2017-01-27 11:07:01 -05:00
* Test case for PatternProxy trait
2017-06-08 14:46:51 -04:00
* Copyright (C) 2017 R-T Specialty, LLC.
2017-01-27 11:07:01 -05:00
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework
* Liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"use strict";
const store = require( '../../' ).store;
const chai = require( 'chai' );
const expect = chai.expect;
const Store = store.MemoryStore;
const Sut = store.PatternProxy;
const sinon = require( 'sinon' );
chai.use( require( 'chai-as-promised' ) );
describe( 'store.PatternProxy', () =>
describe( 'fails on invalid pattern map', () =>
// not a pattern
[ {}, Store() ],
// not a Store
[ /^./, {} ],
// missing Store
[ /^./ ],
// missing all
].forEach( ( patterns, i ) =>
it( `(${i})`, () =>
expect( () => Store.use( Sut( [ patterns ] ) )() )
.to.throw( TypeError );
} )
} );
it( 'proxies #add by pattern', () =>
const store1 = Store();
const store2 = Store();
// second strips
const patterns = [
[ /^foo:/, store1 ],
[ /^bar:(.*)$/, store2 ],
return Promise.all( [
Store.use( Sut( patterns ) )()
.add( 'foo:moo', 'moo' )
.then( store => store1.get( 'foo:moo' ) )
).to.eventually.equal( 'moo' ),
Store.use( Sut( patterns ) )()
.add( 'bar:quux', 'quuxval' )
.then( store => store2.get( 'quux' ) )
).to.eventually.equal( 'quuxval' ),
] );
} );
it( 'proxies #get by pattern', () =>
const store1 = Store();
const store2 = Store();
// second strips
const patterns = [
[ /^foo:/, store1 ],
[ /^bar:(.*)$/, store2 ],
const sut = Store.use( Sut( patterns ) )();
return Promise.all( [
store1.add( 'foo:bar', 'moo' )
.then( () => sut.get( 'foo:bar' ) )
).to.eventually.equal( 'moo' ),
store2.add( 'quux', 'quuxval' )
.then( () => sut.get( 'bar:quux' ) )
).to.eventually.equal( 'quuxval' ),
] );
} );
// if no matches, error (like traditional functional pattern matching)
it( 'fails on #add or #get when match fails', () =>
const patterns = [ [ /moo/, Store() ] ];
return Promise.all( [
Store.use( Sut( patterns ) )()
.add( 'uh', 'no' )
).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith( store.StorePatternError ),
Store.use( Sut( patterns ) )()
.get( 'sorry', 'sir' )
).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith( store.StorePatternError ),
] );
} );
describe( '#clear', () =>
it( 'invokes #clear on all contained stores', () =>
const store1 = Store();
const store2 = Store();
const mocks = [ store1, store2 ].map( store =>
const mock = sinon.mock( store );
mock.expects( 'clear' ).once();
return mock;
} );
const patterns = [
[ /^a/, store1 ],
[ /^b/, store2 ],
const sut = Store.use( Sut( patterns ) )();
return sut.clear()
.then( given_sut => {
// TODO: uncomment once `this.__inst' in Traits is fixed
// in GNU ease.js
// expect( given_sut ).to.equal( sut );
mocks.forEach( mock => mock.verify() );
} );
} );
} );
} );