Extract empty classify into own template

Simplify main template.
Mike Gerwitz 2021-01-14 14:12:25 -05:00
parent ce0f51db2f
commit 3c47858c73
1 changed files with 55 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -583,6 +583,40 @@
Classification with no predicates always yields true/false, depending on
whether it's conjunctive or disjunctive
<template mode="compile" priority="7"
match="lv:classify[ empty( lv:match ) ]">
<variable name="val" as="xs:string"
select="if ( not( @any = 'true' ) ) then '1' else '0'" />
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<sequence select="concat( compiler:class-var(.), '=!!', $val, ';' )" />
<if test="@yields">
<sequence select="concat( 'args[''', @yields, ''']=', $val, ';' )" />
JS variable to which boolean class result will be assigned
<function name="compiler:class-var" as="xs:string">
<param name="class" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<variable name="prefix" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $class/@preproc:generated='true' ) then
''" />
<sequence select="concat( $prefix, 'classes[''', $class/@as, ''']' )" />
Generate code to perform a classification
@ -618,93 +652,46 @@
return $symtable-map( $match/@on )" />
<!-- generate boolean value from match expressions -->
<!-- if classification criteria were provided, then use them -->
<when test="$criteria">
<variable name="op" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:match-group-op( $self )" />
<variable name="op" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:match-group-op( $self )" />
<!-- order matches from highest to lowest dimensions (required for
the cmatch algorithm)-->
<for-each select="reverse( xs:integer( min( $criteria-syms/@dim ) )
to xs:integer( max( $criteria-syms/@dim ) ) )">
<apply-templates mode="compile"
@on = $criteria-syms[
@dim = current() ]/@name ]">
<with-param name="operator" select="$op" />
<!-- order matches from highest to lowest dimensions (required for
the cmatch algorithm)-->
<for-each select="reverse( xs:integer( min( $criteria-syms/@dim ) )
to xs:integer( max( $criteria-syms/@dim ) ) )">
<apply-templates mode="compile"
@on = $criteria-syms[
@dim = current() ]/@name ]">
<with-param name="operator" select="$op" />
<!-- if no classification criteria, then always true/false -->
<!-- universal -->
<when test="not( @any='true' )">
<text>tmp=true; </text>
<variable name="var" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:class-var( . )" />
<!-- existential -->
<text>tmp=false; </text>
<!-- if @yields was provided, then store the value in a variable of their
choice as well (since cmatch will not be done) -->
<if test="@yields">
<value-of select="$dest" />
<!-- universal -->
<when test="not( @any='true' )">
<!-- existential -->
<if test="@preproc:generated='true'">
<value-of select="@as" />
<sequence select="concat( $var, '=tmp;' )" />
<!-- support termination on certain classifications (useful for eligibility
and error conditions) -->
<if test="@terminate = 'true'">
<text>if (_canterm &amp;&amp; </text>
<if test="@preproc:generated='true'">
<value-of select="@as" />
<text>']) throw Error( '</text>
<value-of select="$var" />
<text>) throw Error( '</text>
<value-of select="replace( @desc, '''', '\\''' )" />
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<variable name="sym"
select="$symtable-map( $self/@yields )" />
<variable name="sym"
select="$symtable-map( $self/@yields )" />
<!-- if we are not any type of set, then yield the value of the first
index (note the $criteria check; see above); note that we do not do
not( @set ) here, since that may have ill effects as it implies that
the node is not preprocessed -->
<!-- TODO: this can be simplified, since @yields is always provided -->
<if test="$criteria and @yields and ( $sym/@dim='0' )">
<if test="@yields and ( $sym/@dim='0' )">
<value-of select="$dest" />
<value-of select="$dest" />