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* Contains program Nav class
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class,
EventEmitter = require( 'events' ).EventEmitter;
* Handles navigation logic
* The step_builder function should accept two arguments: the step id and a
* callback to be executed once the step has reached its ready state.
module.exports = Class( 'Nav' )
.extend( EventEmitter,
* When user attempts to navigate away from the page
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_UNLOAD': 'unload',
* Attempt to navigate to another step (allows preventing navigation)
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_STEP_PRE_CHANGE': 'preStepChange',
* Navigation to another step has completed
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_STEP_CHANGE': 'stepChange',
* Quote id has been changed
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_QUOTE_ID_CHANGE': 'quoteIdChange',
* Quote id to use in navigation
* -1 by default to ensure that the default quote id of 0 will trigger an id
* change
* @type {number}
'private _quoteId': -1,
* Stores the last step id to determine if the step has changed
* @type {number}
'private _lastStepId': 0,
* Id of the max visited step
* @type {number}
'private _topVisitedStepId': 0,
* Number of steps
* @type {number}
'private _stepCount': 0,
* Contains information regarding the steps
* @type {Object.<Array.<{title,type}>>}
'private _stepData': {},
* The first step id as far as navigation is concerned
* @type {number}
'private _firstStepId': 1,
* Minimum step id permitted to visit, unless 0
* @type {number}
'private _minStepId': 0,
* Initializes navigation
* This will initialize the navigation bar hooks to permit navigation and
* hook to the address, allowing back/forward buttons to work properly,
* bookmarks, and properly navigate if the hash in the URL is modified.
* The URL hash will then be altered to reflect the default, if one was not
* already provided.
* @return Nav self to allow for method chaining
'public __construct': function( step_data )
this._stepData = step_data;
this.setStepCount( step_data.length - 1 );
return this;
'public setFirstStepId': function( id )
this._firstStepId = +id;
* Binds to the 'beforeunload' event
* This allows a message to be displayed to the user when they attempt to
* navigate away from the page.
* @return void
_initUnloadHook: function()
var _self = this,
_event = this.__self.$('EVENT_UNLOAD');
$( window ).bind( 'beforeunload.program', function( e )
var event = { returnValue: undefined };
_self.emit( _event, event );
// IE and Firefox
if ( e )
e.returnValue = event.returnValue;
// Safari
return event.returnValue;
* Sets the number of available steps
* @param {number} count step count
* @return {Nav} self
setStepCount: function( count )
this._stepCount = +count;
return this;
* Navigates to a step via the step id
* Step navigation is handled by the address hook. Therefore, we simply
* modify the hash tag.
* @param {number} step_id id of step to navigate to
* @param {boolean} force do not check if next step is valid
* @return Nav self to allow for method chaining
navigateToStep: function( step_id, force, cur_check )
step_id = +step_id;
force = !!force;
cur_check = ( cur_check === undefined ) ? true : !!cur_check;
var nav = this;
var event = {
stepId: step_id,
currentStepId: this._lastStepId,
abort: false,
resume: function( revalidate, callback )
// don't let 'em jump ahead
if ( ( force !== true )
&& ( nav.isValidNextStep( step_id ) !== true )
revalidate = !!revalidate;
// if a callback was provided, then provide a new resume
// continuation that will queue up each callback, ensuring they
// are all called once we successfully finish
var orig_resume = event.resume;
event.resume = ( callback )
? function( revalidate, callback_new )
orig_resume( revalidate, function()
callback_new && callback_new();
} );
: orig_resume;
// nothing to do if we're already on the step
if ( cur_check && ( nav._lastStepId == step_id ) )
return nav;
// call the pre-change hooks
event.abort = false;
event.force = force;
if ( revalidate )
nav.emit( nav.__self.$('EVENT_STEP_PRE_CHANGE'), event );
if ( event.abort === true )
nav._lastStepId = step_id;
if ( step_id > nav._topVisitedStepId )
nav._topVisitedStepId = step_id;
// the step has changed
nav.emit( nav.__self.$('EVENT_STEP_CHANGE'), step_id );
callback && callback();
event.resume( true );
return this;
* Returns the highest step the user has gotten to
* @return Integer top step id
getTopVisitedStepId: function()
return this._topVisitedStepId;
* Attempts to return the id of the next available step
* @return Integer id of the next step if available, otherwise id of the
* current step
getNextStepId: function()
return ( this.hasNextStep() )
? this._lastStepId + 1
: this._lastStepId;
* Attempts to get the id of the next available previous step
* @return Integer id of previous step if available, otherwise id of the
* current step
getPrevStepId: function()
return ( this.hasPrevStep() )
? this._lastStepId - 1
: this._lastStepId;
* Returns whether a step has been visited
* @param Integer step_id id of step to check
* @return Boolean true if step has been previous visited, otherwise false
isStepVisited: function( step_id )
// if we add hidden steps, this logic will need to change to keep track
// of specific steps
return ( step_id <= this._topVisitedStepId )
? true
: false;
* Returns whether a next step is available to navigate to
* @return Boolean true if a next step is available, otherwise false
hasNextStep: function()
return true;
* Returns whether a previous step is available to navigate to
* @return Boolean true if a previous step is available, otherwise false
hasPrevStep: function()
// this logic is bound to change in the future
return ( +this._lastStepId <= +this._firstStepId )
? false
: true;
* Attempts to navigate to the next available step
* @return Nav self to allow for method chaining
navigateToNextStep: function()
// we don't know what to do if we don't know what step we're on!
if ( this._lastStepId == 0 )
var step_id = this.getNextStepId();
this.navigateToStep( step_id );
return this;
* Attempts to navigate to the previous available step
* @return Nav self to allow for method chaining
navigateToPrevStep: function()
if ( this.hasPrevStep() === false )
var step_id = this.getPrevStepId();
this.navigateToStep( step_id );
return this;
setTopVisitedStepId: function( step_id )
this._topVisitedStepId = +step_id;
* Sets the quote id to be used for navigation
* @param Integer id quote id
* @return Nav self to allow for method chaining
setQuoteId: function( id, clear_step )
clear_step = ( clear_step === undefined ) ? false : !!clear_step;
// if the quote id is the same, don't do anything
if ( ( id == this._quoteId ) || ( id === undefined ) )
return this;
this._quoteId = id;
// raise the event
this.emit( this.__self.$('EVENT_QUOTE_ID_CHANGE'),
this._quoteId, clear_step
return this;
* Returns the quote id
* @return Integer quote id
getQuoteId: function()
return this._quoteId;
* Returns the id of the current step
* @return Integer id of the current step
getCurrentStepId: function()
return this._lastStepId;
isValidNextStep: function( step_id )
return ( step_id > ( this.getTopVisitedStepId() + 1 ) )
? false
: true;
* Returns whether or not the given step is the last step
* @param {number} step_id
* @return {boolean} true if last step, otherwise false
isLastStep: function( step_id )
return ( step_id === this._stepCount )
? true
: false;
* Returns whether or not the given step is the quote review
* step.
* @param {number} step_id
* @return {boolean} true if quote review step, otherwise false
isQuoteReviewStep: function( step_id )
return ( this._stepData[ step_id ].type === 'review' )
? true
: false;
* Returns whether or not the given step is the manage quote
* step.
* @param {number} step_id
* @return {boolean} true if manage quote step, otherwise false
isManageQuoteStep: function( step_id )
return ( this._stepData[ step_id ].type === 'manage' )
? true
: false;
'public getFirstStepId': function()
return this._firstStepId;
'public setMinStepId': function( id )
this._minStepId = +id || 0;
return this;
'public getMinStepId': function()
return this._minStepId;
} );