m*v*s0 optimization

...getting close!
Mike Gerwitz 2021-01-26 15:39:35 -05:00
parent 606a3fe987
commit 542ff46b6d
1 changed files with 64 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -693,19 +693,27 @@
<!-- optimize for very specific, common cases -->
<when test="$nm = 1 and $nv > 0 and $ns = 0
<when test="$nm > 0 and $ns = 0
and empty( $matrices[ not( @value or @anyOf or c:* ) ] )
and empty( $vectors[ not( @value or @anyOf or c:* ) ] )">
<variable name="input-matrix" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:match-on( $symtable-map, $m1 )" />
<variable name="jsmatrix" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $matrices )" />
<variable name="jsvec" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $vectors )" />
<sequence select="concat( $var, '=Em(', $yield-to, '=vm', $ctype, '(',
$input-matrix, ',', $jsvec,
'));' )" />
<variable name="js" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $nv != 0 ) then
concat( 'vm', $ctype, '(',
',', $jsvec,
')' )
$jsmatrix" />
<sequence select="concat( $var, '=Em(', $yield-to, '=', $js, ');' )" />
<!-- all vectors with @value/@anyOf -->
@ -941,6 +949,41 @@
Output optmized matrix matching
This should only be called in contexts where the compiler is absolutely
certain that the optimzation ought to be applied.
<function name="compiler:optimized-matrix-matches" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<param name="matrices" as="element( lv:match )+" />
<variable name="nm" as="xs:integer"
select="count( $matrices )" />
<!-- existential, universal -->
<variable name="ctype" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $classify/@any='true' ) then 'e' else 'u'" />
<when test="$nm = 1">
<sequence select="compiler:match-on( $symtable-map, $matrices[1] )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'm', $ctype, '([',
for $m in $matrices
return compiler:match-on( $symtable-map, $m ),
'])' )" />
Output optmized vector matching
@ -1747,6 +1790,20 @@
return result;
function mu(ms)
return ms.reduce(
(final, m) => final.map((v, i) => vu([v, m[i]||[0]]))
function me(ms)
return ms.reduce(
(final, m) => final.map((v, i) => ve([v, m[i]||[0]]))
function vu(vs)
const longest = Math.max.apply(null, vs.map(v => v.length));
@ -1815,7 +1872,7 @@
function MM(ms, f) { return ms.map(vs => vs.map(f)); }
var n = ceq(0);
function N(vs) { return vs.map(n); }
function NN(ms) { return ms.map(vs => vs.map(n)); }
function NN(ms) { return ms.map(N); }
function ceq(y) { return function (x) { return +(x === y); }; }
function cne(y) { return function (x) { return +(x !== y); }; }