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* Archaic DOM element styler
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of liza.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @needsLove
* - Everything! This class exists from when the framework was barely
* more than a few prototypes and has rotted ever since with little else
* but workarounds.
* @end needsLove
var State = require( '../data/UsStates' ),
Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class;
* Styles DOM elements
* This class styles DOM elements with Dojo's Dijits (widgets).
* @return void
module.exports = Class( 'ElementStyler',
* Stores element types as an associative array
* @type {Object.<string>}
elementTypes: {},
'private _answerRefs': {},
* Stores help text for elements
* @type {Object.<string>}
elementHelp: {},
* Whether to show internal questions
* @type {boolean}
_showInternal: false,
* Stores defaults for questions
* @type {Object}
'private _defaults': {},
* Stores defaults for display only
* @type {Object}
'private _displayDefaults': {},
* Contains data for select
* @type {Object.<string,string>}
'private _selectData': {},
* Selector context
* @type {jQuery}
'private _$context': null,
_answerStyles: {
'deductible': function( value, _, default_val )
// if no value was given, be sure that we use the proper default
// value
if ( ( value === '' ) && default_val )
return default_val;
return value + ' Deductible';
'includeExclude': function( value, _, default_val )
// use the default if no value
if ( ( value === '' ) && default_val )
return default_val;
return ( +value === 0 )
? 'Excluded'
: 'Included';
'state': function( value )
return State.getName( value );
* Styles a no-yes answer
* A non-zero value is considered to be "Yes". An empty string (unless a
* default value is given) and "0" are considered to be "No". Default
* value is only returned if an empty string is provided.
* @param {string} value value to style
* @param {*} _ ignored
* @param {string_ default_val default value
* @return {string} styled answer
'noyes': function( value, _, default_val )
// if a default value is provided, we will interpret an empty string
// as no value and return the default
if ( ( value === '' ) && default_val )
return default_val;
return ( value && ( value !== '0' ) )
? 'Yes'
: 'No';
'select': function( value, ref_id )
var val = this._selectData[ref_id][value];
// return the string associated with the given value
// (the text for the option), or the given value if it does not
// exist
return ( val === undefined )
? value
: val;
'dateTime': function( value )
var ret_val = new Date( ( +value ) * 1000 );
// do not attempt to format if invalid date
if ( isNaN( ret_val.getDate() ) || value === '' )
return '';
return ( ret_val.getMonth() + 1 ) + '/'
+ ret_val.getDate() + '/'
+ ret_val.getFullYear();
percent: function( value )
return value + '%';
waitable: function( value )
return value.replace(
/Please wait.../,
'<div class="plswait">$&</div>'
__construct: function( jquery )
this._$context = jquery;
* Returns the function to be used for the widget jQuery selector
* @return Function selector function
getWidgetSelector: function()
return function( node, i, data )
// name of the widget we're searching for
var name = data[3],
$node = $( node );
// if it's not a widget, bail
if ( !( $node.hasClass( 'widget' ) ) )
return false;
// if no name was given, then don't check for it (they just want to
// know if this is a widget)
if ( !( name ) )
return true;
// quick name check on self
if ( $node.attr( 'name' ) === ( name + '[]' ) )
return true;
// attempt to locate the element with the name we're looking for
var $named = $node.find( '[name="' + name + '[]"]' );
if ( $named.length === 0 )
return false;
return true;
getWidgetIdSelector: function()
return function( node, i, data )
// name of the widget we're searching for
var id = data[3],
$node = $( node );
if ( !( $node.hasClass( 'widget' ) ) )
return false;
// if no name was given, then don't check for it (they just want to
// know if this is a widget)
if ( !( name ) )
return true;
// quick name check on self
if ( $node.attr( 'id' ) === id )
return true;
// attempt to locate the element with the name we're looking for
var $named = $node.find( '[id="' + id + '"]' );
if ( $named.length === 0 )
return false;
return true;
* Applies the style to all DOM elements that are descendants of $content
* This method operates off of a very basic concept. It takes an array of
* data containing a jQuery selector and applies the associated attributes
* to the elements. These attributes are non-standard - that is, they are
* not valid HTML attributes. Dojo then parses out these attributes and
* generates the dijit HTML, replacing the existing element.
* @param jQuery $content parent element containing elements to style
* @return ElementStyler self to support method chaining
apply: function( $content, parse )
parse = ( parse === undefined ) ? true : !!parse;
// if we're internal, show internal questions
if ( this._showInternal )
$content.find( '.hidden.i' ).removeClass( 'hidden' );
return this;
* Called after the content is appended to the DOM for the first time
* This is used to do final processing for display. In this case, performing
* the actual styling based off of the previously set attributes.
* @return ElementStyler self to allow for method chaining
postAppend: function( $content )
return this;
* Retrieves the id associated with the given element
* The problem is that Dijits do not always use a single element. They'll
* often have multiple elements in order to achieve a certain effect. The id
* may be on a different element than the one that contains the correct name
* attribute.
* This method will attempt to find the id by checking first the given
* element, then its siblings, followed finally by its children. Having to
* check for siblings is slower than accessing directly, and having to go so
* far as to check the children is the slowest. It is uncommon to have to
* check the children, so that check is performed last.
* @param jQuery $element element to get id of
* @return String element id or undefined
getIdFromElement: function( $element )
// check to see if the given element has the id we're looking for
// first, otherwise the siblings/children most likely contain the id
// we're looking for
return $element.attr( 'widgetid' )
|| $element.attr( 'id' )
|| $element.siblings().filter( '[id]' ).attr( 'id' )
|| $element.children().filter( '[id]' ).attr( 'id' );
* Gets the name from a given element
* This method is needed because the name attribute may exist on a different
* element than the one provided.
* @return String|undefined
getNameFromElement: function( $element )
if ( !( $element instanceof jQuery ) )
// assume it's an id
$element = $( '#' + $element );
return $element.attr( 'name' )
|| $element.siblings().filter( '[name]' ).attr( 'name' )
|| $element.children().filter( '[name]' ).attr( 'name' )
|| '';
* Returns the element with the name attribute
* This allows referencing the element that should be posted
* @return jQuery named element
getNameElement: function( $element )
// if the passed element has a name attribute, then no searching is
// needed
if ( $element.attr( 'name' ) )
return $element;
// attempt to find from siblings and children
return $element.siblings().filter( '[name]' )
|| $element.children().filter( '[name]' )
'public setOptions': function( name, index, options, val, $context )
var $element = this.getElementByName( name, index, null, $context );
// if the provided question is not a select, then we cannot add options
// to it---use the first index instead
if ( this._getElementType( name ) !== 'select' )
$element.val( ( options[ 0 ] || { value: '' } ).value );
// store the old value
val = val || $element.val();
var answer_data = this._selectData[ name ] = {};
for ( var item in options )
var opt = options[ item ],
opt_value = opt.value === undefined || opt.value === null ? '' : opt.value;
answer_data[ opt_value ] = opt.label;
$( '<option>' )
.attr( 'value', opt_value )
.text( opt.label )
// if we found our old value, re-select it (note that the string
// cast is important; bucket values are usually strings but the
// values we set may not be)
if ( ''+opt_value === ''+val )
$element.val( val );
return this;
'public clearOptions': function( name, index )
return this.setOptions( name, index, [] );
* Sets element value given a name and index
* @param {string} name element name
* @param {number} index index to set
* @param {string} value value to set
* @param {boolean} change_event whether to trigger change event
* @param {jQuery=} $context optional DOM element context
* @return {ElementStyler} self
setValueByName: function( name, index, value, change_event, $context )
change_event = ( change_event === undefined ) ? true : change_event;
// just to be sure before we fully remove this
if ( change_event !== false )
"ElementStyler#setValueByName change_event is being removed"
// set value
switch ( this._getElementType( name ) )
case 'noyes':
case 'radio':
case 'legacyradio':
case 'checkbox':
var elements = [];
if ( $context && $context.singleIndex )
// get all elements
elements = this.getElementByName(
name, undefined, null, $context
var group_length = this.getElementLength( name, $context ),
current = index * group_length,
end = ( ( ( index + 1 ) * group_length ) - 1 );
while ( current <= end )
elements.push( this.getWidgetByName(
name, current, null, $context
) );
var i = elements.length;
while ( i-- )
// BC until jQuery is fully removed
const question = ( elements[ i ] instanceof jQuery )
? elements[ i ][ 0 ]
: elements[ i ];
if ( question )
question.checked = ( question.value === ''+value );
const $element = this.getElementByName(
name, index, null, $context
$element.val( ''+( value ) );
return this;
styleAnswer: function( ref_id, value )
var type = this._getElementType( ref_id );
if ( !( type ) )
return value;
var format = this._getAnswerStyler( type ),
default_val = this._displayDefaults[ ref_id ]
|| this._defaults[ ref_id ];
if ( format )
return format.call( this, value, ref_id, default_val );
return ( value === '' || typeof value === 'undefined' )
? default_val || value
: value;
* Determine field type
* This maintains BC: the old data format used a string to represent
* the type, whereas the new system uses an object describing additional
* details.
* @param {string} name type name
* @return {string|undefined} type of field NAME
'private _getElementType': function( name )
var type_data = this.elementTypes[ name ];
return ( type_data )
? type_data.type || type_data
: undefined;
'private _getAnswerStyler': function( type )
return this._answerStyles[ type ];
setTypeData: function( data )
this.elementTypes = data;
return this;
'public setAnswerRefs': function( data )
this._answerRefs = data;
return this;
showInternal: function()
this._showInternal = true;
return this;
addAnswerStyle: function( type, handler )
this._answerStyles[type] = handler;
return this;
* Removes the element identified by the given id from the DOM
* This will ensure that styled elements are also removed from memory, so
* that the same id can later be styled if it is readded.
* If the element is not styled, this method will fall back on jQuery to
* attempt to locate and remove it.
* @return ElementStyler self to allow for method chaining
remove: function( id )
if ( !id )
return this;
var $element = ( id instanceof jQuery )
? id
: $( '#' + id );
return this;
* Focuses on an element and optionally displays the tooltip
* @param jQuery $element element to focus on
* @param Boolean tooltip whether to display the tooltip
* @param String tooltip_text text to display on tooltip (optional)
* @return ElementStyler self to allow for method chaining
focus: function( $element, tooltip, tooltip_text )
tooltip = !!tooltip;
// place focus on the element
return this;
* Get the element with an id associated with the given name
* Styled elements may have separate DOM elements for the name and the id of
* the original element. In some cases, for example, the named element is a
* hidden field, whereas the id element is the actual entry textbox that
* should have focus. This method aims to return the element that should
* receive that focus.
* @param String name name of the element
* @param Integer index index of the element (0 by default)
* @return jQuery requested element
getIdElementFromName: function( name, index, $parent )
index = +index || 0;
$parent = $parent || $( 'body' );
var $element = $parent.find(
"[name='" + name + "[]']:nth(" + index + ")"
var id = this.getIdFromElement( $element );
return $( '#' + id );
* Disable a field
* @param {string} id id of the field to disable
* @param {boolean} value whether to disable the element
* @return {ElementStyler} self
disable: function( name, value )
var $elements = ( name instanceof jQuery )
? name
: this.getElementByName( name );
$elements.attr( 'disabled', !!value );
console.error( '[Deprecated] ElementStyler.disable()' );
return this;
* Disable the given field
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {number} index field index
* @param {boolean=} disable whether to disable (default true)
* @return {ElementStyler} self
'public disableField': function( name, index, disable, $context )
disable = ( disable === undefined ) ? true : !!disable;
var $e = this.getElementByName( name, index, null, $context );
if ( !disable && $e.hasClass( 'readonly' ) )
// do not enable read-only fields
$e.attr( 'disabled', disable );
return this;
* Enable the given field
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {number} index field index
* @return {ElementStyler} self
'public enableField': function( name, index )
this.disableField( name, index, false );
* Sets help data
* Should be provided as an associative array, with the question name as the
* key and the help text as the value.
* @param {Object} data help data
* @return {ElementStyler} self
setHelpData: function( data )
this.elementHelp = data;
return this;
* Returns the help text associated with the given element id
* If no help text is available, this method will fall back on the invalid
* message.
* @param {jQuery} $element element
* @return {string} help message
getHelpMessage: function( $element )
var name = ( $element.attr( 'name' ) || '' ).replace( /\[\]$/, '' );
return this.elementHelp[ name ] || '';
setDefaults: function( defaults )
this._defaults = defaults;
return this;
'public setDisplayDefaults': function( defaults )
this._displayDefaults = defaults;
return this;
getDefault: function( name )
return this._defaults[ name ];
'public setSelectData': function( data )
this._selectData = data;
'public setContext': function( $ )
this._$context = $;
* Retrieve widgets by the given name and optional index
* This allows for a simple mapping from bucket to UI.
* @param {string} name element name (question name)
* @param {number=} index index of element to retrieve (bucket index)
* @param {string=} filter filter to apply to widgets
* @param {jQuery=} $context filtering context
* @return {jQuery} matches
'public getWidgetByName': function( name, index, filter, $context )
$context = $context || this._$context;
// find the field; note that we *skip* the index selection if we have
// been notified---via a property on the context---that the content
// should contain only the index we are looking for
var $results = this._getWidgetByNameQuick( name, index, $context );
if ( filter )
return $results.filter( filter );
return $results;
* Attempt to quickly locate an element by id
* Otherwise, we have to fall back to scanning the DOM. Note that, if we do
* not find a match on the id, this will be slower than if we hadn't
* performed the check to begin with, so the idea is to find the id for as
* many as possible.
'private _getWidgetByNameQuick': function( name, index, $context )
var hasindex = ( ( index !== undefined ) && !$context.singleIndex );
if ( hasindex )
var id = this._getElementId( name, index, $context );
if ( id )
$element = $context.find( '#' + id );
// let's hope for the best
if ( $element.length )
return $element;
// damnit. Fallback to the painfully slow method.
return $context.find( '[data-field-name="' + name + '"]' +
( ( hasindex )
? ':nth(' + +index + ')'
: ''
* Retrieve elements by the given name and optional index
* This allows for a simple mapping from bucket to UI.
* If multiple elements exist for a group of elements (e.g. radios), the
* first element in the group will be returned.
* @param {string} name element name (question name)
* @param {number=} index index of element to retrieve (bucket index)
* @param {string=} filter filter to apply to widgets
* @param {jQuery=} $context filtering context
* @return {jQuery} matches
'public getElementByName': function( name, index, filter, $context )
var proper_index = ( index !== undefined )
? this.getProperIndex( name, index, $context )
: undefined;
var oldflag;
if ( $context )
// let's avoid a perf hit that would arise from cloning and
// potential problems with jQuery from creating a prototype...
oldflag = $context.singleIndex;
// proper_index above takes into account the singleIndex flag, so we
// do not need it for the getWidgetByName() call
if ( +index !== +proper_index )
$context.singleIndex = false;
var result = this.getWidgetByName(
name, proper_index, filter, $context
// mutability sucks.
if ( $context )
$context.singleIndex = oldflag;
return result;
* Attempt to retrieve DOM element by name, or id if not a field
* If NAME does not represent a known field, the element will be located
* using NAME as an element id; otherwise, this acts just as
* getElementByName.
* @param {string} name element name (question name)
* @param {number=} index index of element to retrieve (bucket index)
* @param {string=} filter filter to apply to widgets
* @param {jQuery=} $context filtering context
* @return {jQuery} matches
'public getElementByNameLax': function(
name, index, filter, $context
$context = $context || this._$context;
if ( !( this.isAField( name ) ) )
return $context.find(
'#' + name + ':nth(' + index + ')'
return this.getElementByName(
name, index, filter, $context
* Retrieve id of the element from the given name and index
* This is necessary both because we do not want id "guess" logic spread
* throughout the code and because the id indexes do not necessarily match
* the bucket indexes.
* @param {string} name element name (question name)
* @param {number} index index of element to retrieve (bucket index)
* @return {string} id or empty string if not found
'public getElementIdFromName': function( name, index )
return this.getElementByName( name, index )
.attr( 'id' ) || '';
'public getProperIndex': function ( name, index, $context )
var len = this.getElementLength( name, $context );
// if the context states that we have only a single index, and the
// element length is greater than 1, then we want to return a relative
// index
if ( $context && ( len > 1 ) && ( $context.singleIndex === true ) )
// the index passed to us, unadjusted, is the relative value we're
// looking for
return 0;
// otherwise, calculate the proper index for the lookup based on the
// element length
var proper_index = ( index !== undefined )
? ( +index * len )
: undefined;
return proper_index;
* Determines the number of elements in a group of the given element type
* @param {string} name element name
* @return {number} element length
'public getElementLength': function( name, $context )
$context = $context || this._$context;
switch ( this._getElementType( name ) )
// TODO: use same method as radio
case 'noyes':
return 2;
case 'radio':
return this.getWidgetByName( name, 0, null, $context )
.attr( 'data-question-length' );
case 'legacyradio':
return $context.find( '[name="' + name + '[]"]' ).length;
return 1;
'public isAField': function( name )
// consider both elements and answers to be fields (note that displays
// are considered to be answers)
return ( ( this._getElementType( name ) !== undefined )
|| ( this._answerRefs[ name ] !== undefined )
'private _getElementId': function( name, index, $context )
switch ( this._getElementType( name ) )
case 'radio': return '';
case 'noyes':
// append yes/no depending on whether or not the given index is
// even/odd
name += ( index & 0x01 )
? '_y'
: '_n';
index = index / 2;
/* fallthrough */
return 'q_' + name + '_' + index;
'public getAnswerElementByName': function( name, index, filter, $context )
var $results = ( $context || this._$context ).find(
'[data-answer-ref="' + name + '"]' +
( ( index !== undefined )
? '[data-index="' + index + '"]'
: ''
if ( filter )
return $results.filter( filter );
return $results;
* Set the status of a particular field
* The status is simply an element appended after the element itself; the
* stylesheet is to determine how exactly it is displayed. The status will
* have a class of "sidebyside", which is taken from legacy code, in
* addition to "status" to uniquely identify this element.
* @param {string} name element name (question name)
* @param {number} index index of element to retrieve (bucket index)
* @param {string} value text to display
* @return {ElementStyler} self
'public setStatus': function( name, index, value )
var $element = this.getElementByName( name, index ),
id = $element.attr( 'id' ) + '__status',
$status = $( '#' + id );
// create the element if it does not yet exist
if ( !( $status.length ) )
$status = $( '<span>' )
.attr( 'id', id )
.addClass( 'sidebyside' )
.addClass( 'status' );
$element.after( $status );
// update the text
$status.text( value );
return this;