tamer: tameld: XIRF nesting 64=>4

Since we'll never be reading past the header, this is all that is needed.

If in the future this is violated, XIRF will cause a nice diagnostic error
displaying precisely what opening tag caused the increased level of nesting,
which will aid in debugging and allow us to determine if it ought to be
increased.  Here's an example, if I set the max to `3`:

  error: maximum XML element nesting depth of `3` exceeded
     --> /home/.../foo.xmlo:261:10
  261 |          <preproc:sym-ref name=":_vproduct:vector_a"/>
      |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: this opening tag increases the level of nesting past the limit of 3

Of course, the longer-term goal is to do away with `xmlo` entirely.

This had no (perceivable via `/usr/bin/time -v`, at least) impact on memory
or CPU time.

Mike Gerwitz 2022-08-01 13:58:51 -04:00
parent 77efefe680
commit 7a5f731cac
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -192,11 +192,11 @@ fn load_xmlo<'a, P: AsRef<Path>, S: Escaper>(
// abstracted away.
let (mut asg, mut state) = Lower::<
ParsedObject<XirToken, XirError>,
XirToXirf<64, Text>,
XirToXirf<4, Text>,
>::lower::<_, TameldError>(
&mut XmlXirReader::new(file, escaper, ctx),
|toks| {
Lower::<XirToXirf<64, Text>, XmloReader>::lower(toks, |xmlo| {
Lower::<XirToXirf<4, Text>, XmloReader>::lower(toks, |xmlo| {
let mut iter = xmlo.scan(false, |st, rtok| match st {
true => None,
false => {