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Extrated a number of rater-general specification logic from dwelling

Mike Gerwitz 2014-05-08 12:08:01 -04:00
parent d57cfeff86
commit cd285a2c4c
9 changed files with 983 additions and 0 deletions

raterspec.cls 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
% LoVullo rater specification class
% we're an extension of the base lvspec
% Default package includes
% Note that these are not all the packages that are available; see the
% raterspec/ directory in the lvspec repo
% Formatting
% we gots some big section numbers
% Rater-specific specification additions
% This should be called before beginning the documet environment
#1 Supplier\\Specifications:\\
This document is a formal specification for the integration of
\@title@short{} with the Dwelling Program of the Quote Server, Program
UI and~ConceptOne. This document should contain all information
necessary to complete a conforming implementation with minimal
clarification and will serve as a reference for future development,
including bug fixes and feature requests.
\subsection{Rater Terminology}
% Code generation
% Right now the code generation is tightly coupled with the packages that it
% is applicable to; they need to be refactored and hooks added
% prepare common cases for plain-text output
\def\sref##1{the specification}%
\def~{ }%
\def\nobreakspace{ }%
% Misc
\def\@firstchar #1#2||{#1}
\def\@secondchar #1#2#3||{#2}
% determine if this is a number
% strip any negative sign
% perform number check
% is a number
% use the result to output a conditional that will match a closing \fi
\begingroup% ended by \@dotypedef

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
% LoVullo rater specification c1 import
\par This class \shall only be applicable when each of the following is
\par The premium basis \shall be the~\paramrefd{#1}~(\paramref{#1}).
\par The premium and~rate \shall be derived from~\sref{#1}.

raterspec/class.sty 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
% LoVullo rater specification classification
% the first argument (optionally) provides a unique id for this classification
% (see further information on this below)
% if a classification id was provided, output it in the left margin (this
% allows us to eyeball summaries or common classifications across
% specifications, as well as match it up to the code)
% typeset id
% enable rule definitions
% the first paragraph will constitute the description (and will contain a
% signature line)
% this is opened by \@class@mkdesc
{\bf Rules:}%
\\\footnotesize{\bf Formally:}%
\def\@matchany #1 {%
\@codegen{ <lv:any>}%
\item Any one of the following \must be true:
\@codegen{ </lv:any>}%
\def\@matchall #1 {%
\@codegen{ <lv:all>}%
\item Each of the following \must be true:
\@codegen{ </lv:all>}%
% determine what ref is appropriate
% param?
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@@chk\csname param@#1\endcsname
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@@chk\csname classify@#1\endcsname
% no known custom type (may be a normal ref)
\PackageWarning{dwspec}{unknown magic ref `#1'}%
\@codegen{ <lv:match on="#1" value="#2" />}%
% whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an
% input field (param)
\space \must be a(n)\space
% ensure that the constant exists
% typeset
\csname const@#2\endcsname.
\@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $=$ \constref{#2}}%
\@codegen{ <lv:match on="#1">}%
\@codegen{ <c:ne>}%
\@codegen{ <c:value-of name="#2" />}%
\@codegen{ </c:ne>}%
\@codegen{ </lv:match>}%
% whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an
% input field (param)
\space \mustnot be a(n)\space
% ensure that the constant exists
% typeset
\csname const@#2\endcsname.
\@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $\neq$ \constref{#2}}%
\@codegen{ <lv:match on="#1">}%
\@codegen{ <c:lt>}%
\@codegen{ <c:value-of name="#2" />}%
\@codegen{ </c:lt>}%
\@codegen{ </lv:match>}%
% whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an
% input field (param)
\space \must be less than\nobreakspace
% ensure that the constant exists
% typeset
\@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $<$ \constref{#2}}%
\@codegen{ <lv:match on="#1">}%
\@codegen{ <c:leq>}%
\@codegen{ <c:value-of name="#2" />}%
\@codegen{ </c:leq>}%
\@codegen{ </lv:match>}%
% whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an
% input field (param)
\space \must be less than or equal to%
% ensure that the constant exists
% typeset
\@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $\leq$ \constref{#2}}%
\@codegen{ <lv:match on="#1">}%
\@codegen{ <c:gt>}%
\@codegen{ <c:value-of name="#2" />}%
\@codegen{ </c:gt>}%
\@codegen{ </lv:match>}%
% whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an
% input field (param)
\space \must be greater than\nobreakspace
% ensure that the constant exists
% typeset
\@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $>$ \constref{#2}}%
\@codegen{ <lv:match on="#1">}%
\@codegen{ <c:gte>}%
\@codegen{ <c:value-of name="#2" />}%
\@codegen{ </c:gte>}%
\@codegen{ </lv:match>}%
% whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an
% input field (param)
\space \must be greater than or equal to\nobreakspace
% ensure that the constant exists
% typeset
\@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $\geq$ \constref{#2}}%
\@codegen{ <lv:match on="#1" anyOf="#2" />}%
% whatever we are matching on must exist as either a classification or an
% input field (param)
\space \must be a defined\space
% ensure that the param type exists
% output the param type description
\csname ptype@#2\endcsname.
\@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $\in$ \typeref{#2}}%
\@codegen{ <!-- TODO: custom match; see specs -->}%
\@codegen{ <lv:match on="#1" value="TRUE" />}%
\@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $=\top$}%
\@codegen{ <lv:match on="#1" value="FALSE" />}%
\item It is not true that: \@cmatch@desc@or@fail{#1}.%
\@match@formal{\@magicref{#1} $=\bot$}%
% we're being lazy with this cat code so that it applies to all \match
% invocations grouped between this enable cmd and the disable one; this will
% cause problems if we need math mode, so it may need to be revisited in the
% future
\def\@class@mkdesc#1 #2 \par{%
\@codegen{<lv:classify as="#1" desc="#2">}%
{\bf Description:}\space#2\par
% record this definition
\expandafter\gdef\csname classify@#1\endcsname{#2}%
% place definition into aux file; will be available next pass
\string\csname\space classify@#1\string\endcsname{#2}%
% immediately following the description are the rules
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@@chk\csname classify@#1\endcsname
\PackageWarning{dwspec}{unknown classification `#1'}%
% grab tokens to check against for param and class definitions
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@@pchk\csname param@#1\endcsname
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@@cchk\csname classify@#1\endcsname
% fail if neither exists
\PackageWarning{dwspec}{unknown identifier for classification match: #1}
% output
% output
\csname classify@#1\endcsname
\def\assign#1#2{$#1$ $=$ #2}%
\def\prem{{\tt premium}}%
{\tt #1rate}%
\Shall be applicable only when each of the following is true:%

raterspec/form.sty 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
% LoVullo rater specification forms
Applicable form code(s): \@formfmt#1,||.
\par The form description \shall read:
% TODO: remove once we're using sPxTeX
The form(s) \shall be applicable only when each of the following conditions
is met:%
\item Form is mandatory and \shall always be applicable.%
\space and~%
% recurse
\advance\@formprev by 1\relax

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
% LoVullo rater specification iso class abstraction
\def\isoclassdef#1 #2\par{%
\index{ISO!class code!#1|(}%
% indicate that this has been defined (semantic checking)
\expandafter\gdef\csname isoclass@code@#1\endcsname{}%
% typeset and provide hyperlink (intended for a description env)
\item[\hypertarget{@isoclass:#1}{#1}] #2\par%
\index{ISO!class code!#1|)}%
% ensure that the iso class exists
\expandafter\ifx\csname isoclass@code@#1\endcsname\relax%
\errmessage{unknown ISO class code `#1'}
\index{ISO!class code!#1}%

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
% LoVullo rater specification iso territory abstraction
% N.B. Expects s:isoterr-zips to be a defined reference
\hyperref[s:isoterr-zips]{ISO Territory #1}%

raterspec/param.sty 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
% LoVullo rater specification params
% special keywords for base param types
\begingroup% ended by \@dotypedef
\def\@dotypedef#1 #2: #3 \par{%
\index{parameter type!#2@\texttt{#2}|(}%
% given foo<bar>, get foo and bar separately
\expandafter\gdef\csname ptype@#2\endcsname{#3}%
% typeset definition with link
\ $\in\textrm{\rm\@type}$%
% ensure that the parent type actually exists
\expandafter\ifx\csname ptype@\@type\endcsname\relax%
\errmessage{unknown parent param type `\@type' for `#2'}
% process any keywords
\index{parameter type!#2@\texttt{#2}|)}%
\endgroup% from \typedef
% given a type foo<bar>, returns foo
% given a type foo<bar>, returns bar
% strips the description and then puts all enums in an aligned environment
% provide some extra give to prevent this from appearing on its own line
\vspace{0em plus 0.5\parskip}%
{\bf Defined values:}\\
% restore the enumv that we gobbled up
% define constant
\expandafter\gdef\csname const@#2\endcsname{#1}%
\expandafter\gdef\csname const@value@#2\endcsname{#3}%
% typeset
{\tt\hypertarget{@const:#2}{#2}} & $#3$ & #1 \\
% strips the description and then puts all enums in an aligned environment
{\bf Any defined value of:}%
% restore the unionv that we gobbled up
% does this type exist?
\expandafter\ifx\csname ptype@#1\endcsname\relax%
\errmessage{unknown param type `#1' for union}
\index{parameter type!#1@\texttt{#1}}%
\def\constref #1{%
% numeric constants are simply output with no hyperlink
% constant reference, show description
% numeric constants are simply output with no hyperlink
{\csname const@#1\endcsname}%
% constant reference, show value
% numeric constants are simply output with no hyperlink
{\csname const@value@#1\endcsname}%
% link to constant with alternate text
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@chk\csname ptype@#1\endcsname
\errmessage{parameter `#1' is undefined}%
% ignore numeric constants (lazy check; anything that begins with a number)
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@chk\csname const@#1\endcsname
\errmessage{constant `#1' is undefined}%
% just output the text
% output desc
\csname const@#1\endcsname
% denotes a param that will likely be calculated
% param definition
% note that the description is included in this input as well; this allows us to
% use this information for code generation/etc
\def\@doparamdef#1 #2: #3 \par{%
% given foo<bar>, get foo and bar separately
\expandafter\gdef\csname param@#2\endcsname{#3}%
% does the given type exist (note that this check assumes that the typedef
% appears before the param in the specs, as is currently the case)
\expandafter\ifx\csname ptype@\@type\endcsname\relax%
\errmessage{unknown param type: \@type}
% typeset definition with link
\ $\in\textrm{%
% output root only if provided (if not, then because of how \@type
% called \@ptype@type, it will be equal to #1)
\ $\langle$\@root$\rangle$
% remove mysterious space from margin sig
\@codegen{<lv:param name="#2" type="\@type" desc="#3"/>}%
\@codegen{<lv:param name="#2" type="\@type" set="\@root"%
\space desc="#3"/>%
\begingroup% ended by \@dotypedef
% prevent scantokens from adding a space at the end
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@@chk\csname param@#1\endcsname
\PackageError{dwspec}{unknown param: #1}
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@@pchk\csname param@#1\endcsname
\PackageError{dwspec}{Unknown parameter: #1}%
% output

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
% LoVullo rater specification questions
\advance\questionparsep by \leftmargin\relax
\def\@qtypedesc@text{any string of characters.}
\def\@qtypedesc@number{any whole number.}
\def\@qtypedesc@float{any floating point value.}
\def\@qtypedesc@noyes{one of either {\sl No\/} or~{\sl Yes}.}
\def\@qtypedesc@select{one of the options enumerated below:}
{\tiny \scantokens{#4}}%
\May not map to any rater input parameter.%
\Shall map to rater input parameter \paramref{#3}.%
\space Input value \shall be \csname @qtypedesc@#4\endcsname\space

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
% LoVullo rater specification rate tables
% simplified syntax where a rate table should always appear on a page of floats
% (which is often the case, since many rate tables tend to be within close
% proximity to one-another)