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2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright (C) 2015, 2017 R-T Specialty, LLC.
This file is part of tame-core.
tame-core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2015-03-18 11:31:47 -04:00
<package xmlns="http://www.lovullo.com/rater"
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
desc="Base features">
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
The \pkgself~package exposes common and internal
defintions. Ideally, this package will be included automatically by
the compiler to remove repetitive, boilerplate imports. Importing
this package isn't necessary if none of these definitions are
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
<section title="Internal Constants">
\ref{_CMATCH_} is a magic constant that contains the result of
a~classification match. This is used implicity by
\ref{rate-each}.\footnote{The symbol is \Xi~because it looks like
a sideways array.}
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
\todo{Remove in favor of a local variable or generated
classification; there is no need (anymore) for this to be magic.}
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
<const name="_CMATCH_" type="boolean" sym="\Xi"
desc="Classification match vector (applicability)">
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
<item value="0"
desc="Dummy value; this set is populated upon entering
each rate block" />
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
The runtime is responsible for populating \ref{__DATE_YEAR__} with
a proper value representing the current year.
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
\todo{TAME is deterministic with this one exception; remove it and
have users use the params from {\tt datetime} instead if they need this
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
<const name="__DATE_YEAR__" magic="true"
value="0" type="integer"
desc="Current year"
sym="\widehat{D^\gamma}" />
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
<section title="Primitive Types">
Primitives are defined internally; these definitions simply
provide symbols to permit their use.
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
<typedef name="integer"
desc="Any value in the set of integers"
<base-type />
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
<typedef name="float"
desc="Any real number (represented as a float)"
<base-type />
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
<typedef name="boolean" desc="Boolean values">
<enum type="integer">
<item name="TRUE" value="1" desc="True" />
<item name="FALSE" value="0" desc="False" />
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
\ref{empty} does not have much use outside of the compiler.
<typedef name="empty"
desc="Empty set"
<base-type />
<section title="Convenience">
$0$~is a~common value. Where a value is required (such
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
as a~template argument), \ref{ZERO} may be used. TAME now
supports a~constant-scalar syntax ({\tt #0}; \todo{reference this
in documentation}), making this largely unnecessary.
This is declared as a float to provide compatibility with all
types of expressions.
<const name="ZERO" value="0.00"
desc="Zero value" />
In the case where classifications are required, but a~static
assumption about the applicability of the subject can be made, we
have values that are always~true and always~false. The use
of~\ref{never} may very well be a~code smell, but let us not rush
to judgment.\footnote{\ref{never} has been added as an analog
to~\ref{always}; its author has never had use for it. Oh, look,
we just used ``never''.}
<classify as="always"
desc="Always true"
keep="true" />
<classify as="never"
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
desc="Never true"
keep="true" />
<section title="Work-In-Progress">
The templates in this section handle code that is
a~work-in-progress; they should probably not be used in production
code, since they indicate that something is incomplete or unused.
\ref{_todo_} formalizes TODO items and \may~always yield a scalar
integer~0, so it may be used within calculations. If yielding a
constant value is not appropriate, it \may~also be stripped from
the output entirely.
<template name="_todo_"
desc="Represents work that needs to be done">
<param name="@desc@" desc="TODO desc">
<param name="@hide@" desc="Whether to hide content by stripping
it entriely from the output" />
<unless name="@hide@">
<c:const value="0"
desc="TODO: {@desc@}" />
2015-03-23 15:11:35 -04:00
The \ref{_ignore_} template serves as a~block
comment.\footnote{This is useful since XML does not support nested
comments, which makes it difficult to comment out code that
already has XML comments.} It may be useful for debugging, but is
discouraged for use otherwise. The \ref{_ignore_/@desc@} param
should be used to describe intent.
<template name="_ignore_"
desc="Removes all child nodes (as if commented out)">
<param name="@values@" desc="Nodes to comment out" />
<param name="@desc@" desc="Reason for ignore" />
<!-- nothing -->
2015-03-18 11:31:47 -04:00