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* Contains program Quote class
* Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @todo Use ``document'' terminology in place of ``quote''
var Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class,
Quote = require( './Quote' ),
Program = require( '../program/Program' ).Program,
EventEmitter = require( 'events' ).EventEmitter;
* Creates a new quote
* TODO: This also has a bit of server-side logic; extend/decorate the class
* for use server-side and remove all the server-only logic
module.exports = Class( 'BaseQuote' )
.implement( Quote )
.extend( EventEmitter,
* Raised when current step id changes
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_STEP_CHANGE': 'stepChange',
* Quote id
* @type {number}
'private _id': 0,
* Data bucket
* @type {QuoteDataBucket}
'private _bucket': null,
* Id of the current step
* @type {number}
'private _currentStepId': 1,
* Id of the highest step that the user has reached
* @type {number}
'private _topVisitedStepId': 1,
* Program to which the quote belongs
* @type {Program}
'private _program': null,
* Date (Unix timestamp) that the quote was started
* @type {number}
'private _startDate': 0,
* Date (Unix timestamp) that the quote was initially rated
* @type {number}
'private _initialRatedDate': 0,
* Unix timestamp containing date of last premium calculation
* @type {number}
'private _lastPremDate': 0,
* Id of agent that owns the quote
* @type {number}
'private _agentId': 0,
* Id of agent entity that owns the quote
* @type {number}
'private _agentEntityId': 0,
* Agency name
* @type {string}
'private _agentName': '',
* Whether the quote has been imported
* @type {boolean}
'private _imported': false,
* Whether the quote has been bound
* @type {boolean}
'private _bound': false,
* Quote-wide error (should invalidate quote until cleared)
* @type {string}
'private _error': '',
* Quick save data (diff format)
* @type {Object}
'private _quickSaveData': {},
* Allows quote to be locked for any reason
* @type {string}
'private _explicitLock': '',
* Optional step associated with explicit lock
* @type {number}
'private _explicitLockStep': 0,
* Initializes quote with the given id and bucket
* @return {undefined}
'public __construct': function( id, bucket )
this._id = id;
this._bucket = bucket;
* Returns the quote id
* The quote id is immutable. A different quote id would represent a
* different quote, therefore a new object should be created with the
* desired quote id.
* @return {number} quote id
'public getId': function()
return this._id;
* Returns the bucket used to store the quote form data
* @return {QuoteDataBucket}
'public getBucket': function()
return this._bucket;
* Sets the program id to associate with the quote
* @param {string} id program id
* @return {Quote} self
'public setProgram': function( program )
if ( !Class.isA( Program, program ) )
throw Error( 'Program expected; given ' + program );
this._program = program;
return this;
* Returns the program id associated with the quote
* @return {string} program id
'public getProgramId': function()
return ( this._program !== null )
? this._program.getId()
: '';
* Retrieve Program associated with quote
* @return {Program} quote program
'public getProgram': function()
return this._program;
* Sets the quote start date
* @param {number} time start date as a Unix timestamp
* @return {Quote} self
'public setStartDate': function( time )
this._startDate = +( time );
return this;
* Returns the quote start date
* @return {number} quote start date
'public getStartDate': function()
return this._startDate;
* Sets the quote's initial rated date
* @param {number} time initial rated date as a Unix timestamp
* @return {Quote} self
'public setInitialRatedDate': function( time )
this._initialRatedDate = +( time );
return this;
* Returns the quote's initial rated date
* @return {number} quote's initial rated date
'public getInitialRatedDate': function()
return this._initialRatedDate;
* Set the date that the premium was calculated as a Unix timestamp
* @param {number} timestamp Unix timestamp representing premium date
* @return {Quote} self
'public setLastPremiumDate': function( timestamp )
this._lastPremDate = ( timestamp || 0 );
return this;
* Retrieve the last time the premium was calculated
* @return {number} last calculated time or 0
'public getLastPremiumDate': function()
return ( this._lastPremDate || 0 );
* Returns the quote's expiration date
* @return {number} quote's initial rated date
'public getExpirationDate': function()
var post_rate = ( this._initialRatedDate > 0 );
// Don't attempt to calculate expiration date if expiration is not defined
if ( !this._program
|| !this._program.lockTimeout
|| ( !post_rate && !this._program.lockTimeout.preRateExpiration )
|| ( post_rate && !this._program.lockTimeout.postRateExpiration ))
return Infinity;
var reference_date = ( post_rate ) ? this._initialRatedDate : this._startDate;
var expiration_period = ( post_rate )
? this._program.lockTimeout.postRateExpiration
: this._program.lockTimeout.preRateExpiration;
// Use Date.setDate to accommodate leap seconds, leap years, DST, etc.
var expiration_date = new Date( reference_date * 1000 );
expiration_date.setDate( expiration_date.getDate() + +( expiration_period ) );
return expiration_date.getTime();
* Returns whether the quote has expired or not
* @param {Date} current_date current date to determine if expiration date has passed
* @return {boolean} flag indicating if the quote has expired
'public hasExpired': function( current_date )
var timeout = ( this._program && this._program.lockTimeout )
? this._program.lockTimeout
: { preRateGracePeriod: 0, postRateGracePeriod: 0 };
var grace_period = ( this._initialRatedDate > 0 )
? ( timeout.postRateGracePeriod || 0 )
: ( timeout.preRateGracePeriod || 0 );
var expiration_timestamp = this.getExpirationDate();
// If the timestamp is infinite, the quote will never expire
// NOTE: The Date constructor does not support `Infinity` as the timestamp
if ( expiration_timestamp === Infinity )
return false;
// Use Date.setDate to accommodate leap seconds, leap years, DST, etc.
var expiration_date = new Date( expiration_timestamp );
expiration_date.setDate( expiration_date.getDate() + +( grace_period ));
return current_date.getTime() > expiration_date.getTime();
* Sets id of agent that owns the quote
* @param {number} id agent id
* @return {Quote} self
'public setAgentId': function( id )
this._agentId = +( id );
return this;
* Returns the id of the agent that owns the quote
* @return {number} agent id
'public getAgentId': function()
return this._agentId;
* Sets id of agent entity that owns the quote
* @param {number} id agent entity id
* @return {Quote} self
'public setAgentEntityId': function( id )
this._agentEntityId = +id;
return this;
* Returns the id of the agent entity that owns the quote
* @return {number} agent entity id
'public getAgentEntityId': function()
return this._agentEntityId;
* Sets name of agent that owns the quote
* @param {string} name agent name
* @return {Quote} self
'public setAgentName': function( name )
this._agentName = ''+( name );
return this;
* Returns the name of the agent that owns the quote
* @return {string} agent name
'public getAgentName': function()
return this._agentName;
* Sets quote imported status
* Represents whether the quote has been imported into our agency management
* system.
* @param {boolean} value true if imported, otherwise false
* @return {Quote} self
'public setImported': function( value )
this._imported = !!value;
this._needsImport = false;
return this;
* Returns whether the quote has been imported
* @return {boolean} true if imported, otherwise false
'public isImported': function()
return this._imported;
* Sets quote bound status
* Represents whether the quote has been bound
* @param {boolean} value true if bound, otherwise false
* @return {Quote} self
'public setBound': function( value )
this._bound = !!value;
return this;
* Returns whether the quote has been bound
* @return {boolean} true if bound, otherwise false
'public isBound': function()
return this._bound;
* Returns the id of the current step
* @return {number} id of current step
'public getCurrentStepId': function()
return this._currentStepId;
* Sets the top visited step id
* If the provided step id is less than the current step, then the current
* step id is used instead.
* @return {Quote} self
'public setTopVisitedStepId': function( step_id )
step_id = +step_id;
this._topVisitedStepId = ( step_id < this._currentStepId )
? this._currentStepId
: step_id;
return this;
* Returns the id of the highest step the quote has reached
* @return {number} top visited step id
'public getTopVisitedStepId': function()
return this._topVisitedStepId;
* Sets the current step id
* @param {number} step_id id of the step to set
* @return {Quote} self
'public setCurrentStepId': function( step_id )
step_id = +step_id;
this._currentStepId = step_id;
// if this step is higher than the highest step this quote has reached,
// then update it
if ( step_id > this._topVisitedStepId )
this._topVisitedStepId = step_id;
this.emit( this.__self.$('EVENT_STEP_CHANGE'), this._currentStepId );
return this;
'public getTopSavedStepId': function()
return this._topSavedStepId;
'public setTopSavedStepId': function( id )
this._topSavedStepId = +id;
return this;
* Returns whether the step has been previously visited
* @param {number} step_id id of the step to check
* @return {boolean} true if visited, otherwise false
'public hasVisitedStep': function( step_id )
if ( step_id <= 0 )
return false;
return ( step_id <= this.getTopVisitedStepId() ) ? true : false;
* Sets quote data
* The data will be merged, not overwritten.
* @param {Object.<string,Array>} data data to set on the quote
* @return {Quote} self
'public setData': function( data )
this._bucket.setValues( data );
return this;
* Returns whether the quote should be locked from modifications
* If an explicit lock is set, then we shall only consider the quote to be
* in a locked state if there is no explicit step restriction on the lock
* (since otherwise the user may access the unlocked steps).
* If a quote is imported, it will not be considered locked if there is an
* explicit step restriction set; this permits users to modify imported
* quotes, if such an ability should be granted.
* If the quote is bound, then it is locked, full stop.
* @return {boolean} true if locked, otherwise false
'public isLocked': function()
var exlock = ( this._explicitLock !== '' ),
slock = ( this._explicitLockStep !== 0 ),
ilock = ( ( this._imported && !slock ) || this._bound );
// we are locked if we (a) have the import/bind lock or (b) have an
// exclusive lock without a step constraint
return ilock || ( exlock && !slock );
* Returns quote data
* @param {string} name name of data to retrieve
* @return {Array} quote data
'public getDataByName': function( name )
return this._bucket.getDataByName( name );
* Calls visitor callback with the data bucket
* todo: this pretty much breaks encapsulation, so ultimately we won't want
* to send in the actual bucket
* @param {function( QuoteDataBucket )} callback visitor
* @return {Quote} self
'public visitData': function( callback )
callback.call( this, this._bucket );
return this;
* Sets a quote-wide error
* This error should invalidate the entire quote until it is cleared.
* @param {string} error error string
* @return {Quote} self
'public setError': function( error )
this._error = ''+( error );
return this;
* Retrieve quote-wide error
* @return {string} quote-wide error, or empty string
'public getError': function()
return this._error;
* Determine whether or not a quote-wide error exists
* Use getError() to retrieve the actual error string.
* @return {boolean} true if error exists, otherwise false
'public hasError': function()
return ( this._error !== '' );
* Set quicksave data
* @param {Object} data quicksave data, diff format
* @return {Quote} self
'public setQuickSaveData': function( data )
this._quickSaveData = data;
return this;
* Retrieve quicksave data
* @return {Object} quicksave data
'public getQuickSaveData': function()
return this._quickSaveData;
* Sets an explicit lock, providing a reason for doing so
* @param {string} reason lock reason
* @param {number} step step that user may not navigate prior
* @return {Quote} self
'public setExplicitLock': function( reason, step )
step = +step || 0;
this._explicitLock = ''+( reason );
this._explicitLockStep = step;
return this;
* Clears an explicit lock
* @return {Quote} self
'public clearExplicitLock': function()
this._explicitLock = '';
this._explicitLockStep = 0;
return this;
* Retrieves the reason for an explicit lock
* @return {string} lock reason
'public getExplicitLockReason': function()
return ( this.isBound() )
? 'This quote has been bound and cannot be modified.'
: this._explicitLock;
* Returns the maximum step to which the explicit lock applies
* If no step restriction is set, then 0 will be returned.
* @return {number} locked max step or 0 if not applicable
'public getExplicitLockStep': function()
return ( this.isBound() )
? 0
: this._explicitLockStep;
* Determine whether quote needs to be imported
* Bound quotes will never need importing.
* @param {boolean=} set flag value
'public needsImport': function( set )
if ( set !== undefined )
this._importDirty = !!set;
return this;
return ( this.isBound() )
? false
: this._importDirty;
} );