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* Calculation worksheet
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @todo this was thrown together during rough times and could use some
* cleanup
var Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class;
* Summary view of calculations used to produce the final yield
* This was historically referred to ask the ``rating worksheet''.
module.exports = Class( 'CalcWorksheet',
'private _data': null,
'private _perf': null,
'private _jquery': null,
__construct: function( data, perf, jquery )
this._data = data;
this._perf = perf;
this._jquery = jquery;
'public buildHtml': function()
var $ = this._jquery,
$ret = $( '<div class="worksheet">' ),
$w = $( '<dl class="worksheet">' ),
c = 0;
this._appendHeader( $ret );
for ( var name in this._data )
var cur = this._data[ name ],
disp = cur[ 0 ],
data = cur[ 1 ],
val = cur[ 2 ] || '0.00';
// array?
var vals = val;
if ( !val.push )
vals = [ val ];
// display each index on its own
var len = vals.length,
n = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ )
var val = vals[ i ];
// neglect zero values
if ( !cur[ 1 ] || +val === 0 || val.length === 0 )
if ( !cur[ 3 ] )
( disp || name ),
// if nothing was appended, then let them know that the worksheet
// is unavailable
if ( c === 0 )
$ret.text( 'Unavailable.' );
// add the worksheet
$ret.append( $w );
// append perf data
if ( this._perf && this._perf.time )
$ret.append( $( '<p class="perf">' ).html(
'<b>Calculation time:</b> ' + this._perf.time.total + 'ms'
) );
return $ret;
'private _renderCalc': function( $w, disp, data, vals, index, render_n )
var val = vals[ index ],
label = disp;
if ( vals.length > 1 )
label = label + ' (#' + ( index + 1 ) + ')';
.append( $( '<dt>' )
.text( label )
.addClass( ( render_n === 0 ) ? 'first-of-set' : '' )
.append( $( '<dd>' )
.append( $( '<span>' )
.html( this._processSet( data, [], index ) )
.append( $( '<span>' )
'<span class="result">' +
'<span class="delim">=</span> ' + val +
'private _appendHeader': function( $ret )
// this used to reference "premium", but has been generalized
$ret.append( $( '<p>' ).html(
'Below you will find values that were hand-selected as ' +
'useful data. <em>Only non-zero calculations are ' +
'displayed</em>, so if a calculation results in <tt>0</tt>, ' +
'you must click on "More Detail" to see it. For more ' +
'complex calculations, only applicable portions may be ' +
) );
'private _processSet': function( data, delims, index )
if ( data.length === 0 )
return '';
var $ret = this._jquery( '<span>' ),
$add = $ret,
if ( delims.length > 1 )
$ret.append( $group = $( '<div class="group">' ) );
$add = $group;
$group.append( '<span class="delim group">(</span>' );
var n = 0;
for ( var i in data )
if ( data[ i ] === undefined )
data[ i ],
( n++ === 0 ) /* do not apply delim to first */,
if ( delims.length > 1 )
.append( '<span class="delim group">)</span>' )
.append( '<br clear="both" />' );
return $ret;
'private _processCalc': function( data, delims, first, index )
first = !!first;
var type = data[ 0 ],
desc = data[ 1 ],
sub = data[ 2 ],
val = ( data[ 3 ] || [] )[ index ],
$ = this._jquery,
$ret = $( '<span>' );
if ( ( val === undefined ) || ( val === null ) )
val = data[ 3 ];
// render only the first argument (which is presumably the meat)
if ( type === 'apply' )
sub = [ sub[ 0 ] ];
// just in case we're provided with an array
if ( !val || ( typeof val === 'object' ) && ( val.length === 0 ) )
val = ( desc.value || '0' );
// if we're a sub-equation (denoted by delimiters) with no value, then
// neglect to display anything
if ( delims.length && !data[ 3 ] )
//return null;
// should we ignore this calculation?
if ( this._shouldIgnoreOutput( type, desc, sub, val ) )
return '';
// should we ignore the parent output (only output children)?
var ignore_poutput = this._shouldIgnorePOutput( type, desc, sub, val );
.append( $( '<span>' )
( ( delims.length && !first && !ignore_poutput )
? ( '<span class="delim">'
+ delims[ delims.length - 1 ]
+ '</span>'
: ''
) +
( ( !ignore_poutput )
? this._styleType( type, desc, val, sub )
: ''
this._processSet( sub, this._addDelim( delims, type ), index )
return $ret;
'private _shouldIgnoreOutput': function( type, desc, sub, val )
// ignore all cases except for the one that yielded a value
if ( ( ( type === 'case' || type === 'otherwise' ) ) && !( +val > 0 ) )
return true;
else if ( type === 'when' )
return true;
return false;
'private _shouldIgnorePOutput': function( type, desc, sub, val )
// ignore all cases except for the one that yielded a value
switch ( type )
case 'cases':
return true;
return false;
'private _styleType': function( type, desc, val, sub )
switch ( type )
case 'arg':
case 'product':
case 'quotient':
case 'sum':
case 'cases':
case 'case':
case 'when':
case 'otherwise':
return '';
case 'apply':
if ( sub.length )
return '<span class="func">' +
this._applyName( desc.name ) +
// intentional fallthrough (how useful!)
case 'value-of':
var name = desc.label || desc.name || desc.desc || '';
if ( name )
return '<span class="descval">[' +
name + ' = ' + val +
return val;
* More understandable text for certain function names
* TODO: Move somewhere else
'private _applyName': function( name )
switch ( name )
case 'max': return "The larger of";
case 'round_real': return 'Round to the nearest integer';
return name;
'private _addDelim': function( delims, type )
// create a copy (then we don't have to worry about popping elements
// off)
delims = ( delims ) ? delims.slice() : [];
var delim = ( function()
switch ( type )
case 'sum': return '+';
case 'quotient': return '/';
case 'product': return '*';
default: return '';
} )();
if ( delim )
delims.push( delim );
return delims;
} );