Extract percent templates from convert.xml

Mike Gerwitz 2015-11-02 15:50:54 -05:00 committed by Mike Gerwitz
parent d2d595a3d7
commit 3a9ef76bea
2 changed files with 247 additions and 241 deletions

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
<import package="../base" />
<!-- TODO: transitional; remove (used to contain _ptor_ and friends) -->
<!-- for template applications -->
<import package="common" export="true" />
<import package="round" export="true" />
@ -54,247 +56,6 @@
<template name="_ptor_" desc="Percent to rational number">
<param name="@name@" desc="Percentage to convert" />
<param name="@index@" desc="Index" />
<param name="@value@" desc="Constant (instead of named value)" />
<param name="@desc@" desc="Optional description for constant value">
<text>Percent to convert</text>
<param name="@difference@" desc="Whether to perform a percent
difference (default false)">
<param name="@negate@" desc="Whether to negate percentage before
<if name="@difference@" eq="true">
<c:const value="1"
desc="Perform percent difference" />
<if name="@negate@" eq="true">
<c:value-of name="NEGATE" />
<if name="@name@">
<c:value-of name="@name@" index="@index@" />
<unless name="@name@">
<c:const value="@value@" type="float" desc="@desc@" />
<c:const value="100" type="integer" desc="Convert to rational number" />
<template name="_ptor-each_" desc="Each percent to real number">
<param name="@name@" desc="Percentage to convert" />
<param name="@generates@" desc="Value to generate into" />
<param name="@difference@" desc="Whether to perform a percent
difference (default false)">
<param name="@negate@" desc="Whether to negate percentage before
<rate yields="_{@generates@}">
<c:sum of="@name@" index="k" generates="@generates@" desc="Real representation of {@name@}">
<t:ptor difference="@difference@" negate="@negate@"
name="@name@" index="k" />
Yields a total percent as an integer and rational number. The integer is
useful for displaying a total percent (e.g. for credits/surcharges) and the
rational number is useful for using for multiplication in an equation.
<t:total-percent class="foo" to_int="fooPercentTotal" to_rat="fooTotal" index="k">
<with-param name="@values@">
<c:value-of name="fooA" index="k" />
<c:value-of name="fooB" index="k" />
Let fooA = 5, fooB = -7
will yield:
- fooPercentTotal = -2
- fooTotal = 0.98
<template name="_total-percent_" desc="Generates a total percentage as an integer and a rational number">
<!-- for use by @values@ -->
<param name="@index@" desc="Index variable" />
<param name="@class@" desc="Classification match" />
<param name="@to_int@" desc="Integer total to yield" />
<param name="@to_rat@" desc="Rational number to yield" />
<param name="@values@" desc="Value nodes" />
<param name="@yields_int@" desc="Yields for integer total">
<param-value name="@to_int@" />
<param name="@yields_rat@" desc="Yields for rational total">
<param-value name="@to_rat@" />
<!-- percent total (e.g. 7 for 7%) -->
<rate-each class="@class@" yields="@yields_int@" generates="@to_int@" index="@index@">
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<!-- as a rational number (to multiply by; e.g. 1.07 for 7%, 0.93 for -7%) -->
<rate-each class="@class@" yields="@yields_rat@" generates="@to_rat@" index="k">
<c:const value="1" desc="Relative percent" />
<t:ptor name="@to_int@" index="k" />
This template is useful for, say, when a coverage is partially included, but
additional coverage may be purchased. For example, if 10% of coverage X is
included, but you can purchase more Y if 10% is insufficient, then we can
simply reduce coverage Y by 10% of coverage X.
If the initial value is insufficient, then the value 0 will be produced.
<template name="_percent-reduction_" desc="Reduces a set of values by a percentage of another set of values">
<param name="@index@" desc="Value index" />
<param name="@reduce@" desc="Vector to reduce values of" />
<param name="@percentof@" desc="Vector to reduce values by a percentage of" />
<param name="@percent@" desc="Percent reduction (as a float)" />
<param name="@minval@" desc="Minimum value to reduce by (optional)" />
<param name="@condition@" desc="Boolean conditions (vector for each index) under which reduction should be applied" />
<param name="@desc@" desc="Optional description">
<text>Percent to reduce by</text>
<param name="@label@" desc="Label for max() application">
<text>Reduced </text>
<param-value name="@reduce@" />
<text> by </text>
<param-value name="@percent@" />
<param-value name="@percentof@" />
<text> (cannot fall below 0)</text>
<c:apply name="max" label="@label@">
<!-- if the reduction produces a value less than 0, then simply return 0 -->
<c:arg name="max1">
<c:const value="0" type="float" desc="0 will be returned if the reduction is too great" />
<c:arg name="max2">
<c:value-of name="@reduce@" index="@index@" label="Initial value" />
<c:value name="reduce" type="float" desc="Value to reduce by, should condition be met">
<c:const value="@percent@" type="float" desc="@desc@" />
<c:value-of name="@percentof@" index="@index@" />
<c:product label="Conditional reduction">
<if name="@condition@">
<c:when name="@condition@" index="@index@">
<c:value-of name="TRUE" />
<if name="@minval@">
<c:apply name="max" max1="reduce">
<c:arg name="max2">
<c:const value="@minval@" type="float" desc="Minimum value to reduce by" />
<unless name="@minval@">
<c:value-of name="reduce" label="Value to reduce by" />
<template name="_percent-of-set_" desc="Returns the percent of a set of given values">
<param name="@class@" desc="Class match" />
<param name="@of@" desc="Vector of values to take the percent of" />
<param name="@percent@" desc="Percent reduction (as a float)" />
<param name="@generates@" desc="Value to generate" />
<param name="@yields@" desc="Yield">
<param-value name="@generates@" />
<rate-each class="@class@" yields="@yields@" generates="@generates@" index="k">
<c:apply name="round">
<c:arg name="roundval">
<c:apply name="max">
<!-- if the reduction produces a value less than 0, then simply return 0 -->
<c:arg name="max1">
<c:const value="0" type="float" desc="0 will be returned if the reduction is too great" />
<c:arg name="max2">
<c:product label="Percent value">
<c:const value="@percent@" type="float" desc="Percent to reduce by" />
<c:value-of name="@of@" index="k" label="Value to take percentage of" />
Map values falling within adjacent intervals

View File

@ -91,4 +91,249 @@
desc="Real to percentage" />
<template name="_ptor_" desc="Percent to rational number">
<param name="@name@" desc="Percentage to convert" />
<param name="@index@" desc="Index" />
<param name="@value@" desc="Constant (instead of named value)" />
<param name="@desc@" desc="Optional description for constant value">
<text>Percent to convert</text>
<param name="@difference@" desc="Whether to perform a percent
difference (default false)">
<param name="@negate@" desc="Whether to negate percentage before
<if name="@difference@" eq="true">
<c:const value="1"
desc="Perform percent difference" />
<if name="@negate@" eq="true">
<c:value-of name="NEGATE" />
<if name="@name@">
<c:value-of name="@name@" index="@index@" />
<unless name="@name@">
<c:const value="@value@" type="float" desc="@desc@" />
<c:const value="100" type="integer" desc="Convert to rational number" />
<template name="_ptor-each_" desc="Each percent to real number">
<param name="@name@" desc="Percentage to convert" />
<param name="@generates@" desc="Value to generate into" />
<param name="@difference@" desc="Whether to perform a percent
difference (default false)">
<param name="@negate@" desc="Whether to negate percentage before
<rate yields="_{@generates@}">
<c:sum of="@name@" index="k" generates="@generates@" desc="Real representation of {@name@}">
<t:ptor difference="@difference@" negate="@negate@"
name="@name@" index="k" />
Yields a total percent as an integer and rational number. The integer is
useful for displaying a total percent (e.g. for credits/surcharges) and the
rational number is useful for using for multiplication in an equation.
<t:total-percent class="foo" to_int="fooPercentTotal" to_rat="fooTotal" index="k">
<with-param name="@values@">
<c:value-of name="fooA" index="k" />
<c:value-of name="fooB" index="k" />
Let fooA = 5, fooB = -7
will yield:
- fooPercentTotal = -2
- fooTotal = 0.98
<template name="_total-percent_" desc="Generates a total percentage as an integer and a rational number">
<!-- for use by @values@ -->
<param name="@index@" desc="Index variable" />
<param name="@class@" desc="Classification match" />
<param name="@to_int@" desc="Integer total to yield" />
<param name="@to_rat@" desc="Rational number to yield" />
<param name="@values@" desc="Value nodes" />
<param name="@yields_int@" desc="Yields for integer total">
<param-value name="@to_int@" />
<param name="@yields_rat@" desc="Yields for rational total">
<param-value name="@to_rat@" />
<!-- percent total (e.g. 7 for 7%) -->
<rate-each class="@class@" yields="@yields_int@" generates="@to_int@" index="@index@">
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<!-- as a rational number (to multiply by; e.g. 1.07 for 7%, 0.93 for -7%) -->
<rate-each class="@class@" yields="@yields_rat@" generates="@to_rat@" index="k">
<c:const value="1" desc="Relative percent" />
<t:ptor name="@to_int@" index="k" />
This template is useful for, say, when a coverage is partially included, but
additional coverage may be purchased. For example, if 10% of coverage X is
included, but you can purchase more Y if 10% is insufficient, then we can
simply reduce coverage Y by 10% of coverage X.
If the initial value is insufficient, then the value 0 will be produced.
<template name="_percent-reduction_" desc="Reduces a set of values by a percentage of another set of values">
<param name="@index@" desc="Value index" />
<param name="@reduce@" desc="Vector to reduce values of" />
<param name="@percentof@" desc="Vector to reduce values by a percentage of" />
<param name="@percent@" desc="Percent reduction (as a float)" />
<param name="@minval@" desc="Minimum value to reduce by (optional)" />
<param name="@condition@" desc="Boolean conditions (vector for each index) under which reduction should be applied" />
<param name="@desc@" desc="Optional description">
<text>Percent to reduce by</text>
<param name="@label@" desc="Label for max() application">
<text>Reduced </text>
<param-value name="@reduce@" />
<text> by </text>
<param-value name="@percent@" />
<param-value name="@percentof@" />
<text> (cannot fall below 0)</text>
<c:apply name="max" label="@label@">
<!-- if the reduction produces a value less than 0, then simply return 0 -->
<c:arg name="max1">
<c:const value="0" type="float" desc="0 will be returned if the reduction is too great" />
<c:arg name="max2">
<c:value-of name="@reduce@" index="@index@" label="Initial value" />
<c:value name="reduce" type="float" desc="Value to reduce by, should condition be met">
<c:const value="@percent@" type="float" desc="@desc@" />
<c:value-of name="@percentof@" index="@index@" />
<c:product label="Conditional reduction">
<if name="@condition@">
<c:when name="@condition@" index="@index@">
<c:value-of name="TRUE" />
<if name="@minval@">
<c:apply name="max" max1="reduce">
<c:arg name="max2">
<c:const value="@minval@" type="float" desc="Minimum value to reduce by" />
<unless name="@minval@">
<c:value-of name="reduce" label="Value to reduce by" />
<template name="_percent-of-set_" desc="Returns the percent of a set of given values">
<param name="@class@" desc="Class match" />
<param name="@of@" desc="Vector of values to take the percent of" />
<param name="@percent@" desc="Percent reduction (as a float)" />
<param name="@generates@" desc="Value to generate" />
<param name="@yields@" desc="Yield">
<param-value name="@generates@" />
<rate-each class="@class@" yields="@yields@" generates="@generates@" index="k">
<c:apply name="round">
<c:arg name="roundval">
<c:apply name="max">
<!-- if the reduction produces a value less than 0, then simply return 0 -->
<c:arg name="max1">
<c:const value="0" type="float" desc="0 will be returned if the reduction is too great" />
<c:arg name="max2">
<c:product label="Percent value">
<c:const value="@percent@" type="float" desc="Percent to reduce by" />
<c:value-of name="@of@" index="k" label="Value to take percentage of" />