Generalized value list optimization

Note that this was also broken for vectors and scalars by the commit that
expanded non-TRUE @value.
Mike Gerwitz 2021-01-27 16:11:02 -05:00
parent 8e457dab34
commit 25d500fec5
1 changed files with 76 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -964,6 +964,56 @@
Whether a set of matches is matching against a list of values and can be
optimized as such
<function name="compiler:is-value-list" as="xs:boolean">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="matches" as="element( lv:match )+" />
<sequence select="
count( $matches ) > 1
and count( distinct-values( $matches/@on ) ) = 1
and empty(
not( c:eq )
or (
and $symtable-map( c:eq/c:value-of/@name )/@dim != '0' ) ] )" />
Output an optimized match against a list of values.
This must only be used if compiler:is-value-list is `true()`.
<function name="compiler:value-list" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<param name="matches" as="element( lv:match )+" />
<!-- if this is not @any, then it's nonsense -->
<if test="not( $classify/@any = 'true' )">
<message terminate="yes"
select="concat( 'error: ', $classify/@as, ' match ',
$matches[1]/@on, 'will never succeed' )" />
<variable name="values" as="xs:string+"
for $name in $matches/c:eq/c:value-of/@name
return if ( $symtable-map( $name )/@value ) then
$symtable-map( $name )/@value
concat( 'A[''', $name, ''']' )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'new Set([', string-join( $values, ',' ), '])' )" />
Output optmized matrix matching
@ -987,6 +1037,16 @@
<sequence select="compiler:match-on( $symtable-map, $matrices[1] )" />
<when test="$nm > 1 and compiler:is-value-list( $symtable-map, $matrices )">
<variable name="values" as="xs:string+"
$symtable-map, $classify, $matrices )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'II(',
compiler:match-name-on( $symtable-map, $matrices[1] ),
',', $values, ')' )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'm', $ctype, '([',
@ -1018,27 +1078,14 @@
select="if ( $classify/@any='true' ) then 'e' else 'u'" />
<!-- if all the matches are basic equality on the same @on, we can
optimize even further (unless it's a single match, in which case
the fallback is the optimal way to proceed) -->
<when test="$nv > 1
and count( distinct-values( $vectors/@on ) ) = 1
and empty( $vectors[ not( @value ) ] )">
<!-- if this is not @any, then it's nonsense -->
<if test="not( $classify/@any = 'true' )">
<message terminate="yes"
select="concat( 'error: ', $classify/@as, ' match ',
$vectors[0]/@on, 'will never succeed' )" />
<when test="$nv > 1 and compiler:is-value-list( $symtable-map, $vectors )">
<variable name="values" as="xs:string+"
$symtable-map, $classify, $vectors )" />
<sequence select="concat(
<sequence select="concat( 'I(',
compiler:match-name-on( $symtable-map, $vectors[1] ),
'.map(s => +[',
for $v in $vectors
return compiler:match-value( $symtable-map, $v ),
'].includes(s))' )" />
',', $values, ')' )" />
@ -1072,27 +1119,14 @@
select="if ( $classify/@any = 'true' ) then '|' else '&amp;'" />
<!-- if all the matches are basic equality on the same @on, we can
optimize even further (unless it's a single match, in which case
the fallback is the optimal way to proceed) -->
<when test="$ns > 1
and count( distinct-values( $scalars/@on ) ) = 1
and empty( $scalars[ not( @value ) ] )">
<!-- if this is not @any, then it's nonsense -->
<if test="not( $classify/@any = 'true' )">
<message terminate="yes"
select="concat( 'error: ', $classify/@as, ' match ',
$scalars[0]/@on, 'will never succeed' )" />
<when test="$ns > 1 and compiler:is-value-list( $symtable-map, $scalars )">
<variable name="values" as="xs:string+"
$symtable-map, $classify, $scalars )" />
<sequence select="concat( '+[',
for $s in $scalars
return compiler:match-value( $symtable-map, $s ),
',' ),
<sequence select="concat( 'i(',
compiler:match-name-on( $symtable-map, $scalars[1] ),
')' )" />
',', $values, ')' )" />
<!-- either a single match or matches on >1 distinct @on -->
@ -1763,6 +1797,10 @@
function N(vs) { return; }
function NN(ms) { return; }
function i(s, xs) { return +xs.has(s) };
function I(v, xs) { return => +xs.has(s)); }
function II(m, xs) { return => => +xs.has(s))); }
function ceq(y) { return function (x) { return +(x === y); }; }
function cne(y) { return function (x) { return +(x !== y); }; }
function cgt(y) { return function (x) { return +(x > y); }; }