Fork 0

Updated tasktime plot to show overlap

Mike Gerwitz 2013-08-29 13:03:27 -04:00
parent 7961b959e3
commit cb1da38001
2 changed files with 39 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
set terminal png size 1024,768
set key above horizontal autotitle columnheader
set bars 5.0
set style fill solid border -1
set xlabel "Date"
set ylabel "Man Hours"
set ylabel "Hours"
set grid y
set xrange [*:1]
set xtics rotate by -45
plot "tasktime.dat" using 1:3:4:3:4:xtic(2) title 'Time Interval' with candlesticks, \
"tasktime.dat" using 1:5 title 'Mean' with lines
plot "tasktime.dat" using 1:3:6:7:4:xtic(2) title 'Man Time Interval' \
with candlesticks whiskerbars 0.5 lc rgb "#ee5555", \
"tasktime.dat" using 1:8 title 'Overlap Mean' with lines lc rgb "green", \
"tasktime.dat" using 1:5 title 'Man-Hour Mean' with lines lc rgb "black"

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
% Task environment
@ -19,6 +20,10 @@
% all-encompassing overlap interval
@ -81,6 +86,9 @@
% enable overlap command
% typeset
@ -118,6 +126,15 @@
@ -185,18 +202,30 @@
\advance\@@med \value{taskamin}%
\advance\@@med \value{taskamax}%
\divide\@@med by 2\relax
% calculate non-overlap
\newcount\@@nomin \newcount\@@nomax
\advance\@@nomin \value{taskamin}%
\advance\@@nomax \value{taskamax}%
\advance\@@nomin -\value{taskaomin}%
\advance\@@nomax -\value{taskaomax}%
% calculate overlap median
\divide\@@omed by 2\relax
% write task stats to file (can be used for reporting by building consecutive
% versions, concatenating the data, taking the last row for each date and
% plotting, for example)
\immediate\write\@taskstats{min max med cp vp}%
\immediate\write\@taskstats{min max med omin omax omed cp vp}%
\arabic{taskamin} \arabic{taskamax} \the\@@med
\space\the\@@nomin \space \the\@@nomax \space\the\@@omed
\space\the\@@hconf \space\the\@@hvari
% reset counters