Temporarily output mvs lengths for unoptimized classifications

This allows us to easily see their shape looking at the compiled code.  See
the previous commit for more of an explanation and examples.  And future

This allows us to analyze the compiler runlog and determine the frequency of
certain shapes to prioritize optimization efforts.
Mike Gerwitz 2021-01-20 12:32:15 -05:00
parent d9bbf0282e
commit 736d9278bf
1 changed files with 1 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -711,9 +711,7 @@
<!-- the terribly ineffeient way -->
<if test="$nm = 1 and $nv = 1 and $ns = 0">
<message select="concat( 'notice: skip optimize m1v1 ', @as )" />
<sequence select="concat('/*m', $nm, 'v', $nv, 's', $ns, '*/')" />
<sequence select="concat( $dest, '=[];', $compiler:nl )" />