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<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
This file is part of tame-core.
tame-core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<package xmlns="http://www.lovullo.com/rater"
title="Insurance Abstractions">
<import package="base" />
<import package="assert" export="true" />
<import package="convention" export="true" />
<import package="map" export="true" />
<import package="numeric/round" export="true" />
<import package="vector/cmatch" export="true" />
These are primitive abstractions for insurance that will be
improved upon over time.
Some notable TODOs:
\item Support scalar results; and
\item Rounding direction (currently only nearest).
\todo{Template to abstract these {\tt rate-each} generation
<param name="assert_ignore_premium_zero" type="boolean"
desc="Ignore assertion failures for $0 premiums" />
<param name="assert_ignore_premium_negative" type="boolean"
desc="Ignore assertion failures for negative premiums" />
<template name="_premium_"
desc="A premium dollar amount">
<param name="@values@" desc="Body" />
<param name="@class@" desc="Predicate" />
<param name="@no@" desc="Negated predicate">
<param name="@sym@" desc="TeX symbol">
<param name="@gensym@" desc="Generator TeX symbol">
<param name="@yields@" desc="Yield (optional)">
<param name="@generates@" desc="Generates (optional)">
<param name="@index@" desc="Index (optional)">
<!-- at least one of generates or yields is required -->
<if name="@yields@" eq="">
<if name="@generates@" eq="">
<error>must provide at least one of @generates or @yields</error>
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
<t:naming-convention name="@generates@" prefix="prem" />
<unless name="@yields@" eq="">
<t:naming-convention name="@yields@" prefix="prem" />
<!-- required since various companies have various bizzare
rounding rules that tend to be a source of bugs; make the
developer think about it -->
<param name="@round@" desc="Rounding method" />
<!-- not yet used, but it will at least serve as code
documentation for the time being -->
<param name="@desc@" desc="Premium description" />
<unless name="@desc@">
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
a description (@desc@) is required for
`<param-value name="@generates@" />'
<if name="@generates@" eq="">
a description (@desc@) is required for
`<param-value name="@yields@" />'
<param name="@allow-zero@" desc="Allow value of zero (default false)">
<param name="@allow-negative@" desc="Allow negative value (default false)">
<rate-each class="@class@" no="@no@" yields="@yields@"
generates="@generates@" index="@index@"
sym="@sym@" gensym="@gensym@">
<!-- TODO: we now have reason for a more concise conditional
syntax -->
<if name="@round@" eq="dollar">
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<unless name="@round@" eq="dollar">
<if name="@round@" eq="cent">
<c:apply name="round_cents">
<c:arg name="round_cents_val">
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<unless name="@round@" eq="cent">
<if name="@round@" eq="up">
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<unless name="@round@" eq="up">
<if name="@round@" eq="down">
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<unless name="@round@" eq="down">
<!-- no rounding -->
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<!-- assertion for non-zero -->
<unless name="@allow-zero@" eq="true">
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@desc@} ({@generates@}) must not yield a value
of 0 for any index">
<match on="assert_ignore_premium_zero" />
<t:match-ne on="@generates@" value="ZERO" />
<unless name="@yields@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@desc@} ({@yields@}) must not yield a value of 0">
<match on="assert_ignore_premium_zero" />
<t:match-ne on="@yields@" value="ZERO" />
<!-- assertion for non-negative -->
<unless name="@allow-negative@" eq="true">
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@desc@} ({@generates@}) must not yield a negative
value for any index">
<match on="assert_ignore_premium_negative" />
<t:match-gte on="@generates@" value="ZERO" />
<unless name="@yields@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@desc@} ({@yields@}) must not yield a negative
<match on="assert_ignore_premium_negative" />
<t:match-gte on="@yields@" value="ZERO" />
\ref{_factor_} defines a calculation that results in a factor
which will later be used in a product.
There are special considerations for these types of values---%
generally, they should not have a value of~$0$ if some sort of calculation
condition or lookup is not met,
as that would have the effect of wiping out premium.\footnote{
Note that every generator index can be non-zero but still sum up
to a zero yield,
which would trigger this error.}
If zero is desired,
\tt{@allow-zero@} must be set to \tt{true} to explicitly permit it.
<template name="_factor_"
desc="Factor to multiply against (must be non-zero by default)">
<param name="@values@" desc="Body" />
<param name="@class@" desc="Predicate">
<param name="@generates@" desc="Generator name">
<param name="@index@" desc="Generator index">
<param name="@no@" desc="Negated predicate">
<param name="@sym@" desc="TeX symbol">
<param name="@gensym@" desc="Generator TeX symbol">
<param name="@yields@" desc="Yield (optional)">
<!-- at least one of generates or yields is required -->
<if name="@yields@" eq="">
<if name="@generates@" eq="">
<error>must provide at least one of @generates or @yields</error>
<!-- not yet used, but it will at least serve as code
documentation for the time being -->
<param name="@desc@" desc="Factor description" />
<unless name="@desc@">
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
a description (@desc@) is required for
`<param-value name="@generates@" />'
<if name="@generates@" eq="">
a description (@desc@) is required for
`<param-value name="@yields@" />'
<!-- normally we want factors to default to 1, otherwise they could wipe
out premium -->
<param name="@allow-zero@" desc="Allow value of zero (default false; see
also @default@)">
<!-- default is _only_ used when a factor is 0, so it makes no sense to
set a default to #0 -->
<param name="@default@" desc="Default value if 0 (optional)" />
<if name="@default@" eq="#0">
a value of #0 for @default@ is not meaningful;
use @allow-zero@ instead.
<!-- negative values might be indicitive of a failure to provide a floor
on certain factors when summing (for example) -->
<param name="@allow-negative@" desc="Allow negative value (default false)">
<param name="@_prefix@" desc="Factor type (drives naming convention)">
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
<t:naming-convention name="@generates@" prefix="@_prefix@" />
<unless name="@yields@" eq="">
<t:naming-convention name="@yields@" prefix="@_prefix@" />
<!-- factor calculation -->
<rate-each class="@class@" no="@no@" yields="@yields@" sym="@sym@"
generates="@generates@" index="@index@" gensym="@gensym@">
<!-- use a default if provided if the factor expression yields 0 -->
<if name="@default@">
<c:value name="factor" type="float"
desc="Factor result before default">
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<t:map-set name="factor">
<t:map from="ZERO" value="@default@" />
<t:map-else value="factor" />
<!-- avoid let generation if no default was provided -->
<unless name="@default@">
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<!-- assertion for non-zero -->
<unless name="@allow-zero@" eq="true">
<!-- assertions are useless if a static default was provided, since we
know that zero can then never be yielded-->
<unless name="@default@" prefix="#">
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@generates@} must not yield a value of 0 for
any index">
<t:match-ne on="@generates@" value="ZERO" />
<unless name="@yields@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@yields@} must not yield a value of 0">
<t:match-ne on="@yields@" value="ZERO" />
<!-- assertion for non-negative -->
<unless name="@allow-negative@" eq="true">
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@generates@} must not yield a negative value
for any index">
<t:match-gte on="@generates@" value="ZERO" />
<unless name="@yields@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@yields@} must not yield a negative value">
<t:match-gte on="@yields@" value="ZERO" />
The \ref{_credit_} and \ref{_debit_} templates define factors that are
intended to introduce, respectively, credits and surcharges.
Each name defined using these templates must be prefixed with ``credit''
and ``debit'' respectively.
Credits must never exceed a value of~$1$,
as they would then be treated as if they were surcharges.
Similarly, debits must never have a value less than~$1$.
Both must have values greater than~$0$.
If a value can be either a credit or a debit,
it is sometimes called an ``adjustment''.
In reality it is just another factor,
so just use \ref{_factor_} in such a~case.
<template name="_credit_"
desc="Credit to be used as a factor">
<param name="@values@" desc="Credit calculation" />
<param name="@class@" desc="Predicate">
<param name="@generates@" desc="Generator name">
<param name="@index@" desc="Generator index">
<param name="@no@" desc="Negated predicate">
<param name="@sym@" desc="TeX symbol">
<param name="@gensym@" desc="Generator TeX symbol">
<param name="@yields@" desc="Yield (optional)">
<param name="@default@" desc="Default value if 0 (optional)">
<param name="@desc@" desc="Factor description">
<t:factor _prefix="credit"
class="@class@" no="@no@" yields="@yields@" sym="@sym@"
generates="@generates@" index="@index@" gensym="@gensym@"
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@generates@} is a credit but one or more
of its values are greater than 1">
<t:match-lte on="@generates@" value="#1" />
<unless name="@yields@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@yields@} is a credit but its value is
greater than 1">
<t:match-lte on="@yields@" value="#1" />
<template name="_debit_"
desc="Debit to be used as a factor">
<param name="@values@" desc="Credit calculation" />
<param name="@class@" desc="Predicate">
<param name="@generates@" desc="Generator name">
<param name="@index@" desc="Generator index">
<param name="@no@" desc="Negated predicate">
<param name="@sym@" desc="TeX symbol">
<param name="@gensym@" desc="Generator TeX symbol">
<param name="@yields@" desc="Yield (optional)">
<param name="@default@" desc="Default value if 0 (optional)">
<param name="@desc@" desc="Factor description">
<t:factor _prefix="debit"
class="@class@" no="@no@" yields="@yields@" sym="@sym@"
generates="@generates@" index="@index@" gensym="@gensym@"
<param-copy name="@values@" />
<unless name="@generates@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@generates@} is a debit but one or more
of its values are less than 1">
<t:match-gte on="@generates@" value="#1" />
<unless name="@yields@" eq="">
<t:assert failure="{@yields@} is a credit but its value is
less than 1">
<t:match-gte on="@yields@" value="#1" />