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// String interner
// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Interners used to intern values as symbols.
//! See the [parent module](super) for more information.
use super::{Symbol, SymbolId, SymbolIndexSize};
use crate::global;
use bumpalo::Bump;
use fxhash::FxBuildHasher;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::BuildHasher;
/// Create, store, compare, and retrieve [`Symbol`] values.
/// Interners accept string slices and produce values of type [`Symbol`].
/// A reference to the same [`Symbol`] will always be returned for a given
/// string,
/// allowing symbols to be compared for equality cheaply by comparing
/// pointers.
/// Symbol locations in memory are fixed for the lifetime of the interner.
/// If you care whether a value has been interned yet or not,
/// see [`intern_soft`][Interner::intern_soft`] and
/// [`contains`](Interner::contains).
/// See the [module-level documentation](self) for an example.
pub trait Interner<'i, Ix: SymbolIndexSize> {
/// Intern a string slice or return an existing [`Symbol`].
/// If the provided string has already been interned,
/// then a reference to the existing [`Symbol`] will be returned.
/// Otherwise,
/// the string will be interned and a new [`Symbol`] created.
/// The lifetime of the returned symbol is bound to the lifetime of the
/// underlying intern pool.
/// To retrieve an existing symbol _without_ interning,
/// see [`intern_soft`](Interner::intern_soft).
fn intern(&'i self, value: &str) -> &'i Symbol<'i, Ix>;
/// Retrieve an existing intern for the string slice `s`.
/// Unlike [`intern`](Interner::intern),
/// this will _not_ intern the string if it has not already been
/// interned.
fn intern_soft(&'i self, value: &str) -> Option<&'i Symbol<'i, Ix>>;
/// Determine whether the given value has already been interned.
fn contains(&self, value: &str) -> bool;
/// Number of interned strings.
/// This count will increase each time a unique string is interned.
/// It does not increase when a string is already interned.
fn len(&self) -> usize;
/// Look up a previously interned [`Symbol`] by its [`SymbolId`].
/// This will always return a [`Symbol`] as long as the provided `index`
/// represents a symbol interned with this interner.
/// If the index is not found,
/// the result is [`None`].
/// This method is most useful when storing [`Symbol`] is not possible
/// or desirable.
/// For example,
/// borrowed [`Symbol`] references require lifetimes,
/// whereas [`SymbolId`] is both owned _and_ [`Copy`].
/// [`SymbolId`] is also much smaller than [`Symbol`].
fn index_lookup(
&'i self,
index: SymbolId<Ix>,
) -> Option<&'i Symbol<'i, Ix>>;
/// Intern an assumed-UTF8 slice of bytes or return an existing
/// [`Symbol`].
/// Safety
/// ======
/// This function is unsafe because it uses
/// [`std::str::from_utf8_unchecked`].
/// It is provided for convenience when interning from trusted binary
/// data
/// (such as [object files][]).
/// [object files]: crate::obj
unsafe fn intern_utf8_unchecked(
&'i self,
value: &[u8],
) -> &'i Symbol<'i, Ix> {
/// An interner backed by an [arena](bumpalo).
/// Since interns exist until the interner itself is freed,
/// an arena is a much more efficient and appropriate memory allocation
/// strategy.
/// This further provides a stable location in memory for symbol data.
/// For the recommended configuration,
/// see [`DefaultInterner`].
/// See the [module-level documentation](self) for examples and more
/// information on how to use this interner.
pub struct ArenaInterner<'i, S, Ix>
S: BuildHasher + Default,
Ix: SymbolIndexSize,
/// String and [`Symbol`] storage.
arena: Bump,
/// Symbol references by index.
/// This vector enables looking up a [`Symbol`] using its
/// [`SymbolId`].
/// The first index must always be populated during initialization to
/// ensure that [`SymbolId`] will never be `0`.
indexes: RefCell<Vec<&'i Symbol<'i, Ix>>>,
/// Map of interned strings to their respective [`Symbol`].
/// Both strings and symbols are allocated within `arena`.
map: RefCell<HashMap<&'i str, &'i Symbol<'i, Ix>, S>>,
impl<'i, S, Ix> ArenaInterner<'i, S, Ix>
S: BuildHasher + Default,
Ix: SymbolIndexSize,
/// Initialize a new interner with no initial capacity.
/// Prefer [`with_capacity`](ArenaInterner::with_capacity) when possible.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Initialize a new interner with an initial capacity for the
/// underlying [`HashMap`].
/// The given `capacity` has no affect on arena allocation.
/// Specifying initial capacity is important only for the map of strings
/// to symbols because it will reallocate and re-hash its contents
/// once capacity is exceeded.
/// See benchmarks.
/// If reallocation is a major concern,
/// a [consistent hashing algorithm][consistent] could be considered,
/// but the implementation will still incur the cost of copying
/// the [`HashMap`]'s contents to a new location in memory.
/// [consistent]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistent_hashing
pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
let mut indexes = Vec::<&'i Symbol<'i, Ix>>::with_capacity(capacity);
// The first index is not used since SymbolId cannot be 0.
Self {
arena: Bump::new(),
indexes: RefCell::new(indexes),
map: RefCell::new(HashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(
impl<'i, S, Ix> Interner<'i, Ix> for ArenaInterner<'i, S, Ix>
S: BuildHasher + Default,
Ix: SymbolIndexSize,
<Ix as TryFrom<usize>>::Error: Debug,
fn intern(&'i self, value: &str) -> &'i Symbol<'i, Ix> {
let mut map = self.map.borrow_mut();
if let Some(sym) = map.get(value) {
return sym;
let mut syms = self.indexes.borrow_mut();
let next_index: Ix = syms
.expect("internal error: SymbolId range exhausted");
// This is not actually unsafe because next_index is always >0
// from initialization.
debug_assert!(Ix::new(next_index).is_some()); // != 0 check
let id = unsafe { SymbolId::from_int_unchecked(next_index) };
// Copy string slice into the arena.
let clone: &'i str = unsafe {
) as *const str)
// Symbols are also stored within the arena, adjacent to the
// string. This ensures that both have stable locations in memory.
let sym: &'i Symbol<'i, Ix> = self.arena.alloc(Symbol::new(id, clone));
map.insert(clone, sym);
fn intern_soft(&'i self, value: &str) -> Option<&'i Symbol<'i, Ix>> {
self.map.borrow().get(value).map(|sym| *sym)
fn contains(&self, value: &str) -> bool {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
fn index_lookup(
&'i self,
index: SymbolId<Ix>,
) -> Option<&'i Symbol<'i, Ix>> {
self.indexes.borrow().get(index.as_usize()).map(|sym| *sym)
/// Interner using the [Fx Hash][fxhash] hashing function.
/// _This is currently the hash function used by [`DefaultInterner`]._
/// If denial of service is not a concern,
/// then this will outperform the default
/// [`DefaultHasher`](std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher)
/// (which uses SipHash at the time of writing).
/// See intern benchmarks for a comparison.
pub type FxArenaInterner<'i, Ix> = ArenaInterner<'i, FxBuildHasher, Ix>;
/// Recommended [`Interner`] and configuration.
/// The choice of this default relies on the assumption that
/// denial-of-service attacks against the hash function are not a
/// concern.
/// For more information on the hashing algorithm,
/// see [`FxArenaInterner`].
pub type DefaultInterner<'i, Ix> = FxArenaInterner<'i, Ix>;
/// Interner for individual packages and their dependencies.
/// This type should be preferred to [`DefaultPkgInterner`] when only a
/// single package's symbols are being processed,
/// since it can be better packed into structs.
pub type DefaultPkgInterner<'i> = DefaultInterner<'i, global::PkgSymSize>;
/// Interner for entire programs.
/// This interner holds symbols with a larger underyling datatype than
/// [`DefaultPkgInterner`].
/// It is intended for use by linkers or anything else that needs to process
/// a large number of packages in a program simultaneously.
pub type DefaultProgInterner<'i> = DefaultInterner<'i, global::ProgSymSize>;
mod test {
use super::*;
type Sut<'i> = DefaultInterner<'i, global::ProgSymSize>;
fn recognizes_equal_strings() {
let a = "foo";
let b = a.to_string();
let c = "bar";
let d = c.to_string();
let sut = Sut::new();
let (ia, ib, ic, id) =
(sut.intern(a), sut.intern(&b), sut.intern(c), sut.intern(&d));
assert_eq!(ia, ib);
assert_eq!(&ia, &ib);
assert_eq!(*ia, *ib);
assert_eq!(ic, id);
assert_eq!(&ic, &id);
assert_eq!(*ic, *id);
assert_ne!(ia, ic);
assert_ne!(&ia, &ic);
assert_ne!(*ia, *ic);
fn symbol_id_increases_with_each_new_intern() {
let sut = Sut::new();
// Remember that identifiers begin at 1
"First index should be 1"
"Index should not increment for already-interned symbols"
"Index should increment for new symbols"
fn length_increases_with_each_new_intern() {
let sut = Sut::new();
assert_eq!(0, sut.len(), "invalid empty len");
assert_eq!(1, sut.len(), "increment len");
// duplicate
assert_eq!(1, sut.len(), "do not increment len on duplicates");
assert_eq!(2, sut.len(), "increment len (2)");
fn can_check_wither_string_is_interned() {
let sut = Sut::new();
assert!(!sut.contains("foo"), "recognize missing value");
assert!(sut.contains("foo"), "recognize interned value");
fn intern_soft() {
let sut = Sut::new();
assert_eq!(None, sut.intern_soft("foo"));
let foo = sut.intern("foo");
assert_eq!(Some(foo), sut.intern_soft("foo"));
fn new_with_capacity() {
let n = 512;
let sut = Sut::with_capacity(n);
// note that this is not publicly available
assert!(sut.map.borrow().capacity() >= n);
fn intern_utf8_unchecked() {
let sut = Sut::new();
let a = sut.intern("foo");
let b = unsafe { sut.intern_utf8_unchecked(b"foo") };
assert_eq!(a, b);
fn lookup_symbol_by_index() {
let sut = Sut::new();
// Symbol does not yet exist.
let sym = sut.intern("foo");
assert_eq!(Some(sym), sut.index_lookup(sym.index()));
assert_eq!(Some(sym), sut.index_lookup(sym.into()));