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% Specification Terminology
% Intended to be included within its own section.
Portions of this section conform to \rfc{2119}: ``Key words for use in RFCs to
Indicate Requirement Levels''. Certain terms from the RFC have been expressly
avoided; for example, the terms ``should'' and ``should not'' are not used
because this specification's audience has the capability to alter the
specification to resolve implementation issues and should exercise that ability.
\dt{conforming implementation}
An implementation that meets all of the requirements of this specification.
When used within context of this specification: the feature or requirement
will be removed in future revisions of this specification.
Denotes a condition under which an implementation need not conform to a
Software that implements this specification.
\dt{May; Optional}
Alternatively, the adverb ``optionally''; denotes a requirement whose
implementation is not required and may be omitted; such \shall be used only to
provide flexibility for implementors to exercise their best judgment or to
denote requirements that are not essential to the operation of the
A feature or requirement mentioned in an earlier revision of this
specification has been removed and will not be superseded.
The section containing the mention of this term, as well as any subsections
contained within it.
\dt{Shall; Must}
Denotes a mandatory requirement. If an implementation does not implement such
a requirement, then the implementation is not conforming and the results under
such a requirement are \undefined.
\dt{Shall Not; Must Not}
Denotes an absolute prohibition. If an implementation does not honor such a
prohibition, then the implementation is not conforming and the results under
such a requirement are \undefined.
The feature or requirement mentioned in an earlier revision of this
specification has been removed and replaced by another.
The error condition results in behavior that is not defined by a particular
standard; this term \shall be used only to document other standards or
specifications---it \shall not be used to introduce undefined behavior into
this specification.
The behavior is not determined by this specification or is inconsequential to
the implementation's operation.
Section reference
Paragraph reference
Store value into variable; as opposed to `$=$', which denotes a declarative
(and consequently immutable) assignment.
End of example or proof.
End of formal definition.
\dt{$\lceil x\rceil$}
The ceiling of $x$ (round up to the nearest integer).