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Raterspec abstractions; extracted from dwelling

Mike Gerwitz 2014-05-16 15:06:08 -04:00
commit 2a4a5e6c0f
9 changed files with 276 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
\expandafter\gdef\csname @raterspec@#1\endcsname{
\PackageWarning{raterspec}{Missing #2!
\MessageBreak Define using \expandafter\protect\csname#1\endcsname}%
\todo{No #2 have been defined.}%
% publically accessible input macro
@ -125,6 +126,22 @@
\@raterspec@mkhook{premcalc}{premium calculations}
\@raterspec@mkhook{coneimport}{c1 import details}
\@raterspec@mkhook{proguisteps}{program ui steps}

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@ -33,3 +33,15 @@
\pnumoff\part{Data Classification}\pnumon
\pnumoff\part{Premium Calculation}\pnumon
\pnumoff\part{ConceptOne Import}\pnumon
\pnumoff\part{User Interface}\pnumon

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@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
\def\tlookup#1#2{\ArgSty{#2 from} \tref{#1}}%
\def\tlookupf#1#2{\tlookup{#1}{#2} \ArgSty{or fail in error}}%

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
% raterspec c1 import
\chapter{ConceptOne Integration}
\todo{Information on the ConceptOne integration and import process.}

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
% raterspec forms
\chapter{Common Forms and Definitions}
%% user input

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
% Form definitions
\todo{Additional information on the existing process.}
A~\dfn*{form} is a~document that is included with a~policy to provide additional
information, coverages, and/or~exclusions.
A~form is considered to be \dfn{forms!applicable} when each of its specified
conditions are met. A~form \shall be included with the policy only when it is
In the event that a~form code is applicable under multiple circumstances,
the~form \shall be attached to the document a single time.

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
% raterspec premium calculation
%% user input

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
% Common definitions for premium calculation
A \dfn{premium calculation}---or simply \dfn{calculation}---is an algorithm that
\index{deterministic}deterministically operates on ^[input data] described in
\sref{indata} and yields a numeric \dfn{premium}.
A \dfn{premium!final premium} is the ^[premium] that represents the total cost
to the insured and \shall be represented by a ^[floating-point] number rounded
to the nearest representable value of two decimal places, in which the whole
integer value \shall represent a dollar amount and the fractional value \shall
represent cents. There \shall be only one final premium.\footnote{Multiple
^[final premium]s may be obtained through multiple calls to the~^[rater].}
A calculation \dfn{calculation!consideration} is defined as the point when an
implementation determines if the calculation is applicable to the ^[input data].
All defined rating calculations \shall be considered even if they exist outside
of any dependency tree that arrives at the ^[premium!final premium].
Calculations that are not directly used to determine the ^[premium!final
premium] are termed \dfn{calculation!disjoint calculations}.\footnote{This
allows supplementary data to be calculated.}
\p{calcapplicable} A calculation \shall be
\index{calculation!consideration}considered to be applicable if its defined
^[classification] conditions are met.
An applicable calculation \shall undergo \dfn{calculation!evaluation}, yielding
a~premium that is the result of the application of the ^[input data] to its
A calculation that has been determined to be inapplicable \shallnot execute any
portion of its definition and \shall yield the scalar floating-point
value~$0.00$.\footnote{The definition \shallnot be executed because it cannot
reliably do so without the proper data (as determined by its required
A calculation \may treat the result of another calculation as ^[input data].
A calculation \may treat the result of a~^[classification] (see
\sref{dataclass}) as ^[input data].
Where it is required that a calculation be performed for each ^[location], the
implementation \shall make such a determination either by (a)~use of a
^[parameter] defined in \sref{locparam} that is always available or (b)~an
implementation-defined ^[parameter] that explicitly provides the location count.
For either case, an implementation \must fail in error if the location count
cannot be determined.
In the sections that follow, the following conventions \shall hold: (a)~Any
reference to a table value, unless otherwise stated, \shall be located by
matching the ^[parameter]s in the table column headers with the value of the
associated argument in any input data; (b)~any ^[parameter] containing the
term~``rate'' represents a~value obtained in an implementation-defined manner
and an implementation \must fail in error if such a value cannot be obtained as
mandated by the calculation definition.

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
% raterspec program ui
\chapter{Program Client}
\index{Program Client|(}
The \dfn{Program Client} is defined as the user interface that is used to
enter data about a ^Quote, receive a premium from one or more
^[supplier]s, and~optionally submit the~^Quote for further processing from
within ^[ConceptOne].
The Program Client \shall be accessed by using a~^[web browser] to
download the applicable resources---specifically, ^[HTML], ^[CSS], and
^[JavaScript]---from the ^[LoVullo Website].
\todo{While this chapter does contain information necessary to complete
the Scottsdale Commercial Lines project, it is largely incomplete.}
\section{Program UI}\label{s:program-ui}
\index{Program Client!Program UI|(}
The \dfn{Program UI}---hereinafter occasionally referred to simply as
``UI'' unambiguously within this chapter---\shall be defined as the
graphical user interface of the~Program Client and \shall render
directly in the user's ^[web browser] using only ^[HTML], ^[CSS],
and~^[JavaScript].\footnote{For example, browser plugins such as Java
and~Flash \shallnot be used in an implementation of the Program Client.}
A \dfn{Program Client!quoting step} is the highest level of ^Quote data
separation and consists only of question groups. The UI \shall display
no more than one step (see~\sref{program-steps}) to the ^user at any
given time.
A \dfn{Program Client!field group} contains only fields and provides an
optional delineation from other groups. Any number of groups \may be
displayed to the~^user at any given time.\todo{Types.}
A \dfn{Program Client!field} is a generic term that represents any
question, answer, display, or static element; any of these may appear
where a field is expected unless the field specification does not permit
such a field type.\footnote{For example, if a field is expected, then a
question or an~answer may be substituted. However, if a~question is
expected, then an~answer may not be substituted.}
A \dfn{Program Client!question} prompts the ^user for a datum and may be
directly modified by the user unless explicitly restricted. \todo{How
interacts with bucket; types.}
A \dfn{Program Client!answer} displays a~^user response associated with
a~question. \todo{Types}
A \dfn{Program Client!display} displays any arbitrary bucket datum to
the~^user. \todo{Bucket.}
A \dfn{Program Client!static element} displays arbitrary static text to
the~user and \may contain ^[HTML].
\index{Program Client!Program UI|)}
\section{Quoting Steps}\label{s:program-steps}
An implementation \shall display all steps, groups, and~fields (each defined
in~\sref{program-ui}) in the exact order provided within this section.
\todo{An~implementation \shall contain no steps, groups, or~fields that have not
been enumerated in this section.}
Within this section, questions are listed by the~labels that \shall be displayed
to the user. Below the label is additional text describing further
implementation requirements. When a question is indented to the level of the
paragraph of another question, then the indented question is strongly related to
the containing question in some logical manner; the containing question is said
to be a~\dfn{Program Client!question!parent question} any the~question that is
indented relative to it is said to be a~\dfn{Program Client!question!child
question}.\footnote{For example, a child question may be visible to the ^user
only when its~parent is answered in a specified manner.}
A question is said to be \dfn{Program Client!question!applicable} when it is to
be displayed to the user; questions are applicable by default. A question \shall
be visible to the user for entry only if it is applicable; otherwise, it \shall
be hidden from the user, its value reset to the specified default or---if no
default is specified---the default for its question type, and validations
\shallnot be performed. \todo{Question type defaults and validations}.
%% user-provided input
\section{Quote Server Communication}
\index{Quote Server|(}
The Program Client \shall communicate with the~^[Quote Server] as required
\index{Quote Server|)}
\index{Program Client|)}