linker, summary: Reduce runlog output

Mike Gerwitz 2018-03-19 15:08:17 -04:00
parent 5b5055db6d
commit 2960f2d0b3
2 changed files with 20 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -92,14 +92,16 @@
for exit points (lv:yields); think of it like defining a main() function.
<template match="lv:package[ @program='true' ]" mode="l:link" priority="5">
<call-template name="log:info">
<with-param name="name" select="'link'" />
<with-param name="msg">
<text>linking </text>
<value-of select="@name" />
<if test="$l:aggressive-debug">
<call-template name="log:info">
<with-param name="name" select="'link'" />
<with-param name="msg">
<text>linking </text>
<value-of select="@name" />
<!-- start by recursively discovering imported shared object files -->
<variable name="pre-deps" as="element( l:dep )">
@ -1113,14 +1115,16 @@
<!-- link each of the dependencies -->
<for-each select="$symbols">
<call-template name="log:info">
<with-param name="name" select="'link'" />
<with-param name="msg">
<text>linking </text>
<value-of select="concat( @type, ' ', @src, '/', @name )" />
<if test="$l:aggressive-debug">
<call-template name="log:info">
<with-param name="name" select="'link'" />
<with-param name="msg">
<text>linking </text>
<value-of select="concat( @type, ' ', @src, '/', @name )" />
<apply-templates select="." mode="l:link-deps" />

View File

@ -1648,11 +1648,6 @@
<xsl:value-of select="$deps/@name" />
<xsl:message>~~~~[begin symbol dump]~~~~</xsl:message>
<xsl:message select="$deps" />
<xsl:message>~~~~[end symbol dump]~~~~</xsl:message>