current/compiler/js-calc.xsl: Replace all preproc:symtable XPaths with map

This uses the already-available symtable-map to avoid expensive XPaths
resulting in (what I assume to be) linear scans of the symbol table.

This effectively makes the fragment compilation time vanish.

This had the effect of shaving ~4.5m total off of our largest system (if I
were to do `-j1`), and a couple minutes when run in parallel.

Mike Gerwitz 2023-10-12 11:41:44 -04:00
parent b7372fe7cd
commit 50e31f4616
1 changed files with 30 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -133,6 +133,8 @@
<template mode="js-name-ref" priority="5"
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<variable name="of" select="@of" />
<variable name="func" select="ancestor::lv:function" />
@ -142,10 +144,9 @@
<!-- is @of a function param? -->
<when test="
and root(.)/preproc:symtable/preproc:sym[
and @name=concat( ':', $func/@name, ':', $of )
and $symtable-map( concat( ':', $func/@name, ':', $of ) )[
<value-of select="@of" />
@ -157,13 +158,7 @@
<!-- maybe a constant? -->
<when test="
and @name=$of
<when test="$symtable-map( $of )[ @type = 'const' ]">
<value-of select="@of" />
@ -477,6 +472,8 @@
<!-- TODO: this should really be decoupled -->
<!-- TODO: does not properly support matrices -->
<template match="c:value-of[ ancestor::lv:match ]" mode="compile-calc" priority="5">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<param name="noindex" as="xs:boolean" tunnel="yes"
select="false()" />
@ -485,8 +482,7 @@
<!-- scalar -->
<when test="
or root(.)/preproc:symtable/preproc:sym[ @name=$name ]/@dim = '0'
$noindex or $symtable-map( $name )/@dim = '0'
<apply-templates select="." mode="compile-calc-value" />
@ -642,11 +638,16 @@
@return index (including brackets), if one was provided
<template match="c:*" mode="compile-calc-index">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<param name="value" />
<variable name="index" select="@index" />
<when test="@index">
<when test="$index">
<variable name="index-sym" as="element( preproc:sym )?"
select="$symtable-map( $index )" />
<value-of select="$value" />
@ -666,13 +667,11 @@
<!-- scalar constant -->
<when test="@index = root(.)/preproc:symtable/preproc:sym
[ @type='const'
and @dim='0' ]
<value-of select="root(.)/preproc:symtable
/preproc:sym[ @name=$index ]
/@value" />
<when test="$index-sym[ @type='const' and @dim='0' ]">
<variable name="value" as="xs:string"
select="$index-sym/@value" />
<value-of select="$value" />
<!-- otherwise, it's a variable -->
@ -779,8 +778,12 @@
@return generated function application
<template match="c:apply" mode="compile-calc" priority="5">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<variable name="name" select="@name" />
<variable name="self" select="." />
<variable name="func-sym" as="element( preproc:sym )"
select="$symtable-map( $name )[ @type = 'func' ]" />
<call-template name="calc-compiler:gen-func-name">
<with-param name="name" select="@name" />
@ -792,13 +795,7 @@
<!-- generate argument list in the order that the arguments are expected (they
can be entered in the XML in any order) -->
<for-each select="
and @name=$name
<for-each select="$func-sym/preproc:sym-ref">
<text>, </text>
<variable name="pname" select="substring-after( @name, $arg-prefix )" />
@ -877,8 +874,12 @@
<template mode="compile-calc" priority="7"
match="c:apply[ compiler:apply-uses-tco( . ) ]">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<variable name="name" select="@name" />
<variable name="self" select="." />
<variable name="func-sym" as="element( preproc:sym )"
select="$symtable-map( $name )[ @type = 'func' ]" />
<message select="concat('warning: ', $name, ' recursing with experimental guided TCO')" />
@ -888,13 +889,7 @@
<!-- reassign function arguments -->
<variable name="args" as="element(c:arg)*">
<for-each select="
and @name=$name
<for-each select="$func-sym/preproc:sym-ref">
<variable name="pname" select="substring-after( @name, $arg-prefix )" />
<variable name="arg" select="$self/c:arg[@name=$pname]" />