/** * Start the Liza delta processor * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC. * * This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework. * * liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import * as amqplib from 'amqplib'; import { createAmqpConfig } from '../src/system/AmqpPublisher'; import { MongoDeltaDao } from '../src/system/db/MongoDeltaDao'; import { DeltaProcessor } from '../src/system/DeltaProcessor'; import { DeltaPublisher } from '../src/system/DeltaPublisher'; import { MongoCollection } from '../src/types/mongodb'; import { createAvroEncoder } from '../src/system/avro/AvroFactory'; import { V1MessageWriter } from '../src/system/avro/V1MessageWriter'; import { createMongoConfig, createMongoDB, getMongoCollection, } from '../src/system/db/MongoFactory'; import { EventMediator } from '../src/system/EventMediator'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { StandardLogger } from '../src/system/StandardLogger'; import { MetricsCollector } from '../src/system/MetricsCollector'; import { PrometheusFactory, createPrometheusConfig, } from '../src/system/PrometheusFactory'; import { AmqpConnection } from '../src/system/amqp/AmqpConnection'; import { parse as avro_parse } from 'avro-js'; require('dotenv-flow').config(); const amqp_conf = createAmqpConfig( process.env ); const prom_conf = createPrometheusConfig( process.env ); const db_conf = createMongoConfig( process.env ); const db = createMongoDB( db_conf ); const process_interval_ms = +( process.env.process_interval_ms || 2000 ); const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'Unknown Environment'; const emitter = new EventEmitter(); const log = new StandardLogger( console, ts_ctr, env ); const amqp_connection = new AmqpConnection( amqplib, amqp_conf, emitter ); const message_writer = new V1MessageWriter( createAvroEncoder, avro_parse( __dirname + '/../src/system/avro/schema.avsc' ), ); const publisher = new DeltaPublisher( emitter, ts_ctr, amqp_connection, message_writer, ); // Prometheus Metrics const prom_factory = new PrometheusFactory(); const metrics = new MetricsCollector( prom_factory, prom_conf, emitter, process.hrtime, ); // Structured logging new EventMediator( log, emitter ); let process_interval: NodeJS.Timer; let dao: MongoDeltaDao; getMongoCollection( db, db_conf ) .then( ( conn: MongoCollection ) => { return new MongoDeltaDao( conn ); } ) .then( ( mongoDao: MongoDeltaDao ) => { dao = mongoDao; } ) .then( _ => amqp_connection.connect() ) .then( _ => { log.info( 'Liza Delta Processor' ); handleShutdown(); const processor = new DeltaProcessor( dao, publisher, emitter ); return new Promise( ( _resolve, reject ) => { process_interval = setInterval( () => { try { processor.process() .catch( err => reject( err ) ); } catch ( err ) { reject( err ); } dao.getErrorCount() .then( count => { metrics.updateErrorCount( count ) } ); }, process_interval_ms ); } ); } ) .catch( e => { emitter.emit( 'error', e ); process.exit( 1 ); } ); /** * Hook shutdown events */ function handleShutdown(): void { process.on( 'SIGINT', () => { shutdown( 'SIGINT' ); } ) .on( 'SIGTERM', () => { shutdown( 'SIGTERM' ); } ); } /** * Perform a graceful shutdown * * @param signal - the signal that caused the shutdown */ function shutdown( signal: string ): void { log.info( 'Received ' + signal + '. Beginning graceful shutdown:' ); log.info( '...Stopping processing interval' ); clearInterval( process_interval ); log.info( '...Closing MongoDb connection' ); db.close( ( err, _data ) => { if ( err ) { console.error( ' Error closing connection: ' + err ); } } ); log.info( '...Closing AMQP connection...' ); amqp_connection.close(); log.info( '...Stopping the metrics collector...' ); metrics.stop(); log.info( 'Shutdown complete. Exiting.' ); process.exit(); } /** Timestamp constructor * * @return a timestamp */ function ts_ctr(): UnixTimestamp { return Math.floor( new Date().getTime() / 1000 ); }