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* Test case for GeneralStepUi
* Copyright (C) 2016 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework
* Liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var Sut = require( '../../../' ).ui.step.GeneralStepUi,
expect = require( 'chai' ).expect,
sinon = require( 'sinon' ),
Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class;
describe( 'ui.GeneralStepUi', function()
describe( 'on answer data change', function()
it( 'will attempt pre-style with formatter', function( done )
var orig_data = {
foo: [ "orig" ],
fmt_data = {
foo: [ "formatted" ],
var formatter = createFormatter(),
mock_fmt = sinon.mock( formatter );
mock_fmt.expects( 'format' )
.withExactArgs( orig_data )
.returns( fmt_data );
createSut( formatter, createElementStyler( function( name, value )
// by the time the answer data makes its way to the
// element styler, it should have already been
// formatted
expect( name ).to.equal( 'foo' );
expect( value ).to.equal( fmt_data.foo[ 0 ] );
} ) ).answerDataUpdate( orig_data );
} );
} );
describe( '#scrollTo', function()
field: '',
index: 0,
cause: 'foocause',
field: undefined,
index: 0,
cause: 'foocause2',
field: '',
index: 0,
cause: '',
field: '',
index: 0,
cause: undefined,
field: 'foo',
index: -1,
cause: undefined,
field: 'foo',
index: undefined,
cause: undefined,
field: 'foo',
index: undefined,
cause: 'index cause',
].forEach( function( args, i )
it( 'emits error given invalid field (' + i + ')', function( done )
var step = {
getValidCause: function()
return args.cause;
var sut = createSut( {}, {}, step );
// should only throw a single error
sut.once( 'error', function( error )
expect( error ).to.be.instanceof( Error );
expect( error.message ).to.have.string( 'Could not scroll' );
if ( args.cause )
expect( error.message ).to.have.string( 'cause: ' );
expect( error.message ).to.have.string( args.cause );
expect( error.message ).to.not.have.string( 'cause:' );
} );
sut.scrollTo( args.field, args.index, false, args.cause );
} );
} );
it( 'emits error when element is not found', function( done )
var field = 'foo',
index = 5;
var styler = {
getProperIndex: function()
getWidgetByName: function()
// no element
return [];
var sut = createSut( {}, styler, {} );
sut.once( 'error', function( error )
expect( error ).to.be.instanceof( Error );
expect( error.message ).to.have.string( 'Could not scroll' );
expect( error.message ).to.have.string( 'could not locate' );
expect( error.message ).to.have.string(
field + '[' + index + ']'
} );
sut.scrollTo( field, index, false, '' );
} );
it( 'emits error when element is not visible', function( done )
var field = 'foo',
index = 5;
var styler = {
getProperIndex: function()
getWidgetByName: function()
// jQuery-ish
var element = [ 0 ];
element.is = function( selector )
expect( selector ).to.equal( ':visible' );
return false;
return element;
var sut = createSut( {}, styler, {} );
sut.once( 'error', function( error )
expect( error ).to.be.instanceof( Error );
expect( error.message ).to.have.string( 'Could not scroll' );
expect( error.message ).to.have.string( 'not visible' );
expect( error.message ).to.have.string(
field + '[' + index + ']'
} );
sut.scrollTo( field, index, false, '' );
} );
it( 'scrolls to the failed element', function( done )
var field = 'foo',
index = 5,
content_html = '<html>something</html>',
element = [ 0 ],
showm = true,
message = 'whatacluster';
var styler = {
getProperIndex: function()
getWidgetByName: function()
element.is = function( selector )
expect( selector ).to.equal( ':visible' );
return true;
return element;
var content = {
parent: function()
return {
scrollTo: scroll_mock
function scroll_mock( given_element, duration, options )
expect( given_element ).to.equal( element );
expect( duration ).to.equal( 100 );
expect( options.offset.top ).to.equal( -150 );
styler.focus = function( given_element, given_showm, given_msg )
expect( given_element ).to.equal( element );
expect( given_showm ).to.equal( showm );
expect( given_msg ).to.equal( message );
var sut = createSut( {}, styler, {} );
// XXX: SUT needs refactoring!
sut.$content = content;
var result = sut.scrollTo( field, index, true, message );
expect( result ).to.equal( sut );
} );
} );
} );
* Create new SUT with formatter FORMATTER and generated element
* styler
* @param {Object} formatter validator/formatter mock
* @param {Object} styler mock ElementStyler
* @param {Object} step mock step
* @return {Sut}
function createSut( formatter, styler, step )
return Sut.extend(
// visibility escalation
'override answerDataUpdate': function( data )
return this.__super( data );
'override getAnswerContext': function( name )
return {};
} )(
step || {},
* Create mock ElementStyler
* styleAnswer method is defined by STYLE_CALLBACK
* @param {function(string,*)} style_callback styler styleAnswer method dfn
* @return {Object} ElementStyler mock
function createElementStyler( style_callback )
return {
getAnswerElementByName: function()
// jQuery element
return {
attributes: [],
length: 1,
text: function() {},
getProperIndex: function()
getWidgetByName: function()
return [];
styleAnswer: style_callback,
* Create mock validator/formatter
* The only method provided is `format', which contains no definition;
* it is expected to be mocked by the caller.
* @param {Object}
function createFormatter( expected, return_data )
return {
format: function()
function createStep()
return {
getValidCause: function()