_then(|id| {
let fragment = reader
.read_text(, &mut Vec::new())
@ -149,7 +339,7 @@ fn load_xmlo<'a>(
let path_abs = path_buf.canonicalize().unwrap();
let path = path_abs.to_str().unwrap();
load_xmlo(path, pkgs_seen, deps, fragments)?;
load_xmlo(path, pkgs_seen, fragments, depgraph)?;
@ -157,14 +347,16 @@ fn load_xmlo<'a>(
fn read_deps<B>(
reader: &mut Reader<B>,
deps: &mut HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
depgraph: &mut DepGraph,
name: &[u8],
) -> Option<()>
B: BufRead,
let sym_name = String::from_utf8(name.to_vec()).unwrap();
let mut sym_deps = Vec::<String>::new();
// TODO: API needs to expose whether a symbol is already known so that
// we can warn on them
// note: using from_utf8_unchecked here did _not_ improve performance
let sym_node = depgraph.declare(std::str::from_utf8(name).unwrap());
//println!("processing deps for {}", sym_name);
@ -175,14 +367,17 @@ where
let mut filtered =
.find(|attr| attr.key == b"name")
.map(|attr| attr.value.to_owned())
.and_then(|name| {
let str = String::from_utf8(name.to_vec()).unwrap();
filtered.find(|attr| attr.key == b"name").and_then(
|mut attr| {
let name = attr.value.to_mut();
let str = std::str::from_utf8(name).unwrap();
let dep_node = depgraph.declare(&str);
depgraph.declare_dep(sym_node, dep_node);
//println!("{:?}", ele.attributes().collect::<Vec<_>>());
@ -196,105 +391,60 @@ where
_ => (),
.and_then(|_| {
//println!("{}: {:?}", sym_name, sym_deps);
let prev_value = deps.insert(sym_name.clone(), sym_deps);
if prev_value.is_some() {
"WARNING: {} previously had deps: {:?}",
// TODO: use something like linked_hash_set (a crate), or a set in
// combination with a stack, to be able to provide debugging information
// for cycles
// symbol moves from deps -> processing -> sorted
struct SortState<T = SymRef> {
deps: DepMap<T>,
processing: HashSet<T>,
visited: HashSet<T>,
sorted: Vec<T>,
fn sort_deps(deps: DepMap) -> Result<Vec<SymRef>, Box<dyn Error>> {
fn sort_deps(depgraph: &DepGraph) -> Vec<&SymEntry> {
// @type=meta, @preproc:elig-class-yields
// @type={ret}map{,:head,:tail}
let roots = discover_roots(&deps);
let roots = discover_roots(depgraph);
let mut state = SortState {
deps: deps,
processing: HashSet::new(),
visited: HashSet::new(),
sorted: Vec::new(),
// This is technically a topological sort, but functions have
// cycles. Once we have more symbol metadata, we can filter them out
// and actually invoke toposort.
let mut dfs = DfsPostOrder::empty(&depgraph);
let mut sorted = Vec::new();
// unfortunately these roots are hardcoded (we can address that in the
// future; we must maintain BC for now)
.for_each(|root_sym| process_dep(&mut state, root_sym.to_string()));
// TODO: we'll be processing various roots separately
for index in roots {
while let Some(index) = {
fn discover_roots(deps: &DepMap) -> Vec<SymRef> {
let mut map_syms = deps
.filter(|key| key.starts_with(":map:") || key.starts_with(":retmap:"))
.map(|key| key.to_string())
fn discover_roots(depgraph: &DepGraph) -> Vec<SymRef> {
// TODO: filter_map
let mut map_syms = depgraph
.filter(|(key, _)| {
key.starts_with(":map:") || key.starts_with(":retmap:")
.map(|(_, value)| *value)
let mut roots = vec!["___yield", "___worksheet"]
.map(|sym| sym.to_string())
.filter_map(|sym| depgraph.lookup(sym))
roots.append(&mut map_syms);
//println!("found roots: {:?}", roots);
// "found roots: {:?}",
// roots
// .iter()
// .map(|index| &depgraph.graph[*index])
// .collect::<Vec<_>>()
fn process_dep(state: &mut SortState, current: SymRef) {
// TODO: since we're bailing out early, it's possible we _would have_
// encountered a cycle if we kept going. Do we care about this?
// Possibly not, since it's still possible to perform our sort, but then
// cycles should be caught by the compiler.
// TODO: Profile: Is it more performant to perform a check on the
// intersection of the visited set and a set of all dependencies? That
// requires creating a new set, so possibly not.
if !state.visited.insert(current.to_string()) {
if !state.processing.insert(current.to_string()) {
panic!("Cycle: {}", current);
let deps = state.deps.remove(&current).unwrap_or_else(|| {
println!("warning: Missing dependencies for {}", current);
.for_each(|dep| process_dep(state, dep.to_string()));
mod tests {