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Extracted general premcalc from dwelling

Mike Gerwitz 2014-05-16 12:20:51 -04:00
parent 74278246d4
commit 8c29c78438
5 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -125,6 +125,10 @@
\@raterspec@mkhook{premcalc}{premium calculations}

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@ -33,3 +33,6 @@
\pnumoff\part{Data Classification}\pnumon
\pnumoff\part{Premium Calculation}\pnumon

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@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
\def\tlookup#1#2{\ArgSty{#2 from} \tref{#1}}%
\def\tlookupf#1#2{\tlookup{#1}{#2} \ArgSty{or fail in error}}%

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
% raterspec premium calculation
%% user input

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
% Common definitions for premium calculation
A \dfn{premium calculation}---or simply \dfn{calculation}---is an algorithm that
\index{deterministic}deterministically operates on ^[input data] described in
\sref{indata} and yields a numeric \dfn{premium}.
A \dfn{premium!final premium} is the ^[premium] that represents the total cost
to the insured and \shall be represented by a ^[floating-point] number rounded
to the nearest representable value of two decimal places, in which the whole
integer value \shall represent a dollar amount and the fractional value \shall
represent cents. There \shall be only one final premium.\footnote{Multiple
^[final premium]s may be obtained through multiple calls to the~^[rater].}
A calculation \dfn{calculation!consideration} is defined as the point when an
implementation determines if the calculation is applicable to the ^[input data].
All defined rating calculations \shall be considered even if they exist outside
of any dependency tree that arrives at the ^[premium!final premium].
Calculations that are not directly used to determine the ^[premium!final
premium] are termed \dfn{calculation!disjoint calculations}.\footnote{This
allows supplementary data to be calculated.}
\p{calcapplicable} A calculation \shall be
\index{calculation!consideration}considered to be applicable if its defined
^[classification] conditions are met.
An applicable calculation \shall undergo \dfn{calculation!evaluation}, yielding
a~premium that is the result of the application of the ^[input data] to its
A calculation that has been determined to be inapplicable \shallnot execute any
portion of its definition and \shall yield the scalar floating-point
value~$0.00$.\footnote{The definition \shallnot be executed because it cannot
reliably do so without the proper data (as determined by its required
A calculation \may treat the result of another calculation as ^[input data].
A calculation \may treat the result of a~^[classification] (see
\sref{dataclass}) as ^[input data].
Where it is required that a calculation be performed for each ^[location], the
implementation \shall make such a determination either by (a)~use of a
^[parameter] defined in \sref{locparam} that is always available or (b)~an
implementation-defined ^[parameter] that explicitly provides the location count.
For either case, an implementation \must fail in error if the location count
cannot be determined.
In the sections that follow, the following conventions \shall hold: (a)~Any
reference to a table value, unless otherwise stated, \shall be located by
matching the ^[parameter]s in the table column headers with the value of the
associated argument in any input data; (b)~any ^[parameter] containing the
term~``rate'' represents a~value obtained in an implementation-defined manner
and an implementation \must fail in error if such a value cannot be obtained as
mandated by the calculation definition.