Extract lv:classify compilation into function

To support following commits for inlining.
Mike Gerwitz 2021-01-28 16:55:48 -05:00
parent 0cd6d40dd9
commit 10089659b1
1 changed files with 29 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -628,6 +628,12 @@
<template match="lv:classify" mode="compile" priority="5">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<sequence select="compiler:compile-classify( $symtable-map, . )" />
Generate code to perform a classification
@ -637,21 +643,20 @@
@return generated classification expression
<template match="lv:classify" mode="compile" priority="5">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<variable name="self" select="." />
<function name="compiler:compile-classify" as="xs:string+">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<variable name="dest" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:class-yields-var(.)" />
select="compiler:class-yields-var( $classify )" />
<!-- locate classification predicates (since lv:any and lv:all are split
into their own classifications, matching on any depth ensures we get
into any preproc:* nodes as well) -->
<variable name="criteria" as="element( lv:match )*"
select="lv:match" />
select="$classify/lv:match" />
<variable name="criteria-syms"
as="map( xs:string, element( preproc:sym ) )"
@ -662,7 +667,7 @@
<!-- generate boolean value from match expressions -->
<variable name="op" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:match-group-op( $self )" />
select="compiler:match-group-op( $classify )" />
<variable name="scalars" as="element( lv:match )*"
select="$criteria[ $criteria-syms( @on )/@dim = '0' ]" />
@ -676,20 +681,20 @@
<variable name="nm" select="count( $matrices )" />
<variable name="var" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:class-var( . )" />
select="compiler:class-var( $classify )" />
<variable name="m1" as="element( lv:match )?" select="$matrices[1]" />
<variable name="v1" as="element( lv:match )?" select="$vectors[1]" />
<variable name="yield-to">
<call-template name="compiler:gen-match-yieldto">
<with-param name="yields" select="@yields" />
<with-param name="yields" select="$classify/@yields" />
<!-- existential, universal -->
<variable name="ctype" as="xs:string"
select="if ( @any='true' ) then 'e' else 'u'" />
select="if ( $classify/@any='true' ) then 'e' else 'u'" />
<!-- TODO: generalize -->
@ -698,11 +703,11 @@
and empty( $vectors[ not( @value or @anyOf or c:* ) ] )">
<variable name="jsmatrix" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $matrices )" />
$symtable-map, $classify, $matrices )" />
<variable name="jsvec" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $vectors )" />
$symtable-map, $classify, $vectors )" />
<variable name="js" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $nv != 0 ) then
@ -721,11 +726,11 @@
and empty( $scalars[ not( @value or @anyOf or c:* ) ] )">
<variable name="js-matrix" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $matrices )" />
$symtable-map, $classify, $matrices )" />
<variable name="js-scalar" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $scalars )" />
$symtable-map, $classify, $scalars )" />
<variable name="js" as="xs:string"
select="concat( 'sm', $ctype, '(',
@ -740,15 +745,15 @@
and empty( $scalars[ not( @value or @anyOf or c:* ) ] )">
<variable name="js-matrix" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $matrices )" />
$symtable-map, $classify, $matrices )" />
<variable name="js-vec" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $vectors )" />
$symtable-map, $classify, $vectors )" />
<variable name="js-scalar" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $scalars )" />
$symtable-map, $classify, $scalars )" />
<variable name="js" as="xs:string"
select="concat( 'sm', $ctype, '(',
@ -764,7 +769,7 @@
and empty( $vectors[ not( @value or @anyOf or c:* ) ] )">
<variable name="jsvec" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, ., $vectors )" />
$symtable-map, $classify, $vectors )" />
<!-- handle scalars, if any -->
<variable name="js" as="xs:string"
@ -773,7 +778,7 @@
$jsvec, ',',
$symtable-map, ., $scalars ),
$symtable-map, $classify, $scalars ),
')' )
$jsvec" />
@ -786,7 +791,7 @@
and empty( $scalars[ not( @value or @anyOf or c:* ) ] )">
<sequence select="concat( $var, '=!!(', $yield-to, '=',
$symtable-map, ., $scalars ),
$symtable-map, $classify, $scalars ),
');' )" />
@ -794,21 +799,21 @@
<!-- TODO: can remove once we generalize the above -->
<message terminate="yes"
select="concat( 'internal error: cannot compile class: ',
@as )" />
$classify/@as )" />
<!-- support termination on certain classifications (useful for eligibility
and error conditions) -->
<if test="@terminate = 'true'">
<if test="$classify/@terminate = 'true'">
<text>if (_canterm &amp;&amp; </text>
<value-of select="$var" />
<text>) throw Error( '</text>
<value-of select="replace( @desc, '''', '\\''' )" />
<value-of select="replace( $classify/@desc, '''', '\\''' )" />
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />