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* HTTP over Node.js-compatible API
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
'use strict';
const { Class } = require( 'easejs' );
const HttpImpl = require( './HttpImpl' );
const HttpError = require( './HttpError' );
* HTTP adapter using Node.js-compatible objects (e.g. its `http` modules)
module.exports = Class( 'NodeHttpImpl' )
.implement( HttpImpl )
* Clients for desired protocols (e.g. HTTP(s))
* @type {Object}
'private _protoHandlers': {},
* URL parser
* @type {url}
'private _urlParser': '',
* Request origin
* @type {string}
'private _origin': '',
* Initialize with protocol handlers and URL parser
* `proto_handlers` must be a key-value mapping of the protocol string
* to a handler object conforming to Node's http(s) APIs---that is, it
* should provide a `#request` method.
* `origin` is prepended to all request URLs.
* @param {Object} proto_handlers protocol handler key-value map
* @param {Object} url_parser URL parser
* @param {string} origin request origin
constructor( proto_handlers, url_parser, origin )
this._protoHandlers = proto_handlers;
this._urlParser = url_parser;
this._origin = ( origin !== undefined ) ? ''+origin : '';
* Perform HTTP request
* If the request is synchronous, it must still return the data via the
* provided callback. The provided data is expected to be key-value if an
* object is given, otherwise a string of binary data.
* @param {string} url destination URL
* @param {string} method RFC-2616-compliant HTTP method
* @param {Object|string} data request params
* @param {function(?Error, ?string)} callback server response callback
* @return {HttpImpl} self
'virtual public requestData'( url, method, data, callback )
const options = this._parseUrl( url );
const protocol = options.protocol.replace( /:$/, '' );
const handler = this._protoHandlers[ protocol ];
if ( !handler )
throw Error( `No handler for ${protocol}` );
this.setOptions( options, method, data );
let forbid_end = false;
const req = handler.request( options, res =>
let data = '';
res.on( 'data', chunk => data += chunk );
res.on( 'end', () =>
!forbid_end && this.requestEnd( res, data, callback )
} );
req.on( 'error', e =>
this.serveError( e, null, null, callback );
// guarantee that the callback will not be invoked a second time
// if something tries to end the request
forbid_end = true;
} );
if ( method === 'POST' )
req.write( data );
* Parse given URL
* If the URL begins with a slash, the origin is prepended.
* @param {string} url URL
* @return {Object} parsed URL
'private _parseUrl'( url )
const origin = ( url[ 0 ] === '/' )
? this._origin
: '';
return this._urlParser.parse( origin + url );
* Set request options
* TODO: public to work around a class extension trait bug; make
* protected once fixed
* @param {Object} options request options
* @param {string} method HTTP method
* @param {string} data request data
* @return {Object} request headers
'virtual public setOptions'( options, method, data )
const { headers = {} } = options;
options.method = method;
if ( method === 'POST' )
headers[ 'Content-Type' ] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
options.headers = headers;
if ( data )
options.path += '?' + data;
* Invoked when a request is completed
* Subtypes may override this method to handle their own request
* processing before the continuation `callback` is invoked with the
* final data.
* To override only error situations, see `#serveError`.
* @param {Object} res Node http.ServerResponse
* @param {string} data raw response data
* @param {function(?Error,?string)} callback completion continuation
* @return {undefined}
'virtual protected requestEnd'( res, data, callback )
if ( !this.isSuccessful( res ) )
HttpError( res.statusMessage, res.statusCode ),
callback( null, data );
* Predicate to determine whether HTTP request was successful
* Non-2xx status codes represent failures.
* @param {Object} res Node http.ServerResponse
* @return {boolean} whether HTTP status code represents a success
'virtual protected isSuccessful'( res )
return ( +res.statusCode >= 200 ) && ( +res.statusCode < 300 );
* Invoke continuation `callback` with an error `e`
* @param {Error} e error
* @param {Object} res Node http.ServerResponse
* @param {string} data raw response data
* @param {function(?Error,?data)} callback continuation
* @return {undefined}
'virtual protected serveError'( e, res, data, callback )
callback( e, data );
} );