tamer: Introduce span

This is an initial implementation optimized for expected use
cases.  Hopefully that pans out and doesn't come back to bite me.

Regarding the context: it only allows for interned paths atm, which are
strings (and so much be valid UTF-8, which is fine for us, but sucks for
something more general-purpose).  I'll be curious if the context needs
extension later on, or if different contexts will be stored in IRs (e.g. to
store a template application site as well as the location of the expansion
within the template body).
Mike Gerwitz 2021-08-13 14:59:25 -04:00
parent 29ab4b9bfc
commit 0ff0f88e5f
3 changed files with 503 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -24,14 +24,20 @@
//! and risk incompatibilities or maintenance issues as requirements
//! change.
//! This package contains static assertions to ensure that certain sizes
//! will play well with one-another and provide a clear direction if
//! something goes wrong
//! (beyond a slew of other type errors).
//! By convention,
//! import this entire module rather than individual members and reference
//! them as `global::foo` to emphasize their nature and risk.
use std::num;
use std::{mem::size_of, num};
/// A size capable of representing every interned string in a package.
pub type PkgSymSize = u16;
const_assert!(size_of::<PkgSymSize>() <= size_of::<ProgSymSize>());
/// A non-zero equivalent of [`PkgSymSize`];
pub type NonZeroPkgSymSize = num::NonZeroU16;
@ -42,6 +48,21 @@ pub type ProgSymSize = u32;
/// A non-zero equivalent of [`ProgSymSize`];
pub type NonZeroProgSymSize = num::NonZeroU32;
/// Size large enough to accommodate the number of bytes in a source file.
pub type SourceFileSize = u32;
/// Length of tokens derived from source files.
/// This size should be kept small,
/// since its principle use is as an alternative to a byte offset
/// ([`SourceFileSize`]) for struct packing.
/// It should, however, be large enough to handle comment and
/// documentation tokens.
/// Tokens that are too large can potentially be split into multiple
/// tokens.
pub type FrontendTokenLength = u16;
const_assert!(size_of::<FrontendTokenLength>() <= size_of::<SourceFileSize>());
/// A size capable of representing indexes of each individual identifier
/// within a single package.
@ -53,6 +74,7 @@ pub type NonZeroProgSymSize = num::NonZeroU32;
/// This must be ≥ [`PkgSymSize`].
pub type PkgIdentSize = u16;
const_assert!(size_of::<PkgIdentSize>() >= size_of::<PkgSymSize>());
/// A size capable of representing every individual identifier and
/// expression within a single package.
@ -63,12 +85,14 @@ pub type PkgIdentSize = u16;
/// this must accommodate far more than the user's expectations
/// working within the provided level of abstraction.
pub type PkgIdentExprSize = u32;
const_assert!(size_of::<PkgIdentExprSize>() <= size_of::<ProgIdentExprSize>());
/// A size capable of representing the union of every identifier of every
/// package used by an entire program.
/// This must be ≥ [`ProgSymSize`].
pub type ProgIdentSize = u32;
const_assert!(size_of::<ProgIdentSize>() >= size_of::<ProgSymSize>());
/// A size capable of representing the union of every identifier and every
/// expression of every package used by an entire program.
@ -81,3 +105,4 @@ pub type ProgIdentSize = u32;
/// This must be ≥ [`ProgSymSize`].
pub type ProgIdentExprSize = u32;
const_assert!(size_of::<ProgIdentExprSize>() >= size_of::<ProgSymSize>());

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ pub mod fs;
pub mod ir;
pub mod ld;
pub mod obj;
pub mod span;
pub mod sym;
pub mod tpwrap;

tamer/src/span.rs 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
// Source spans
// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Mapping to source input byte intervals.
//! A [`Span`] is a mapping to a byte interval within a source file,
//! representing primarily where some IR entity originated.
//! This underpins the diagnostic system,
//! intended to:
//! 1. Give the user specific information for debugging errors in their
//! programs; and
//! 2. Provide high-resolution information for source code inquiries,
//! such as "where is this identifier?" and "what exists at my cursor
//! position within this file"?
//! A span contains a [`Context`] representing the source location.
//! A context's path is a [`PathIndex`],
//! which represents an interned string slice,
//! _not_ a [`PathBuf`](std::path::PathBuf) or
//! [`OsStr`](std::ffi::OsStr).
//! ```
//! use tamer::span::{Span, Context};
//! use tamer::sym::GlobalSymbolIntern;
//! // From raw parts
//! let ctx: Context = "some/path/foo".intern().into();
//! let span = Span::new(2, 6, ctx);
//! assert_eq!(2, span.offset());
//! assert_eq!(6, span.len());
//! assert_eq!(ctx, span.ctx());
//! // From a closed byte interval
//! let spani = Span::from_byte_interval((10, 25), "some/path/bar".intern());
//! assert_eq!(10, spani.offset());
//! assert_eq!(15, spani.len());
//! // Freely copyable
//! let cp = span;
//! assert_eq!(cp, span);
//! ```
//! Span is expected to be able to fit within a general-purpose CPU register
//! on a 64-bit system, and so does not exceed 8 bytes in length.
//! Spans are one of the most common objects in TAMER,
//! competing only with [symbols](crate::sym).
//! But unlike symbols,
//! [`Span`]s are designed to be meaningfully identifiable and copyable
//! without interning.
//! A span is ordered as such:
//! 1. Spans group by [`Context`],
//! though the relative ordering of each [`Context`] isn't
//! necessarily meaningful;
//! 2. Spans are then ordered relative to their offset; and
//! 3. Spans are finally ordered by their length.
//! Note that this means that a span beginning after but ending before
//! another span will still order higher,
//! as shown in the example below.
//! ```
//! # use tamer::span::{Span, Context};
//! # use tamer::sym::GlobalSymbolIntern;
//! #
//! # let ctx: Context = "some/path/foo".intern().into();
//! #
//! // Visualization of spans:
//! // [..... ..... ..... .....]
//! // [A====] [B==] |
//! // | | [C=] |
//! // | | [D====]
//! // | | [E] |
//! // [F=====] |
//! // [G=======] |
//! let A = Span::new(2, 6, ctx);
//! let B = Span::new(10, 5, ctx);
//! let C = Span::new(10, 4, ctx);
//! let D = Span::new(10, 6, ctx);
//! let E = Span::new(11, 3, ctx);
//! let F = Span::new(5, 7, ctx);
//! let G = Span::new(5, 8, ctx);
//! let mut spans = vec![A, B, C, D, E, F, G];
//! spans.sort();
//! assert_eq!(spans, vec![A, F, G, C, B, D, E]);
//! ```
//! Design Rationale
//! ================
//! It is expected that spans will be created and copied frequently,
//! as they are propagated to every IR in the system.
//! It is further expected that the data within a span will only be
//! referenced for diagnostic purposes,
//! or for utilities operating on original source code
//! (such as code formatters).
//! When a span is referenced,
//! it will either be to determine the exact location of a particular
//! entity,
//! or it will be to attempt to locate a similar entity in a higher-level
//! IR associated with the same region of code.
//! The latter requires that spans be comparable in a meaningful way,
//! exhibiting at least partial ordering.
//! Spans are therefore optimized for three primary use cases:
//! - copying;
//! - comparison; and
//! - ordering.
//! Span Structure
//! --------------
//! Spans are packed into 64-bit values that can be readily converted into a
//! [`u64`] value that is totally ordered relative to a given [`Context`],
//! byte offset, and byte length.
//! This means that sorting a collection of [`Span`]s will group spans by
//! their [`Context`];
//! will sort those spans relative to their starting offset within that
//! context; and
//! will sort again by the ending offset.
//! This means that spans are [`Eq`] and [`Ord`],
//! and efficiently so by simply comparing the byte values of the entire
//! struct as a single [`u64`].
//! This allows spans to be sorted relative to their positions within a
//! context;
//! be placed into a binary tree for mapping back to higher-level IRs;
//! gives spans a meaningful unique identifier;
//! be freely copied without cost;
//! and more,
//! all very efficiently and without having to access individual
//! struct members.
//! To accomplish this,
//! [`Span`] uses `repr(packed)` and orders the fields for little endian
//! systems like `x86_64`,
//! which is what our team uses.
//! The `packed` representation had to be used because the byte orderings
//! are [`u16`], [`u32`], [`u16`],
//! which makes the [`u32`] byte offset unaligned.
//! Note that,
//! while this _is_ unaligned,
//! this is _not_ unaligned _memory_ access,
//! since the entire [`Span`] will be retrieved from (aligned) memory at
//! once;
//! the unaligned fields within the [`u64`] do not incur a measurable
//! performance cost.
//! Related Work
//! ============
//! This span is motivated by [rustc's compressed `Span`](rustc-span).
//! TAMER's span size relies on [`global::PkgSymSize`] being 16 bits in length,
//! which _should_ be a reasonable assumption.
//! If ever that assumption becomes violated,
//! and it is deemed that packages containing so many symbols should be permitted,
//! TAMER's [`Span`] can accommodate in a similar with to rustc's by
//! interning the larger span data and tagging this span as such.
//! [rustc-span]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/nightly-rustc/rustc_span/struct.Span.html
use std::convert::TryInto;
use crate::global;
use crate::sym::PkgSymbolId;
/// Description of a source location and byte interval for some object.
/// Spans represent byte intervals within a given source context.
/// A span should map to useful positions for helping users debug error
/// messages.
/// If code is generated, desugared, or otherwise manipulated,
/// the span ought to reference the original location of the code that can
/// be referenced and modified to correct any problems.
/// See the [module-level documentation](self) for more information.
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Span {
/// Token length (ending byte offset - `offset`).
len: global::FrontendTokenLength,
/// Starting 0-indexed byte position, inclusive.
offset: global::SourceFileSize,
/// Context onto which byte offsets are mapped,
/// such as a source file.
ctx: Context,
impl Span {
/// Create a new span from its constituent parts.
pub fn new<C: Into<Context>>(
offset: global::SourceFileSize,
len: global::FrontendTokenLength,
ctx: C,
) -> Self {
Self {
ctx: ctx.into(),
/// Create a span from a byte interval and context.
/// Panics
/// ======
/// This will panic in the unlikely case that the difference between the
/// start and end of the interval exceeds the maximum of
/// [`global::FrontendTokenLength`].
/// If this error occurs,
/// the parser should consider splitting large tokens up into multiple
/// tokens;
/// increasing [`global::FrontendTokenLength`] should be a last
/// resort,
/// since it has wide-reaching implications on the size of
/// [`Span`].
/// The user is not expected to know how to recover from this error
/// without debugging the compiler.
/// It is not expected that this would occur on any valid inputs.
pub fn from_byte_interval<B, C>(interval: B, ctx: C) -> Self
B: Into<ClosedByteInterval>,
C: Into<Context>,
let binterval = interval.into();
Self {
offset: binterval.0,
len: (binterval.1 - binterval.0)
.expect("span length exceeds global::FrontendTokenLength"),
ctx: ctx.into(),
// A span represented uniquely as a totally ordered [`u64`].
// For more information on this important properly,
// see the documentation for [`Span`] itself.
pub fn as_u64(self) -> u64 {
// We take a number of precautions to make this safe (in the sense
// of correctness),
// through struct packing and a `cfg` directive for endianness.
// In any case,
// a `u64` isn't going to harm anyone.
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) }
/// Byte offset of the beginning of the span relative to its context.
pub fn offset(&self) -> global::SourceFileSize {
/// Length of the span in bytes.
/// The interval of the span is `[offset, offset+len]`.
pub fn len(&self) -> global::FrontendTokenLength {
/// The context to which the span applies.
/// The context is, for example, a file.
pub fn ctx(&self) -> Context {
impl Into<u64> for Span {
fn into(self) -> u64 {
impl PartialEq for Span {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.as_u64() == other.as_u64()
impl Eq for Span {}
impl PartialOrd for Span {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl Ord for Span {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
// This assertion verifies our above expectations.
// If this fails,
// then you have either modified [`global`] constants or you have modified
// the fields of [`Span`] itself,
// in which case you should read "Related Work" above to determine
// whether this was a good idea or if interned spans should be
// introduced.
// In any case,
// hopefully this was planned for,
// because otherwise your week has just been ruined.
assert_eq_size!(Span, u64);
/// Context for byte offsets (e.g. a source file).
/// A context is lifetime-free and [`Copy`]-able,
/// with the assumption that an interned [`PathIndex`] will only need to
/// be resolved to its underlying value in a diagnostic context where the
/// internment system is readily available.
/// Since this is used within [`Span`],
/// it must be kept as small as possible.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Context(PathIndex);
impl<P: Into<PathIndex>> From<P> for Context {
fn from(path: P) -> Self {
/// An interned path.
/// This is interned as a string slice ([`PkgSymbolId`]),
/// not a `PathBuf`.
/// Consequently,
/// it is not an `OsStr`.
/// This newtype emphasizes that it differs from typical symbol usage,
/// especially given that it'll always use the [`PkgSymbolId`] interner,
/// _not_ necessarily whatever global interner is used for all other
/// symbols.
/// In the future,
/// these may be interned separately.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct PathIndex(PkgSymbolId);
impl From<PkgSymbolId> for PathIndex {
fn from(sym: PkgSymbolId) -> Self {
/// A closed interval (range of values including its endpoints) representing
/// source bytes associated with a token.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ClosedByteInterval<T = global::SourceFileSize>(pub T, pub T)
T: Copy + PartialOrd;
impl<T: Copy + PartialOrd> From<(T, T)> for ClosedByteInterval<T> {
/// Convert a tuple into a closed byte interval where the first index
/// represents the start of the interval and the second index the
/// end.
/// Panics
/// ======
/// The second value must be ≥ the first.
fn from(src: (T, T)) -> Self {
assert!(src.1 >= src.0);
Self(src.0, src.1)
assert_eq_size!(ClosedByteInterval, u64);
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::sym::GlobalSymbolIntern;
// Little endian check.
// This ensures that the byte ordering is as expected,
// otherwise the resulting integer will not have the properties we
// require for sorting and comparison.
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
fn span_pack_le() {
let span =
Span::new(0xA3A2A1A0, 0xB1B0, PkgSymbolId::test_from_int(0xC1C0));
// ^ ^ ^
// ctx offset len
"endianness check failed: {:X?}",
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
fn span_pack_be_not_supported() {
panic!("Big-endian systems are not currently supported");
// The tests that follow are corollaries of the above, but the below
// tests do test that the implementations function as intended.
fn span_at_later_offset_in_same_context_compares_greater() {
let ctx = "imaginary".intern();
let first = Span::new(10, 5, ctx);
let second = Span::new(20, 5, ctx);
// These two assertions must be identical.
assert!(second > first);
assert!(second.as_u64() > first.as_u64());
fn spans_order_by_context_start_and_len() {
let ctxa = "context a".intern();
let ctxb = "context b".intern();
// Sanity check, otherwise this test won't work as expected.
assert!(ctxa < ctxb);
let sa1 = Span::new(10, 1, ctxa);
let sa2 = Span::new(22, 1, ctxa);
let sa3 = Span::new(35, 1, ctxa);
let sb1 = Span::new(11, 1, ctxb);
let sb2 = Span::new(20, 1, ctxb);
let sb3 = Span::new(33, 1, ctxb);
let mut spans = vec![sa3, sb2, sb1, sa2, sa1, sb3];
assert_eq!(spans, vec![sa1, sa2, sa3, sb1, sb2, sb3]);
pub fn retrieve_span_components() {
let ctx: Context = "foo".intern().into();
let offset = 100;
let len = 50;
let span = Span::new(offset, len, ctx);
assert_eq!((offset, len, ctx), (span.offset(), span.len(), span.ctx()));