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// TAMER iterators
// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Iterators for common problems.
//! TAMER makes heavy use of iterators for data streams and lowering
//! operations.
//! [`Result`] Iterators
//! ====================
//! Iterators that can fail,
//! such as XIR's
//! [`TokenResultStream`](crate::xir::TokenResultStream),
//! can be confounding and difficult to work with because
//! [`Iterator::next`] wraps the [`Result`] within an [`Option`].
//! Further,
//! if we were to directly pipe the results of one iterator to another,
//! then downstream iterators would have to worry about handling failures
//! of their source iterators just for the sake of propagation,
//! forcing them to accept a [`Result`] iterator rather than an
//! iterator producing the inner type that they are interested in.
//! [`ResultIterator`] exists to slightly reduce cognitive load in code with
//! complex types;
//! it's simply an alias for `Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>>`.
//! Managing Failures
//! -----------------
//! The [`TripIter`] iterator helps to simplify APIs and provides the
//! opportunity for error correction by yielding the inner value of [`Ok`]
//! on an underlying iterator,
//! tripping if it encounters an [`Err`].
//! This is analogous to a circuit breaker,
//! protecting downstream subsystems from faulty data.
//! When a trip happens,
//! the [`TripIter`] yields [`None`].
//! Downstream systems must determine for themselves whether receiving
//! [`None`] should constitute an error,
//! or whether they should wait around until the iterator can be resumed
//! to continue processing.
//! Put simply: we take an `Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>` and produce an
//! `Iterator<Item = T>`,
//! so that consumers of `T` needn't know or care that we could fail to
//! produce a `T`.
//! This iterator is constructed using either [`with_iter_while_ok`] or
//! [`into_iter_while_ok`],
//! depending on whether ownership of the source iterator needs to be
//! retained.
//! Each of those functions provide their own minimal examples,
//! one of which is reproduced here:
//! ```
//! use tamer::iter::with_iter_while_ok;
//! let mut values = [Ok(0), Err("trip"), Ok(1)].into_iter();
//! let result = with_iter_while_ok(&mut values, |iter| {
//! // First is `Ok`, so it yields. Note that the value is no longer
//! // `Ok`, which liberates our system from handling others' errors.
//! assert_eq!(Some(0), iter.next());
//! assert!(!iter.is_tripped());
//! // But the next is an `Err`, so it trips and returns `None`
//! // from that point onward.
//! assert_eq!(None, iter.next());
//! assert_eq!(None, iter.next());
//! assert!(iter.is_tripped());
//! });
//! // The error that caused the trip is returned.
//! assert_eq!(Err("trip"), result);
//! // We still have access to the iterator where it left off.
//! assert_eq!(Some(Ok(1)), values.next());
//! ```
//! Each of these functions take a callback;
//! the [`TripIter`] is valid only for the duration of that function.
//! This allows us to know when the caller is finished with the iterator so
//! that we can determine whether it tripped and,
//! if so,
//! yield the associated [`Result`] to force the caller to consider what
//! happened.
//! This allows for out-of-band error processing---we
//! still get to handle and propagate the error,
//! but alleviate the system using [`TripIter`] from having to know that
//! source failures were even possible.
//! Alternative Failure Modes
//! -------------------------
//! [`TripIter`] is only needed for high-performance lazy processing of data
//! streams where error recovery may be needed.
//! If that's not your case,
//! Rust has built-in features that may suit your needs.
//! For example,
//! if you wish to collect iterator results but yield an [`Err`] if any of
//! those fail,
//! you can use [`Iterator::collect`]:
//! ```
//! // Contains an `Err`, and so fails.
//! let values = [Ok(1), Err("bad")].into_iter();
//! assert_eq!(Err("bad"), values.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>());
//! // All values are `Ok`.
//! let values = [Ok(1), Ok(2)].into_iter();
//! assert_eq!(Ok(vec![1, 2]), values.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, ()>>());
//! ```
//! But this allocates data on the heap,
//! which is unacceptable for stream processing.
//! Another option is to halt at the fist sign of trouble:
//! ```
//! let values = [Ok(1), Ok(2), Err("bad")].into_iter();
//! // Grab everything up to the first error.
//! assert_eq!(vec![1, 2], values.map_while(Result::ok).collect::<Vec<_>>());
//! ```
//! Similar can be done with [`Iterator::take_while`].
//! But this places the responsibility of doing the right thing on the caller,
//! and can generate unwieldy types that are difficult to store in structs
//! (e.g. closure types that cannot be written out)
//! without resorting to boxing,
//! even with Rust's `impl Trait` feature.
//! There are other options,
//! but they also result in boilerplate that is handled for you by
//! [`TripIter`].
mod trip;
/// An [`Iterator`] over [`Result`]s.
/// Since [`Iterator::next`] returns [`Option`],
/// this results in a return value of [`Option<Result<T, E>>`],
/// which is confusing and inconvenient to work with.
pub trait ResultIterator<T, E> = Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>>;
pub use trip::{into_iter_while_ok, with_iter_while_ok, TripIter};