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tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// XIR element parser generator
// Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Element parser generator for parsing of [XIRF](super::super::flat).
use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use std::fmt::Display;
use crate::{
fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote},
ClosedParseState, Context, ParseState, Transition, TransitionResult,
xir::{Prefix, QName},
use crate::{ele_parse, parse::Parser};
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
/// A parser accepting a single element.
pub trait EleParseState: ParseState {}
/// Element parser configuration.
/// This configuration is set on a nonterminal reference using square
/// brackets
/// (e.g. `Foo[*]`).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
pub struct EleParseCfg {
/// Whether to allow zero-or-more repetition for this element.
/// This is the Kleene star modifier (`*`).
pub repeat: bool,
/// Maximum level of nesting for source XML trees.
/// Technically this is the maximum level of nesting for _parsing_ those
/// trees,
/// which may end up being less than this value.
/// This should be set to something reasonable,
/// but is not an alternative to coming up with code conventions that
/// disallow ridiculous levels of nesting.
/// TAME does have a lot of nesting with primitives,
/// but that nesting is easily abstracted with templates.
/// Templates may expand into ridiculous levels of nesting---this
/// has no impact on the template expansion phase.
/// Note that this is assuming that this parser is used only for TAME
/// sources.
/// If that's not the case,
/// this can be made to be configurable like XIRF.
pub const MAX_DEPTH: usize = 16;
/// Parser stack for trampoline.
/// This can be used as a call stack for parsers while avoiding creating
/// otherwise-recursive data structures with composition-based delegation.
/// However,
/// it is more similar to CPS,
/// in that the parser popped off the stack need not be the parser that
/// initiated the request and merely represents the next step in
/// a delayed computation.
/// If such a return context is unneeded,
/// a [`ParseState`] may implement tail calls by simply not pushing itself
/// onto the stack before requesting transfer to another [`ParseState`].
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct StateStack<S: ClosedParseState>(ArrayVec<S, MAX_DEPTH>);
pub type StateStackContext<S> = Context<StateStack<S>>;
// Note that public visibility is needed because `ele_parse` expands outside
// of this module.
impl<S: ClosedParseState> StateStack<S> {
/// Request a transfer to another [`ParseState`],
/// expecting that control be returned to `ret` after it has
/// completed.
/// This can be reasoned about like calling a thunk:
/// the return [`ParseState`] is put onto the stack,
/// the target [`ParseState`] is used for the state transition to
/// cause [`Parser`] to perform the call to it,
/// and when it is done
/// (e.g. a dead state),
/// `ret` will be pop'd from the stack and we'll transition back to
/// it.
/// Note that this method is not responsible for returning;
/// see [`Self::ret_or_dead`] to perform a return.
/// However,
/// the calling [`ParseState`] is not responsible for its return,
/// unlike a typical function call.
/// Instead,
/// this _actually_ more closely resembles CPS
/// (continuation passing style),
/// and so [`ele_parse!`] must be careful to ensure that stack
/// operations are properly paired.
/// On the upside,
/// if something is erroneously `ret`'d,
/// the parser is guaranteed to be in a consistent state since the
/// entire state has been reified
/// (but the input would then be parsed incorrectly).
/// Note that tail calls can be implemented by transferring control
/// without pushing an entry on the stack to return to,
/// but that hasn't been formalized \[yet\] and requires extra care.
pub fn transfer_with_ret<SA, ST>(
&mut self,
Transition(ret): Transition<SA>,
target: TransitionResult<ST>,
) -> TransitionResult<ST>
SA: ParseState<Super = S::Super>,
ST: ParseState,
let Self(stack) = self;
// TODO: Global configuration to (hopefully) ensure that XIRF will
// actually catch this.
if stack.is_full() {
// TODO: We need some spans here and ideally convert the
// parenthetical error message into a diagnostic footnote.
// TODO: Or should we have a special error type that tells the
// parent `Parser` to panic with context?
"maximum parsing depth of {} exceeded while attempting \
to push return state {} \
(expected XIRF configuration to prevent this error)",
/// Attempt to return to a previous [`ParseState`] that transferred
/// control away from itself,
/// otherwise yield a dead state transition to `deadst`.
/// Conceptually,
/// this is like returning from a function call,
/// where the function was invoked using [`Self::transfer_with_ret`].
/// However,
/// this system is more akin to CPS
/// (continuation passing style);
/// see [`Self::transfer_with_ret`] for important information.
/// If there is no state to return to on the stack,
/// then it is assumed that we have received more input than expected
/// after having completed a full parse.
pub fn ret_or_dead(
&mut self,
lookahead: S::Token,
deadst: S,
) -> TransitionResult<S> {
let Self(stack) = self;
// This should certainly never happen unless there is a bug in the
// `ele_parse!` parser-generator,
// since it means that we're trying to return to a caller that
// does not exist.
match stack.pop() {
Some(st) => Transition(st).incomplete().with_lookahead(lookahead),
None => Transition(deadst).dead(lookahead),
/// Test every [`ParseState`] on the stack against the predicate `f`.
pub fn all(&self, f: impl Fn(&S) -> bool) -> bool {
let Self(stack) = self;
/// Match some type of node.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum NodeMatcher {
/// Static [`QName`] with a simple equality check.
/// Any element with a matching [`Prefix`].
impl NodeMatcher {
/// Match against the provided [`QName`].
pub fn matches(&self, qname: QName) -> bool {
match self {
Self::QName(qn_match) if qn_match == &qname => true,
Self::Prefix(prefix) if Some(*prefix) == qname.prefix() => true,
_ => false,
impl From<QName> for NodeMatcher {
fn from(qname: QName) -> Self {
impl From<Prefix> for NodeMatcher {
fn from(prefix: Prefix) -> Self {
impl Display for NodeMatcher {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use crate::xir::fmt::XmlPrefixAnyLocal;
match self {
Self::QName(qname) => Display::fmt(qname, f),
Self::Prefix(prefix) => XmlPrefixAnyLocal::fmt(prefix, f),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
macro_rules! ele_parse {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
$vis:vis enum $super:ident;
// Attr has to be first to avoid ambiguity with `$rest`.
$(type AttrValueError = $evty:ty;)?
type Object = $objty:ty;
[super] {
// Combination of square brackets above and the prefix here are
// needed for disambiguation.
$nt_first:ident := $($nt_defs:tt)*
) => {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
ele_parse! {@!next $vis $super
$(type AttrValueError = $evty;)?
type Object = $objty;
$nt_first := $($nt_defs)*
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
ele_parse!(@!super_sum <$objty> $vis $super
$([super] { $($super_body)* })?
$nt_first := $($nt_defs)*
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
(@!next $vis:vis $super:ident
// Attr has to be first to avoid ambiguity with `$rest`.
$(type AttrValueError = $evty:ty;)?
type Object = $objty:ty;
) => {
ele_parse!(@!nonterm_decl <$objty, $($evty)?> $vis $super $($rest)*);
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
(@!nonterm_decl <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
$vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident := $($rest:tt)*
) => {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
ele_parse!(@!nonterm_def <$objty, $($evty)?> $vis $super $nt $($rest)*);
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
(@!nonterm_def <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
$vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident $qname:ident $(($($ntp:tt)*))?
{ $($matches:tt)* }; $($rest:tt)*
) => {
ele_parse!(@!ele_expand_body <$objty, $($evty)?>
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
$vis $super $nt $qname ($($($ntp)*)?) $($matches)*
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
ele_parse! {@!next $vis $super
$(type AttrValueError = $evty;)?
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
type Object = $objty;
(@!nonterm_def <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
$vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
($ntref_first:ident $(| $ntref:ident)+); $($rest:tt)*
) => {
ele_parse!(@!ele_dfn_sum <$objty>
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
$vis $super $nt [$ntref_first $($ntref)*]
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
ele_parse! {@!next $vis $super
$(type AttrValueError = $evty;)?
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
type Object = $objty;
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
(@!nonterm_decl <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?> $vis:vis $super:ident) => {};
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// Expand the provided data to a more verbose form that provides the
// context necessary for state transitions.
(@!ele_expand_body <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
$vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident $qname:ident ($($ntp:tt)*)
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
@ { $($attrbody:tt)* } => $attrmap:expr,
$(/$(($close_span:ident))? => $closemap:expr,)?
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// Special forms (`[sp](args) => expr`).
=> $special_map:expr,
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// Nonterminal references are provided as a list.
// A configuration specifier can be provided,
// currently intended to support the Kleene star.
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
$ntref:ident $([$ntref_cfg:tt])?,
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
) => {
ele_parse! {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
@!ele_dfn_body <$objty, $($evty)?> $vis $super $nt $qname ($($ntp)*)
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
@ { $($attrbody)* } => $attrmap,
/$($($close_span)?)? => ele_parse!(@!ele_close $($closemap)?),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
$([$special]$(($($special_arg),*))? => $special_map,)?
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
<> {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// Generate state transitions of the form `(S) -> (S')`.
-> {
@ ->
($nt::$ntref, $ntref) [$($ntref_cfg)?],
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
($nt::$ntref) ->
)* ($nt::ExpectClose_, ()) [],
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// No explicit Close mapping defaults to doing nothing at all
// (so yield Incomplete).
(@!ele_close) => {
(@!ele_close $close:expr) => {
// NT[*] modifier.
(@!ntref_cfg *) => {
crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg {
repeat: true,
// No bracketed modifier following NT.
(@!ntref_cfg) => {
crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg {
repeat: false,
// Delegation when the destination type is `()`,
// indicating that the next state is not a child NT
// (it is likely the state expecting a closing tag).
$stack:ident, $ret:expr, (), $_target:expr, $done:expr
) => {
// Delegate to a child parser by pushing self onto the stack and
// yielding to one of the child's states.
// This uses a trampoline,
// which avoids recursive data structures
// (due to `ParseState` composition/stitching)
// and does not grow the call stack.
$stack:ident, $ret:expr, $ntnext_st:ty, $target:expr, $_done:expr
) => {
(@!ele_dfn_body <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
$vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident $qname:ident
($($qname_matched:pat, $open_span:pat)?)
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// Attribute definition special form.
@ {
// We must lightly parse attributes here so that we can retrieve
// the field identifiers that may be later used as bindings in
// `$attrmap`.
$field:ident: ($($fmatch:tt)+) => $fty:ty,
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
} => $attrmap:expr,
// Close expression
// (defaulting to Incomplete via @!ele_expand_body).
/$($close_span:ident)? => $closemap:expr,
// Streaming (as opposed to aggregate) attribute parsing.
$([attr]($attr_stream_binding:ident) => $attr_stream_map:expr,)?
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// Nonterminal references.
<> {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
-> {
@ -> ($ntfirst:path, $ntfirst_st:ty) [$($ntfirst_cfg:tt)?],
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
($ntprev:path) -> ($ntnext:path, $ntnext_st:ty) [$($ntnext_cfg:tt)?],
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
) => {
paste::paste! {
crate::attr_parse! {
$(type ValueError = $evty;)?
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
struct [<$nt AttrsState_>] -> [<$nt Attrs_>] {
$field: ($($fmatch)+) => $fty,
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
#[doc=concat!("Parser for element [`", stringify!($qname), "`].")]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
$vis enum $nt {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
"Expecting opening tag for element [`",
/// Non-preemptable [`Self::Expecting_`].
#[allow(dead_code)] // used by sum parser
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
/// Recovery state ignoring all remaining tokens for this
/// element.
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
// Recovery completed because end tag corresponding to the
// invalid element has been found.
/// Recovery state ignoring all tokens when a `Close` is
/// expected.
/// This is token-agnostic---it
/// may be a child element,
/// but it may be text,
/// for example.
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
/// Parsing element attributes.
[<$nt AttrsState_>]
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
/// Closing tag found and parsing of the element is
/// complete.
impl From<crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg> for $nt {
fn from(repeat: crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg) -> Self {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
impl crate::xir::parse::EleParseState for $nt {}
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
impl $nt {
/// Matcher describing the node recognized by this parser.
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
#[allow(dead_code)] // used by sum parser
fn matcher() -> crate::xir::parse::NodeMatcher {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
// Whether the given QName would be matched by any of the
// parsers associated with this type.
fn matches(qname: crate::xir::QName) -> bool {
#[allow(dead_code)] // used by sum parser
fn cfg(&self) -> crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg {
use $nt::*;
match self {
| NonPreemptableExpecting_(cfg)
| RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, ..)
| RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(cfg, ..)
| CloseRecoverIgnore_((cfg, ..), ..)
| Attrs_((cfg, ..), ..)
| ExpectClose_((cfg, ..), ..)
| Closed_(cfg, ..) => *cfg,
$ntref((cfg, ..)) => *cfg,
/// Whether the parser is in a state that can tolerate
/// superstate node preemption.
/// For more information,
/// see the superstate
" [`", stringify!($super), "::can_preempt_node`]."
fn can_preempt_node(&self) -> bool {
use $nt::*;
match self {
// Preemption before the opening tag is safe,
// since we haven't started processing yet.
Expecting_(..) => true,
// The name says it all.
// Instantiated by the superstate.
NonPreemptableExpecting_(..) => false,
// Preemption during recovery would cause tokens to
// be parsed when they ought to be ignored,
// so we must process all tokens during recovery.
| CloseRecoverIgnore_(..) => false,
// It is _not_ safe to preempt attribute parsing
// since attribute parsers aggregate until a
// non-attribute token is encountered;
// we must allow attribute parsing to finish its
// job _before_ any preempted nodes are emitted
// since the attributes came _before_ that node.
Attrs_(..) => false,
// These states represent jump states where we're
// about to transition to the next child parser.
// It's safe to preempt here,
// since we're not in the middle of parsing.
// Note that this includes `ExpectClose_` because of
// the macro preprocessing,
// and Rust's exhaustiveness check will ensure
// that it is accounted for if that changes.
// If we're expecting that the next token is a
// `Close`,
// then it must be safe to preempt other nodes
// that may appear in this context as children.
$ntfirst(..) => true,
$ntnext(..) => true,
// If we're done,
// we want to be able to yield a dead state so
// that we can transition away from this parser.
| Closed_(..) => false,
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
impl std::fmt::Display for $nt {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use crate::{
fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote},
xir::fmt::{TtOpenXmlEle, TtCloseXmlEle},
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
match self {
| Self::NonPreemptableExpecting_(_) => write!(
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
"expecting opening tag {}",
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
Self::RecoverEleIgnore_(_, name, _, _)
| Self::RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(_, name, _) => write!(
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
"attempting to recover by ignoring element \
with unexpected name {given} \
(expected {expected})",
given = TtQuote::wrap(name),
expected = TtQuote::wrap(Self::matcher()),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
Self::CloseRecoverIgnore_((_, qname, _, depth), _) => write!(
"attempting to recover by ignoring input \
until the expected end tag {expected} \
at depth {depth}",
expected = TtCloseXmlEle::wrap(qname),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
Self::Attrs_(_, sa) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(sa, f),
Self::ExpectClose_((_, qname, _, depth)) => write!(
"expecting closing element {} at depth {depth}",
Self::Closed_(_, qname, _) => write!(
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
"done parsing element {}",
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// TODO: A better description.
Self::$ntref(_) => {
"preparing to transition to \
parser for next child element(s)"
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
$vis enum [<$nt Error_>] {
/// An element was expected,
/// but the name of the element was unexpected.
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
UnexpectedEle_(crate::xir::QName, crate::span::Span),
/// Unexpected input while expecting an end tag for this
/// element.
/// The span corresponds to the opening tag.
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
Attrs_(crate::xir::parse::AttrParseError<[<$nt AttrsState_>]>),
impl From<crate::xir::parse::AttrParseError<[<$nt AttrsState_>]>>
for [<$nt Error_>]
fn from(
e: crate::xir::parse::AttrParseError<[<$nt AttrsState_>]>
) -> Self {
[<$nt Error_>]::Attrs_(e)
impl std::error::Error for [<$nt Error_>] {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
impl std::fmt::Display for [<$nt Error_>] {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use crate::{
fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote},
xir::fmt::{TtOpenXmlEle, TtCloseXmlEle},
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
match self {
Self::UnexpectedEle_(name, _) => write!(
"unexpected {unexpected} (expecting {expected})",
unexpected = TtOpenXmlEle::wrap(name),
expected = TtOpenXmlEle::wrap($nt::matcher()),
Self::CloseExpected_(qname, _, tok) => write!(
"expected {}, but found {}",
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
Self::Attrs_(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),
impl crate::diagnose::Diagnostic for [<$nt Error_>] {
fn describe(&self) -> Vec<crate::diagnose::AnnotatedSpan> {
use crate::{
fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote},
match self {
Self::UnexpectedEle_(_, ospan) => ospan.error(
"expected {ele_name} here",
ele_name = TtQuote::wrap($nt::matcher())
Self::CloseExpected_(qname, span, tok) => vec![
span.note("element starts here"),
"expected {}",
Self::Attrs_(e) => e.describe(),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
impl crate::parse::ParseState for $nt {
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
type Token = crate::xir::flat::XirfToken<
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
type Object = $objty;
type Error = [<$nt Error_>];
type Context = crate::xir::parse::StateStackContext<Self::Super>;
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
type Super = $super;
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
#[allow(unused_variables)] // used only if child NTs
stack: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self::Super> {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
use crate::{
parse::{EmptyContext, Transition, Transitionable},
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
parse::{parse_attrs, EleParseCfg},
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
use $nt::{
Attrs_, Expecting_, NonPreemptableExpecting_,
RecoverEleIgnore_, CloseRecoverIgnore_,
RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_, ExpectClose_, Closed_
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// Needed since `$ntfirst_cfg` cannot be nested within
// the conditional `[attr]` block.
const NTFIRST_CFG: EleParseCfg =
ele_parse!(@!ntref_cfg $($ntfirst_cfg)?);
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
match (self, tok) {
Expecting_(cfg) | NonPreemptableExpecting_(cfg),
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if $nt::matches(qname) => {
let transition = Transition(Attrs_(
(cfg, qname, span.tag_span(), depth),
parse_attrs(qname, span)
// Streaming attribute parsing will cause the
// attribute map to be yielded immediately as
// the opening object,
// since we will not be aggregating attrs.
// Used only to match on `[attr]`.
let [<_ $attr_stream_binding>] = ();
return transition.ok($attrmap);
// If the `[attr]` special form was _not_
// provided,
// we'll be aggregating attributes.
Closed_(cfg, ..),
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if cfg.repeat && Self::matches(qname) => {
(cfg, qname, span.tag_span(), depth),
parse_attrs(qname, span)
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
Expecting_(cfg) | NonPreemptableExpecting_(cfg),
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) => {
Transition(RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, qname, span, depth)).err(
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
[<$nt Error_>]::UnexpectedEle_(qname, span.name_span())
RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, qname, _, depth_open),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
XirfToken::Close(_, span, depth_close)
) if depth_open == depth_close => {
RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(cfg, qname, span)
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// Streaming attribute matching takes precedence
// over aggregate.
// This is primarily me being lazy,
// because it's not worth a robust syntax for
// something that's rarely used
// (macro-wise, I mean;
// it's heavily utilized as a percentage of
// source file parsed since short-hand
// template applications are heavily used).
st @ Attrs_(..),
) => Transition(st).ok($attr_stream_map),
// Override the aggregate attribute parser
// delegation by forcing the below match to
// become unreachable
// (xref anchor <<SATTR>>).
// Since we have already emitted the `$attrmap`
// object on `Open`,
// this yields an incomplete parse.
(Attrs_(meta, _), tok) => {
// This becomes unreachable when the `[attr]` special
// form is provided,
// which overrides this match directly above
// (xref <<SATTR>>).
(Attrs_(meta @ (_, qname, _, _), sa), tok) => {
sa.delegate_until_obj::<Self, _>(
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
|sa| Transition(Attrs_(meta, sa)),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
|| unreachable!("see ParseState::delegate_until_obj dead"),
|#[allow(unused_variables)] sa, attrs| {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
let obj = match attrs {
// Attribute field bindings for `$attrmap`
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
[<$nt Attrs_>] {
} => {
// Optional `OpenSpan` binding
let _ = qname; // avoid unused warning
use crate::xir::parse::attr::AttrParseState;
let $qname_matched = qname;
let $open_span = sa.element_span();
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// Lookahead is added by `delegate_until_obj`.
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
($ntprev(meta), tok) => {
ele_parse!(@!ntref_cfg $($ntnext_cfg)?)
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// XIRF ensures proper nesting,
// so we do not need to check the element name.
ExpectClose_((cfg, qname, _, depth))
| CloseRecoverIgnore_((cfg, qname, _, depth), _),
XirfToken::Close(_, span, tok_depth)
) if tok_depth == depth => {
let $close_span = span;
$closemap.transition(Closed_(cfg, qname, span.tag_span()))
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
(ExpectClose_(meta @ (_, qname, otspan, _)), unexpected_tok) => {
use crate::parse::Token;
CloseRecoverIgnore_(meta, unexpected_tok.span())
).err([<$nt Error_>]::CloseExpected_(qname, otspan, unexpected_tok))
// We're still in recovery,
// so this token gets thrown out.
(st @ (RecoverEleIgnore_(..) | CloseRecoverIgnore_(..)), _) => {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
// TODO: Use `is_accepting` guard if we do not utilize
// exhaustiveness check.
(st @ (Closed_(..) | RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(..)), tok) => {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
todo => todo!("{todo:?}"),
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
matches!(*self, Self::Closed_(..) | Self::RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(..))
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
(@!ele_dfn_sum <$objty:ty> $vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident [$($ntref:ident)*]) => {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
// Provide a (hopefully) helpful error that can be corrected
// rather than any obscure errors that may follow from trying
// to compose parsers that were not generated with this macro.
assert_impl_all!($ntref: crate::xir::parse::EleParseState);
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
paste::paste! {
"Parser expecting one of ",
$("[`", stringify!($ntref), "`], ",)*
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
$vis enum $nt {
#[allow(dead_code)] // used by superstate node preemption
/// Non-preemptable [`Self::Expecting_`].
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
/// Recovery state ignoring all remaining tokens for this
/// element.
/// Inner element has been parsed and is dead;
/// this indicates that this parser is also dead.
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
impl $nt {
// Whether the given QName would be matched by any of the
// parsers associated with this type.
// This is short-circuiting and will return as soon as one
// parser is found,
// so it may be a good idea to order the sum type
// according to the most likely value to be encountered.
// At its worst,
// this may be equivalent to a linear search of the
// parsers.
// With that said,
// Rust/LLVM may optimize this in any number of ways,
// especially if each inner parser matches on a QName
// constant.
// Let a profiler and disassembly guide you.
#[allow(dead_code)] // used by superstate
fn matches(qname: crate::xir::QName) -> bool {
// If we used an array or a trait,
// then we'd need everything to be a similar type;
// this allows for _any_ type provided that it
// expands into something that contains a `matches`
// associated function of a compatible type.
false $(|| $ntref::matches(qname))*
fn cfg(&self) -> crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg {
use $nt::*;
match self {
| NonPreemptableExpecting_(cfg)
| RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, ..)
| RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(cfg, ..) => *cfg,
Done_ => crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg::default()
/// Whether the parser is in a state that can tolerate
/// superstate node preemption.
/// For more information,
/// see the superstate
" [`", stringify!($super), "::can_preempt_node`]."
fn can_preempt_node(&self) -> bool {
use $nt::*;
match self {
// Preemption before the opening tag is safe,
// since we haven't started processing yet.
Expecting_(..) => true,
// The name says it all.
// Instantiated by the superstate.
NonPreemptableExpecting_(..) => false,
// Preemption during recovery would cause tokens to
// be parsed when they ought to be ignored,
// so we must process all tokens during recovery.
RecoverEleIgnore_(..) => false,
// If we're done,
// we want to be able to yield a dead state so
// that we can transition away from this parser.
| Done_ => false,
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
impl std::fmt::Display for $nt {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use crate::{
fmt::{DisplayWrapper, ListDisplayWrapper, TtQuote},
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
let ntrefs = [
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
let expected = EleSumList::wrap(&ntrefs);
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
match self {
| Self::NonPreemptableExpecting_(_) => {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
write!(f, "expecting {expected}")
Self::RecoverEleIgnore_(_, name, _, _)
| Self::RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(_, name, _) => write!(
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
"attempting to recover by ignoring element \
with unexpected name {given} \
(expected {expected})",
given = TtQuote::wrap(name),
Self::Done_ => write!(f, "done parsing {expected}"),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
impl From<crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg> for $nt {
fn from(repeat: crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg) -> Self {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
$vis enum [<$nt Error_>] {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
UnexpectedEle_(crate::xir::QName, crate::span::Span),
impl std::error::Error for [<$nt Error_>] {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
impl std::fmt::Display for [<$nt Error_>] {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use crate::{
match self {
Self::UnexpectedEle_(qname, _) => {
write!(f, "unexpected {}", TtOpenXmlEle::wrap(qname))
impl crate::diagnose::Diagnostic for [<$nt Error_>] {
fn describe(&self) -> Vec<crate::diagnose::AnnotatedSpan> {
use crate::{
fmt::{DisplayWrapper, ListDisplayWrapper, TtQuote},
let ntrefs = [
let expected = EleSumList::wrap(&ntrefs);
match self {
Self::UnexpectedEle_(qname, span) => {
"element {name} cannot appear here",
name = TtQuote::wrap(qname),
.with_help(format!("expecting {expected}"))
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
impl crate::parse::ParseState for $nt {
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
type Token = crate::xir::flat::XirfToken<
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
type Object = $objty;
type Error = [<$nt Error_>];
type Context = crate::xir::parse::StateStackContext<Self::Super>;
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
type Super = $super;
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
stack: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self::Super> {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
use crate::{
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
use $nt::{
Expecting_, NonPreemptableExpecting_, RecoverEleIgnore_,
RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_, Done_
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
match (self, tok) {
st @ (Expecting_(_) | NonPreemptableExpecting_(_)),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if $ntref::matches(qname) => {
match st.cfg() {
cfg @ EleParseCfg { repeat: true, .. } => {
_ => Done_,
// Propagate non-preemption status,
// otherwise we'll provide a
// lookback of the original token
// and end up recursing until we
// hit the `stack` limit.
match st {
NonPreemptableExpecting_(_) => {
_ => {
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
unreachable!("TODO: remove me (ntref_delegate done)")
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if $ntref::matches(qname) => {
match cfg.repeat {
true => Expecting_(cfg),
false => Done_,
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
unreachable!("TODO: remove me (ntref_delegate done)")
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
// An unexpected token when repeating ends
// repetition and should not result in an error.
Expecting_(cfg) | NonPreemptableExpecting_(cfg),
) if cfg.repeat => Transition(Done_).dead(tok),
Expecting_(cfg) | NonPreemptableExpecting_(cfg),
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) => {
use crate::xir::EleSpan;
Transition(RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, qname, span, depth)).err(
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
// Use name span rather than full `OpenSpan`
// since it's specifically the name that
// was unexpected,
// not the fact that it's an element.
[<$nt Error_>]::UnexpectedEle_(qname, span.name_span())
// XIRF ensures that the closing tag matches the opening,
// so we need only check depth.
RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, qname, _, depth_open),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
XirfToken::Close(_, span, depth_close)
) if depth_open == depth_close => {
Transition(RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(cfg, qname, span)).incomplete()
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
(st @ RecoverEleIgnore_(..), _) => {
st @ (Done_ | RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(..)),
) => Transition(st).dead(tok),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
todo => todo!("sum {todo:?}"),
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
match self {
Self::RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(..) | Self::Done_ => true,
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals. This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to the appropriate parser. This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what parser we need. This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName; maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that. However, because this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser, there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one wins. Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be able to be parsed. This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are expected. The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another potential element. But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one). But more to come on that later; it's not critical at this point. I need to get parsing completed for TAME's input language. DEV-7145
2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
_ => false,
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
// Generate superstate sum type.
// This is really annoying because we cannot read the output of another
// macro,
// and so we have to do our best to re-parse the body of the
// original `ele_parse!` invocation without duplicating too much
// logic,
// and we have to do so in a way that we can aggregate all of
// those data.
(@!super_sum <$objty:ty> $vis:vis $super:ident
[super] {
// Non-whitespace text nodes can be mapped into elements
// with the given QName as a preprocessing step,
// allowing them to reuse the existing element NT system.
$([text]($text:ident, $text_span:ident) => $text_map:expr,)?
// Optional _single_ NT to preempt arbitrary elements.
// Sum NTs can be used to preempt multiple elements.
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
// NT definition is always followed by `:=`.
$nt:ident :=
// Identifier if an element NT.
// Parenthesis for a sum NT,
// or possibly the span match for an element NT.
// So: `:= QN_IDENT(span)` or `:= (A | B | C)`.
$( ($($_p:tt)*) )?
// Braces for an element NT body.
$( {$($_b:tt)*} )?
// Element and sum NT both conclude with a semicolon,
// which we need to disambiguate the next `$nt`.
) => {
paste::paste! {
/// Superstate representing the union of all related parsers.
/// This [`ParseState`] allows sub-parsers to independently
/// the states associated with their own subgraph,
/// and then yield a state transition directly to a state of
/// another parser.
/// This is conceptually like CPS (continuation passing style),
/// where this [`ParseState`] acts as a trampoline.
/// This [`ParseState`] is required for use with [`Parser`];
/// see [`ClosedParseState`] for more information.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
$vis enum $super {
// Default parser is the first NT.
impl Default for $super {
fn default() -> Self {
use $super::*;
ele_parse!(@!ntfirst $($nt)*)(
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
impl From<$nt> for $super {
fn from(st: $nt) -> Self {
impl std::fmt::Display for $super {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::$nt(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),
/// Superstate error object representing the union of all
/// related parsers' errors.
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
$vis enum [<$super Error_>] {
$nt([<$nt Error_>]),
impl From<[<$nt Error_>]> for [<$super Error_>] {
fn from(e: [<$nt Error_>]) -> Self {
[<$super Error_>]::$nt(e)
impl std::error::Error for [<$super Error_>] {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
impl std::fmt::Display for [<$super Error_>] {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::$nt(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),
impl crate::diagnose::Diagnostic for [<$super Error_>] {
fn describe(&self) -> Vec<crate::diagnose::AnnotatedSpan> {
match self {
Self::$nt(e) => e.describe(),
impl crate::parse::ParseState for $super {
type Token = crate::xir::flat::XirfToken<
type Object = $objty;
type Error = [<$super Error_>];
type Context = crate::xir::parse::StateStackContext<Self>;
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
stack: &mut Self::Context,
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self> {
use crate::{
xir::flat::{XirfToken, RefinedText},
// Used only by _some_ expansions.
use crate::xir::flat::Text;
match (self, tok) {
// [super] {
// [text] preemption;
// see `Self::can_preempt_node`.
Text($text, $text_span)
) if st.can_preempt_node() => {
// Preemption NT
) if st.can_preempt_node() && $pre_nt::matches(qname) => {
// Prevent recursing on this token.
// }
// Depth check is unnecessary since _all_ xir::parse
// parsers
// (at least at the time of writing)
// ignore whitespace and comments,
// so may as well return early.
// TODO: I'm ignoring _all_ text for now to
// proceed with development; fix.
XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Whitespace(..), _)
| XirfToken::Comment(..)
) => {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
// Pass token directly to child until it reports
// a dead state,
// after which we return to the `ParseState`
// atop of the stack.
(Self::$nt(st), tok) => st.delegate_child(
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
|deadst, tok, stack| {
stack.ret_or_dead(tok, deadst)
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
fn is_accepting(&self, stack: &Self::Context) -> bool {
// This is short-circuiting,
// starting at the _bottom_ of the stack and
// moving upward.
// The idea is that,
// is we're still in the middle of parsing,
// then it's almost certain that the [`ParseState`] on
// the bottom of the stack will not be in an
// accepting state,
// and so we can stop checking early.
// In most cases,
// if we haven't hit EOF early,
// the stack should be either empty or consist of only
// the root state.
// After having considered the stack,
// we can then consider the active `ParseState`.
stack.all(|st| st.is_inner_accepting(stack))
&& self.is_inner_accepting(stack)
impl $super {
/// Whether the inner (active child) [`ParseState`] is in an
/// accepting state.
fn is_inner_accepting(
ctx: &<Self as crate::parse::ParseState>::Context
) -> bool {
use crate::parse::ParseState;
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
match self {
Self::$nt(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
/// Whether the inner parser is in a state that can tolerate
/// superstate node preemption.
/// Node preemption allows us (the superstate) to ask for
/// permission from the inner parser to parse some token
/// ourselves,
/// by asking whether the parser is in a state that
/// would cause semantic issues if we were to do so.
/// For example,
/// if we were to preempt text nodes while an inner parser
/// was still parsing attributes,
/// then we would emit an object associated with that
/// text before the inner parser had a chance to
/// conclude that attribute parsing has completed and
/// emit the opening object for that node;
/// the result would otherwise be an incorrect
/// `Text, Open` instead of the correct `Open, Text`,
/// which would effectively unparent the text.
/// Similarly,
/// if we were to parse our own tokens while an inner
/// parser was performing error recovery in such a way as
/// to ignore all child tokens,
/// then we would emit an object in an incorrect
/// context.
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO: Remove when using for tpl apply
fn can_preempt_node(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::$nt(st) => st.can_preempt_node(),
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Generate superstate And here's the thing that I've been dreading, partly because of the `macro_rules` issues involved. But, it's not too terrible. This module was already large and complex, and this just adds to it---it's in need of refactoring, but I want to be sure it's fully working and capable of handling NIR before I go spending time refactoring only to undo it. _This does not yet use trampolining in place of the call stack._ That'll come next; I just wanted to get the macro updated, the superstate generated, and tests passing. This does convert into the superstate (`ParseState::Super`), but then converts back to the original `ParseState` for BC with the existing composition-based delegation. That will go away and will then use the equivalent of CPS, using the superstate+`Parser` as a trampoline. This will require an explicit stack via `Context`, like XIRF. And it will allow for tail calls, with respect to parser delegation, if I decide it's worth doing. The root problem is that source XML requires recursive parsing (for expressions and statements like `<section>`), which results in recursive data structures (`ParseState` enum variants). Resolving this with boxing is not appropriate, because that puts heap indirection in an extremely hot code path, and may also inhibit the aggressive optimizations that I need Rust to perform to optimize away the majority of the lowering pipeline. Once this is sorted out, this should be the last big thing for the parser. This unfortunately has been a nagging and looming issue for months, that I was hoping to avoid, and in retrospect that was naive. DEV-7145
2022-08-04 10:03:07 -04:00
(@!ntfirst $ntfirst:ident $($nt:ident)*) => {
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
mod test;