% LoVullo rater specification classification %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{raterspec/class} \ProcessOptions\relax % the first argument (optionally) provides a unique id for this classification % (see further information on this below) \newenvironment{classification}[1][]% {% \def\@cid{#1}% \leavevmode \label{@classify:#1}% % if a classification id was provided, output it in the left margin (this % allows us to eyeball summaries or common classifications across % specifications, as well as match it up to the code) \if\@cid\empty\else % typeset id \llap{{\scriptsize\bf\@cid\hskip4ex\relax}}% \fi% % enable rule definitions \@cmatch@enable % the first paragraph will constitute the description (and will contain a % signature line) \@margin@sig\@class@mkdesc\@cid } {% % this is opened by \@class@mkdesc \@codegen{}% \end{@classification@rules}% } \newenvironment{@classification@rules} {% {\bf Rules:}% \penalty1000\relax \begin{enumerate} } {% \end{enumerate} } \def\@match@formal#1{{% \\\footnotesize{\bf Formally:}% \space#1% }} \def\@matchany #1 {% \@codegen{ }% \item Any one of the following \must be true: \begin{enumerate} #1 \end{enumerate} \@codegen{ }% } \def\@matchall #1 {% \@codegen{ }% \item Each of the following \must be true: \begin{enumerate} #1 \end{enumerate} \@codegen{ }% } \def\@matchtodo#1{\item\todo{#1}} % determine what ref is appropriate \def\@magicref#1{{% % param? \expandafter\let\expandafter\@@chk\csname param@#1\endcsname \ifx\@@chk\relax \expandafter\let\expandafter\@@chk\csname classify@#1\endcsname \ifx\@@chk\relax % no known custom type (may be a normal ref) \PackageWarning{dwspec}{unknown magic ref `#1'}% \else \classifyref{#1}% \fi \else \paramref{#1}% \fi }} \def\@cmatcheq{% \begingroup \catcode`\_=11\relax \@docmatcheq } \def\@docmatcheq#1#2{% \@codegen{ }% % whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an % input field (param) \item\@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}% \space \must be a(n)\space % ensure that the constant exists \@const@exists@err{#2}% % typeset \csname const@#2\endcsname. \@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $=$ \constref{#2}}% \endgroup } \def\@cmatchneq{% \begingroup \catcode`\_=11\relax \@docmatchneq } \def\@docmatchneq#1#2{% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% % whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an % input field (param) \item\@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}% \space \mustnot be a(n)\space % ensure that the constant exists \@const@exists@err{#2}% % typeset \csname const@#2\endcsname. \@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $\neq$ \constref{#2}}% \endgroup } \def\@cmatchlt{% \begingroup \catcode`\_=11\relax \@docmatchlt } \def\@docmatchlt#1#2{% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% % whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an % input field (param) \item\@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}% \space \must be less than\nobreakspace % ensure that the constant exists \@const@exists@err{#2}% % typeset \@const@desc{#2}.% \@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $<$ \constref{#2}}% \endgroup } \def\@cmatchleq{% \begingroup \catcode`\_=11\relax \@docmatchleq } \def\@docmatchleq#1#2{% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% % whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an % input field (param) \item\@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}% \space \must be less than or equal to% % ensure that the constant exists \@const@exists@err{#2}% % typeset \nobreakspace\@const@desc{#2}.% \@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $\leq$ \constref{#2}}% \endgroup } \def\@cmatchgt{% \begingroup \catcode`\_=11\relax \@docmatchgt } \def\@docmatchgt#1#2{% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% % whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an % input field (param) \item\@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}% \space \must be greater than\nobreakspace % ensure that the constant exists \@const@exists@err{#2}% % typeset \@const@desc{#2}.% \@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $>$ \constref{#2}}% \endgroup } \def\@cmatchgeq#1#2{% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% \@codegen{ }% % whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an % input field (param) \item\@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}% \space \must be greater than or equal to\nobreakspace % ensure that the constant exists \@const@exists@err{#2}% % typeset \@const@desc{#2}.% \@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $\geq$ \constref{#2}}% } \def\@cmatchin#1#2{% \@codegen{ }% % whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an % input field (param) \item\@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}% \space \must be a defined\space % ensure that the param type exists \@type@exists@err{#2}% % output the param type description \csname ptype@#2\endcsname. \@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $\in$ \typeref{#2}}% } \def\@match#1{% \@codegen{ }% \item#1.% } \def\@matchtrue#1{% \@codegen{ }% \item\@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}.% \@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $=\top$}% } \def\@matchfalse#1{% \@codegen{ }% \item It is not true that: \@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}.% \@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $=\bot$}% } \def\@cmatch@enable{% % we're being lazy with this cat code so that it applies to all \match % invocations grouped between this enable cmd and the disable one; this will % cause problems if we need math mode, so it may need to be revisited in the % future \catcode`_=11\relax \let\matchany\@matchany \let\matchall\@matchall \let\matcheq\@cmatcheq \let\matchneq\@cmatchneq \let\matchgt\@cmatchgt \let\matchgeq\@cmatchgeq \let\matchlt\@cmatchlt \let\matchleq\@cmatchleq \let\matchin\@cmatchin \let\matchtrue\@matchtrue \let\matchfalse\@matchfalse \let\matchtodo\@matchtodo \let\match\@match } \def\@class@mkdesc#1 #2 \par{% \@codegen{}% {\bf Description:}\space#2\par % record this definition \index{classification!#1@\texttt{#1}}% \expandafter\gdef\csname classify@#1\endcsname{#2}% % place definition into aux file; will be available next pass \protected@write\@auxout{}{% \string\expandafter\string\gdef \string\csname\space classify@#1\string\endcsname{#2}% }% % immediately following the description are the rules \begin{@classification@rules} } \def\@class@desc#1{{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\@@chk\csname classify@#1\endcsname \ifx\@@chk\relax \PackageWarning{dwspec}{unknown classification `#1'}% \else \@@chk \fi }} \def\@cmatch@desc@or@fail#1{{% % grab tokens to check against for param and class definitions \expandafter\let\expandafter\@@pchk\csname param@#1\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\@@cchk\csname classify@#1\endcsname % fail if neither exists \ifx\@@pchk\relax \ifx\@@cchk\relax \PackageWarning{dwspec}{unknown identifier for classification match: #1} \else % output \@@cchk \fi \else % output \@@pchk \fi }} \def\classifyref#1{% \index{classification!#1@\texttt{#1}}% \hyperref[@classify:#1]{% \tt#1% }% } \def\classifyrefd#1{% \index{classification!#1@\texttt{#1}}% \hyperref[@classify:#1]{% \csname classify@#1\endcsname }% } \def\classifyrefalt#1#2{% \index{classification!#1@\texttt{#1}}% \hyperref[@classify:#1]{#2}% } \def\assign#1#2{$#1$ $=$ #2}% \def\loc{\ifmmode\ell\else$\ell$\fi}% \def\y{yield}% \def\prem{{\tt premium}}% \newcommand\rate[1][]{% \begingroup \ifmmode\aftergroup\mathop\fi \endgroup {\tt #1rate}% } \newenvironment{submission}[2]% {% \begin{classification}[submit-#1-#2]% }% {% \end{classification} } \def\when#1{% \Shall be applicable only when each of the following is true:% \begin{enumerate} \@cmatch@enable \scantokens{#1} \end{enumerate}% } \let\When\when