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* Delta publisher test
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import { AmqpConnection } from '../../src/system/amqp/AmqpConnection';
import { Delta, DeltaResult, DeltaType } from '../../src/bucket/delta';
import { DeltaPublisher as Sut } from '../../src/system/DeltaPublisher';
import { DocumentId, DocumentMeta } from '../../src/document/Document';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { hasContext } from '../../src/error/ContextError';
import { AmqpError } from '../../src/error/AmqpError';
import { Channel } from 'amqplib';
import { MessageWriter } from '../../src/system/MessageWriter';
import { expect, use as chai_use } from 'chai';
chai_use( require( 'chai-as-promised' ) );
describe( 'server.DeltaPublisher', () =>
describe( '#publish', () =>
it( 'sends a message', () =>
let publish_called = false;
const delta = createMockDelta();
const bucket = createMockBucketData();
const ratedata = createMockBucketData();
const emitter = new EventEmitter();
const conn = createMockAmqpConnection();
const writer = createMockWriter();
const meta = <DocumentMeta>{
id: <DocumentId>123,
entity_name: 'Some Agency',
entity_id: 234,
startDate: <UnixTimestamp>345,
lastUpdate: <UnixTimestamp>456,
conn.getAmqpChannel = () =>
return <Channel>{
publish: ( _: any, __: any, buf: any, ___: any ) =>
expect( buf instanceof Buffer ).to.be.true;
publish_called = true;
return true;
const sut = new Sut( emitter, ts_ctr, conn, writer );
return expect(
sut.publish( meta, delta, bucket, ratedata )
).to.eventually.deep.equal( undefined )
.then( _ =>
expect( publish_called ).to.be.true;
} );
} );
( <[string, () => Channel | undefined, Error, string ][]>[
'Throws an error when publishing was unsuccessful',
() =>
return <Channel>{
publish: ( _: any, __: any, _buf: any, ___: any ) =>
return false;
'Delta publish failed'
'Throws an error when no amqp channel is found',
() =>
return undefined;
'Error sending message: No channel'
] ).forEach( ( [ label, getChannelF, error_type, err_msg ] ) =>
it( label, () =>
const delta = createMockDelta();
const bucket = createMockBucketData();
const ratedata = createMockBucketData();
const emitter = new EventEmitter();
const conn = createMockAmqpConnection();
const writer = createMockWriter();
const meta = <DocumentMeta>{
id: <DocumentId>123,
entity_name: 'Some Agency',
entity_id: 234,
startDate: <UnixTimestamp>345,
lastUpdate: <UnixTimestamp>456,
const expected = {
doc_id: meta.id,
delta_type: delta.type,
delta_ts: delta.timestamp
conn.getAmqpChannel = getChannelF;
const result = new Sut( emitter, ts_ctr, conn, writer )
.publish( meta, delta, bucket, ratedata );
return Promise.all( [
expect( result ).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(
error_type, err_msg
result.catch( e =>
if ( !hasContext( e ) )
return expect.fail();
return expect( e.context ).to.deep.equal( expected );
} )
] );
} ) );
it( 'writer#write rejects', () =>
const delta = createMockDelta();
const bucket = createMockBucketData();
const ratedata = createMockBucketData();
const emitter = new EventEmitter();
const conn = createMockAmqpConnection();
const writer = createMockWriter();
const error = new Error( 'Bad thing happened' );
const meta = <DocumentMeta>{
id: <DocumentId>123,
entity_name: 'Some Agency',
entity_id: 234,
startDate: <UnixTimestamp>345,
lastUpdate: <UnixTimestamp>456,
writer.write = (
_: any,
__: any,
___: any,
____: any,
_____: any
): Promise<Buffer> =>
return Promise.reject( error );
const result = new Sut( emitter, ts_ctr, conn, writer )
.publish( meta, delta, bucket, ratedata );
return Promise.all( [
expect( result ).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith( error ),
result.catch( e =>
return expect( e ).to.deep.equal( error );
} )
] );
} )
} );
} );
function ts_ctr(): UnixTimestamp
return <UnixTimestamp>Math.floor( new Date().getTime() / 1000 );
function createMockAmqpConnection(): AmqpConnection
return <AmqpConnection>{
connect: () => {},
getExchangeName: () => { 'Foo' },
function createMockBucketData(): Record<string, any>
return {
foo: [ 'bar', 'baz' ]
function createMockDelta(): Delta<any>
return <Delta<any>>{
type: <DeltaType>'data',
timestamp: <UnixTimestamp>123123123,
data: <DeltaResult<any>>{},
function createMockWriter(): MessageWriter
return <MessageWriter>{
write( _: any, __:any, ___:any, ____:any, _____:any ): Promise<Buffer>
return Promise.resolve( Buffer.from( '' ) );