tamer: asg::air::pkg: Extract AirPkgAggregate from AirAggregate
This is something I've wanted to do for some time, but the system is becoming hard enough to reason about (with some attempted future changes) that I require the consistency afforded by this change. It's not entirely done---as noted by the TODO for `UnnamedPkg`---but it's close, and then `AirAggregate` will just be a delegating superstate, like `ele_parse!`. Importantly, this also puts a package parser on the stack, which will work better with the stack-based scoping system being developed. It will also make it easier to fall back to a base case that I had really wanted to avoid, and will have more information on in the future: root indexing for a shared global environment for package-level identifiers. (Imports are still package-scoped, but only in appearance, by contributing to the global environment of the compilation unit during import. Well, it doesn't do that yet. The XSLT compiler works in that way.) DEV-13162main
@ -40,10 +40,8 @@ use super::{
Asg, AsgError, Expr, Ident, ObjectIndex,
use crate::{
parse::{prelude::*, StateStack},
span::{Span, UNKNOWN_SPAN},
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
@ -53,8 +51,10 @@ mod ir;
pub use ir::Air;
mod expr;
mod pkg;
mod tpl;
use expr::AirExprAggregate;
use pkg::AirPkgAggregate;
use tpl::AirTplAggregate;
pub type IdentSym = SymbolId;
@ -67,12 +67,8 @@ pub enum AirAggregate {
/// Package definition or declaration started,
/// but the name is not yet known.
/// Expecting a package-level token.
/// Parsing a package.
/// Parsing an expression.
@ -95,11 +91,8 @@ impl Display for AirAggregate {
match self {
Empty => write!(f, "awaiting AIR input for ASG"),
UnnamedPkg(_) => {
write!(f, "expecting canonical package name")
Toplevel(_) => {
write!(f, "expecting package header or an expression")
Pkg(pkg) => {
write!(f, "defining a package: {pkg}")
PkgExpr(expr) => {
write!(f, "defining a package expression: {expr}")
@ -111,6 +104,12 @@ impl Display for AirAggregate {
impl From<AirPkgAggregate> for AirAggregate {
fn from(st: AirPkgAggregate) -> Self {
impl From<AirExprAggregate> for AirAggregate {
fn from(st: AirExprAggregate) -> Self {
@ -139,95 +138,34 @@ impl ParseState for AirAggregate {
tok: Self::Token,
ctx: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self> {
use ir::{
AirBind::*, AirDoc::*, AirIdent::*, AirPkg::*, AirSubsets::*,
use ir::{AirBind::BindIdent, AirSubsets::*, AirTodo::*};
use AirAggregate::*;
use AirPkgAggregate::{Toplevel, UnnamedPkg};
// TODO: Seems to be about time for refactoring this...
match (self, tok.into()) {
(st, AirTodo(Todo(_))) => Transition(st).incomplete(),
(Empty, AirPkg(PkgStart(span))) => {
st @ (UnnamedPkg(_) | Toplevel(_) | PkgExpr(_) | PkgTpl(_)),
) => {
// This should always be available in this context.
let first_span =
ctx.pkg_oi().map(|oi| oi.span()).unwrap_or(UNKNOWN_SPAN);
Transition(st).err(AsgError::NestedPkgStart(span, first_span))
// Packages are identified by canonical paths relative to the
// project root.
(UnnamedPkg(span), AirBind(BindIdent(name))) => {
match ctx.begin_pkg(span, name) {
Ok(oi_pkg) => Transition(Toplevel(oi_pkg)).incomplete(),
Err(e) => Transition(UnnamedPkg(span)).err(e),
// TODO: Remove; transitionary (no package name required)
(UnnamedPkg(span), tok) => {
match ctx.begin_pkg(span, SPair("/TODO".into(), span)) {
Ok(oi_pkg) => Transition(Toplevel(oi_pkg))
// TODO: Remove this kluge; transitionary (no package name required)
(Pkg(UnnamedPkg(span)), tok)
if !matches!(tok, AirBind(BindIdent(..))) =>
match ctx.pkg_begin(span, SPair("/TODO".into(), span)) {
Ok(oi_pkg) => Transition(Pkg(Toplevel(oi_pkg)))
Err(e) => Transition(UnnamedPkg(span)).err(e),
Err(e) => Transition(Pkg(UnnamedPkg(span))).err(e),
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirBind(BindIdent(rename))) => {
// TODO: `unwrap_or` is just until canonical name is
// unconditionally available just to avoid the possibility
// of a panic.
let name = oi_pkg.resolve(ctx.asg_mut()).canonical_name();
.err(AsgError::PkgRename(name, rename))
(st @ (Empty | PkgExpr(..) | PkgTpl(..)), tok @ AirPkg(..)) => {
ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirPkgAggregate::new())
(Pkg(pkg), AirPkg(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
(Pkg(pkg), AirBind(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
(Pkg(pkg), AirIdent(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
(Pkg(pkg), AirDoc(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
// No expression was started.
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
oi_pkg.close(ctx.asg_mut(), span);
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), tok @ AirDoc(DocIndepClause(..))) => {
oi_pkg.note("for this package"),
"this package description is not yet supported"
"package-level short description is not yet supported by TAMER",
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirDoc(DocText(text))) => {
oi_pkg.append_doc_text(ctx.asg_mut(), text);
// Package import
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirBind(RefIdent(pathspec))) => oi_pkg
.import(ctx.asg_mut(), pathspec)
.map(|_| ())
// Note: We unfortunately can't match on `AirExpr | AirBind | ...`
// and delegate in the same block
// (without having to duplicate type checks and then handle
// unreachable paths)
// because of the different inner types.
(st @ (Toplevel(_) | PkgTpl(_)), tok @ AirExpr(..)) => {
(st @ (Pkg(_) | PkgTpl(_)), tok @ AirExpr(..)) => {
ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirExprAggregate::new())
(PkgExpr(expr), AirExpr(etok)) => ctx.proxy(expr, etok),
@ -235,103 +173,62 @@ impl ParseState for AirAggregate {
(PkgExpr(expr), AirDoc(etok)) => ctx.proxy(expr, etok),
// Template parsing.
(st @ (Toplevel(_) | PkgExpr(_)), tok @ AirTpl(..)) => {
(st @ (Pkg(_) | PkgExpr(_)), tok @ AirTpl(..)) => {
ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirTplAggregate::new())
(PkgTpl(tplst), AirTpl(ttok)) => ctx.proxy(tplst, ttok),
(PkgTpl(tplst), AirBind(ttok)) => ctx.proxy(tplst, ttok),
(PkgTpl(tplst), AirDoc(ttok)) => ctx.proxy(tplst, ttok),
(Empty, AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
(st @ (PkgExpr(_) | PkgTpl(_)), AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
match st.active_is_accepting(ctx) {
true => {
ctx.stack().ret_or_dead(Empty, AirPkg(PkgEnd(span)))
false => {
tok @ (AirExpr(..) | AirBind(..) | AirTpl(..) | AirDoc(..)),
) => Transition(Empty).err(AsgError::PkgExpected(tok.span())),
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentDecl(name, kind, src))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.declare(asg, name, kind, src)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentExternDecl(name, kind, src))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.declare_extern(asg, name, kind, src)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentDep(name, dep))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(dep);
let oi_from = asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name);
let oi_to = asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, dep);
oi_from.add_opaque_dep(ctx.asg_mut(), oi_to);
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentFragment(name, text))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.set_fragment(asg, text)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentRoot(name))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
asg.root(name).root_ident(asg, name);
(st @ (Empty | PkgExpr(..) | PkgTpl(..)), AirIdent(tok)) => {
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Empty)
fn is_accepting(&self, ctx: &Self::Context) -> bool {
ctx.stack_ref().iter().all(|st| st.active_is_accepting(ctx))
&& self.active_is_accepting(ctx)
impl AirAggregate {
/// Whether the active parser is in an accepting state.
/// Whether the active parser is completed with active parsing.
/// This method is used to determine whether control ought to be
/// transferred to a new child parser.
/// If a child parser is active,
/// then its [`ParseState::is_accepting`] will be consulted.
fn active_is_complete(&self, ctx: &<Self as ParseState>::Context) -> bool {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
// We can't be done with something we're not doing.
// This is necessary to start the first child parser.
Empty => false,
Pkg(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgExpr(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgTpl(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
// Whether the parser is in an accepting state.
fn active_is_accepting(&self, ctx: &<Self as ParseState>::Context) -> bool {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
// This must not recurse on `AirAggregate::is_accepting`,
// otherwise it'll be mutually recursive.
Empty => true,
UnnamedPkg(_) | Toplevel(_) => self.is_accepting(ctx),
Pkg(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgExpr(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgTpl(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
@ -346,8 +243,10 @@ impl AirAggregate {
fn active_rooting_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndexToTree<Ident>> {
match self {
AirAggregate::Empty => None,
AirAggregate::UnnamedPkg(_) => None,
AirAggregate::Toplevel(pkg_oi) => Some((*pkg_oi).into()),
// Packages always serve as roots for identifiers
// (that is their entire purpose).
AirAggregate::Pkg(pkgst) => pkgst.active_pkg_oi().map(Into::into),
// Expressions never serve as roots for identifiers;
// this will always fall through to the parent context.
@ -409,6 +308,11 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
fn stack_ref(&self) -> &AirStack {
let Self(_, stack, _) = self;
/// Return control to the parser atop of the stack if `st` is an
/// accepting state,
/// otherwise transfer control to a new parser `to`.
@ -448,7 +352,7 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
) -> TransitionResult<AirAggregate> {
let st_super = st.into();
if st_super.active_is_accepting(self) {
if st_super.active_is_complete(self) {
// TODO: dead state or error
self.stack().ret_or_dead(AirAggregate::Empty, tok)
} else {
@ -475,7 +379,7 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
/// Create a new rooted package and record it as the active package.
fn begin_pkg(
fn pkg_begin(
&mut self,
start: Span,
name: SPair,
@ -489,6 +393,12 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
/// Indicate that there is no longer any active package.
fn pkg_clear(&mut self) {
let Self(_, _, pkg) = self;
/// The active package if any.
fn pkg_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndex<Pkg>> {
match self {
@ -525,7 +435,7 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
// unreachable.
// There should be no parent frame and so this will fail to find
// a value.
AirAggregate::UnnamedPkg(_) | AirAggregate::Toplevel(_) => None,
AirAggregate::Pkg(_) => None,
// Expressions may always contain other expressions,
// and so this method should not be consulted in such a
@ -552,8 +462,7 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
stack.iter().rev().find_map(|st| match st {
AirAggregate::Empty => None,
AirAggregate::UnnamedPkg(_) => None,
AirAggregate::Toplevel(pkg_oi) => Some((*pkg_oi).into()),
AirAggregate::Pkg(pkg_st) => pkg_st.active_pkg_oi().map(Into::into),
AirAggregate::PkgExpr(exprst) => {
@ -816,6 +816,14 @@ sum_ir! {
/// Package definitions also capable of being loaded from object files.
/// It is assumed that tokens that may appear as the body of a package,
/// with the exception of [`AirIdent`],
/// will preempt the package parser,
/// and so are not included here.
pub sum enum AirLoadablePkg = AirPkg | AirBind | AirIdent | AirDoc;
/// Expressions that are able to be bound to identifiers.
/// This is the primary token set when parsing packages,
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
// ASG IR package parsing
// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Ryan Specialty, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! AIR package parser.
//! See the [parent module](super) for more information.
use super::{
super::{graph::object::Pkg, AsgError, ObjectIndex},
AirAggregate, AirAggregateCtx,
use crate::{
diagnose::Annotate, diagnostic_todo, parse::prelude::*, span::Span,
/// Package parsing with support for loaded identifiers.
/// This supports non-nested package definitions of source files,
/// as well as declaring opaque identifiers loaded from object files via
/// [`AirIdent`](super::ir::AirIdent).
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum AirPkgAggregate {
/// Ready for an expression;
/// expression stack is empty.
/// Package definition or declaration started,
/// but the name is not yet known.
/// Expecting a package-level token.
impl Display for AirPkgAggregate {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use AirPkgAggregate::*;
match self {
Ready => {
write!(f, "expecting package definition")
UnnamedPkg(_) => {
write!(f, "expecting canonical package name")
Toplevel(_) => {
write!(f, "expecting package header or an expression")
impl ParseState for AirPkgAggregate {
type Token = AirLoadablePkg;
type Object = ();
type Error = AsgError;
type Context = AirAggregateCtx;
type Super = AirAggregate;
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
ctx: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self::Super> {
use super::ir::{AirBind::*, AirDoc::*, AirIdent::*, AirPkg::*};
use AirLoadablePkg::*;
use AirPkgAggregate::*;
match (self, tok) {
(Ready, AirPkg(PkgStart(span))) => {
if let Some(first_span) = ctx.pkg_oi().map(|oi| oi.span()) {
.err(AsgError::NestedPkgStart(span, first_span))
} else {
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirPkg(PkgStart(span))) => {
.err(AsgError::NestedPkgStart(span, oi_pkg.span()))
// Packages are identified by canonical paths relative to the
// project root.
(UnnamedPkg(span), AirBind(BindIdent(name))) => {
match ctx.pkg_begin(span, name) {
Ok(oi_pkg) => Transition(Toplevel(oi_pkg)).incomplete(),
Err(e) => Transition(UnnamedPkg(span)).err(e),
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirBind(BindIdent(rename))) => {
let name = oi_pkg.resolve(ctx.asg_mut()).canonical_name();
.err(AsgError::PkgRename(name, rename))
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
oi_pkg.close(ctx.asg_mut(), span);
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), tok @ AirDoc(DocIndepClause(..))) => {
oi_pkg.note("for this package"),
"this package description is not yet supported"
"package-level short description is not yet supported by TAMER",
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirDoc(DocText(text))) => {
oi_pkg.append_doc_text(ctx.asg_mut(), text);
// Package import
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirBind(RefIdent(pathspec))) => oi_pkg
.import(ctx.asg_mut(), pathspec)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentDecl(name, kind, src))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.declare(asg, name, kind, src)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentExternDecl(name, kind, src))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.declare_extern(asg, name, kind, src)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentDep(name, dep))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(dep);
let oi_from = asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name);
let oi_to = asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, dep);
oi_from.add_opaque_dep(ctx.asg_mut(), oi_to);
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentFragment(name, text))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.set_fragment(asg, text)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentRoot(name))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
asg.root(name).root_ident(asg, name);
(Ready, AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
// TODO: See superstate
(UnnamedPkg(span), tok) => {
span.note("for this package"),
"package name expected before this token"
"package name expected",
// Token may refer to a parent context.
(st @ Ready, tok @ (AirBind(..) | AirIdent(..) | AirDoc(..))) => {
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Ready)
impl AirPkgAggregate {
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// The [`ObjectIndex`] of the package being parsed,
/// if any.
pub fn active_pkg_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndex<Pkg>> {
use AirPkgAggregate::*;
match self {
Ready | UnnamedPkg(_) => None,
Toplevel(oi_pkg) => Some(*oi_pkg),
Reference in New Issue