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* Validate bucket data by type
* Copyright (C) 2016 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
* This file is part of liza.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class;
* Validates and formats bucket data
module.exports = Class( 'BucketDataValidator',
* VFormat instances for each type
* @type {Object}
'private _fmts': {},
* Map fields to their types
* File names as the properties, type as the value.
* @type {Object}
'private _type_map': {},
* Initializes bucket data validator
* Bucket data is validated using VFormat patterns. Each field will be
* formatted according to their type as specified in the type_map and the
* rules for the given type as provided in format_set.
* @param {Object} type_map maps fields to their types
* @param {Object} format_set VFormat objects for each type in
* type_map
__construct: function( type_map, format_set )
this._type_map = type_map || {};
this._fmts = format_set || {};
* Validate the given data, returning another object consisting of the
* formatted results
* Unrecognized fields will be ignored (and copied as-is to the resulting
* object). Each value for the given data is expected to be an array;
* otherwise, an empty array will be returned in its place.
* @param {Object.<Array>} data data to validate/format
* @param {function(name,value,i,e)} err callback for validation errors
* @param {boolean=} inplace alter data object rather than returning a new
* object containing formatted data
* @return {Object.<Array.<string>>} formatted data
'virtual public validate': function( data, err, inplace )
err = err || function() {};
inplace = !!inplace;
var formatted = ( inplace ) ? data : {};
// validate and format each item
for ( var name in data )
var type = this._getFieldType( name ),
value = data[ name ];
// ignore unknown types (if it should be kicked out, then the server
// will take care of it; we store a lot of random shit client-side
// for calculated values, etc)
if ( !type )
formatted[ name ] = value;
// we expect that the bucket data will always consist of an array of
// values
formatted[ name ] = this._validateEach( value, name, type, err );
return formatted;
* Format each provided bucket value for display to the user
* The data stored in the bucket may not necessarily be the best
* representation for the user. For example, dates may be styled in a
* familiar locale.
* Optionally, the data can be modified in place rather than returning a new
* object.
* @param {Object.<Array>} data data to validate/format
* @param {boolean=} inplace alter data object rather than returning
* a new object containing formatted data
* @return {Array.<string>} formatted data
'virtual public format': function( data, inplace )
inplace = !!inplace;
var formatted = ( inplace ) ? data : {};
for ( var name in data )
var type = this._getFieldType( name ),
value = data[ name ];
if ( !type )
formatted[ name ] = value;
formatted[ name ] = this._formatEach( value, name, type );
return formatted;
* Determine field type
* This maintains BC: the old data format used a string to represent
* the type, whereas the new system uses an object describing additional
* details.
* @param {string} name type name
* @return {string|undefined} type of field NAME
'private _getFieldType': function( name )
var type_data = this._type_map[ name ];
return ( type_data )
? type_data.type || type_data
: undefined;
* Validate and format each element of the given array
* @param {Array.<string>} values values to validate and format
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} type field type
* @param {function(name,value,i,e)} err callback for validation errors
* @return {Array.<string>} formatted data
'private _validateEach': function( values, name, type, err )
return this._forEach( values, name, type, 'parse', err );
* Format each value in the given array
* @param {Array.<string>} values values to validate and format
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} type field type
* @return {Array.<string>} formatted data
'private _formatEach': function( values, name, type )
return this._forEach( values, name, type, 'retrieve' );
* Iterate over each value, perform the requested action and return the
* result set
* @param {Array.<string>} values values to validate and format
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} type field type
* @param {string} method parse/retrieve
* @param {function(string,string,number,Error)} err error handler
* @return {Array.<string>} formatted data
'private _forEach': function( values, name, type, method, err )
// formatted return values
var ret = [],
fmt = this._fmts[ type ];
if ( fmt === null )
// if the formatter is null, then perform no formatting
return values;
else if ( fmt === undefined )
throw Error(
"No formatter for type " + type
for ( var i in values )
var value = values[ i ];
// trim the data
if ( typeof value === 'string' )
value = value.trim();
// ignore empty/undefined/null values (explicitly; avoid casting
// magic)
if ( ( value === '' )
|| ( value === undefined )
|| ( value === null )
ret[ i ] = value;
// format return values for display
ret[ i ] = fmt[ method ].call( fmt, value );
catch ( e )
if ( err )
// the caller wishes to handle errors
err( name, value, i, e );
// there was a problem formatting (or the formatter doesn't
// exist); return the raw value so as not to wipe out their
// data
ret[ i ] = value;
return ret;
} );