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// XIR flat (XIRF)
// Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Lightly-parsed XIR as a flat stream (XIRF).
//! XIRF lightly parses a raw XIR [`TokenStream`] into a stream of
//! [`XirfToken`]s that are,
//! like a [`TokenStream`],
//! flat in structure.
//! It provides the following features over raw XIR:
//! 1. All closing tags must correspond to a matching opening tag at the
//! same depth;
//! 2. [`XirfToken`] exposes the [`Depth`] of each opening/closing tag;
//! 3. Attribute tokens are parsed into [`Attr`] objects;
//! 4. Documents must begin with an element and end with the closing of
//! that element;
//! 5. Parsing will fail if input ends before all elements have been
//! closed.
//! XIRF lowering does not perform any dynamic memory allocation;
//! maximum element nesting depth is set statically depending on the needs
//! of the caller.
use super::{
attr::{Attr, AttrParseError, AttrParseState},
QName, Token as XirToken, TokenStream, Whitespace,
use crate::{
diagnose::{Annotate, AnnotatedSpan, Diagnostic},
self, Context, ParseState, ParsedResult, Token, Transition,
use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display};
/// Tag nesting depth
/// (`0` represents the root).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Begin conversion to ParseState This begins to transition XmloReader into a ParseState. Unlike previous changes where ParseStates were composed into a single ParseState, this is instead a lowering operation that will take the output of one Parser and provide it to another. The mess in ld::poc (...which still needs to be refactored and removed) shows the concept, which will be abstracted away. This won't actually get to the ASG in order to test that that this works with the wip-xmlo-xir-reader flag on (development hasn't gotten that far yet), but since it type-checks, it should conceptually work. Wiring lowering operations together is something that I've been dreading for months, but my approach of only abstracting after-the-fact has helped to guide a sane approach for this. For some definition of "sane". It's also worth noting that AsgBuilder will too become a ParseState implemented as another lowering operation, so: XIR -> XIRF -> XMLO -> ASG These steps will all be streaming, with iteration happening only at the topmost level. For this reason, it's important that ASG not be responsible for doing that pull, and further we should propagate Parsed::Incomplete rather than filtering it out and looping an indeterminate number of times outside of the toplevel. One final note: the choice of 64 for the maximum depth is entirely arbitrary and should be more than generous; it'll be finalized at some point in the future once I actually evaluate what maximum depth is reasonable based on how the system is used, with some added growing room. DEV-10863
2022-03-22 13:56:43 -04:00
pub struct Depth(pub usize);
impl Display for Depth {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
/// A lightly-parsed XIRF object.
/// Certain XIR [`Token`]s are formed into a single object,
/// such as an [`Attr`].
/// Other objects retain the same format as their underlying token,
/// but are still validated to ensure that they are well-formed and that
/// the XML is well-structured.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum XirfToken {
/// Opening tag of an element.
Open(QName, Span, Depth),
/// Closing tag of an element.
/// If the name is [`None`],
/// then the tag is self-closing.
/// If the name is [`Some`],
/// then the tag is guaranteed to be balanced
/// (matching the depth of its opening tag).
Close(Option<QName>, Span, Depth),
/// An attribute and its value.
/// The associated [`Span`]s can be found on the enclosed [`Attr`]
/// object.
/// Comment node.
Comment(SymbolId, Span),
/// Character data as part of an element.
/// See also [`CData`](XirfToken::CData) variant.
Text(SymbolId, Span),
/// CData node (`<![CDATA[...]]>`).
/// _Warning: It is up to the caller to ensure that the string `]]>` is
/// not present in the text!_
/// This is intended for reading existing XML data where CData is
/// already present,
/// not for producing new CData safely!
CData(SymbolId, Span),
/// Similar to `Text`,
/// but intended for use where only whitespace is allowed,
/// such as alignment of attributes.
Whitespace(Whitespace, Span),
impl Token for XirfToken {
fn span(&self) -> Span {
use XirfToken::*;
match self {
Open(_, span, _)
| Close(_, span, _)
| Comment(_, span)
| Text(_, span)
| CData(_, span)
| Whitespace(_, span) => *span,
Attr(attr) => attr.span(),
impl parse::Object for XirfToken {}
impl Display for XirfToken {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
use XirfToken::*;
match self {
Open(qname, span, _) => {
Display::fmt(&XirToken::Open(*qname, *span), f)
Close(oqname, span, _) => {
Display::fmt(&XirToken::Close(*oqname, *span), f)
Attr(attr) => Display::fmt(&attr, f),
Comment(sym, span) => {
Display::fmt(&XirToken::Comment(*sym, *span), f)
Text(sym, span) => Display::fmt(&XirToken::Text(*sym, *span), f),
CData(sym, span) => Display::fmt(&XirToken::CData(*sym, *span), f),
Whitespace(ws, span) => {
Display::fmt(&XirToken::Whitespace(*ws, *span), f)
impl From<Attr> for XirfToken {
fn from(attr: Attr) -> Self {
/// XIRF-compatible attribute parser.
pub trait FlatAttrParseState<const MAX_DEPTH: usize> =
ParseState<Token = XirToken, Object = Attr>
<Self as ParseState>::Error: Into<XirToXirfError>,
StateContext<MAX_DEPTH>: AsMut<<Self as ParseState>::Context>;
/// Stack of element [`QName`] and [`Span`] pairs,
/// representing the current level of nesting.
/// This storage is statically allocated,
/// allowing XIRF's parser to avoid memory allocation entirely.
type ElementStack<const MAX_DEPTH: usize> = ArrayVec<(QName, Span), MAX_DEPTH>;
/// XIRF document parser state.
/// This parser is a pushdown automaton that parses a single XML document.
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum XirToXirf<const MAX_DEPTH: usize, SA = AttrParseState>
SA: FlatAttrParseState<MAX_DEPTH>,
/// Document parsing has not yet begun.
/// Parsing nodes.
/// Delegating to attribute parser.
/// End of document has been reached.
pub type StateContext<const MAX_DEPTH: usize> =
impl<const MAX_DEPTH: usize, SA> ParseState for XirToXirf<MAX_DEPTH, SA>
SA: FlatAttrParseState<MAX_DEPTH>,
type Token = XirToken;
type Object = XirfToken;
type Error = XirToXirfError;
type Context = StateContext<MAX_DEPTH>;
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
stack: &mut Self::Context,
) -> TransitionResult<Self> {
use XirToXirf::{AttrExpected, Done, NodeExpected, PreRoot};
match (self, tok) {
// Comments are permitted before and after the first root element.
(st @ (PreRoot | Done), XirToken::Comment(sym, span)) => {
Transition(st).ok(XirfToken::Comment(sym, span))
(PreRoot, tok @ XirToken::Open(..)) => Self::parse_node(tok, stack),
(PreRoot, tok) => {
(NodeExpected, tok) => Self::parse_node(tok, stack),
(AttrExpected(sa), tok) => {
let (_sa, lookahead, stack) =
sa.delegate_lookahead(stack, tok, AttrExpected)?;
Self::parse_node(lookahead, stack)
(Done, tok) => Transition(Done).dead(tok),
/// Whether all elements have been closed.
/// Parsing will fail if there are any open elements.
/// Intuitively,
/// this means that the parser must have encountered the closing tag
/// for the root element.
fn is_accepting(&self) -> bool {
// TODO: It'd be nice if we could also return additional context to
// aid the user in diagnosing the problem,
// e.g. what element(s) still need closing.
*self == XirToXirf::Done
impl<const MAX_DEPTH: usize, SA> Display for XirToXirf<MAX_DEPTH, SA>
SA: FlatAttrParseState<MAX_DEPTH>,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use XirToXirf::*;
match self {
PreRoot => write!(f, "expecting document root"),
NodeExpected => write!(f, "expecting a node"),
AttrExpected(sa) => Display::fmt(sa, f),
Done => write!(f, "done parsing"),
impl<const MAX_DEPTH: usize, SA> XirToXirf<MAX_DEPTH, SA>
SA: FlatAttrParseState<MAX_DEPTH>,
/// Parse a token while in a state expecting a node.
fn parse_node(
tok: <Self as ParseState>::Token,
stack: &mut ElementStack<MAX_DEPTH>,
) -> TransitionResult<Self> {
use XirToXirf::{AttrExpected, Done, NodeExpected};
use XirfToken::*;
match tok {
XirToken::Open(qname, span) if stack.len() == MAX_DEPTH => {
Transition(NodeExpected).err(XirToXirfError::MaxDepthExceeded {
open: (qname, span),
max: Depth(MAX_DEPTH),
XirToken::Open(qname, span) => {
let depth = stack.len();
stack.push((qname, span));
// Delegate to the attribute parser until it is complete.
XirToken::Close(close_oqname, close_span) => {
match (close_oqname, stack.pop()) {
(_, None) => unreachable!("parser should be in Done state"),
(Some(qname), Some((open_qname, open_span)))
if qname != open_qname =>
XirToXirfError::UnbalancedTag {
open: (open_qname, open_span),
close: (qname, close_span),
// Final closing tag (for root node) completes the document.
(..) if stack.len() == 0 => Transition(Done).ok(Close(
(..) => {
let depth = stack.len();
XirToken::Comment(sym, span) => {
Transition(NodeExpected).ok(Comment(sym, span))
XirToken::Text(sym, span) => {
Transition(NodeExpected).ok(Text(sym, span))
XirToken::CData(sym, span) => {
Transition(NodeExpected).ok(CData(sym, span))
XirToken::Whitespace(ws, span) => {
Transition(NodeExpected).ok(Whitespace(ws, span))
// We should transition to `State::Attr` before encountering any
// of these tokens.
| XirToken::AttrValue(..)
| XirToken::AttrValueFragment(..) => {
unreachable!("attribute token in NodeExpected state: {tok:?}")
/// Produce a streaming parser lowering a XIR [`TokenStream`] into a XIRF
/// stream.
pub fn parse<const MAX_DEPTH: usize>(
toks: impl TokenStream,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = ParsedResult<XirToXirf<MAX_DEPTH>>> {
/// Parsing error from [`XirToXirf`].
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum XirToXirfError {
/// Opening root element tag was expected.
/// Opening tag exceeds the maximum nesting depth for this parser.
MaxDepthExceeded { open: (QName, Span), max: Depth },
/// The closing tag does not match the opening tag at the same level of
/// nesting.
UnbalancedTag {
open: (QName, Span),
close: (QName, Span),
/// Error from the attribute parser.
impl Display for XirToXirfError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
use XirToXirfError::*;
match self {
RootOpenExpected(_tok) => {
write!(f, "missing opening root element",)
MaxDepthExceeded {
open: (_name, _),
} => {
"maximum XML element nesting depth of `{max}` exceeded"
UnbalancedTag {
open: (open_name, _),
close: (_close_name, _),
} => {
write!(f, "expected closing tag for `{open_name}`")
AttrError(e) => Display::fmt(e, f),
impl Error for XirToXirfError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match self {
Self::AttrError(e) => Some(e),
_ => None,
impl Diagnostic for XirToXirfError {
fn describe(&self) -> Vec<AnnotatedSpan> {
use XirToXirfError::*;
match self {
RootOpenExpected(tok) => {
// TODO: Should the span be the first byte,
// or should we delegate that question to an e.g. `SpanLike`?
.error("an opening root node was expected here")
MaxDepthExceeded {
open: (_, span),
} => span
"this opening tag increases the level of nesting \
past the limit of {max}"
UnbalancedTag {
open: (open_name, open_span),
close: (_close_name, close_span),
} => {
// TODO: hint saying that the nesting could be wrong, etc;
// we can't just suggest a replacement,
// since that's not necessarily the problem
.note(format!("element `{open_name}` is opened here")),
// No need to state the close name since the source line
// will be highlighted by the diagnostic message.
close_span.error(format!("expected `</{open_name}>`")),
AttrError(e) => e.describe(),
impl From<AttrParseError> for XirToXirfError {
fn from(e: AttrParseError) -> Self {
mod test;