/** * Liza client * * Copyright (C) 2017 LoVullo Associates, Inc. * * This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework * * Liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ const Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class; const EventEmitter = require( 'events' ).EventEmitter; const DomFieldNotFoundError = require( '../ui/field/DomFieldNotFoundError' ); const UnknownEventError = require( './event/UnknownEventError' ); /** * Controller for the program client * * This controls and mediates pretty much everything that goes on in the * client. It has far too many responsibilities. * * @todo any time this class is touched, extract code. * @todo bring up to par with modern code standards */ module.exports = Class( 'Client' ) .extend( EventEmitter, { /** * When an event is triggered (before it is handled) * @type {string} */ 'const EVENT_TRIGGER': 'trigger', /** * Triggered after a quote is changed, after a response is received from the * server * * @type {string} */ 'const EVENT_QUOTE_CHANGE': 'quoteChange', /** * Trigger after rates are retrieved from the server * @type {string} */ 'const EVENT_POST_RATE': 'postRate', /** * Triggered after save is complete and a response from the server is * received * * @type {string} */ 'const EVENT_POST_SAVE': 'postSave', 'const EVENT_POST_SAVE_ALL': 'postSaveAll', /** * Factory used to create all needed objects * @type {ClientDependencyFactory} */ _factory: null, /** * Element that the client should operate upon * @type {jQuery} */ $body: null, /** * Used to communicate with the server * @type {ClientDataProxy} */ dataProxy: null, /** * Used to style all elements for the UI * @type {ElementStyler} */ elementStyler: null, /** * Handles navigation * @type {Nav} */ nav: null, /** * Contains the object that controls the user interface * @type {Ui} */ ui: null, /** * Handles dialog display * @type {UiDialog} */ uiDialog: null, /** * Navigation bar * @type {jQuery} */ $navBar: null, /** * Current quote * @type {ClientQuote} */ 'private _quote': null, /** * Holds group metadata * @type {Object} */ groupData: {}, /** * Holds the program id (e.g. 'artisan') * @type {string} */ programId: '', /** * Holds the Program object generated from the XML * @type {Object} */ program: null, /** * Whether to run the submit event client-side to provide a better user * experience * * Set this to FALSE to test server-side functionality. * * @type {boolean} */ clientSideSubmitEvent: true, /** * Functions to call when quote is ready for importing * @type {Array.} */ importHooks: [], /** * Functions to call when docs are requested * @type {Array.} */ viewDocHooks: [], /** * The number of outstanding save requests * @type {number} */ saving: 0, /** * Whether we are logged in internally * @type {boolean} */ 'private _isInternal': false, /** * Quick reference to the current step id * @type {number} */ 'private _currentStepId': 0, /** * Validate bucket data types * @type {DataValidator} */ 'private _dataValidator': null, /** * Track field failures and fixes * @type {ValidStateMonitor} */ 'private _fieldMonitor': null, /** * Validate and format fields * @type {BucketDataValidator} */ 'private _validatorFormatter': null, /** * Contains classification match data per field * * TODO: Move this to somewhere more appropriate * * @type {Object} */ 'private _cmatch': {}, /** * Performs classification matching on fields * * A field will have a positive match for a given index if all of its * classes match * * @type {FieldClassMatcher} */ 'private _classMatcher': null, /** * Fields that were hidden (including indexes) since the last cmatch clear * @type {Object} */ 'private _cmatchHidden': {}, /** * Automatically discards staging bucket contents * @type {StagingBucketAutoDiscard} */ 'private _stagingDiscard': null, /** * Current save event * @type {Object} */ 'private _saveEvent': undefined, /** * UI styler controller * @type {UiStyler} */ 'private _uiStyler': null, /** * Handles client-side events * @type {DelegateEventHandler} */ 'private _eventHandler': null, /** * Greater than 0 if urrently showing an error dialog * @type {number} */ 'private _showingError': 0, /** * Root DOM document node */ 'private _rootContext': null, /** * User-visible validation error messages * @type {Object} */ 'private _validationMessages': {}, /** * Instantiates all the necessary objects and initializes the UI. * * @param {jQuery} $body element that should act as the body for the client * * @return undefined */ __construct: function( $body, factory ) { this._factory = factory; this.$body = $body; this.elementStyler = factory.createElementStyler( jQuery ); this.$navBar = this.$body.find( 'ul.step-nav' ); // initialize our more complicated objects this._init(); }, /** * Returns the UI object * * @return lovullo.program.Ui * * XXX: Breaks encapsulation */ getUi: function() { return this.ui; }, /** * Returns the Element Styler object * * @return lovullo.program.ElementStyler */ getElementStyler: function() { return this.elementStyler; }, /** * Initializes common objects * * @return undefined */ _init: function() { var client = this; // create the widget selector for jQuery $.extend( $.expr[':'], { widget: this.elementStyler.getWidgetSelector(), 'widget-id': this.elementStyler.getWidgetIdSelector() } ); // used to communicate with the server this.dataProxy = this._createDataProxy( jQuery ); this.uiDialog = this._factory.createUiDialog(); this.programId = this._getProgramId(); this.program = this._createProgram(); this.nav = this._factory.createNav( this.program.steps ); this.hashNav = this._createHashNav( this.nav ); this._stagingDiscard = this._factory.createStagingBucketDiscard(); this._fieldMonitor = this._factory.createFieldValidator(); this._dataValidator = this._factory.createDataValidator( this.program.meta.qtypes, this._fieldMonitor ); this.ui = this._createUi( this.nav ); this._eventHandler = this._factory.createClientEventHandler( this, this._dataValidator, this.elementStyler, this.dataProxy, jQuery ); this._classMatcher = this._factory.createFieldClassMatcher( this.program.whens ); this._validatorFormatter = this._factory.createValidatorFormatter( this.program.meta.qtypes ); // set sidebar data this.ui.getSidebar().setData( this.program.sidebar ); // no use in doing anything if our program logic is missing if ( this.program == null ) { return; } this.nav.setFirstStepId( this.program.getFirstStepId() ); var meta = this.program.meta; this.elementStyler .setTypeData( meta.qtypes ) .setAnswerRefs( meta.arefs ) .setHelpData( this.program.help ) .setDefaults( this.program.defaults ) .setDisplayDefaults( this.program.displayDefaults ) .setSelectData( meta.qdata ) ; this.groupData = meta.groups; // when the quote id changes, initialize a new quote this.nav.on( 'quoteIdChange', function( quote_id, clear_step ) { var step_cur = client.ui.getCurrentStep(), do_change = function() { // perform quote change client._changeQuote( quote_id, clear_step ); }; var quote = client.getQuote(); // if the current step is dirty, first prompt the user // TODO: check discardable flag if ( step_cur && quote.isDirty() ) { client.uiDialog.showDirtyDialog( // save function() { // save and perform quote change client.ui.saveStep( step_cur, function() { do_change(); }); }, // discard function() { // get rid of the error box if it's shown // fixme client.ui.errorBox.hide(); // now perform the quote change do_change(); } ); return; } // step isn't dirty, so we're good to perform the quote change do_change(); } ).on( 'stepChange', function( step_id ) { client.ui.displayStep( step_id, function() { client.forceCmatchAction(); } ); client._currentStepId = step_id; // scroll to the top of the page $.scrollTo( 0 ); // ensure the scroll event was kicked off (FS#11036) $( document ).scroll(); } ).on( 'unload', function( event ) { if ( !( client.ui.getCurrentStep() ) ) { return; } var quote = client.getQuote(); if ( quote && quote.isDirty() ) { event.returnValue = 'You have unsaved changes to the ' + 'current step. If you leave this page, changes to ' + 'this step will be lost.'; } }); this._initBeforeLoadHook(); this.ui.init(); this.hashNav.init(); }, /** * Performs quote change */ 'private _changeQuote': function( quote_id, clear_step ) { var client = this; this.ui.setQuote( client._quote = null ); // initialize the quote (we don't need to do anything because the // hooks on the data proxy will allow us to get all the info we're // looking for) client.dataProxy.get( quote_id + "/init", function( data ) { // if the server responds that the quote is invalid, then don't // bother passing it off to the UI (by now we probably already // have another quote object instantiated for the quote that the // server redirected us to) if ( data.content.valid !== true ) { return; } // stop any currently running XHRs to ensure they don't conflict // with the new quote client.dataProxy.abortAll(); // create a new quote instance client._quote = client._factory.createQuote( quote_id, data.content ); // TODO: this seems like it should be a ctor argument client._quote.setProgram( client.program ); client.nav.setMinStepId( client._quote.getExplicitLockStep() ); client._monitorQuote( client._quote ); client._quote.setQuickSaveData( data.content.quicksave || {} ); client._hookClassifier(); // store internal status client._isInternal = client.program.isInternal = ( data.content.internal ) ? true : false; client.ui.setInternal( client._isInternal ); // attach the bucket to the sidebar (note: order of these method // calls is important) client.ui.getSidebar() .setInternal( client._isInternal ) .setQuote( client._quote ); // initialize client._quote.visitData( function( bucket ) { client.program.initQuote( bucket ); } ); client.ui.setQuote( client._quote, client.program, clear_step ); // if logged in internally, show internal questions and do other // internal stuff (no, not that stuff) if ( data.content.internal === true ) { client.elementStyler.showInternal(); } if ( client._quote.isLocked() || ( data.content.internal && ( client._quote.getExplicitLockStep() > 0 ) ) ) { client._showLockedNotification( data.content.internal ); } else { client._hideLockedNotification(); } client.emit( client.__self.$( 'EVENT_QUOTE_CHANGE' ) ); // kick off the classifier (it may not be kicked off on step change // if there are no questions on the step that are used by it) client._quote.forceClassify(); } ); }, /** * Force handling of the most recent cmatch data * * This can be used to refresh the UI to ensure that it is consistent with * the cmatch data. * * @return {Client} self */ 'public forceCmatchAction': function() { if ( !( this._cmatch ) ) { return this; } this._handleClassMatch( this._cmatch, true ); return this; }, 'private _hookClassifier': function() { var _self = this, program = this.program; // clear/initialize cmatches this._cmatch = {}; var cmatchprot = false; // set classifier this._quote .setClassifier( program.getClassifierKnownFields(), function() { return program.classify.apply( program, arguments ); } ) .on( 'classify', function( classes ) { if ( cmatchprot === true ) { _self._handleError( Error( 'cmatch recursion' ) ); } cmatchprot = true; // handle field fixes _self._dataValidator.validate( undefined, classes ) .catch( e => _self.handleError( e ) ); _self._classMatcher.match( classes, function( cmatch ) { // it's important that we do this here so that everything // that uses the cmatch data will consistently benefit _self._postProcessCmatch( cmatch ); // if we're not on a current step, defer if ( !( _self.ui.getCurrentStep() ) ) { _self._cmatch = cmatch; cmatchprot = false; return; } _self._handleClassMatch( cmatch ); cmatchprot = false; } ); } ); }, 'private _postProcessCmatch': function( cmatch ) { // for any matches that are scalars (they will have no indexes), loop // through each field and set the index to the value of 'all' for ( var field in cmatch ) { if ( field === '__classes' ) { continue; } var cfield = cmatch[ field ]; if ( cfield.indexes.length === 0 ) { var data = this.getQuote().getDataByName( field ), i = data.length; // this will do nothing if there is no data found while ( i-- ) { cfield.indexes[ i ] = cfield.all; } } } return cmatch; }, // from UI 'private _cmatchVisFromUi': function( field, all ) { var step = this.getUi().getCurrentStep(); if ( !step ) { return []; } var group = step.getElementGroup( field ); if ( !group ) { return []; } var i = group.getCurrentIndexCount(), ret = []; while ( i-- ) { ret.push( all ); } return ret; }, 'private _handleClassMatch': function( cmatch, force ) { force = !!force; this.ui.setCmatch( cmatch ); var _self = this, quote = this.getQuote(), // oh dear god...(Demeter, specifically..) fields = this.getUi().getCurrentStep().getStep() .getExclusiveFieldNames(); var visq = []; for ( var field in cmatch ) { // ignore fields that are not on the current step if ( !( fields[ field ] ) ) { continue; } // if the match is still false, then we can rest assured // that nothing has changed (and skip the overhead) if ( !force && ( cmatch[ field ] === false ) && ( _self._cmatch[ field ] === false ) ) { continue; } var show = [], hide = [], cfield = cmatch[ field ], vis = cfield.indexes, cur = ( ( _self._cmatch[ field ] || {} ).indexes || [] ); // the system was previously unable to determine the length, so // let's attempt to get it from the UI if ( vis.length === 0 ) { vis = this._cmatchVisFromUi( field, cfield.all ); } // consider the number of indexes in the bucket first; // otherwise, we might try to operate on fields that don't // exist (bucket/class indexes not the same). the check for // undefined in the first index is a workaround for the explicit // setting of the length property of the bucket value when // indexes are removed var curdata = quote.getDataByName( field ), fieldn = ( curdata.length > 0 && ( curdata[ 0 ] !== undefined ) ) ? curdata.length : vis.length; for ( var i = 0; i < fieldn; i++ ) { // do not record unchanged indexes as changed // (avoiding the event overhead) if ( !force && ( vis[ i ] === cur[ i ] ) ) { continue; } ( ( vis[ i ] ) ? show : hide ).push( i ); } if ( show.length ) { visq[ field ] = { event_id: 'show', name: field, indexes: show }; this._mergeCmatchHidden( field, show, false ); } if ( hide.length ) { visq[ field ] = { event_id: 'hide', name: field, indexes: hide }; this._mergeCmatchHidden( field, hide, true ); } } // it's important to do this before showing/hiding fields, since // those might trigger events that check the current cmatches this._cmatch = cmatch; // allow DOM operations to complete before we trigger // manipulations on it (TODO: this is a workaround for group // show/hide issues; we need a better solution to guarantee // order setTimeout( () => { Object.keys( visq ).forEach( field => { const { event_id, name, indexes } = visq[ field ]; this.handleEvent( event_id, { elementName: name, indexes: indexes, } ); this._dapiTrigger( name ); } ); }, 25 ); }, 'private _mergeCmatchHidden': function( name, indexes, hidden ) { if ( !( this._cmatchHidden[ name ] ) ) { this._cmatchHidden[ name ] = {}; } var cindexes = this._cmatchHidden[ name ]; for ( i in indexes ) { if ( hidden ) { cindexes[ indexes[ i ] ] = i; } else { delete cindexes[ indexes[ i ] ]; } } var some = false; for ( var i in cindexes ) { some = true; break; } if ( !some ) { // v8 devs do not recomment delete as it progressively slows down // property access on the object this._cmatchHidden[ name ] = undefined; } }, /** * Hooks quote for performing validations on data change * * @return {undefined} */ 'private _validateChange': function( msgobj, bucket, diff, failures ) { var trigger_callback = this._getValidationTriggerHandler(); var diff_count = 0; for ( var name in diff ) { diff_count++; // if we already have a problem with the field, then save // ourselves some effort and ignore it for now if ( failures[ name ] ) { continue; } var result = this.program.change( this._currentStepId, name, bucket, diff, this._cmatch, function() { var args = arguments; setTimeout( function() { // allow DOM operations to complete before we // trigger manipulations on it (TODO: this is // a workaround for group show/hide issues; we // need a better solution to guarantee order trigger_callback.apply( null, args ); }, 25 ); } ); for ( var rname in result ) { failures[ rname ] = []; for ( var i in result[ rname ] ) { // the expected format is for it to contain the // value for each index failures[ rname ][ i ] = result[ rname ][ i ]; } this._genValidationMessages( this._validationMessages, result ); } } return; }, /** * Produce validation error messages intended for user display * * @param {Object} msg_dest destination for messages per field and index * @param {Object} failures failures per field name and index * * @return {undefined} */ 'private _genValidationMessages': function( msg_dest, failures ) { for ( var rname in failures ) { msg_dest[ rname ] = []; for ( var i in failures[ rname ] ) { msg_dest[ rname ][ i ] = failures[ rname ][ i ]; } } }, /** * Perform a validation and invalidate the form if necessary * * @param {Function} validate_callback function to perform validation * * @return {undefined} */ 'private _performValidation': function( validate_callback ) { var _self = this; this.getQuote().visitData( function( bucket ) { // N.B.: We pass {} as the diff because nothing has actually changed _self.ui.invalidateForm( validate_callback( bucket, {}, _self._cmatch ) ); } ); }, /** * Retrieve function to handle validation triggers * * @return {Function} trigger handler */ 'private _getValidationTriggerHandler': function() { var client = this; return function( event_name, element_name, value, indexes ) { client.handleEvent( event_name, { elementName: element_name, indexes: indexes, value: value } ); }; }, /** * Merge quick save data with bucket data * * This has the wonderful consequence of allowing the user to refresh the * page and retain the majority of the data. This is useful if the broker * experiences problems that require a refresh to resolve. This also allows * us (developers) to jump into a quote to aid the broker before the step * is saved. * * @return {undefined} */ 'private _mergeQuickSaveData': function() { var merge = {}, qs_data = this._quote.getQuickSaveData(); // merge quick save data with bucket for ( var name in qs_data ) { var values = qs_data[ name ], i = values.length || 0; merge[ name ] = []; // merge each of the values individually, skipping unchanged (null) // values while ( i-- ) { var val = values[ i ]; // ignore null values, as they are unchanged (well, this isn't // 100% true (removing tabs/rows), but it will suffice for now) if ( val !== null ) { merge[ name ][ i ] = val; } }; } this._quote.setData( merge ); // empty quick save data this._quote.setQuickSaveData( {} ); // force UI cmatch update, since we may have fields that have been added // that need to be shown/hidden based on the current set of // classifications this.forceCmatchAction(); }, /** * Retrieves the program ID from the URL * * @return String program id */ _getProgramId: function() { // grab out of the url var data = window.location.href.match( /\/quote\/([a-z0-9-]+)\//i ); return data[1] || ''; }, /** * Instantiates the program object * * If it cannot be found, an error is displayed to the user * * @return Program|null the program object, or null if it could not be found */ _createProgram: function() { var _self = this; try { var dapi_manager = this._factory.createDataApiManager(); var program = this._factory.createProgram( this.programId, dapi_manager ); } catch ( e ) { // todo: better suited for brokers this._handleError( Error( "Error loading program data: " + e.message ) ); return null; } program.on( 'error', function( e ) { _self._handleError( e ); } ); // handle field updates dapi_manager .on( 'fieldLoading', function( name, index ) { var group = _self.getUi().getCurrentStep().getElementGroup( name ); if ( !group ) { return; } // -1 represents "all indexes" if ( index === -1 ) { index = undefined; } } ) .on( 'updateFieldData', function( name, index, data, fdata ) { var group = _self.getUi().getCurrentStep().getElementGroup( name ); if ( !group ) { return; } var cur_data = _self._quote.getDataByName( name ); if ( +index === -1 ) { // -1 is the "combined" index, representing every field indexes = cur_data; } else { indexes = []; indexes[ index ] = index; } var update = []; for ( var i in indexes ) { var cur = undefined; if ( data.length ) { cur = cur_data[ i ]; update[ i ] = ( fdata[ cur ] ) ? cur : data[ 0 ].value; } else { update[ i ] = ''; } // populate and enable field *only if* results were returned // and if the quote has not been locked; but first, give the // UI a chance to finish updating setTimeout( function() { group .setOptions( name, i, data, cur ); }, 25 ); } update.length && _self._quote.setDataByName( name, update ); } ) .on( 'clearFieldData', function( name, index ) { if ( !_self.getUi().getCurrentStep().getElementGroup( name ) ) { return; } // clear and disable the field (if there's no value, then there // is no point in allowing them to do something with it) _self.getUi().getCurrentStep().getElementGroup( name ) .clearOptions( name, index ); } ) .on( 'fieldLoaded', ( name, index ) => { _self._dataValidator.clearFailures( { [name]: [ index ], } ); } ) .on( 'error', function( e ) { _self._handleError( e ); } ); return program; }, _createDataProxy: function( jquery, prohibit_abort ) { prohibit_abort = !!prohibit_abort; var client = this; var proxy = this._factory.createDataProxy( jquery ); // process the data before returning it to the requesters proxy.on( 'received', function( data, event ) { var quote_id = data.quoteId || proxy.quoteId; var has_error = data.hasError || false; var actions = data.actions || []; // the requester shouldn't be bothered with details that we're going // to be handling delete data.quoteId; delete data.hasError; // if there's an error, then the content should be treated as the // error message if ( has_error ) { // don't let the data get to the requester; there was a problem if ( prohibit_abort ) { data.hasError = has_error; } else { event.abort(); } var caption = data.btnCaption || ''; var callback = null; // if an action was provided, we want it to be executed when the // dialog is closed if ( actions.length > 0 ) { callback = function() { client._processActions( actions ); } } // is there an error callback? if ( data.errorCallback instanceof Function ) { if ( data.errorCallback() === true ) { // they handled displaying the dialog return; } } // show the dialog only if there's an error message if ( data.content ) { client.uiDialog.showErrorDialog( data.content, caption, callback, // if we're internal, it's likely our error messages // will be more involved, so increase the width ( ( client._isInternal ) ? 450 : undefined ) ); client.ui.unfreezeNav(); } // otherwise, just call the callback else if ( callback instanceof Function ) { callback(); } return; } // if the quote id changed, then change the quote id var curid = ( client._quote ) ? client._quote.getId() : 0; if ( quote_id !== curid ) { client.nav.setQuoteId( quote_id ); } // was there an action? if ( actions.length > 0 ) { client._processActions( actions ); // no longer needed delete data.actions; } } ); return proxy; }, _processActions: function( actions ) { actions = actions || []; // don't do anything if we don't have any actions if ( actions.length == 0 ) { return; } // process each of the actions var len = actions.length; for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { this._processAction( actions[i] ); } }, /** * Processes server actions * * These actions are received from the server and should be carried out by * the client obediently. * * @param Object action action data * * @return undefined */ _processAction: function( action ) { var action_type = action.action, client = this; switch ( action_type ) { case 'gostep': var id = action.id || this.nav.getCurrentStepId(); this.nav.navigateToStep( id, true ); break; case 'invalidate': var errors = action.errors || []; this.ui.invalidateForm( errors ); break; case 'quotePrompt': this.uiDialog.showQuoteNumberPrompt( // ok function( quote_id ) { // attempt to navigate to the quote id client.nav.setQuoteId( quote_id ); } ); break; case 'warning': this.uiDialog.showErrorDialog( action.message ); break; case 'setProgram': document.location.href = '/quote/' + action.id + '/#' + action.quoteId; break; case 'lock': // we don't need the reason client-side this._quote.setExplicitLock( "quote server" ); this.ui.updateLocked(); this._showLockedNotification( this.isInternal() ); break; case 'unlock': this._quote.clearExplicitLock().setImported( false ); this.ui.updateLocked(); this._hideLockedNotification(); break; case 'indvRate': this._eventHandler.handle( action_type, function() {}, { stepId: this.nav.getCurrentStepId(), indv: action.id } ); break; default: window.console && console.error( 'Unrecognized action: %s', action.action ); } }, /** * Instantiates the UI object * * @param lovullo.program.Nav nav navigation object to use for UI * * @return lovullo.program.Ui new UI object */ _createUi: function( nav ) { var client = this, $rater_step = this.$body.find( '#rater-step' ), $sidebar = this.$body.find( '#rater-sidebar' ), $error_box = $sidebar.find( '#error-box' ), $rater_content = this.$body.find( '#rater-content' ), errbox = this._factory.createFormErrorBox( $error_box ), root_context = null; var ui = this._factory.createUi( { content: this.$body, styler: this.elementStyler, nav: nav, navStyler: this._factory.createNavStyler( this.$navBar, nav ), errorBox: errbox, sidebar: this._createSidebar( $sidebar, this.elementStyler ), dialog: this.uiDialog, notifyBar: this._factory.createNotifyBar( $rater_content ), uiStyler: this._createUiStyler( $error_box ), navBar: this._factory.createUiNavBar( jQuery, this.$navBar ), dataValidator: this._dataValidator, rootContext: root_context = this._factory.createRootDomContext( // root html node document.childNodes[ document.childNodes.length - 1 ], this._factory.createDomFieldFactory( this.elementStyler ) ), stepContainer: $rater_step, stepBuilder: function( id, callback ) { return client._buildStep( id, callback ); } } ); this._rootContext = root_context; // handle context errors root_context.on( 'error', function( e ) { client._handleError( e ); } ); // must init after the Ui obj is available this._initUiStyler( ui, errbox ); ui .on( 'stepChange', function( step_id ) { // don't do anything if navigation is frozen if ( ui.navFrozen ) { window.console && console.log( 'Navigation is frozen. Ignoring input.' ); return; } if ( nav.isValidNextStep( step_id ) ) { // clear out any validation problems we may have had, since // clearly they didn't prevent us from moving forward // (FS#11252) if ( ui.getCurrentStep() ) { ui.getCurrentStep().getStep().setValid( true ); } nav.navigateToStep( step_id ); } } ) .on( 'action', function( type, ref, index ) { // use a char that's prohibited in event names as the separator var action_event = 'action$' + type; if ( client._eventHandler.hasHandler( action_event ) ) { client._eventHandler.handle( action_event, function( err, data ) {}, { ref: ref, index: index } ); } client._quote.visitData( function( bucket ) { // trigger the action (this is part of the Program code, // is generated from the program XML) client.program.action( client._quote.getCurrentStepId(), type, ref, index, bucket, client._getValidationTriggerHandler() ); } ); } ) .on( 'error', function( e ) { client._handleError( e ); } ); return ui.saveStep( function( stepui ) { var event = this; // attempt to save the step and abort the operation if it failed client.saveStep( stepui, event, function( result ) { if ( result === false ) { event.abort(); } } ); } ).on( 'renderStep', function( step ) { var step_id = step.getStep().getId(), url = client._quote.getId() + '/step/' + step_id + '/visit'; client._quote.setCurrentStepId( step_id ); // run any visit hooks client._quote.visitData( function( bucket ) { client.program.visitStep( step_id, bucket ); } ); // Just let the server know we're visiting this step (we don't even // care about a response). This will allow the server to save our // current step even if it's cached client-side. client.dataProxy.get( url ); // merge any quick save data *after* the UI is rendered, or we will // run into validation/display issues client._mergeQuickSaveData(); } ).on( 'preRenderStep', function( step, $content ) { client.elementStyler.setContext( $content ); } ); }, 'private _createUiStyler': function( $error_box ) { return this._uiStyler = this._factory.createUiStyler( this.$body, this.elementStyler ); }, 'private _initUiStyler': function( ui, errbox ) { this._uiStyler // default error messages to the help message, if any .attach( this._factory.createStepErrorStyler( this.program.help ) ) .attach( this._factory.createSidebarErrorStyler( this.program.help, errbox, ui ) ); }, _createSidebar: function( $sidebar, styler ) { var _self = this, sidebar = this._factory.createSidebar( $sidebar, styler ); sidebar.on( 'uwmanage', function() { // TODO: will it always be one? Magic number! Use constant if need // be. _self.nav.navigateToStep( 1 ); } ); return sidebar .on( 'quoteIdClick', function quoteIdClick() { // when the quote id is clicked, display a dialog listing their // options _self.uiDialog.showNavErrorDialog( { title: 'Change quote id', text: 'Would you like to:', width: 550, noX: false, search: function() { _self._doQuoteSearch(); }, enter: function() { _self._doQuoteIdPrompt( { error: function() { // re-call this function quoteIdClick(); } } ); }, cancel: function() {} } );; } ) .on( 'agentIdClick', function agentIdClick() { // do nothing if we're not internal if ( _self._isInternal === false ) { return; } // XXX: hardcoding internal links is not the best of ideas; // ideally, send to a page that will redirect, or receive URL // from the server as a configuration value window.open( "http://marketing.lovullo.local/" + _self._quote.getAgentId() ); } ); }, /** * Creates the hash navigation object * * This method also sets up an error dialog to be displayed when hash * navigation fails. * * @param Nav nav navigation object * * @return undefined */ _createHashNav: function( nav ) { var client = this, hashnav = this._factory.createHashNav( nav, this.program.steps ); return hashnav.hashError( function() { client.uiDialog.showNavErrorDialog( { noX: true, search: function() { client._doQuoteSearch(); }, enter: function() { client._doQuoteIdPrompt( { error: function() { hashnav.hashError(); } } ); } } ); return hashnav; }); }, _doQuoteSearch: function() { // redirect to pa_rating (this will change in the future) window.location.href = '/pa_rating.php'; }, _doQuoteIdPrompt: function( options ) { var client = this; // prompt for the quote number this.uiDialog.showQuoteNumberPrompt( // ok function( quote_id ) { // if the quote id is the same, just restore the // hash if ( client._quote && ( quote_id == client._quote.getId() ) ) { client.hashNav.updateHash(); return; } // attempt to navigate to the quote id client.nav.setQuoteId( quote_id, true ); }, // cancel function() { // redisplay the error if ( options.error instanceof Function ) { options.error(); } } ); }, /** * Retrieves the step from the server * * @param Integer step_id id of the step to retrieve * @param Function callback function to call after retrieval is successful * * @return undefined */ _getStepContent: function( step_id, callback ) { var _self = this, quote_id = this._quote.getId(); if ( this.saving > 1 ) { // if we're in the process of saving more than one step, then block // until at least one of them finishes (in an attempt to prevent // race conditions as in FS#12085 that would prevent navigating // ahead two steps) setTimeout( function() { // re-try _self._getStepContent.apply( _self, arguments ); }, 100 ); return; } // retrieve the step this.dataProxy.get( ( quote_id + '/step/' + step_id ), callback ); }, /** * Builds a new group object from the given content * * @param {jQuery} $content group content * @param {ElementStyler} styler styler to use for elements * @param {FieldStyler} na_styler N/A field styler * * @return lovullo.program.Group new group object */ _buildGroup: function( $content, styler, na_styler ) { var group = this._factory.createGroup(), ui = this._factory.createGroupUi( group, $content, styler, this._rootContext, na_styler ), id = ui.getId(), data = this.groupData[id]; group .setIndexFieldName( this.program.groupIndexField[ id ] || '' ) .setFieldNames( this.program.groupFields[ id ] || [] ) .setExclusiveFieldNames( this.program.groupExclusiveFields[ id ] || [] ) .setUserFieldNames( this.program.groupUserFields[ id ] || [] ); // do we have any data on this group? if ( data ) { // apply it if ( data.max ) { group.maxRows( +data.max ); } if ( data.min ) { group.minRows( +data.min ); } } // initialize the group ui.init( this._quote ); return ui; }, /** * Builds a new step * * @param {number} id id of the step * * @return {StepUi} new instance */ _buildStep: function( id, callback ) { var client = this; var step = this._factory.createStep( id, this._quote ) .setRequiredFieldNames( this.program.requiredFields[ id ] ) .setSortedGroupSets( this.program.sortedGroups[ id ] ); var step_ui = this._factory.createStepUi( step, this.elementStyler, this._validatorFormatter, // group builder function( $content, styler ) { return client._buildGroup( $content, styler, client._factory.createNaFieldStyler() ); }, // step builder function( step_id, callback ) { return client._getStepContent( step_id, callback ); }, function( ui ) { client._initStepUi( ui, callback ); ui.on( 'dataChange', function( data ) { client._quote.setData( data ); }); } ); }, _initStepUi: function( step_ui, callback ) { var client = this, id = step_ui.getStep().getId(); step_ui.on( 'indexAdd', function( index, groupui ) { var fields = groupui.getGroup().getFieldNames(), i = fields.length, data = {}; while ( i-- ) { var name = fields[ i ]; data[ name ] = []; data[ name ][ index ] = client.elementStyler.getDefault( name ); } // add defaults to staging bucket client._quote.setData( data ); } ).on( 'indexRemove', function( index, groupui ) { var fields = groupui.getGroup().getFieldNames(), i = fields.length, values = {}, quote = client._quote; // loop through each of the fields associated with the group (note // that this will include linked groups) while ( i-- ) { var cur_i = index, name = fields[ i ], prev_data = quote.getDataByName( name ), len = prev_data.length, prev_val = null; values[ name ] = []; // cascade the values downward atop of the index that is being // removed while ( ++cur_i < len ) { prev_val = prev_data[ cur_i ]; values[ name ][ cur_i - 1 ] = prev_val; } if ( cur_i == 1 ) { // first row reset value to default var def_val = client.elementStyler.getDefault( name ); values[ name ][ cur_i - 1 ] = def_val; } else { // mark as removed in dirty bucket values[ name ][ cur_i - 1 ] = null; } } // set data all at once to avoid extraneous calls quote.setData( values, true ); } ).on( 'indexReset', function( index, groupui ) { var fields = groupui.getGroup().getFieldNames(), i = fields.length, values = {}, quote = client._quote; // loop through each of the fields associated with the group (note // that this will include linked groups) while ( i-- ) { var name = fields[ i ], def_val = client.elementStyler.getDefault( name ); // set index to original value values[ name ] = []; values[ name ][ index ] = def_val; } // set data all at once to avoid extraneous calls quote.setData( values, true ); } ); // when the step is rendered, run the onchange events this.ui.on( 'renderStep', function( step ) { if ( step.getStep().getId() !== id ) { return; } client.program.eachChangeById( id, function( name, callback ) { client._performValidation( callback ); }, client._getValidationTriggerHandler() ); }); callback( step_ui ); }, /** * Saves a step * * @param StepUi stepui step to save * * @return {boolean} true on success, false on failure */ 'public saveStep': function( stepui, event, callback ) { var client = this; // if the step contains invalid data, they must correct it if ( !( stepui.isValid( this._cmatch ) ) ) { // well we didn't get very far callback( false ); } if ( this._quote.isLocked() === true ) { // we still want to call the callback event.forceCallback = true; callback( false ); } var step_id = stepui.getStep().getId(); var bucket = stepui.getStep().getBucket(); // we want to do this before save so that we don't re-mark the bucket as // dirty by populating it with uncommitted data client._clearCmatchFields(); // give devs the option to disable client-side submit events so we can // test server-side functionality if ( this.clientSideSubmitEvent ) { // let's see what our program class has to say about this so-called // "valid data" // XXX: Shouldn't this have a trigger_callback? If triggerse // shouldn't occurr, we should still throw an exception if one is // triggered var failures = this.program.submit( step_id, bucket, this._cmatch ); if ( failures !== null ) { this._genValidationMessages( this._validationMessages, failures ); // TODO: move above validation logic into here client._dataValidator.updateFailures( {}, failures ); event.errors = failures; callback( false ); return; } } this._quote.needsImport( true ); // transport used to transfer the bucket data to the server, prohibiting // callback aborts (to ensure that we can handle failures ourselves) var transport = this._createBucketTransport( step_id, true ); var finish, timeout; function dosave() { // if we're already saving, then block if ( client.isSaving() ) { // request a continuation that will allow us to finish the // request when we are ready if ( !finish ) { finish = event.hold(); timeout = client._setSaveWaitTimeout( event ); } // only poll if the event has not been aborted if ( !( event.aborted ) ) { setTimeout( dosave, 50 ); } return; } // store the save event so that it can be aborted in case of an // error that we cannot handle client._clearSaveWaitTimeout( timeout ); client._saveEvent = event; client.saving++; // save the quote // todo: refactor this saving crap stepui.saving = true; client._quote.save( transport, function( data ) { client.saving--; client._saveEvent = undefined; stepui.saving = false; // do not process save callback if the save failed if ( data.hasError ) { return; } // can be hooked to perform an actual after saving is fully // complete (preventing, say, race conditions for future // requests) client.emit( client.__self.$('EVENT_POST_SAVE'), client.saving ); if ( client.saving === 0 ) { client.emit( client.__self.$('EVENT_POST_SAVE_ALL') ); } } ); callback( true ); finish && finish(); } // run post-submit hooks (it is important that we do this immediately, // otherwise we may run hooks intended for the current step while we're // on another) client.program.postSubmit( stepui.getStep().getId(), bucket, function( event, question_id, value ) { client.handleEvent( event, { stepId: +value } ); } ); dosave(); }, 'private _setSaveWaitTimeout': function( event ) { var _self = this; // display a timeout if the save seems to not be completing...just as a // fallback return setTimeout( function() { event.abort(); _self._handleError( Error( 'Save timeout; please try again' ) ); }, 15000 ); }, 'private _clearSaveWaitTimeout': function( timeout ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); }, 'public isSaving': function() { return ( this._saveEvent !== undefined ); }, 'public abortSave': function() { if ( !( this.isSaving() ) ) { return this; } this._saveEvent.abort(); this._saveEvent = undefined; return this; }, /** * Save the staging bucket to the server (for debug/recovery purposes) * * @return {Client} self */ 'public saveStaging': function() { // abort if no quote is currently loaded if ( !this._quote ) { return this; } var transport = this._createStagingBucketTransport(); // we don't care whether or not it succeeds; just give it a shot this._quote.saveStaging( transport ); return this; }, 'private _createBucketTransport': function( step_id, prohibit_abort ) { return this._factory.createDataBucketTransport( this._quote.getId(), step_id, this._createDataProxy( jQuery, prohibit_abort ) ); }, 'private _createStagingBucketTransport': function() { return this._factory.createStagingDataBucketTransport( this._quote.getId() ); }, /** * Initializes hook that will trigger the beforeLoad event * * @return undefined */ _initBeforeLoadHook: function() { var client = this; this.nav.on( 'preStepChange', function( event ) { var step = client.ui.getCurrentStep(), quote = client.getQuote(); // if we don't even have a quote loaded, then don't allow navigation // fixme if ( client.ui.quote === null ) { event.abort = true; // fixme client.ui.quoteReadyEvent = event; return; } // if this is the initial step change, we may not yet have a current // step if ( step ) { var step_id = step.getStep().getId(), ui = client.ui; // forward validations should be run when advancing a step if ( client._forwardValidate( event ) === false ) { event.abort = true; return; } // if the current step is not dirty or the quote has been // locked, just let them through if ( !( client._quote.isLocked() || ( step_id < quote.getExplicitLockStep() ) ) && quote.isDirty() && !event.force ) { // the step is dirty; abort the navigation and display the // dirty dialog, prompting the user what to do event.abort = true; var dosave = function() { ui.saveStep( step, function() { event.resume( true ); } ); }; // if discarding is not permitted, then do not even show the // dialog; just save and continue if ( !( client.program.discardable[ step_id ] ) ) { dosave(); return; } client.uiDialog.showDirtyDialog( // save dosave, // discard function() { // errors for this step are no longer valid client._dataValidator.clearFailures(); client._queueBucketDiscard(); step.reset( function() { event.resume( true, function() { client._disableBucketDiscard( false ); } ); } ); } ); return; } } // if this is the last step and the user is trying to go further, // we'll be doing the import if ( ( this.isLastStep( event.currentStepId ) ) && ( event.stepId > event.currentStepId ) ) { // don't allow navigation event.abort = true; // if the quote has not yet been imported, or needs to be // updated, then import it if ( client._quote.needsImport() ) { client.importQuote(); } // otherwise, request the documents else { client.viewDocs(); } return; } // keep track of the events so we know whether or not we need to // wait for the asynchronous ones to complete var event_count = 0, fail_count = 0, waiting = false; var try_continue_nav = function() { event_count--; // if they're waiting on us and there's no more // events, resume navigation if ( waiting && ( event_count == 0 ) ) { client.ui.unfreezeNav(); // if there's any failures, we do not want to // unfreeze the UI if ( fail_count == 0 ) { event.resume(); } } } // the trigger callback is not asynchronous (XXX: we shouldn't have // to do this with the bucket; refactor) client._quote.visitData( function( bucket ) { client.program.beforeLoadStep( event.stepId, bucket, function( event_name ) { event_count++; client.handleEvent( event_name, { stepId: event.stepId }, function() { try_continue_nav(); }, // failure function() { fail_count++; try_continue_nav(); } ); } ); } ); // if we still have events running, then abort until they're // complete waiting = true; if ( ( event_count > 0 ) || ( fail_count > 0 ) ) { event.abort = true; // freeze navigation to ensure user doesn't try to navigate // again while events are still running, thereby triggering a // bunch of them if ( event_count > 0 ) { client.ui.freezeNav(); } } }); }, 'private _queueBucketDiscard': function() { var _self = this; this.getQuote().visitData( function( staging ) { staging.once( 'revert', function() { _self._clearValidationErrors(); _self._stagingDiscard.enable( staging ); } ); } ); }, /** * Clear all validation errors * * @return {undefined} */ 'private _clearValidationErrors': function() { var _self = this; this.getQuote().visitData( function( bucket ) { _self._dataValidator.updateFailures( bucket.getData(), {} ); } ); }, 'private _disableBucketDiscard': function() { var _self = this; this.getQuote().visitData( function( staging ) { _self._stagingDiscard.disable( staging ); } ); }, 'private _clearCmatchFields': function() { var step = this.getUi().getCurrentStep(), program = this.program; // don't bother if we're not yet on a step if ( !step ) { return; } var reset = {}; for ( var name in step.getStep().getExclusiveFieldNames() ) { var data = this._cmatchHidden[ name ]; // if there is no data or we have been asked to retain this field's // value, then do not clear if ( !data || program.cretain[ name ] ) { continue; } // what state is the current data in? var cur = this.getQuote().getDataByName( name ); // we could have done Array.join(',').split(','), but we're trying // to keep performance sane here var indexes = []; for ( var i in data ) { // we do *not* want to reset fields that have been removed if ( cur[ i ] === undefined ) { break; } indexes.push( i ); } reset[ name ] = indexes; } // batch reset (limit the number of times events are kicked off) this._resetFields( reset ); // we've done our deed; reset it for the next time around this._cmatchHidden = {}; }, /** * Perform `forward' validations if needed * * Forward validations are performed when the user advances one or more * steps, permitting the user to save and return to previous steps without * receiving certain errors. See FS#9014. * * @param {Object} event navigation event as received from preStepChange * * @return {undefined} */ 'private _forwardValidate': function( event ) { var step = this.ui.getCurrentStep().getStep(), cur_step_id = step.getId(), bucket = step.getBucket(); // perform the validations only if we are advancing one or more steps if ( event.stepId <= cur_step_id ) { return; } // same concept as "submit" event var failures = this.program.forward( cur_step_id, bucket, this._cmatch, function( trigger_event, question_id, value ) { client.handleEvent( trigger_event, { stepId: +value } ); } ); // in the event of a failure, abort navigation and display the errors // just as we would with the `submit' event. if ( failures !== null ) { this.ui.invalidateForm( failures ); return false; } return true; }, importQuote: function( hook ) { var client = this; if ( hook instanceof Function ) { this.importHooks.push( hook ); return this; } var hook_count = this.importHooks.length, callback_count = 0, callback_check = function( show_locked ) { show_locked = ( show_locked === undefined ) ? true : !!show_locked; // did we receive responses from each of the hooks (crude // check - a single hook could be pushy and call it multiple // times) if ( callback_count === hook_count ) { // import is complete client.setImported( client.isInternal(), show_locked ); } }; // call the hooks for ( var i = 0; i < hook_count; i++ ) { this.importHooks[i].call( this, this._quote, function( show_lock ) { callback_count++; callback_check( show_lock ); }); } return this; }, 'public setImported': function( internal, show_locked ) { show_locked = ( show_locked === undefined ) ? true : !!show_locked; this._quote.setImported( true ); this.ui.importComplete(); if ( show_locked ) { this._showLockedNotification( internal ); } }, viewDocs: function( hook ) { if ( hook instanceof Function ) { this.viewDocHooks.push( hook ); return this; } // call the hooks for ( var i = 0, len = this.viewDocHooks.length; i < len; i++ ) { this.viewDocHooks[i].call( this, this._quote ); } return this; }, /** * Creates a new quote * * @return Client self to allow for method chaining */ newQuote: function() { // temporary way to accomplish this this.nav.setQuoteId( 0 ); return this; }, /** * Handles client-side events * * @param String event_name name of the event * @param Object data data to pass to event * @param Function callback function to call when event is done (if * not asynchronous, it'll be called immediately) * * @param Function error_callback function to call if event fails * * @return Client self to allow for method chaining */ handleEvent: function( event_name, data, callback, error_callback ) { var _self = this, stepui = this.ui.getCurrentStep(); this.emit( this.__self.$('EVENT_TRIGGER'), event_name, data ); try { this._eventHandler.handle( event_name, function( err, data ) { if ( err ) { error_callback( err ); return; } // XXX: move me if ( event_name === 'rate' ) { _self.emit( _self.__self.$('EVENT_POST_RATE'), data ); } callback && callback( data ); }, data ); // we had no problem handling this event; no need to continue with // the old event handling system return; } catch ( e ) { // segue into the old event handling system if ( !( Class.isA( UnknownEventError, e ) ) ) { // ruh roh this._handleError( e ); return; } } // perform event (XXX: replace me; see above) switch ( event_name ) { case 'set': var setdata = {}; setdata[ data.elementName ] = []; for ( var i in data.indexes ) { var index = data.indexes[ i ]; setdata[ data.elementName ][ index ] = data.value[ index ]; } this._quote.setData( setdata ); break; case 'reset': var reset = {}; reset[ data.elementName ] = data.indexes; this._resetFields( reset ); break; default: this._handleError( Error( 'Unknown client-side event: ' + event_name ) ); } // call the callback, if one was provided if ( callback instanceof Function ) { callback.call( this ); } return this; }, /** * Trigger DataApi event for field FIELD * * @param {string} field field name * * @return {undefined} */ 'private _dapiTrigger': function( field ) { var _self = this; this.getQuote().visitData( function( bucket ) { _self.program.dapi( _self._currentStepId, field, bucket, {}, _self._cmatch, null ); } ); }, 'private _resetFields': function( fields ) { var update = {}; for ( var field in fields ) { var cur = fields[ field ], cdata = this._quote.getDataByName( field ), val = this.elementStyler.getDefault( field ); var data = []; for ( var i in cur ) { var index = cur[ i ]; if ( cdata[ index ] === val ) { continue; } data[ index ] = val; } update[ field ] = data; } this._quote.setData( update ); }, /** * Returns the current quote * * @return {ClientQuote} */ getQuote: function() { return this._quote; }, 'private _showLockedNotification': function( internal ) { var client = this, explicit_step = this._quote.getExplicitLockStep(); // if the step is locked to step 1, then there is no noticable effect; // don't bother if ( explicit_step == 1 ) { return; } // do not allow modification of programs that cannot be unlocked, or if // we're not logged in as an internal user if ( !( this.program.unlockable ) || !( internal ) ) { // delay to permit repaint (prevent lockup in IE6) setTimeout( function() { client.ui.showNotifyBar( $( '
' ).append( $( '
' ).html( "The quote is locked and cannot be modified." ) ) ); }, 25 ); return; } // delay to permit repaint (prevent lockup in IE6) setTimeout( function() { var lock_str = "This quote has been locked."; if ( explicit_step > 0 ) { lock_str = "The first " + explicit_step + " steps of this " + "quote have been locked."; } client.ui.showNotifyBar( $( '
' ).append( $( '
' ).html( lock_str + " If you wish to modify " + "it please click Unlock Quote " + "to the right." ) ).append( $( '