% Insurance Terminology % % Intended to be included within its own section. % % Also requires gls-ins-calif definition. \begindeptgroup{uw} For a glossary of insurance terms from the state of California, see~\cite{gls-ins-calif}. \begin{description} \dt{applicant} The intended policy owner. \dt{indication} An approximation of the cost of insurance based on incomplete or limited information provided by the applicant. \dt{monoline} A single line of business (e.g. ^[Property] or ^[General Liability]); contrast to ^[package]. \dt{package} Multiple lines of business; contrast to ^[monoline]. \dt{policy} Written insurance contract. \dt{quote} An estimate of the cost of insurance based upon information supplied to the insurance company by the applicant. \dt{risk} The individual or property to which the insurance policy or quote relates. \end{description} \nextsection{ISO Classes} Accompanying each description is a list of the ^ISO ^[ISO!class code]s that apply. \begin{description} \incompletei \dt{1--4 Family Dwelling} \todo{Description needed.} \begin{description} \isoclassdef 63010 One family; tenant occupied. \isoclassdef 63011 Two family; tenant occupied. \isoclassdef 63012 Three family; tenant occupied. \isoclassdef 63013 Four family; tenant occupied. \end{description} \incompletei \dt{Apartment} \todo{Description needed.} \begin{description} \isoclassdef 60010 No other class code (NOC)---there is no other class code that would be a good fit for this risk. \isoclassdef 60011 Garden (apartment complex).\footnote{``Garden'' refers to a cluster of apartment buildings---as opposed to a single building housing multiple units---that historically (but may not necessarily be) clustered around a garden; apartment complex.% Consulted Mary Jo } \end{description} \incompletei \dt{Lessor's Risk} \todo{Description needed.} \begin{description} \isoclassdef 61212 No not-for-profit; \emph{not} maintained by the insured. \isoclassdef 61216 Not-for-profit; \emph{not} maintained by the insured. \isoclassdef 61217 No not-for-profit; maintained by the insured. \isoclassdef 61218 Not-for-profit; maintained by the insured. \isoclassdef 68702 Warehouse with multiple interests. \isoclassdef 68703 Warehouse with a single interest. \end{description} \incompletei \dt{Subcontractor} \todo{Description needed.} \begin{description} \isoclassdef 91583 Performing work on 1--2 Family Dwellings. \isoclassdef 91585 Performing work on other buildings. \end{description} \incompletei \dt{Vacant Building} \todo{Description needed.} \begin{description} \isoclassdef 68604 Vacant factory building. \isoclassdef 68606 Vacant non-factory building that is \emph{not} owned by a not-for-profit company. \isoclassdef 68607 Vacant non-factory building that \emph{is} owned by a not-for-profit company. \end{description} \dt{Vacant Land} A ^risk with no building on the property; rated by acreage. \begin{description} \isoclassdef 49451 Rural area; up to first 500 acres. \isoclassdef 49452 Urban; up to first 50 acres. \end{description} \end{description} \enddeptgroup