/** * Test data validator * * Copyright (C) 2017 LoVullo Associates, Inc. * * This file is part of liza. * * liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; const root = require( '../../' ); const validate = root.validate; const Sut = validate.DataValidator; const MemoryStore = root.store.MemoryStore; const chai = require( 'chai' ); const expect = chai.expect; const sinon = require( 'sinon' ); const BucketDataValidator = validate.BucketDataValidator, ValidStateMonitor = validate.ValidStateMonitor; chai.use( require( 'chai-as-promised' ) ); describe( 'DataValidator', () => { describe( '#validate', () => { it( 'validates against bucket validator', () => { const bvalidator = createMockBucketValidator( function( data, err, inplace ) { expect( data ).to.equal( diff ); expect( inplace ).to.be.true; // since we're mocking #validate, the callback will not // be called; we'll have to do so ourselves (eventually // this will be a promise) err( 'foo', expected_value, 1 ); } ); const { sut, vmonitor, dep_factory, getStore } = createStubs( { bvalidator: bvalidator, } ); const { bstore } = getStore(); const mock_bstore = sinon.mock( bstore ); const mock_vmonitor = sinon.mock( vmonitor ); const mock_dep_factory = sinon.mock( dep_factory ); const diff = { foo: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] }; const expected_failure = {}; const expected_value = 'errmsg'; const expected_failures = { foo: { 1: expected_failure } }; // call to actual validator mock_vmonitor.expects( 'update' ) .once() .withExactArgs( getStore().store, expected_failures ) .returns( Promise.resolve( undefined ) ); mock_dep_factory.expects( 'createFieldFailure' ) .once() .withExactArgs( 'foo', 1, expected_value ) .returns( expected_failure ); // clears previous diffs mock_bstore.expects( 'clear' ) .once() .returns( Promise.resolve( bstore ) ); return Sut( bvalidator, vmonitor, dep_factory, getStore ) .validate( diff ) .then( () => { mock_vmonitor.verify(); mock_dep_factory.verify(); // cleared on call to err in above mock validator return expect( getStore().bstore.get( 'foo' ) ) .to.eventually.deep.equal( [ 'a', undefined, 'c' ] ); } ); } ); it( 'merges classification changes with diff', () => { // SUT will only care about the indexes const classes = { first: { indexes: [], is: false }, second: { indexes: [ 0, 1 ], is: true }, }; const { sut, getStore } = createStubs( {} ); const { cstore } = getStore(); const mock_cstore = sinon.mock( cstore ); // clears previous diffs mock_cstore.expects( 'clear' ) .once() .returns( Promise.resolve( cstore ) ); return sut .validate( {}, classes ) .then( () => { // clear should have been called mock_cstore.verify(); // keep in mind that we are using MemoryStore for this // test (whereas a real implementation would probably be // using a DiffStore) return Promise.all( Object.keys( classes ).map( key => expect( cstore.get( key ) ) .to.eventually.deep.equal( classes[ key ].indexes ) ) ); } ); } ); it( 'considers failures from external validator', () => { const expected_failure = {}; const bvalidator = createMockBucketValidator( function( data, err, _ ) { // see `failures` below err( 'foo', 'moo', 2 ); } ); const { sut, vmonitor, dep_factory, getStore } = createStubs( { bvalidator: bvalidator, } ); const diff = { foo: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] }; const expected_failures = { foo: { 0: expected_failure, 2: expected_failure, }, }; const validatef = ( given_diff, given_failures ) => { expect( given_diff ).to.equal( diff ); expect( given_failures.foo[ 2 ] ) .to.equal( expected_failure ); given_failures.foo[ 0 ] = expected_failure; }; // TODO: this is an implementation detail left over from the // good 'ol days; remove it sinon.mock( vmonitor ) .expects( 'update' ) .once() .withExactArgs( getStore().store, expected_failures ) .returns( Promise.resolve( undefined ) ); sinon.mock( dep_factory ) .expects( 'createFieldFailure' ) .returns( expected_failure ); return Sut( bvalidator, vmonitor, dep_factory, getStore ) .validate( diff, {}, validatef ); } ); it( 'rejects if field monitor update rejects', () => { const { sut, vmonitor } = createStubs( {} ); const expected_e = Error(); sinon.mock( vmonitor ) .expects( 'update' ) .once() .returns( Promise.reject( expected_e ) ); return expect( sut.validate( {} ) ). to.eventually.be.rejectedWith( expected_e ); } ); // otherwise system might get into an unexpected state it( 'queues concurrent validations', () => { const expected_failure = {}; let vcalled = 0; const bvalidator = createMockBucketValidator( ( _, __, ___ ) => vcalled++ ); const vmonitor = sinon.createStubInstance( ValidStateMonitor ); const { sut, getStore } = createStubs( { bvalidator: bvalidator, vmonitor: vmonitor, } ); const diff_a = { foo: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] }; const diff_b = { foo: [ 'd' ] }; const validatef = ( diff, failures ) => { // not a real failure; just used to transfer state to stub // (see below) failures.failedon = diff; }; return new Promise( ( accept, reject ) => { // by the time it gets to this the second time, store could // be in any sort of state depending on what callbacks were // invoked first (implementation details) vmonitor.update = ( _, failures ) => { const orig_diff = failures.failedon; // if the external validator was called twice, then they // didn't wait for us to finish if ( ( orig_diff === diff_a ) && ( vcalled !== 1 ) ) { reject( Error( "Request not queued" ) ); } // if this key doesn't exist, then the store has been // cleared (which happens before it's re-populated with // the new diff) return expect( getStore().bstore.get( 'foo' ) ) .to.eventually.deep.equal( orig_diff.foo ) .then( () => { // the second test, after which we're done if ( orig_diff === diff_b ) { accept(); } } ) .catch( e => reject( e ) ); }; sut.validate( diff_a, {}, validatef ); sut.validate( diff_b, {}, validatef ); } ); } ); } ); describe( '#updateFailures', () => { it( 'directly updates failures', () => { const { sut, vmonitor, getStore } = createStubs( {} ); const { bstore } = getStore(); const diff = { foo: [ 'bar' ], bar: [ 'baz' ], }; const failures = {}; const mock_vmonitor = sinon.mock( vmonitor ); const mock_bstore = sinon.mock( bstore ); // clears previous diffs mock_bstore.expects( 'clear' ) .once() .returns( Promise.resolve( bstore) ); mock_vmonitor .expects( 'update' ) .once() .withExactArgs( getStore().store, failures ); return sut .updateFailures( diff, failures ) .then( () => { mock_vmonitor.verify(); mock_bstore.verify(); // keep in mind that we are using MemoryStore for this // test (whereas a real implementation would probably be // using a DiffStore) return Promise.all( Object.keys( diff ).map( key => expect( bstore.get( key ) ) .to.eventually.deep.equal( diff[ key ] ) ) ); } ); } ); it( 'queues concurrent requests', () => { const { sut, vmonitor, getStore } = createStubs( { vmonitor: sinon.createStubInstance( ValidStateMonitor ), } ); const { bstore } = getStore(); // linked list (to previous) const fails = [ {}, {}, {} ]; fails.forEach( ( fail, i ) => fail.prev = fails[ i - 1 ] ); const failcalls = []; vmonitor.update = ( _, fail ) => { failcalls.push( fail ); return Promise.resolve( true ); }; return Promise.all( [ sut.updateFailures( {}, fails[ 0 ] ) .then( () => expect( failcalls[ 0 ] ).to.equal( fails[ 0 ] ) ), sut.updateFailures( {}, fails[ 1 ] ) .then( () => expect( failcalls[ 1 ] ).to.equal( fails[ 1 ] ) ), sut.updateFailures( {}, fails[ 2 ] ) .then( () => expect( failcalls[ 2 ] ).to.equal( fails[ 2 ] ) ), ] ) .then( () => { // sanity check to make sure the above stuff was // actually called expect( failcalls.length ) .to.equal( fails.length ) } ); } ); } ); describe( '#clearFailures', () => { it( 'proxies to validator', () => { const { sut, vmonitor } = createStubs( {} ); const mock_vmonitor = sinon.mock( vmonitor ); const failures = [ 'foo', 'bar' ]; mock_vmonitor .expects( 'clearFailures' ) .once() .withExactArgs( failures ); expect( sut.clearFailures( failures ) ) .to.equal( sut ); mock_vmonitor.verify(); } ); } ); } ); function createMockBucketValidator( validatef ) { validatef = validatef || ( ( x, y, z ) => {} ); return BucketDataValidator.extend( { 'override public validate': validatef, } )(); } // This isn't yet moved into liza (at least at the time of writing this) function createMockDependencyFactory( map ) { // alternative to mocking since the ClientDependencyFactory is not going // to be used in the future return { createFieldFailure: () => {}, }; } function createStubStore() { const stores = { store: MemoryStore(), bstore: MemoryStore(), cstore: MemoryStore(), }; return () => stores; } function createStubs( { bvalidator = createMockBucketValidator(), vmonitor = ValidStateMonitor(), dep_factory = createMockDependencyFactory(), getStore = createStubStore(), } ) { return { bvalidator: bvalidator, vmonitor: vmonitor, dep_factory: dep_factory, getStore: getStore, sut: Sut( bvalidator, vmonitor, dep_factory, getStore ), }; }