Return map symbol support

This is a backwards-incompatible change that, like the input map,
requires the use of symbols in the return map.  This will allow us to
forego the use of @keep and will have the return map be the authority
of what gets linked (all of its dependencies).

* src/current/compiler/map.xsl: Add symbol support to return-map.
Mike Gerwitz 2017-07-12 14:23:26 -04:00
parent 5b9cfaec31
commit 7472cb882c
1 changed files with 122 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
When linking, the special head and tail fragments of the topmost map should be
used (that is, if A includes B and C, use A).
TODO: Just generate a normal package and use the package system;
this duplicates a lot of logic, and does so piecemeal and poorly.
XXX: This is tightly coupled with the Program UI; refactor to support any type
of source.
@ -91,10 +94,15 @@
consistently with the rest of the system -->
<variable name="pkg">
<lv:package name="{$__srcpkg}" lvmc:type="map">
<!-- XXX: copied from expand.xsl! -->
<attribute name="name" select="$__srcpkg" />
<attribute name="__rootpath" select="$__relroot" />
<attribute name="preproc:name" select="$__srcpkg" />
<!-- initial symbol table; full table will be generated below -->
<call-template name="lvmc:stub-symtable">
<with-param name="type-prefix" select="'map'" />
<call-template name="lvmc:stub-symtable">
<with-param name="type-prefix" select="'map'" />
<!-- copy all source nodes -->
<sequence select="node()" />
@ -145,6 +153,8 @@
Generate a function that maps a set of rater outputs
TODO: This is essentailly the same as the input map; refactor.
<template match="lvm:return-map" mode="lvmc:compile" priority="8">
<param name="rater" />
@ -157,46 +167,60 @@
<variable name="pkg">
<lv:package name="{$__srcpkg}" lvmc:type="retmap">
<!-- XXX: copied from expand.xsl! -->
<attribute name="name" select="$__srcpkg" />
<attribute name="__rootpath" select="$__relroot" />
<attribute name="preproc:name" select="$__srcpkg" />
<!-- initial symbol table; full table will be generated below -->
<call-template name="lvmc:stub-symtable">
<with-param name="type-prefix" select="'retmap'" />
<!-- copy source data -->
<copy-of select="*" />
<!-- special fragment to be output as the head -->
<preproc:fragment id=":retmap:___head">
<!-- use a callback just in case we need to make portions of this async in the
future -->
<text>function ( input, callback ) {</text>
<text>var output = {};</text>
<apply-templates select="./lvm:*" mode="lvmc:compile">
<with-param name="symtable" select="$dummy-symtable" />
<with-param name="rater" select="$rater" />
<with-param name="type" select="'retmap'" />
<!-- special fragment to be output as the foot -->
<preproc:fragment id=":retmap:___tail">
<!-- copy source nodes -->
<apply-templates mode="preproc:expand" select="node()" />
<!-- output the result after symbol processing -->
<call-template name="preproc:gen-deps">
<with-param name="pkg" as="element( lv:package )">
<apply-templates select="$pkg" mode="preproc:sym-discover">
<with-param name="orig-root" select="." />
<!-- process symbol table -->
<variable name="pkg-with-symtable" as="element( lv:package )">
<call-template name="preproc:gen-deps">
<with-param name="pkg" as="element( lv:package )">
<apply-templates select="$pkg" mode="preproc:sym-discover">
<with-param name="orig-root" select="." />
<!-- final result with compiled fragments -->
<sequence select="$pkg-with-symtable/@*,
$pkg-with-symtable/node()" />
<!-- special fragment to be output as the head -->
<preproc:fragment id=":retmap:___head">
<!-- use a callback just in case we need to make portions of this async in the
future -->
<text>function( input, callback ) {</text>
<text>var output = {};</text>
<!-- compile mapped -->
<apply-templates select="./lvm:*" mode="lvmc:compile">
<with-param name="symtable" select="$pkg-with-symtable/preproc:symtable" />
<with-param name="rater" select="$rater" />
<with-param name="type" select="'retmap'" />
<!-- special fragment to be output as the foot -->
<preproc:fragment id=":retmap:___tail">
@ -210,6 +234,7 @@
same (future bug pending!) -->
<preproc:sym name=":{$type-prefix}:___head"
ignore-dup="true" />
<preproc:sym name=":{$type-prefix}:___tail"
@ -248,15 +273,15 @@
<template match="lvm:pass" mode="lvmc:compile" priority="5">
<param name="symtable" as="element( preproc:symtable )" />
<param name="type" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string" />
<preproc:fragment id=":{$type}:{@name}">
<value-of select="@name" />
<call-template name="lvmc:gen-input-default">
<with-param name="symtable" select="$symtable" />
<with-param name="to" select="@name" />
<with-param name="sym"
select="lvmc:get-symbol( $symtable, $type, @name, @name )" />
<with-param name="from" select="@name" />
@ -303,8 +328,8 @@
<value-of select="@to" />
<call-template name="lvmc:gen-input-default">
<with-param name="symtable" select="$symtable" />
<with-param name="to" select="@to" />
<with-param name="sym"
select="lvmc:get-symbol( $symtable, $type, @to, @from )" />
<with-param name="from" select="@from" />
@ -324,14 +349,14 @@
<template match="lvm:map[ @from
and root(.)/@lvmc:type = 'map' ]"
and root(.)/@lvmc:type = 'map' ]"
mode="preproc:depgen" priority="5">
<!-- to the DSL -->
<preproc:sym-ref name="{@to}" lax="true" />
<template match="lvm:map[ @from
and root(.)/@lvmc:type = 'retmap' ]"
and root(.)/@lvmc:type = 'retmap' ]"
mode="preproc:depgen" priority="5">
<!-- from the DSL -->
<preproc:sym-ref name="{@from}" lax="true" />
@ -403,28 +428,48 @@
Attempt to locate the expected symbol, and blow up otherwise.
TODO: The retmap distinction muddies this; refactor to be agnostic
(onus on caller perhaps).
<function name="lvmc:get-symbol" as="element( preproc:sym )?">
<param name="symtable" as="element( preproc:symtable )" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string" />
<param name="to" as="xs:string" />
<param name="from" as="xs:string?" />
<variable name="symname" as="xs:string?"
select="if ( $type = 'retmap' ) then $from else $to" />
<variable name="sym" as="element( preproc:sym )?"
select="$symtable/preproc:sym[ @name=$symname and @src ]" />
<!-- for error message display -->
<variable name="srcdest" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $type = 'retmap' ) then 'source' else 'destination'" />
<if test="$symname and not( $sym ) and not( $symtable/@lvmc:sym-ignore )">
<message terminate="yes"
'error: unknown ', $srcdest, ' identifier `',
string( $symname ),
''' (did you import the package?)' )" />
Generate a direct input mapping or, if a default exists for the field, use the
default if the input is an empty string
default if the input is an empty string.
<template name="lvmc:gen-input-default">
<param name="symtable" as="element( preproc:symtable )" />
<param name="to" />
<param name="sym" as="element( preproc:sym )?" />
<!-- use one or the other; latter takes precedence -->
<param name="from" />
<param name="from-str" />
<variable name="sym" as="element( preproc:sym )?"
select="$symtable/preproc:sym[ @name=$to and @src ]" />
<if test="not( $sym ) and not( $symtable/@lvmc:sym-ignore )">
<message terminate="yes"
'error: unknown destination identifier `',
string( $to ),
''' (did you import the package?)' )" />
<variable name="from-var">
<when test="$from-str">
@ -459,7 +504,7 @@
Maps a static value to the output
<template match="lvm:map[ @value ]" mode="lvmc:compile" priority="5">
<param name="type" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string" />
<preproc:fragment id=":{$type}:{@to}">
@ -483,7 +528,7 @@
<template match="lvm:map[*]" mode="lvmc:compile" priority="5">
<param name="symtable" as="element( preproc:symtable )" />
<param name="rater" />
<param name="type" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string"/>
<preproc:fragment id=":{$type}:{@to}">
@ -493,6 +538,7 @@
<apply-templates select="./lvm:*" mode="lvmc:compile">
<with-param name="symtable" select="$symtable" />
<with-param name="rater" select="$rater" />
<with-param name="type" select="$type" />
@ -606,12 +652,21 @@
<template match="lvm:map//lvm:from[*]" mode="lvmc:compile" priority="5">
<param name="symtable" as="element( preproc:symtable )" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string" />
<variable name="to" select="ancestor::lvm:map/@to" />
<variable name="nested" as="xs:boolean"
select="exists( ancestor::lvm:from )" />
<!-- XXX: we rely on the side-effect of this blowing up if the
symbol does not exist -->
<variable name="sym" as="element( preproc:sym )?"
select="lvmc:get-symbol( $symtable, $type, $to, @name )" />
<!-- kluge to force function call (it's lazy) -->
<if test="not( $sym )" />
<!-- oval = orig val -->
<text>var val = ( (oval||'').length ) ? oval : [oval]; </text>
@ -631,6 +686,7 @@
<apply-templates mode="lvmc:compile">
<with-param name="symtable" select="$symtable" />
<with-param name="type" select="$type" />
<if test="not( lvm:default )">
@ -646,8 +702,7 @@
<!-- otherwise, generate one -->
<call-template name="lvmc:gen-input-default">
<with-param name="symtable" select="$symtable" />
<with-param name="to" select="$to" />
<with-param name="sym" select="$sym" />
<with-param name="from-str">
@ -706,11 +761,12 @@
<template match="lvm:from/lvm:default"
mode="lvmc:compile" priority="5">
<param name="symtable" as="element( preproc:symtable )" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string" />
<sequence select="concat(
lvmc:concat-compile( element(), (), $symtable ),
lvmc:concat-compile( element(), (), $symtable, $type),
'' ),
');' )" />
@ -724,12 +780,14 @@
<template match="lvm:map//lvm:from/lvm:translate" mode="lvmc:compile" priority="5">
<param name="symtable" as="element( preproc:symtable )" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string" />
<text>case '</text>
<value-of select="@key" />
<apply-templates select="." mode="lvmc:compile-translate">
<with-param name="symtable" select="$symtable" />
<with-param name="type" select="$type" />
<text> break;</text>
@ -738,11 +796,12 @@
<template match="lvm:translate[ element() ]"
mode="lvmc:compile-translate" priority="5">
<param name="symtable" as="element( preproc:symtable )" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string" />
<sequence select="concat(
lvmc:concat-compile( element(), @empty, $symtable ),
lvmc:concat-compile( element(), @empty, $symtable, $type ),
'' ),
');' )" />
@ -752,6 +811,7 @@
<param name="children" as="element()+" />
<param name="default" as="xs:string?" />
<param name="symtable" as="element( preproc:symtable )" />
<param name="type" as="xs:string" />
<!-- end result should compile into a (dynamic) string -->
@ -763,6 +823,7 @@
<apply-templates mode="lvmc:compile" select=".">
<with-param name="symtable" select="$symtable" />
<with-param name="type" select="$type" />