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% LoVullo Specification class
\newif\iflvspec@term@dev \newif\iflvspec@term@ins
% base class, defaulting to 10pt
% default hyperlink color
% unless black and white
% get rid of box in older versions of hyperref
final % enable links in draft mode
% reduce section spacing after sections and before subsections (carefully
% balanced with \parskip below)
\titlespacing{\section}{0em}{1em plus 1em minus 0.5em}{0em plus 0.5em}
\titlespacing{\subsection}{0em}{0em plus 0.5em}{0em}
\titlespacing{\subsubsection}{0em}{0em plus 0.5em}{0em}
% remove indentation and provide flexible paragraph spacing (this style of
% display is more appropriate for paragraph numbering)
\parskip1em plus 0.2em minus 0.5em
% show subsubsection numbers
% the version string is taken directly from a file written by the build process
% if verstr.tex exists, then use that as the version string; otherwise, fall
% back to the current date
% section numbers will appear in the margin and the chapter number will be
% slightly enlarged
% lazy
% enable index generation and minis
\dominitoc \dominilot \dominilof
% use the full title if no short title is provided
% we'll output a bibliography if \cite is used
% restore original command and re-invoke
% Paragraph numbering and example environment
\newcount\pn \newcount\pnn
\pn0\relax \pnn1\relax
% never show paragraph numbers within an environment (LaTeX stores the name of
% the current environment in @currenvir)
% allow document by default
% XXX: moveme
% allow premcalc env
% output if match
\llap{\the\pn. \,\,}%
% margin area for paragraph signatures (initials)
% if in draft mode, add a spot next to the paragraph for initials
% generate signature line slightly below the line itself
% one needs to be assigned
\PackageWarning{lvspec}{missing authorization party in%
\index{Needs Authorization@\textbf{Needs Authorization}!%
% clear the department, if necessary
% use custom line and clear it
% for use externally
% optional replacement text for next signature line
% department that should do the signing
% do not clear if we're in a department group
% specifies the department(s) that are the intended audience (applies for a
% single signature line)
% indicates that an entire section applies to a given department (will be
% automatically cleared when a new section is encountered)
% applies a department until the group is closed (may be nested); will clear
% section grouping
% using this def instead of an if boolean allows us to nest (will go out of
% scope when the group is ended)
% disable section grouping (to prevent clearing the department when a new
% section is encountered)
% add paragraph numbering (we can't just set \everypar like we can in good 'ol
% TeX because LaTeX has its way with it)
% outputs what will be the next page number
\pn0\relax \pnn1\relax
% clear any department sections, if necessary
% override chapter/section macros (it is important not to do this until we are
% sure that nothing with use \chapter, as that formally does not accept an
% argument...we treat it as though it does in order to make life easier)
% restore headings
% these may be used for included files that aren't sure what level of section
% nesting they may be included at
\errmessage{Sorry; section nesting is too deep}%
% outputs the full section number, regardless of current depth
{\bf Example \thefullsection-\the\pn\thepne:\space}%
% Common macros
\def\shall {Shall }
\def\shallnot {Shall Not }
\def\must {Must }
\def\mustnot {Must Not }
\def\may {May }
\def\exempt {Exempt }
% this guy causes problems with some macros that make the poor choice of using
% \undefined to represent a macro that is, well, not defined
% formatting
% display signature area in margin
% get rid of mysterious magical hspace that appears from the marginpar
\def\rfc#1{{\tt RFC #1}}
\def\hex#1{{\tt 0x#1}}
\def\func#1{{\tt #1()}}
% enough space for a number (all numbers are the same width, so this works well
% for quick-n-dirty alignment)
% non-technical-reader-friendly if not in math mode
\def\true{\ifmmode\top\else Yes\fi}
\def\false{\ifmmode\bot\else No\fi}
\def\todo#1{{\sc Todo: \it#1\/}}
% trim a single space from the left, if present
\def\@triml#1{\ifx#1\ \else#1\fi}
% trim all spaces at the right, if present
\def\@trimr#1 |||{#1}
% properly adds semicolon-delimited terms to the index
% recurse if we have more
% will already having a trailing semi-colon, so do not re-add
% refs
% define pref and prefp macros that store, respectively, the section number
% and page number (for example, if #1=foo, then this will create pref@foo and
% prefp@foo); note that this is used before a paragraph begins, so we increase
% the paragraph number by one before storing it
\expandafter\xdef\csname pref@#1\endcsname{\thefullsection-\the\pnn}
\expandafter\xdef\csname prefp@#1\endcsname{\thepage}
% TODO: forward references
\P\hyperref[@pref:#1]{\csname pref@#1\endcsname}%
% only output the page number if it is not the current page (we decrease the
% current page number by 1 to account for the fact that the page number may be
% off by one due to page box calculations; this consequently means that we may
% not display the page number on a following page, which should be fine)
\newcount\@@thepage \@@thepage\thepage \advance\@@thepage-1
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@pg\csname prefp@#1\endcsname
\space on page~\pageref{@pref:#1}%
% denotes incomplete sections/paragraphs
\def\@incomplete@default{{\small\bf Incomplete.}}
\space(Need more info%
\space from\space\@@margin@sig@dept%
% clear the department, if necessary
% temporary until sPxTeX, after which it will be deprecated (but *never*
% removed, for bc)
{\small\bf Approved.}%
{\scriptsize\sl by #1}%
% idxhat (index)
% term ends at the first space
\def\@idxhat@term#1 {\@idxhat@idx{#1} }
% grouped in [square brackets]
% strips all parents
% we're done once #2 is empty
% will already have a trailing '!'; don't add another
% prepares for idxhat to be enabled, at some point
% allow use of ^ (hat) as short-hand for adding entries to the index (inspired
% by Knuth's convention, mentioned in TeXbook)
% allow ^ to be used as a command
% restore to normal
% Hyphenation
% Begin common content
% allows us to use the abstract command whilst still using the environment
% left and right borders
% content
% indicate drafts
(Working Draft)\\
\@author\\LoVullo Associates\\
\emph{This specification is currently under development;} please direct
any questions to the appropriate party as shown in \sref{authorize}.
Copyright \copyright\ 2013 LoVullo Associates, Inc.\\
This document was generated on \today.\\
Version identifier: \@verstr
\dominitoc \dominilot \dominilof
\tableofcontents \fakelistoftables \fakelistoffigures
% enable paragraph numbering
The definitions in this section \shall supersede any other uses of these terms,
regardless of their common use in the insurance industry or elsewhere.
Multiple terms that share the same definition will be delimited with semicolons.
\subsection{Specification Terminology}
\subsection{Developer Terminology}
\subsection{Insurance Terminology}
% add any additional insurance terminology, if any
% include any custom terminology
% signatures apply only to draft mode (we place this at the end of the other
% subsections so that the section numbering will not change between the two
% modes)
\phantomsection% correct hyperref issue
\subsection{Authorization Parties}
% post-title hooks for content to be rendered at beginning document
% only output bibliography if \cite was used
\catcode`_=11\relax% due to allowing underscores as letters previously