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* Mongo DB DAO for program server
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import { ServerDao, Callback } from "./ServerDao";
import { MongoCollection, MongoUpdate, MongoDb } from "mongodb";
import { PositiveInteger } from "../../numeric";
import { ServerSideQuote } from "../quote/ServerSideQuote";
import { QuoteId } from "../../document/Document";
import { WorksheetData } from "../rater/Rater";
const EventEmitter = require( 'events' ).EventEmitter;
type ErrorCallback = ( err: NullableError ) => void;
* Uses MongoDB as a data store
export class MongoServerDao extends EventEmitter implements ServerDao
/** Collection used to store quotes */
readonly COLLECTION: string = 'quotes';
/** Sequence (auto-increment) collection */
readonly COLLECTION_SEQ: string = 'seq';
/** Sequence key for quote ids */
readonly SEQ_QUOTE_ID: string = 'quoteId';
/** Sequence quoteId default */
readonly SEQ_QUOTE_ID_DEFAULT: number = 200000;
/** Whether the DAO is initialized and ready to be used */
private _ready: boolean = false;
/** Collection to save data to */
private _collection?: MongoCollection | null;
/** Collection to read sequences (auto-increments) from */
private _seqCollection?: MongoCollection | null;
* Initializes DAO
* @param {Mongo.Db} db mongo database connection
private readonly _db: MongoDb,
private readonly _env: string,
* Initializes error events and attempts to connect to the database
* connectError event will be emitted on failure.
* @param Function callback function to call when connection is complete
* (will not be called if connection fails)
* @return MongoServerDao self to allow for method chaining
init( callback: () => void ): this
var dao = this;
// map db error event (on connection error) to our connectError event
this._db.on( 'error', function( err: Error )
dao._ready = false;
dao._collection = null;
dao.emit( 'connectError', err );
this.connect( callback );
return this;
* Attempts to connect to the database
* connectError event will be emitted on failure.
* @param Function callback function to call when connection is complete
* (will not be called if connection fails)
* @return MongoServerDao self to allow for method chaining
connect( callback: () => void ): this
var dao = this;
// attempt to connect to the database
this._db.open( function( err: any, db: any )
// if there was an error, don't bother with anything else
if ( err )
// in some circumstances, it may just be telling us that we're
// already connected (even though the connection may have been
// broken)
if ( err.errno !== undefined )
dao.emit( 'connectError', err );
var ready_count = 0;
var check_ready = function()
if ( ++ready_count < 2 )
// we're ready to roll!
dao._ready = true;
dao.emit( 'ready' );
// connection was successful; call the callback
if ( callback instanceof Function )
callback.call( dao );
// quotes collection
_err: any,
collection: MongoCollection,
) {
// for some reason this gets called more than once
if ( collection == null )
// initialize indexes
[ ['id', 1] ],
_err: NullableError,
_index: { [P: string]: any,
} )
// mark the DAO as ready to be used
dao._collection = collection;
// seq collection
err: Error,
collection: MongoCollection,
) {
if ( err )
dao.emit( 'seqError', err );
if ( collection == null )
dao._seqCollection = collection;
// has the sequence we'll be referencing been initialized?
{ _id: dao.SEQ_QUOTE_ID },
{ limit: <PositiveInteger>1 },
function( err: NullableError, cursor )
if ( err )
dao._initQuoteIdSeq( check_ready )
cursor.toArray( function( _err: Error, data: any[] )
if ( data.length == 0 )
dao._initQuoteIdSeq( check_ready );
return this;
private _initQuoteIdSeq( callback: () => void )
var dao = this;
_id: this.SEQ_QUOTE_ID,
function( err: NullableError, _docs: any )
if ( err )
dao.emit( 'seqError', err );
dao.emit( 'seqInit', dao.SEQ_QUOTE_ID );
callback.call( dao );
* Saves a quote to the database
* A full save will include all metadata. This should not cause any
* problems with race conditions for pending Data API calls on meta
* fields because those results write to individual indexes and do not
* rely on existing data.
* @param Quote quote the quote to save
* @param Function success_callback function to call on success
* @param Function failure_callback function to call if save fails
* @param Object save_data quote data to save (optional)
* @param Object push_data quote data to push (optional)
quote: ServerSideQuote,
success_callback: Callback,
failure_callback: Callback,
save_data?: any,
push_data?: any,
): this
var dao = this;
var meta: Record<string, any> = {};
// if we're not ready, then we can't save the quote!
if ( this._ready === false )
this.emit( 'saveQuoteError',
{ message: 'Database server not ready' },
Error( 'Database not ready' ),
failure_callback.call( this, quote );
return dao;
if ( save_data === undefined )
save_data = {
data: quote.getBucket().getData(),
// full save will include all metadata
meta = quote.getMetabucket().getData();
var id = quote.getId();
// some data should always be saved because the quote will be created if
// it does not yet exist
save_data.id = id;
save_data.env = this._env;
save_data.pver = quote.getProgramVersion();
save_data.importDirty = 1;
save_data.published = false;
save_data.lastPremDate = quote.getLastPremiumDate();
save_data.initialRatedDate = quote.getRatedDate();
save_data.explicitLock = quote.getExplicitLockReason();
save_data.explicitLockStepId = quote.getExplicitLockStep();
save_data.importedInd = +quote.isImported();
save_data.boundInd = +quote.isBound();
save_data.lastUpdate = Math.round(
( new Date() ).getTime() / 1000
// meta will eventually take over for much of the above data
meta.liza_timestamp_initial_rated = [ quote.getRatedDate() ];
// save the stack so we can track this call via the oplog
save_data._stack = ( new Error() ).stack;
// avoid wiping out other metadata (since this may not be a full set)
Object.keys( meta ).forEach(
key => save_data[ 'meta.' + key ] = meta[ key ]
// do not push empty objects
const document = ( !push_data || !Object.keys( push_data ).length )
? { '$set': save_data }
: { '$set': save_data, '$push': push_data };
// update the quote data if it already exists (same id), otherwise
// insert it
this._collection!.update( { id: id },
// create record if it does not yet exist
{ upsert: true },
// on complete
function( err, _docs )
// if an error occurred, then we cannot continue
if ( err )
dao.emit( 'saveQuoteError', err, quote );
// let the caller handle the error
if ( failure_callback instanceof Function )
failure_callback.call( dao, quote );
// successful
if ( success_callback instanceof Function )
success_callback.call( dao, quote );
return this;
* Merges quote data with the existing (rather than overwriting)
* @param {Quote} quote quote to save
* @param {Object} data quote data
* @param {Function} scallback successful callback
* @param {Function} fcallback failure callback
quote: ServerSideQuote,
data: MongoUpdate,
scallback: Callback,
fcallback: Callback,
): this
// we do not want to alter the original data; use it as a prototype
var update = data;
// save the stack so we can track this call via the oplog
var _self = this;
this._collection!.update( { id: quote.getId() },
{ '$set': update },
function( err, _docs )
if ( err )
_self.emit( 'saveQuoteError', err, quote );
if ( typeof fcallback === 'function' )
fcallback( quote );
if ( typeof scallback === 'function' )
scallback( quote );
return this;
* Merges bucket data with the existing bucket (rather than overwriting the
* entire bucket)
* @param {Quote} quote quote to save
* @param {Object} data bucket data
* @param {Function} scallback successful callback
* @param {Function} fcallback failure callback
* @return {MongoServerDao} self
quote: ServerSideQuote,
data: MongoUpdate,
success: Callback,
failure: Callback,
): this
var update: MongoUpdate = {};
for ( var field in data )
if ( !field )
update[ 'data.' + field ] = data[ field ];
return this.mergeData( quote, update, success, failure );
* Saves the quote state to the database
* The quote state includes the current step, the top visited step and the
* explicit lock message.
* @param Quote quote the quote to save
* @param Function success_callback function to call on success
* @param Function failure_callback function to call if save fails
* @return MongoServerDao self
quote: ServerSideQuote,
success_callback: Callback,
failure_callback: Callback,
var update = {
currentStepId: quote.getCurrentStepId(),
topVisitedStepId: quote.getTopVisitedStepId(),
topSavedStepId: quote.getTopSavedStepId(),
return this.mergeData(
quote, update, success_callback, failure_callback
quote: ServerSideQuote,
classes: any,
success: Callback,
failure: Callback,
return this.mergeData(
{ classData: classes },
* Save document metadata (meta field on document)
* Only the provided indexes will be modified (that is---data will be
* merged with what is already in the database).
* @param {Quote} quote destination quote
* @param {Object} new_meta bucket-formatted data to write
* @param {Function} success callback on success
* @param {Function} failure callback on error
* @return {undefined}
quote: ServerSideQuote,
new_meta: any,
success: Callback,
failure: Callback,
): void
const update: MongoUpdate = {};
for ( var key in new_meta )
var meta = new_meta[ key ];
for ( var i in meta )
update[ 'meta.' + key + '.' + i ] = new_meta[ key ][ i ];
this.mergeData( quote, update, success, failure );
* Saves the quote lock state to the database
* @param Quote quote the quote to save
* @param Function success_callback function to call on success
* @param Function failure_callback function to call if save fails
* @return MongoServerDao self
quote: ServerSideQuote,
success_callback: Callback,
failure_callback: Callback,
): this
// lock state is saved by default
return this.saveQuote(
* Pulls quote data from the database
* @param Integer quote_id id of quote
* @param Function( data ) callback function to call when data is available
* @return MongoServerDao self to allow for method chaining
quote_id: PositiveInteger,
callback: ( data: Record<string, any> | null ) => void
): this
var dao = this;
// XXX: TODO: Do not read whole of record into memory; filter out
// revisions!
this._collection!.find( { id: quote_id }, { limit: <PositiveInteger>1 },
function( _err, cursor )
cursor.toArray( function( _err: NullableError, data: any[] )
// was the quote found?
if ( data.length == 0 )
callback.call( dao, null );
// return the quote data
callback.call( dao, data[ 0 ] );
return this;
getMinQuoteId( callback: ( min_id: number ) => void ): this
// just in case it's asynchronous later on
callback.call( this, this.SEQ_QUOTE_ID_DEFAULT );
return this;
getMaxQuoteId( callback: ( min_id: number ) => void ): void
var dao = this;
{ _id: this.SEQ_QUOTE_ID },
{ limit: <PositiveInteger>1 },
function( _err, cursor )
cursor.toArray( function( _err: NullableError, data: any[] )
if ( data.length == 0 )
callback.call( dao, 0 );
// return the max quote id
callback.call( dao, data[ 0 ].val );
getNextQuoteId( callback: ( quote_id: number ) => void ): this
var dao = this;
{ _id: this.SEQ_QUOTE_ID },
[ [ 'val', 'descending' ] ],
{ $inc: { val: 1 } },
{ 'new': true },
function( err, doc )
if ( err )
dao.emit( 'seqError', err );
callback.call( dao, 0 );
// return the new id
callback.call( dao, doc.val );
return this;
* Create a new revision with the provided quote data
* The revision will contain the whole the quote. If space is a concern, we
* can (in the future) calculate a delta instead (Mike recommends the Git
* model of storing the deltas in previous revisions and the whole of the
* bucket in the most recently created revision).
quote: ServerSideQuote,
callback: ErrorCallback,
): void
var _self = this,
qid = quote.getId(),
data = quote.getBucket().getData();
this._collection!.update( { id: qid },
{ '$push': { revisions: { data: data } } },
// create record if it does not yet exist
{ upsert: true },
// on complete
function( err )
if ( err )
_self.emit( 'mkrevError', err );
callback( err );
quote: ServerSideQuote,
revid: PositiveInteger,
callback: ErrorCallback,
): void
revid = <PositiveInteger>+revid;
// XXX: TODO: Filter out all but the revision we want
{ id: quote.getId() },
{ limit: <PositiveInteger>1 },
function( _err, cursor )
cursor.toArray( function( _err: NullableError, data: any[] )
// was the quote found?
if ( ( data.length === 0 )
|| ( data[ 0 ].revisions.length < ( revid + 1 ) )
callback( null );
// return the quote data
callback( data[ 0 ].revisions[ revid ] );
qid: QuoteId,
data: MongoUpdate,
callback: NodeCallback<void>,
): void
this._collection!.update( { id: qid },
{ '$set': { worksheets: { data: data } } },
// create record if it does not yet exist
{ upsert: true },
// on complete
function( err )
callback( err );
qid: QuoteId,
supplier: string,
index: PositiveInteger,
callback: ( data: WorksheetData | null ) => void,
): void
{ id: qid },
{ limit: <PositiveInteger>1 },
function( _err, cursor )
cursor.toArray( function( _err: NullableError, data: any[] )
// was the quote found?
if ( ( data.length === 0 )
|| ( !data[ 0 ].worksheets )
|| ( !data[ 0 ].worksheets.data )
|| ( !data[ 0 ].worksheets.data[ supplier ] )
callback( null );
// return the quote data
callback( data[ 0 ].worksheets.data[ supplier ][ index ] );
} );