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\section{Classification System}\seclabel{class}
A \gls{classification} is a user-defined abstraction that describes
(``classifies'') arbitrary data.
Classifications can be used as predicates, generating functions, and can be
composed into more complex classifications.
Nearly all conditions in \tame{} are specified using classifications.
\index{first-order logic!sentence}
All classifications represent \emph{first-order sentences}---%
that is,
they contain no \glspl{free variable}.
this means that all variables within a~classification are
\emph{tightly coupled} to the classification itself.
This limitation is mitigated through use of the template system.
For example,
consider the following classification \tameclass{cost-exceeded}.
Let~\tameparam{cost} be a scalar parameter.
<classify as="cost-exceeded" desc="Cost of item is too expensive">
<t:match-gt on="cost" value="100.00" />
is then equivalent to the proposition
\tameclass{cost-exceeded} \equiv \tameparam{cost} > 100.00.
A classification is either \glssymbol{true} or~\glssymbol{false}.
Let $\tameparam{cost}=150.00$.
\tameclass{cost-exceeded} & \equiv \tameparam{cost} > 100.00 \\
& \equiv 150.00 > 100.00 \\
& \equiv \true.
Each \xmlnode{match} of a classification is a~\gls{predicate}.
Multiple predicates are by default joined by \gls{conjunction}:
<classify as="pool-hazard" desc="Hazardous pool">
<match on="diving_board" />
<t:match-lt on="pool_depth_ft" value="8" />
is equivalent to the proposition
\tameclass{pool-hazard} \equiv \tameparam{diving\_board}
\logand \tameparam{pool\_depth\_ft} < 8.
\begin{definition}[Universal Classification]\dfnlabel{classu}
A classification~$c$ by default performs \gls{conjunction} on its match
expressions $M_0\ldots M_n$.
&\xml{<classify as="}&&c\xml{" desc="$\ldots$">} \\
&\quad M_0 \\
&\quad \vdots \\
&\quad M_n \\
&&\equiv c\in\Bool \\
& &&\equiv \exists\left( M_0 \logand \ldots \logand M_n \right).
\begin{definition}[Existential Classification]\dfnlabel{classe}
A classification~$c$ with the attribute \xpath{@any="true"} performs
\gls{disjunction} on its match expressions $M_0\ldots M_n$.
&\xml{<classify as="} &&c\xml{" any="true" desc="$\ldots$">} \\
&\quad M_0 \\
&\quad \vdots \\
&\quad M_n \\
&&\equiv c\in\Bool \\
& &&\equiv \exists\left( M_0 \logor \ldots \logor M_n \right).
\begin{definition}[Match Equality]
\xml{<match on="$x$" value="$y$" />} \equiv x = y.
\begin{definition}[Match Equality Short Form]
\xml{<match on="$x$" />}
\equiv \xml{<match on="$x$" value="TRUE" />}.
\begin{definition}[Match Equality Long Form]
\xml{<match on="$x$" value="$y$" />}
&\equiv {}&&\xml{<match on="$x$">} \\
& &&\quad \xml{<c:eq>} \\
& &&\quad\quad \xml{<c:value-of name="$y$">} \\
& &&\quad \xml{</c:eq>} \\
& &&\xml{</match>} \\
&\equiv {}&&\xml{<t:match-eq on="$x$" value="$y$" />}.
\begin{definition}[Match Membership Equivalence]
When $T$ is a type defined with \xmlnode{typedef},
\xml{<match on="$x$" anyOf="$T$" />} \equiv x \in T.