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579 lines
17 KiB

* V1 Message Writer
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of liza.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Tests for Version 1 of the avro message writer
import { V1MessageWriter as Sut } from '../../src/system/avro/V1MessageWriter';
import { hasContext, context } from '../../src/error/ContextError';
import { AvroEncoderCtr } from '../../src/system/avro/AvroFactory';
import { Delta, DeltaResult, DeltaType } from '../../src/bucket/delta';
import { DocumentMeta, DocumentId } from '../../src/document/Document';
import { Duplex } from 'stream';
import {
parse as avro_parse,
} from 'avro-js';
import { expect, use as chai_use } from 'chai';
chai_use( require( 'chai-as-promised' ) );
const sinon = require( 'sinon' );
describe( 'system.V1MessageWriter', () =>
it( 'Rejects improperly formatted data', () =>
const delta = createMockDelta();
const bucket = createMockBucketData();
const ratedata = createMockBucketData();
const error = new Error( 'Oh no' );
const schema = createMockAvroSchema();
const ts = <UnixTimestamp>123;
const meta = <DocumentMeta>{
id: <DocumentId>123,
entity_name: 'Some Agency',
entity_id: 234,
startDate: <UnixTimestamp>345,
lastUpdate: <UnixTimestamp>456,
const expected = {
invalid_paths: 'Foo',
invalid_data: 'Bar',
const error_context = context( error, expected );
schema.isValid = () => { throw error_context; };
const result = new Sut(
createMockEncoderCtor( schema ),
).write( ts, meta, delta, bucket, ratedata );
return Promise.all( [
expect( result ).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith( error ),
result.catch( e =>
if ( !hasContext( e ) )
return expect.fail();
return expect( e.context ).to.deep.equal( expected );
} )
] );
} );
describe( '#avroEncode parses', () =>
label: 'Null value',
valid: true,
delta_data: { foo: null },
label: 'Null array',
valid: true,
delta_data: { foo: { 'array': [ null ] } },
label: 'Boolean value',
valid: true,
delta_data: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'boolean': true },
] } },
label: 'Simple string',
valid: true,
delta_data: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
{ 'string': 'baz' },
] } },
label: 'Simple int',
valid: true,
delta_data: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'double': 123 },
] } },
label: 'Nested array',
valid: true,
delta_data: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
] },
] } },
label: 'Array with nulls',
valid: true,
delta_data: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
{ 'string': 'baz' },
] } },
label: 'Nested Array with mixed values',
valid: true,
delta_data: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
{ 'double': 123321 },
] }
] } },
label: 'Non-array',
valid: false,
delta_data: { foo: 'bar' },
expected: {
invalid_data: 'bar',
invalid_paths: [
label: 'Map objects',
valid: true,
delta_data: { 'foo': { 'array': [
{ 'map': {
'bar': { 'map': {
'baz': { 'double': 1572903485000 },
} }
} }
] } },
].forEach( ( { label, delta_data, valid, expected } ) =>
it( label, () =>
const data = createMockData( delta_data );
const schema = avro_parse(
__dirname + '/../../src/system/avro/schema.avsc'
const sut = new Sut( createMockEncoderCtor( schema ), schema );
const result = sut.avroEncode( data );
if ( valid )
// return expect( result ).to.eventually.deep.equal(
// Buffer.from( '' )
// )
// .then( b =>
// {
// expect( typeof(b) ).to.equal( 'object' );
// } );
return result.catch( e =>
console.log( 'avroerror: ', e );
} );
return Promise.all( [
expect( result ).to.eventually.be.rejected,
result.catch( e =>
if ( !hasContext( e ) )
return expect.fail();
return expect( e.context )
.to.deep.equal( expected );
} )
] );
} );
} );
} );
describe( '#setDataTypes annotates', () =>
label: 'Null',
delta_data: null,
expected: null,
label: 'Null Value',
delta_data: { foo: null },
expected: { foo: null },
label: 'Boolean Value',
delta_data: { foo: [ true ] },
expected: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'boolean': true },
] } },
label: 'Simple string',
delta_data: { foo: [
] },
expected: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
{ 'string': 'baz' },
] } },
label: 'Simple int',
delta_data: { foo: [
] },
expected: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'double': 123 },
] } },
label: 'Nested array',
delta_data: { foo: [
] },
expected: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
{ 'string': 'baz' },
] },
] } },
label: 'Double nested array',
delta_data: { foo: [
] },
expected: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'array': [
{ 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
{ 'double': 123 },
] },
] },
] } },
label: 'Array with nulls',
delta_data: { foo: [
] },
expected: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
{ 'string': 'baz' },
] } },
label: 'Nested Array with mixed values',
delta_data: { foo: [
] },
expected: { foo: { 'array': [
{ 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
{ 'double': 123321 },
] },
] } },
label: 'Nested Array with mixed values',
delta_data: { foo: [
'bar': {
'wer': 'qaz',
'qwe': 1572903485000,
'asd': true,
'zxc': null,
] },
expected: { 'foo': { 'array': [
{ 'map': {
'bar': { 'map': {
'wer': { 'string': 'qaz' },
'qwe': { 'double': 1572903485000 },
'asd': { 'boolean': true },
'zxc': null,
} },
} },
] } },
].forEach( ( { label, delta_data, expected } ) =>
it( label, () =>
const encoded = 'FooBar';
const avroEncoderCtr = createMockEncoder( encoded );
const stub_schema = <AvroSchema>{};
const sut = new Sut(
const actual = sut.setDataTypes( delta_data );
expect( actual ).to.deep.equal( expected );
} );
} );
} );
it( 'Message is formatted correctly', () =>
const bucket = { foo: [ 'bar', 'baz' ] };
const ratedata = {};
const doc_id = <DocumentId>123;
const entity_name = 'Some Agency';
const entity_id = 123;
const startDate = <UnixTimestamp>345;
const lastUpdate = <UnixTimestamp>456;
const schema = createMockAvroSchema();
const ts = <UnixTimestamp>123;
const encoder = createMockEncoderCtor( schema );
const meta = <DocumentMeta>{
id: doc_id,
entity_name: entity_name,
entity_id: entity_id,
startDate: startDate,
lastUpdate: lastUpdate,
const delta = <Delta<any>>{
type: <DeltaType>'data',
timestamp: <UnixTimestamp>123123123,
data: <DeltaResult<any>>{},
const expected = {
event: {
id: 'STEP_SAVE',
ts: ts,
actor: 'SERVER',
step: null,
document: {
id: doc_id,
created: {
'long': startDate * 1000
modified: {
'long': lastUpdate * 1000
session: {
Session: {
entity_name: entity_name,
entity_id: entity_id,
data: {
Data: {
bucket: {
'foo': { 'array': [
{ 'string': 'bar' },
{ 'string': 'baz' },
] }
ratedata: {
Data: {
bucket: {},
delta: {
Data: {
bucket: delta.data,
program: {
Program: {
id: 'quote_server',
version: '',
let is_valid_called = false;
schema.isValid = ( data: Record<string, any>, _:any ) =>
expect( data ).to.deep.equal( expected );
is_valid_called = true;
return null;
return expect( new Sut( encoder, schema )
.write( ts, meta, delta, bucket, ratedata ) )
.to.eventually.deep.equal( Buffer.from( '' ) )
.then( _ =>
expect( is_valid_called ).to.be.true;
} )
} );
} );
function createMockEncoder( mock_encoded_data: string ): AvroEncoderCtr
return ( _schema: AvroSchema ) =>
const mock = sinon.mock( Duplex );
mock.on = ( _: string, __: any ) => {};
mock.end = ( _: any ) => { return mock_encoded_data; };
return mock;
function createMockData( delta_data: any ): any
return {
event: {
id: 'RATE',
ts: 1573856916,
actor: 'SERVER',
step: null,
document: {
id: 123123,
created: { 'long': 157385691600 },
modified: { 'long': 257381491600 },
top_visited_step: '2',
session: {
Session: {
entity_name: 'Foo',
entity_id: 123,
data: null,
ratedata: null,
delta: {
Data: {
bucket: delta_data,
program: {
Program: {
id: 'quote_server',
version: 'dadaddwafdwa',
function createMockDelta(): Delta<any>
return <Delta<any>>{
type: <DeltaType>'data',
timestamp: <UnixTimestamp>123123123,
data: <DeltaResult<any>>{},
function createMockBucketData(): Record<string, any>
return {
foo: [ 'bar', 'baz' ]
function createMockEncoderCtor( stub_schema: AvroSchema ):
( schema: AvroSchema ) => Duplex
const events = <Record<string, () => void>>{};
const mock_duplex = <Duplex>(<unknown>{
on( event_name: string, callback: () => void )
events[ event_name ] = callback;
} );
return ( schema: AvroSchema ): Duplex =>
expect( schema ).to.equal( stub_schema );
return mock_duplex;
function createMockAvroSchema(): AvroSchema
return <AvroSchema>{
toBuffer() { return null },
isValid() { return null },
encode() {},
toString() { return '' },
fromBuffer() { return {} },