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// String internment system
// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! String internment system.
//! Interned strings are represented by [`Symbol`],
//! created by an [`Interner`]:
//! - [`ArenaInterner`] - Intern pool backed by an [arena][] for fast
//! and stable allocation.
//! - [`DefaultInterner`] - The currently recommended intern pool
//! configuration for symbol interning.
//! - [`FxArenaInterner`] - Intern pool backed by an [arena][] using the
//! [Fx Hash][fxhash] hashing algorithm.
//! Interners return symbols by reference which allows for `O(1)` comparison
//! by pointer.
//! [arena]: bumpalo
//! ```
//! use tamer::sym::{Interner, DefaultInterner, Symbol, SymbolId};
//! // Inputs to be interned
//! let a = "foo";
//! let b = &"foo".to_string();
//! let c = "foobar";
//! let d = &c[0..3];
//! // Interners employ interior mutability and so do not need to be
//! // declared `mut`
//! let interner = DefaultInterner::new();
//! let (ia, ib, ic, id) = (
//! interner.intern(a),
//! interner.intern(b),
//! interner.intern(c),
//! interner.intern(d),
//! );
//! assert_eq!(ia, ib);
//! assert_eq!(ia, id);
//! assert_eq!(ib, id);
//! assert_ne!(ia, ic);
//! // All interns can be cloned and clones are eq
//! assert_eq!(*ia, ia.clone());
//! // Only "foo" and "foobar" are interned
//! assert_eq!(2, interner.len());
//! assert!(interner.contains("foo"));
//! assert!(interner.contains("foobar"));
//! assert!(!interner.contains("something else"));
//! // Each symbol has an associated, densely-packed integer value
//! // that can be used for indexing
//! assert_eq!(SymbolId::from_int(1u16), ia.index());
//! assert_eq!(SymbolId::from_int(1u16), ib.index());
//! assert_eq!(SymbolId::from_int(2u16), ic.index());
//! assert_eq!(SymbolId::from_int(1u16), id.index());
//! // Symbols can also be looked up by index.
//! assert_eq!(Some(ia), interner.index_lookup(ia.index()));
//! ```
//! What Is String Interning?
//! =========================
//! _[String interning][]_ is a process by which a single copy of a string
//! is stored immutably in memory as part of a _pool_.
//! When the same string is later encountered,
//! a reference to the string in the pool is used rather than allocating a
//! new string.
//! Interned strings are typically referred to as "symbols" or "atoms".
//! String comparison then amounts to comparing pointers (`O(1)`)
//! rather than having to scan the string (`O(n)`).
//! There is, however, a hashing cost of interning strings,
//! as well as looking up strings in the intern pool.
//! [string interning]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_interning
//! Internment Mechanism
//! ====================
//! The current [`DefaultInterner`] is [`FxArenaInterner`],
//! which is an [arena][]-allocated intern pool mapped by the
//! [Fx Hash][fxhash] hash function:
//! 1. Strings are compared against the existing intern pool using a
//! [`HashMap`].
//! 2. If a string has not yet been interned:
//! - The string is copied into the arena-backed pool;
//! - A new [`Symbol`] is allocated adjacent to it in the arena holding
//! a string slice referencing the arena-allocated string; and
//! - The symbol is stored as the value in the [`HashMap`] for that key.
//! 3. Otherwise, a reference to the existing [`Symbol`] is returned.
//! Since the arena provides a stable location in memory,
//! and all symbols are immutable,
//! [`ArenaInterner`] is able to safely return any number of references to
//! a single [`Symbol`],
//! bound to the lifetime of the arena itself.
//! Since the [`Symbol`] contains the string slice,
//! it also acts as a [smart pointer] for the interned string itself,
//! allowing [`Symbol`] to be used in any context where `&str` is
//! expected.
//! Dropping a [`Symbol`] does _not_ affect the underlying arena-allocated
//! data.
//! [smart pointer]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch15-00-smart-pointers.html
//! Each symbol also has an associated integer index value
//! (see [`Symbol::index`]),
//! which provides a dense range of values suitable for use in vectors
//! as an alternative to [`HashMap`] for mapping symbol data.
//! A [`SymbolId`] can be mapped back into its associated [`Symbol`]
//! using [`Interner::index_lookup`].
//! Since a reference to the same [`Symbol`] is returned for each
//! [`Interner::intern`] and [`Interner::intern_soft`] call,
//! symbols can be compared by pointer in `O(1)` time.
//! Symbols also implement [`Copy`],
//! and will still compare equal to other symbols referencing the same
//! interned value by comparing the underlying string slice pointers.
//! This implementation was heavily motivated by [Rustc's own internment
//! system][rustc-intern],
//! but differs in significant ways:
//! - This implementation stores string references in [`Symbol`] rather
//! than relying on a global singleton [`Interner`];
//! - Consequently, associates the lifetime of interned strings with that
//! of the underlying arena rather than casting to `&'static`;
//! - Retrieves symbol values by pointer reference without requiring use
//! of [`Interner`] or a locking mechanism; and
//! - Stores [`Symbol`] objects in the arena rather than within a vector
//! indexed by [`SymbolId`].
//! [`HashMap`]: std::collections::HashMap
//! [`NonZeroU32`]: std::num::NonZeroU32
//! Name Mangling
//! =============
//! Interners do not perform [name mangling][].
//! For future consideration,
//! see [RFC 2603][rfc-2603] and the [Itanium ABI][itanium-abi].
//! [name mangling]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_mangling
//! [rfc-2603]: https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/2603-symbol-name-mangling-v2.html
//! [itanium-abi]: http://refspecs.linuxbase.org/cxxabi-1.86.html#mangling
//! Related Work and Further Reading
//! ================================
//! String interning is often tightly coupled with symbols (in the generic
//! sense),
//! sometimes called atoms.
//! Symbols can often be either interned,
//! and therefore compared for equivalency,
//! or _uninterned_,
//! which makes them unique even to symbols of the same name.
//! Interning may also be done automatically by a language for performance.
//! Languages listed below that allow for explicit interning may also
//! perform automatic interning as well
//! (for example, `'symbol` in Lisp and `lowercase_vars` as atoms in
//! Erlang).
//! | Language | Interned | Uninterned |
//! | -------- | -------- | ---------- |
//! | [Erlang][] | [`list_to_atom`][edt] | _(None)_ |
//! | [GNU Emacs Lisp][] | [`intern`][es], [`intern-soft`][es] | [`make-symbol`][es], [`gensym`][es] |
//! | [GNU Guile][] | [`string->symbol`][gs], [`gensym`][gs] | [`make-symbol`][gu] |
//! | [JavaScript][] | [`Symbol.for`][js] | [`Symbol`][js] |
//! | [Java][] | [`intern`][jvs] | _(None)_ |
//! | [Lua][] | _(Automatic for string performance)_ | _(None)_ |
//! | [MIT/GNU Scheme][] | [`intern`][ms], [`intern-soft`][ms], [`string->symbol`][ms] | [`string->uninterned-symbol`][ms], [`generate-uninterned-symbol`][ms] |
//! | [PHP][] | _(Automatic for string [performance][pp])_ | _(None)_ |
//! | [Python][] | [`sys.intern`][pys] | _(None)_ |
//! | [R6RS Scheme][] | [`string->symbol`][r6s] | _(None)_ |
//! | [Racket][] | [`string->symbol`][rs], [`string->unreadable-symbol`][rs] | [`string->uninterned-symbol`][rs], [`gensym`][rs] |
//! [gnu guile]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/
//! [gs]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Symbol-Primitives.html#Symbol-Primitives
//! [gu]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Symbol-Uninterned.html#Symbol-Uninterned
//! [gnu emacs lisp]: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
//! [es]: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Creating-Symbols.html
//! [racket]: https://racket-lang.org/
//! [rs]: https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/symbols.html
//! [r6rs scheme]: http://www.r6rs.org/
//! [r6s]: http://www.r6rs.org/final/html/r6rs/r6rs-Z-H-14.html
//! [mit/gnu scheme]: https://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/
//! [ms]: https://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/documentation/mit-scheme-ref/Symbols.html
//! [javascript]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript
//! [js]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Symbol
//! [java]: http://openjdk.java.net/
//! [jvs]: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iris/se/12/latestSpec/api/java.base/java/lang/String.html#intern()
//! [php]: https://www.php.net/
//! [pp]: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/performanceimprovements
//! [erlang]: https://erlang.org/
//! [edt]: http://erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/data_types.html
//! [lua]: https://www.lua.org/
//! [python]: https://www.python.org/
//! [pys]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html
//! More information:
//! - Wikipedia entry on [string interning][].
//! - The [flyweight pattern][] in object-oriented programming is a type
//! of interning.
//! - [RFC 1845][rfc-1845] gives an example of string interning using
//! `Rc<str>`.
//! - Emacs directly exposes the intern pool at runtime as
//! [`obarray`][es].
//! - [`string-cache`][rust-string-cache] is a string interning system
//! for Rust developed by Mozilla for Servo.
//! - [`string-interner`][rust-string-interner] is another string
//! interning library for Rust.
//! - [Rustc interns strings as `Symbol`s][rustc-intern] using an
//! [arena allocator][rustc-arena] and avoids `Rc` by representing
//! symbols as integer values and converting them to strings using a
//! global pool and unsafe rust to cast to a `static` slice.
//! - Rustc identifies symbols by integer value encapsulated within a
//! `Symbol`.
//! - Rustc's [`newtype_index!` macro][rustc-nt] uses
//! [`NonZeroU32`] so that [`Option`] uses no
//! additional space (see [pull request `53315`][rustc-nt-pr]).
//! - Differences between TAMER and Rustc's implementations are outlined
//! above.
//! [flyweight pattern]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyweight_pattern
//! [rust-string-cache]: https://github.com/servo/string-cache
//! [rust-string-interner]: https://github.com/robbepop/string-interner
//! [rfc-1845]: https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/1845-shared-from-slice.html
//! [rustc-intern]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/syntax/ast/struct.Name.html
//! [rustc-arena]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/arena/index.html
//! [rustc-nt]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_index/macro.newtype_index.html
//! [rustc-nt-pr]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/53315
//! The hash function chosen for this module is [Fx Hash][fxhash].
//! - Rustc previously used the [Fowler-Noll-Vo (FNV)][fnv] hash
//! function,
//! but [now uses Fx Hash][rustc-fx].
//! This was extracted into the [`fxhash`][fxhash] crate,
//! which is used by TAMER.
//! - TAMER originally used FNV,
//! but benchmarks showed that Fx Hash was more performant.
//! - Benchmarks for other hash functions,
//! including FNV,
//! can be found at the [`hash-rs`][hash-rs] project.
//! [fnv]: https://doc.servo.org/fnv/
//! [rustc-fx]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_data_structures/fx/index.html
//! [hash-rs]: https://github.com/Gankra/hash-rs
mod interner;
mod symbol;
pub use interner::{
ArenaInterner, DefaultInterner, DefaultPkgInterner, DefaultProgInterner,
FxArenaInterner, Interner,
pub use symbol::{PkgSymbol, ProgSymbol, Symbol, SymbolId, SymbolIndexSize};
/// Concisely define dummy symbols for testing.
macro_rules! symbol_dummy {
($id:expr, $name:expr) => {
Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolId::from_int($id), $name);