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* Route controller
* Copyright (C) 2017 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @todo this is a mess of routing and glue code
const {
Db: MongoDb,
Server: MongoServer,
Connection: MongoConnection,
} = require( 'mongodb/lib/mongodb' );
const regex_base = /^\/quote\/([a-z0-9-]+)\/?(?:\/(\d+)\/?(?:\/(.*))?|\/(program.js))?$/;
const regex_step = /^step\/(\d+)\/?(?:\/(post|visit))?$/;
const http = require( 'http' );
const crypto = require( 'crypto' );
var server = null;
var server_cache = null;
var rating_service = null;
const {
bucket: {
server: {
db: {
lock: {
quote: {
ServerSideQuote: Quote,
service: {
export: {
request: {
} = require( '../..' );
// read and write locks, as separate semaphores
var rlock = Semaphore(),
wlock = Semaphore();
// concurrent session flag
var sflag = {};
// TODO: kluge to get liza somewhat decoupled from lovullo (rating module)
exports.rater = {};
exports.init = function( logger, enc_service )
var db = new MongoDb(
new MongoServer(
process.env.MONGODB_HOST || '',
+process.env.MONGODB_PORT || MongoConnection.DEFAULT_PORT,
{ native_parser: false, safe: false }
var dao = MongoServerDao( db );
server = Server(
new JsonServerResponse.create(),
server_cache = _createCache( server );
server.init( server_cache, exports.rater );
rating_service = RatingService( logger, dao, server, exports.rater );
// TODO: exports.init needs to support callbacks; this will work, but
// only because it's unlikely that we'll get a request within
// milliseconds of coming online
_initExportService( db, function( service )
c1_export_service = service;
} );
server.on( 'quotePverUpdate', function( quote, program, event )
// let them know that we're going to be a moment
var c = event.wait();
getCleaner( program ).clean( quote, function( err )
// report on our success/failure
if ( err )
event.bad( err );
// we're done
} );
} );
function _initExportService( db, callback )
db.collection( 'quotes', function( err, collection )
if ( collection === null )
var spoof_host = (
|| process.env.LV_RATE_DOMAIN
|| process.env.LV_RATE_HOST
var spoof = SessionSpoofHttpClient( http, spoof_host );
.use( TokenedService(
TokenDao( collection ),
function tokgen()
var shasum = crypto.createHash( 'sha1' );
shasum.update( ''+Math.random() );
return shasum.digest( 'hex' );
function newcapturedResponse( request, callback )
return UserResponse
.use( CapturedUserResponse( callback ) )
( request );
) )
( spoof )
} );
* Create server cache
* TODO: This needs to be moved elsewhere; it is a stepping-stone
* kluge.
* @param {Server} server server containing miss methods
* @return {Store} cache
function _createCache( server )
const progjs_cache = store.MemoryStore.use(
store.MissLookup( server.loadProgramFiles.bind( server ) )
const step_prog_cache = store.MemoryStore.use(
store.MissLookup( program_id => Promise.resolve(
server.loadStepHtml.bind( server, program_id )
) )
const prog_cache = store.MemoryStore.use(
store.MissLookup( server.loadProgram.bind( server ) )
const cache = store.MemoryStore.use( store.Cascading )();
cache.add( 'program_js', progjs_cache );
cache.add( 'step_html', step_prog_cache );
cache.add( 'program', prog_cache );
return cache;
exports.reload = function()
// will cause all steps, programs, etc to be reloaded on demand
server.reload( exports.rater );
exports.route = function( request )
var data;
if ( !( data = request.getUri().match( regex_base ) ) )
// we don't handle this URI
return Promise.resolve( false );
// we don't want to cache the responses, as most of them change with each
// request
var program_id = data[1];
return server.getProgram( program_id )
.then( function( program )
return new Promise( function( resolve, reject )
doRoute( program, request, data, resolve, reject );
} );
} );
function doRoute( program, request, data, resolve, reject )
// store our data in more sensible vars
var program_id = data[1],
quote_id = +data[2] || 0,
cmd = data[3] || data[4] || '',
session = request.getSession();
// if we were unable to load the program class, that's a problem
if ( program === null )
server.sendError( request,
'Internal error. Please contact LoVullo Associates for ' +
'support.' +
'<br /><br />Your information has <em>not</em> been saved!'
resolve( true );
var skey = has_skey( request );
// is the user currently logged in?
if ( ( request.getSession().isLoggedIn() === false )
&& !skey
// todo: this is temporary so we don't break our current setup; remove
// this check once we can error out before we even get to this point
// (PHP current handles the initial page load)
if ( cmd !== 'program.js' )
session.setRedirect( '/quote/' + program_id + '/', function()
session.setReturnQuoteNumber( quote_id, function()
// peoples are trying to steal our secrets!?!!?
'Please <a href="/login">click here</a> to log in.'
} );
} );
resolve( true );
// if the session key was provided, mark us as internal
if ( skey )
request.getSession().setAgentId( '900000' );
// if we're internal, let the program know for the sake of assertions
program.isInternal = request.getSession().isInternal();
// we'll be serving all our responses as plain text
request.setContentType( 'text/plain' );
if ( data = cmd.match( regex_step ) )
var step_id = data[1];
var step_action = ( data[2] !== undefined ) ? data[2] : '';
switch ( step_action )
case 'post':
acquireWriteLock( quote_id, request, function()
handleRequest( function( quote )
step_id, request, quote, program, session
} );
} );
case 'visit':
acquireRwLock( quote_id, request, function()
handleRequest( function( quote )
server.visitStep( step_id, request, quote );
} );
} );
// send the requested step to the client
acquireReadLock( quote_id, request, function()
handleRequest( function( quote )
request, quote, program, step_id, session
} );
} );
else if ( cmd == 'init' )
acquireWriteLock( quote_id, request, function()
handleRequest( function( quote )
// for invalid quote requests
// concurrent access?
getConcurrentSessionUser( quote_id, session )
} );
} );
else if ( cmd === 'mkrev' )
// the database operation for this is atomic and disjoint from
// anything else we're doing, so no need to acquire any sort of
// lock
handleRequest( function( quote )
server.createRevision( request, quote );
} );
// TODO: diff against other revisions as well
else if ( data = cmd.match( /^revdiffgrp\/(.*?)\/(\d+)$/ ) )
// similar to above; no locking needed
handleRequest( function( quote )
var gid = data[ 1 ] || '',
revid = +data[ 2 ] || 0;
server.diffRevisionGroup( request, program, quote, gid, revid );
} );
else if ( cmd == 'program.js' )
// no quote involved; just send the JS
server.sendProgramJs( request, program_id );
resolve( true );
else if ( /^rate\b/.test( cmd ) )
// the client may have optionally requested the rate for a specific
// alias
var ratedata = cmd.match( /^rate(?:\/([a-z]+))?/ ),
alias = ratedata[ 1 ];
// request manual lock freeing; allows us to free the lock when we
// want to (since we'll be saving data to the DB async, after the
// response is already returned)
acquireWriteLock( quote_id, request, function( free )
// if we're performing deferred rating, it must be async;
// immediately free the locks and trust that the deferred process
// knows what it is doing and can properly handle such concurrency
alias && free();
handleRequest( function( quote )
var response = UserResponse( request );
rating_service.request( request, response, quote, alias, function()
// we're done; free the lock
} );
} );
}, true );
else if ( /^worksheet\//.test( cmd ) )
var wdata = cmd.match( /^worksheet\/(.+)\/([0-9]+)/ ),
supplier = wdata[ 1 ],
index = +wdata[ 2 ];
handleRequest( function( quote )
rating_service.serveWorksheet( request, quote, supplier, index );
} );
else if ( /^export\//.test( cmd ) )
var import_data = cmd.match( /^export\/(.+?)(?:\/(.+))?$/ ),
type = import_data[ 1 ],
subcmd = import_data[ 2 ];
// TODO: extract body
handleRequest( function( quote )
// TODO: support type
UserResponse( request ),
} );
else if ( cmd === 'quicksave' )
// attempt to acquire the write lock, aborting immediately if we
// cannot (instead of queueing)
acquireWriteLockImmediate( quote_id, request, function( free )
handleRequest( function( quote )
// if we could not immediately obtain the lock, then something
// is currently saving, meaning that the quicksave data is
// probably irrelevant (since it would just be wiped out anyway
// if we had issued this request moments earlier); abort
if ( !free )
server.sendEmptyReply( request, quote );
server.handleQuickSave( request, quote, program );
} );
} );
// keep the session alive
touchSession( quote_id, session );
else if ( /^log\//.test( cmd ) )
// the "log" URI currently does absolutely nothing; ideally, we'd be
// able to post to this and log somewhere useful, but for now it
// just appears in the logs
handleRequest( function( quote )
server.sendEmptyReply( request, quote );
} );
resolve( false );
// create a quote to represent this request
function handleRequest( operation )
createQuote( quote_id, program, request, operation, function( fatal )
// if fatal, notify the user and bail out
if ( fatal )
// an error occurred; quote invalid
server.sendError( request,
'There was a problem loading this quote; please contact ' +
'LoVullo Associates for support.'
// otherwise, the given quote is invalid, but we can provide a new
// one
server.sendNewQuote( request, createQuoteQuick );
} );
// we handled the request; don't do any additional routing
resolve( true );
* Creates a new quote instance with the given quote id
* @param Integer quote_id id of the quote
* @param Program program program that the quote will be a part of
* @param Function( quote ) callback function to call when quote is ready
* @return undefined
function createQuote( quote_id, program, request, callback, error_callback )
// if an invalid callback was given, log it to the console...that's a
// problem, since the quote won't even be returned!
callback = callback || function()
server.logger.log( log.PRIORITY_ERROR,
"Invalid createQuote() callback"
var bucket = QuoteDataBucket(),
quote = Quote( quote_id, bucket );
var controller = this;
return server.initQuote( quote, program, request,
callback.call( controller, quote );
error_callback.apply( controller, arguments );
function createQuoteQuick( id )
return Quote(
function has_skey( user_request )
// a basic authentication token that allows our systems to bypass
// authentication...this isn't really secure, but it doesn't need to be,
// because for our uses, they really cannot do any damage
return ( user_request.getGetData().skey === 'fd29d02ac1' )
function getCleaner( program )
return ProgramQuoteCleaner( program );
* Acquire a semaphore for a quote id
* Note that, since this controller is single-threaded, we do not have to worry
* about race conditions with regards to acquiring the lock.
function acquireLock( type, id, request, c, manual )
type.acquire( id, function( free )
// automatically release the lock once the request completes (this is
// also safer, as it is hopefully immune to exceptions before lock
// release and will still work with the timeout system)
if ( !manual )
request.once( 'end', function()
} );
// we're good!
c( free );
} );
// keep the quote session alive
touchSession( id, request.getSession() );
* Otherwise, the possibility for a deadlock is introduced if something else is
* attempting to acquire both locks in the opposite order!
function acquireRwLock( id, request, c, manual )
acquireWriteLock( id, request, function()
acquireReadLock( id, request, c );
}, manual );
function acquireWriteLock( id, request, c, manual )
acquireLock( wlock, id, request, c, manual );
function acquireReadLock( id, request, c, manual )
acquireLock( rlock, id, request, c, manual );
function acquireWriteLockImmediate( id, request, c, manual )
if ( wlock.isLocked( id ) )
// we could not obtain the lock
c( null );
// lock is free; acquire it
acquireWriteLock.apply( null, arguments );
function touchSession( id, session )
var cur = sflag[ id ];
// do not allow touching the session if we're not the owner
if ( cur && ( cur.agentName !== session.agentName() ) )
sflag[ id ] = {
agentName: session.agentName(),
time: ( new Date() ).getTime(),
function getConcurrentSessionUser( id, session )
var flag = sflag[ id ];
// we have a flag; if we're the same user that created it (we check on name
// because internally we all have the same agent id), then do not consider
// this a concurrent access attempt
if ( !flag || ( flag.agentName === session.agentName() ) )
return '';
return ( flag.agentName );
// in the unfortunate situation where a write lock hangs, for whatever reason,
// this will ensure that it is eventually freed; note that, since this shouldn't
// ever happen, this interval is 30s, meaning that a given lock may exist for
// just under 60s
var __wlock_stale_interval = 30e3;
setInterval( function __wlock_stale_free()
// TODO: log properly and possibly kill the request
// TODO: if the same quote repeatedly has stale locks, perhaps the
// quote data is bad and should be locked
wlock.freeStale( __wlock_stale_interval, function( id )
console.log( 'Freeing stale write lock: ' + id );
} );
rlock.freeStale( __wlock_stale_interval, function( id )
console.log( 'Freeing stale read lock: ' + id );
} );
}, __wlock_stale_interval );
// set this to ~10s after the quicksave interval
var __sclear_interval = 70e3;
setInterval( function __sclear_timeout()
var now = ( new Date() ).getTime();
for ( var id in sflag )
// clear all session flags that have timed out
if ( ( now - sflag[ id ].time ) > __sclear_interval )
delete sflag[ id ];
}, __sclear_interval );