tamer: asg::air::pkg: Extract AirPkgAggregate from AirAggregate

This is something I've wanted to do for some time, but the system is
becoming hard enough to reason about (with some attempted future changes)
that I require the consistency afforded by this change.

It's not entirely done---as noted by the TODO for `UnnamedPkg`---but it's
close, and then `AirAggregate` will just be a delegating superstate, like

Importantly, this also puts a package parser on the stack, which will work
better with the stack-based scoping system being developed.  It will also
make it easier to fall back to a base case that I had really wanted to
avoid, and will have more information on in the future: root indexing for a
shared global environment for package-level identifiers.  (Imports are still
package-scoped, but only in appearance, by contributing to the global
environment of the compilation unit during import.  Well, it doesn't do that
yet.  The XSLT compiler works in that way.)

Mike Gerwitz 2023-05-10 11:16:07 -04:00
parent ebdae9ac38
commit 4510de38ed
3 changed files with 321 additions and 166 deletions

View File

@ -40,10 +40,8 @@ use super::{
Asg, AsgError, Expr, Ident, ObjectIndex,
use crate::{
parse::{prelude::*, StateStack},
span::{Span, UNKNOWN_SPAN},
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
@ -53,8 +51,10 @@ mod ir;
pub use ir::Air;
mod expr;
mod pkg;
mod tpl;
use expr::AirExprAggregate;
use pkg::AirPkgAggregate;
use tpl::AirTplAggregate;
pub type IdentSym = SymbolId;
@ -67,12 +67,8 @@ pub enum AirAggregate {
/// Package definition or declaration started,
/// but the name is not yet known.
/// Expecting a package-level token.
/// Parsing a package.
/// Parsing an expression.
@ -95,11 +91,8 @@ impl Display for AirAggregate {
match self {
Empty => write!(f, "awaiting AIR input for ASG"),
UnnamedPkg(_) => {
write!(f, "expecting canonical package name")
Toplevel(_) => {
write!(f, "expecting package header or an expression")
Pkg(pkg) => {
write!(f, "defining a package: {pkg}")
PkgExpr(expr) => {
write!(f, "defining a package expression: {expr}")
@ -111,6 +104,12 @@ impl Display for AirAggregate {
impl From<AirPkgAggregate> for AirAggregate {
fn from(st: AirPkgAggregate) -> Self {
impl From<AirExprAggregate> for AirAggregate {
fn from(st: AirExprAggregate) -> Self {
@ -139,95 +138,34 @@ impl ParseState for AirAggregate {
tok: Self::Token,
ctx: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self> {
use ir::{
AirBind::*, AirDoc::*, AirIdent::*, AirPkg::*, AirSubsets::*,
use ir::{AirBind::BindIdent, AirSubsets::*, AirTodo::*};
use AirAggregate::*;
use AirPkgAggregate::{Toplevel, UnnamedPkg};
// TODO: Seems to be about time for refactoring this...
match (self, tok.into()) {
(st, AirTodo(Todo(_))) => Transition(st).incomplete(),
(Empty, AirPkg(PkgStart(span))) => {
st @ (UnnamedPkg(_) | Toplevel(_) | PkgExpr(_) | PkgTpl(_)),
) => {
// This should always be available in this context.
let first_span =
ctx.pkg_oi().map(|oi| oi.span()).unwrap_or(UNKNOWN_SPAN);
Transition(st).err(AsgError::NestedPkgStart(span, first_span))
// Packages are identified by canonical paths relative to the
// project root.
(UnnamedPkg(span), AirBind(BindIdent(name))) => {
match ctx.begin_pkg(span, name) {
Ok(oi_pkg) => Transition(Toplevel(oi_pkg)).incomplete(),
Err(e) => Transition(UnnamedPkg(span)).err(e),
// TODO: Remove; transitionary (no package name required)
(UnnamedPkg(span), tok) => {
match ctx.begin_pkg(span, SPair("/TODO".into(), span)) {
Ok(oi_pkg) => Transition(Toplevel(oi_pkg))
// TODO: Remove this kluge; transitionary (no package name required)
(Pkg(UnnamedPkg(span)), tok)
if !matches!(tok, AirBind(BindIdent(..))) =>
match ctx.pkg_begin(span, SPair("/TODO".into(), span)) {
Ok(oi_pkg) => Transition(Pkg(Toplevel(oi_pkg)))
Err(e) => Transition(UnnamedPkg(span)).err(e),
Err(e) => Transition(Pkg(UnnamedPkg(span))).err(e),
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirBind(BindIdent(rename))) => {
// TODO: `unwrap_or` is just until canonical name is
// unconditionally available just to avoid the possibility
// of a panic.
let name = oi_pkg.resolve(ctx.asg_mut()).canonical_name();
.err(AsgError::PkgRename(name, rename))
(st @ (Empty | PkgExpr(..) | PkgTpl(..)), tok @ AirPkg(..)) => {
ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirPkgAggregate::new())
(Pkg(pkg), AirPkg(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
(Pkg(pkg), AirBind(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
(Pkg(pkg), AirIdent(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
(Pkg(pkg), AirDoc(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
// No expression was started.
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
oi_pkg.close(ctx.asg_mut(), span);
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), tok @ AirDoc(DocIndepClause(..))) => {
oi_pkg.note("for this package"),
"this package description is not yet supported"
"package-level short description is not yet supported by TAMER",
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirDoc(DocText(text))) => {
oi_pkg.append_doc_text(ctx.asg_mut(), text);
// Package import
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirBind(RefIdent(pathspec))) => oi_pkg
.import(ctx.asg_mut(), pathspec)
.map(|_| ())
// Note: We unfortunately can't match on `AirExpr | AirBind | ...`
// and delegate in the same block
// (without having to duplicate type checks and then handle
// unreachable paths)
// because of the different inner types.
(st @ (Toplevel(_) | PkgTpl(_)), tok @ AirExpr(..)) => {
(st @ (Pkg(_) | PkgTpl(_)), tok @ AirExpr(..)) => {
ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirExprAggregate::new())
(PkgExpr(expr), AirExpr(etok)) => ctx.proxy(expr, etok),
@ -235,103 +173,62 @@ impl ParseState for AirAggregate {
(PkgExpr(expr), AirDoc(etok)) => ctx.proxy(expr, etok),
// Template parsing.
(st @ (Toplevel(_) | PkgExpr(_)), tok @ AirTpl(..)) => {
(st @ (Pkg(_) | PkgExpr(_)), tok @ AirTpl(..)) => {
ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirTplAggregate::new())
(PkgTpl(tplst), AirTpl(ttok)) => ctx.proxy(tplst, ttok),
(PkgTpl(tplst), AirBind(ttok)) => ctx.proxy(tplst, ttok),
(PkgTpl(tplst), AirDoc(ttok)) => ctx.proxy(tplst, ttok),
(Empty, AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
(st @ (PkgExpr(_) | PkgTpl(_)), AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
match st.active_is_accepting(ctx) {
true => {
ctx.stack().ret_or_dead(Empty, AirPkg(PkgEnd(span)))
false => {
tok @ (AirExpr(..) | AirBind(..) | AirTpl(..) | AirDoc(..)),
) => Transition(Empty).err(AsgError::PkgExpected(tok.span())),
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentDecl(name, kind, src))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.declare(asg, name, kind, src)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentExternDecl(name, kind, src))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.declare_extern(asg, name, kind, src)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentDep(name, dep))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(dep);
let oi_from = asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name);
let oi_to = asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, dep);
oi_from.add_opaque_dep(ctx.asg_mut(), oi_to);
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentFragment(name, text))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.set_fragment(asg, text)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentRoot(name))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
asg.root(name).root_ident(asg, name);
(st @ (Empty | PkgExpr(..) | PkgTpl(..)), AirIdent(tok)) => {
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Empty)
fn is_accepting(&self, ctx: &Self::Context) -> bool {
ctx.stack_ref().iter().all(|st| st.active_is_accepting(ctx))
&& self.active_is_accepting(ctx)
impl AirAggregate {
/// Whether the active parser is in an accepting state.
/// Whether the active parser is completed with active parsing.
/// This method is used to determine whether control ought to be
/// transferred to a new child parser.
/// If a child parser is active,
/// then its [`ParseState::is_accepting`] will be consulted.
fn active_is_complete(&self, ctx: &<Self as ParseState>::Context) -> bool {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
// We can't be done with something we're not doing.
// This is necessary to start the first child parser.
Empty => false,
Pkg(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgExpr(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgTpl(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
// Whether the parser is in an accepting state.
fn active_is_accepting(&self, ctx: &<Self as ParseState>::Context) -> bool {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
// This must not recurse on `AirAggregate::is_accepting`,
// otherwise it'll be mutually recursive.
Empty => true,
UnnamedPkg(_) | Toplevel(_) => self.is_accepting(ctx),
Pkg(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgExpr(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgTpl(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
@ -346,8 +243,10 @@ impl AirAggregate {
fn active_rooting_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndexToTree<Ident>> {
match self {
AirAggregate::Empty => None,
AirAggregate::UnnamedPkg(_) => None,
AirAggregate::Toplevel(pkg_oi) => Some((*pkg_oi).into()),
// Packages always serve as roots for identifiers
// (that is their entire purpose).
AirAggregate::Pkg(pkgst) => pkgst.active_pkg_oi().map(Into::into),
// Expressions never serve as roots for identifiers;
// this will always fall through to the parent context.
@ -409,6 +308,11 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
fn stack_ref(&self) -> &AirStack {
let Self(_, stack, _) = self;
/// Return control to the parser atop of the stack if `st` is an
/// accepting state,
/// otherwise transfer control to a new parser `to`.
@ -448,7 +352,7 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
) -> TransitionResult<AirAggregate> {
let st_super = st.into();
if st_super.active_is_accepting(self) {
if st_super.active_is_complete(self) {
// TODO: dead state or error
self.stack().ret_or_dead(AirAggregate::Empty, tok)
} else {
@ -475,7 +379,7 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
/// Create a new rooted package and record it as the active package.
fn begin_pkg(
fn pkg_begin(
&mut self,
start: Span,
name: SPair,
@ -489,6 +393,12 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
/// Indicate that there is no longer any active package.
fn pkg_clear(&mut self) {
let Self(_, _, pkg) = self;
/// The active package if any.
fn pkg_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndex<Pkg>> {
match self {
@ -525,7 +435,7 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
// unreachable.
// There should be no parent frame and so this will fail to find
// a value.
AirAggregate::UnnamedPkg(_) | AirAggregate::Toplevel(_) => None,
AirAggregate::Pkg(_) => None,
// Expressions may always contain other expressions,
// and so this method should not be consulted in such a
@ -552,8 +462,7 @@ impl AirAggregateCtx {
stack.iter().rev().find_map(|st| match st {
AirAggregate::Empty => None,
AirAggregate::UnnamedPkg(_) => None,
AirAggregate::Toplevel(pkg_oi) => Some((*pkg_oi).into()),
AirAggregate::Pkg(pkg_st) => pkg_st.active_pkg_oi().map(Into::into),
AirAggregate::PkgExpr(exprst) => {

View File

@ -816,6 +816,14 @@ sum_ir! {
/// Package definitions also capable of being loaded from object files.
/// It is assumed that tokens that may appear as the body of a package,
/// with the exception of [`AirIdent`],
/// will preempt the package parser,
/// and so are not included here.
pub sum enum AirLoadablePkg = AirPkg | AirBind | AirIdent | AirDoc;
/// Expressions that are able to be bound to identifiers.
/// This is the primary token set when parsing packages,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
// ASG IR package parsing
// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Ryan Specialty, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! AIR package parser.
//! See the [parent module](super) for more information.
use super::{
super::{graph::object::Pkg, AsgError, ObjectIndex},
AirAggregate, AirAggregateCtx,
use crate::{
diagnose::Annotate, diagnostic_todo, parse::prelude::*, span::Span,
/// Package parsing with support for loaded identifiers.
/// This supports non-nested package definitions of source files,
/// as well as declaring opaque identifiers loaded from object files via
/// [`AirIdent`](super::ir::AirIdent).
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum AirPkgAggregate {
/// Ready for an expression;
/// expression stack is empty.
/// Package definition or declaration started,
/// but the name is not yet known.
/// Expecting a package-level token.
impl Display for AirPkgAggregate {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use AirPkgAggregate::*;
match self {
Ready => {
write!(f, "expecting package definition")
UnnamedPkg(_) => {
write!(f, "expecting canonical package name")
Toplevel(_) => {
write!(f, "expecting package header or an expression")
impl ParseState for AirPkgAggregate {
type Token = AirLoadablePkg;
type Object = ();
type Error = AsgError;
type Context = AirAggregateCtx;
type Super = AirAggregate;
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
ctx: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self::Super> {
use super::ir::{AirBind::*, AirDoc::*, AirIdent::*, AirPkg::*};
use AirLoadablePkg::*;
use AirPkgAggregate::*;
match (self, tok) {
(Ready, AirPkg(PkgStart(span))) => {
if let Some(first_span) = ctx.pkg_oi().map(|oi| oi.span()) {
.err(AsgError::NestedPkgStart(span, first_span))
} else {
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirPkg(PkgStart(span))) => {
.err(AsgError::NestedPkgStart(span, oi_pkg.span()))
// Packages are identified by canonical paths relative to the
// project root.
(UnnamedPkg(span), AirBind(BindIdent(name))) => {
match ctx.pkg_begin(span, name) {
Ok(oi_pkg) => Transition(Toplevel(oi_pkg)).incomplete(),
Err(e) => Transition(UnnamedPkg(span)).err(e),
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirBind(BindIdent(rename))) => {
let name = oi_pkg.resolve(ctx.asg_mut()).canonical_name();
.err(AsgError::PkgRename(name, rename))
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
oi_pkg.close(ctx.asg_mut(), span);
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), tok @ AirDoc(DocIndepClause(..))) => {
oi_pkg.note("for this package"),
"this package description is not yet supported"
"package-level short description is not yet supported by TAMER",
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirDoc(DocText(text))) => {
oi_pkg.append_doc_text(ctx.asg_mut(), text);
// Package import
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirBind(RefIdent(pathspec))) => oi_pkg
.import(ctx.asg_mut(), pathspec)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentDecl(name, kind, src))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.declare(asg, name, kind, src)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentExternDecl(name, kind, src))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.declare_extern(asg, name, kind, src)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentDep(name, dep))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(dep);
let oi_from = asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name);
let oi_to = asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, dep);
oi_from.add_opaque_dep(ctx.asg_mut(), oi_to);
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentFragment(name, text))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
let oi_root = asg.root(name);
asg.lookup_or_missing(oi_root, name)
.set_fragment(asg, text)
.map(|_| ())
(Toplevel(oi_pkg), AirIdent(IdentRoot(name))) => {
let asg = ctx.asg_mut();
asg.root(name).root_ident(asg, name);
(Ready, AirPkg(PkgEnd(span))) => {
// TODO: See superstate
(UnnamedPkg(span), tok) => {
span.note("for this package"),
"package name expected before this token"
"package name expected",
// Token may refer to a parent context.
(st @ Ready, tok @ (AirBind(..) | AirIdent(..) | AirDoc(..))) => {
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Ready)
impl AirPkgAggregate {
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// The [`ObjectIndex`] of the package being parsed,
/// if any.
pub fn active_pkg_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndex<Pkg>> {
use AirPkgAggregate::*;
match self {
Ready | UnnamedPkg(_) => None,
Toplevel(oi_pkg) => Some(*oi_pkg),