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% Host Environment
This specification defines a rater designed for integration with LoVullo's Quote
\section{Quote Server Integration}
\index{quote server|(}
\incomplete The implementation \must satisfy at least one of the following
The implementation \shall be written in, or compile to, ^JavaScript and shall
provide a \func{rate} function, which \shall itself exchange data with the
Quote Server in an implementation-defined manner.\footnote{There is currently
no specification for the Quote Server; one is needed.}
The implementation \shall be written in, or compile to, ^PHP and shall
integrate with the \index{REST}RESTful interface provided by the ^[LoVullo
website] to provide an interface to the Quote Server.
The implementation \shall return all data suitable for immediate storage in the
\index{quote server|)}
\section{Host Architecture and Operating System}
The implementation \shallnot make any assumptions regarding the host
architecture, except for those that are enumerated in this section. Furthermore,
the implementation \shall ensure that the programming language in which the
implementation is written does not violate the requirements of this section, but
\shallnot be responsible for any assumptions made by the programming language
that are not contradicted within this section.\footnote{This section is
intentionally small, as the high-level languages used in the implementation
implementation do not rely on many architectural details.}
\subsection{Word Size}
\p{word-size} The host machine ^[word size] \shall be at least 32-bits
long;\footnote{This word size is limited by the architectures of developer PCs
and the PCs of users who may be testing the implementation outside of its
integration with the Quote Server.} implementation \shallnot depend on the
availability of a larger word size unless such an implementation cannot affect
the result of any calculation.
The requirement of \pref{word-size} does not apply to ^floating-point datatypes,
which \may use the full 80~bits permitted by the lower bound of the
^[floating-point!IEEE 754] ^[floating-point!double-extended] precision format.
\subsection{Memory Requirements}
The implementation \shall have at least \minmem\ of memory available
exclusively for its use.
The implementation \may use additional memory if available, but \shallnot fail
to operate within the requirements of this specification if additional memory is
not available. If an implementation does not explicitly allocate its own memory
(e.g. is a dynamically allocated and garbage-collected language) and the
implementation will automatically fail\footnotemark\ if the memory limit is
exceeded (a hard memory limit), then the host environment \shall provide at
least $32$~extra megabytes of memory in addition to the \minmem, allowing the
implementation to query its memory usage and determine when the minimum memory
limit has been exceeded.
\footnotetext{An example of such a language is ^[PHP]. Other languages, such as
JavaScript, will attempt to garbage collect rather than immediately dying.}
It is the responsibility of the host environment---not the implementation---to
limit memory consumption.
Should the implementation be unable to allocate additional memory before reaching
\minmem, and such a failure prohibits successful execution of all remaining
applicable calculations, then the implementation \shall fail with an unspecified
error; the remaining execution path after such a failure is \undefined.
The implementation \shallnot depend on any reasonable scheduling expectations
and \shall thus continue operation until explicitly interrupted in any
unspecified manner.
\section{Numeric Datatypes}
An implementation \shallnot use ^fixed-point or ^[binary-coded decimal] (BCD)
representations of numbers; ^floating-point \shall be used
instead.\footnote{This restriction exists simply because LoVullo does not make
use of these other formats.}
All floating-point values \shall be represented as a single-precision floating
point value as defined by ^[floating-point!IEEE 754]'s ^[floating-point!IEEE
754!binary32] format. This format as a base of $2$; a 24-bit significand (with
the highest-order bit implied); an 8-bit exponent; and a single sign bit.
Whether higher-precision values are truncated or rounded in order to fit into a
single-precision format is unspecified; the rounding mode is also unspecified.
All other scalar datatypes that are not ^floating-point \shall be able to be
represented by a signed, two's compliment, 32-bit integer representation.
Unsigned integer types \shallnot be used as the result of any calculation, but
may be used to hold intermediate results, so long as those intermediate values
are not returned as the result of another calculation. Intermediate results
returned only for debugging purposes are exempt from this requirement and their
limits are unspecified, so long as their values are not returned to the Quote
Server.\footnote{These restrictions exist to cope with implicit numeric
representations of various systems and languages.} Unsigned integer results that
can be represented exactly as a ^floating-point value are too exempt from this
restriction, so long as the return value indicates that the data type is
\subsection{Floating Point Arithmetic}
This section applies only to implementations that make use of ^floating-point
arithmetic. Floating point is so-called because the radix point does not have a
fixed position.
A ^[floating-point!IEEE 754!binary32] ^floating-point value may be computed as
(-1)^s \left(1+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{23} c_{23-i} 2^{-i}\right)
where $s$ is the value of the sign bit, $c_i$ represents the base-2 significand
(``coefficient'') digit $i$, and $e$ represents the exponent. The added $1$ in
the calculation is to account for the implicit higher-order bit in the
significand. The $-127$ offset at the end of the equation is the exponent
bias.\footnote{While it is unlikely that an implementation will have to
explicitly compute the value of a binary ^floating-point representation, the
knowledge is very useful for understanding issues that arise from
^floating-point arithmetic.}
\subsubsection{Handling of Precision Loss}
Rounding errors are particularly problematic with the use of \func{floor} and
\func{ceil} functions, in which the smallest precision error can drastically
affect the result of a calculation.
The implementation \shallnot assume the availability of access to hardware
^floating-point ^[floating-point!status registers]---or any equivalent software
representation---that indicates loss of precision due to truncation or rounding
errors.\footnote{Such flags would be ideal, but are inaccessible from both
JavaScript and ^[PHP]; we must cater to the lowest common denominator.}
The implementation \may employ the common method of performing intermediate
calculations in a higher-precision format (higher than single-precision) before
storing the result in a single-precision ^floating-point format.\footnote{The
rationale behind this decision is that all systems in this office use x86
processors, which support 80-bit ^[floating-point!double-extended] precision
^floating-point registers.}
To avoid problems inherent with ^floating-point arithmetic, an implementation
\may (and is encouraged to) use integer arithmetic, so long as the results can
be sufficiently represented as a signed 32-bit integer type; the integer value
may then be converted back into a ^floating-point type. Since a single-precision
significand is $23$ bits in length, excluding the implicit high-order bit, this
therefore means that an integer value of $-2^{23} \leq n \leq 2^{23}-1$ can be
converted between the two types without loss of data, yielding a range of
$-8388608 \leq n \leq 8388607$.
Let~$a=0.60$, $b=0.30$ and~$c=0.10$, where~$a$, $b$ and~$c$ are
single-precision ^floating-point numbers (^[floating-point!IEEE
754!binary32]). Consider that we wish to apply these variables to the
seemingly innocuous calculation
$${\left\lfloor 100\left(a+b+c\right) \right\rfloor \over100},$$
which will round up to the nearest penny. Intuitively (and mathematically), we
would expect that
{\left\lfloor 100\left(0.60+0.30+0.10\right) \right\rfloor \over100}
= {\left\lfloor 100\left(1.00\right) \right\rfloor \over100}
= {\left\lfloor 100 \right\rfloor \over100}
= 1.00.
However, none of the values of~$a$, $b$ or~$c$ can be represented exactly in
any binary ^floating-point format due to how it is converted from decimal.
Therefore (leaving the details aside), depending on how the implementation
performs its arithmetic, we could end up with something like this:
{\left\lfloor 100\left(0.60+0.30+0.10\right) \right\rfloor \over100}
= {\left\lfloor 100\left(0.99\overline{9}\right) \right\rfloor \over100}
= {\left\lfloor 99.9\overline{9} \right\rfloor \over100}
= {99 \over100}
= 0.99.\footnotemark
$$\footnotetext{This can be seen in ^PHP with \code{var\_dump( floor(
100 * (0.60+0.30+0.10) ) / 100 )}, which yields the value $0.99$. Using the
v8 ^JavaScript engine, the same result of $0.99$ is obtained with
\code{Math.floor( 100 * (0.60+0.30+0.10) ) / 100}.}
While this specific equation may not seem too bad---resulting in only a
$0.01$ difference from the expected value, which is still very bad in
financial systems---consider what would have happened if we had simply taken
the floor; this would have resulted in a $1.00$ difference.
Alternatively, we could let~$a=60$, $b=30$ and~$c=10$, add the values using
integer arithmetic which will always yield the value~$100$, and then use that
value in the equation, eliminating the floating-point precision loss. Since
we only care about values up to two decimal places here, such a conversion
could be done by casting the value of $100n$ to an integer, which would
truncate at the radix point, thereby removing the least inaccurate
bits.\footnote{In v8, \code{(0.6*100)+(0.3*100)+(0.1*100)} yields $100$; the
same is true for ^[PHP].}
It is likely that an implementation does not need the full 24-bits of the
significand. When the erroneous portion of a floating-point value is entirely
contained within the low-order bits of the significand, an implementation \may
truncate or round in an unspecified manner the value to the desired level of
precision (if supported by the source language). This method may be useful in
preventing rounding errors when using \func{floor} and~\func{ceil} functions.
In IEEE 754 ^[floating-point!IEEE 754!binary32] floating-point, $0.1-0.01
\approx 0.09000000000000001$. This will cause problems if we try to round to
the nearest penny, as it would then produce $0.10$ instead of the intended
$0.09$. This problem may be eliminated by truncating the value to two decimal
places before rounding, if supported by the source language.\footnote{In
^[JavaScript], one could use the convoluted syntax
\code{+(0.1-0.01).toPrecision(1)} to yield $0.09$. In ^[PHP], \func{round} will
produce the closest floating-point approximation, which could potentially
introduce other problems, but happens to work in this case.}
One sure way of truncating a value is to store the portion of the significand
desired into an integer. For example, we could obtain $0.09$ by multiplying by
$100$, perform integer arithmetic and then divide by $100$ once we are done.