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* Script provider
* Copyright (C) 2017 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This guy has an interesting history. It allows for local development
* loading each source file individually; a separate build process exists
* (within LoVullo) to build a file for distribution. This is before
* browserify existed---the Node.js community was still very young. How far
* we've come.
* To get code working on the client in CommonJS format, this dynamically
* wraps the scripts. To maintain line numbering for errors, it does not
* put a newline at the beginning.
* @todo decouple from lovullo and its paths
var fs = require( 'fs' );
* Grabs the requested script out of the regex
* @var {RegExp}
* @const
var script_regex = /scripts\/([a-zA-Z0-9\/\._-]+.js)/;
* Script paths to attempt to locate file in, in order of precedence
* @var {array.<string>}
var script_paths = [
( process.env.LV_ROOT_PATH || '.' ) + '/src/_gen/scripts/',
( process.env.LV_ROOT_PATH || '.' ) + '/src/www/scripts/program/',
var script_prefix = {
liza: __dirname + '/../../',
assert: __dirname + '/../../assert/',
program: ( process.env.LV_LEGACY_PATH + '/' ) || '',
* Cache scripts in memory to avoid constant directory lookups and disk I/O
* @var {Object}
var script_cache = {};
* Whether to cache scripts in memory
* @var {boolean}
var cache = false;
* Scripts router
* @param {UserRequest} request request to route
* @return {boolean} true if request was handled, otherwise false
exports.route = function( request, log )
var data;
if ( !( data = request.getUri().match( script_regex ) ) )
// request could not be routed
return Promise.resolve( false );
// grab the filename, stripping off version tags
var file = data[1].replace( /\.[0-9]+\.js/, '.js' );
// is this already in memory?
var cache_data = script_cache[ file ];
if ( cache_data !== undefined )
// serve from memory
request.setContentType( 'text/javascript' ).end( cache_data );
return Promise.resolve( true );
var parts = file.match( /^(?:(.+?)\/)?(.*)$/ ),
prefix = parts[ 1 ],
suffix = parts[ 2 ];
var chk_paths = script_paths.slice();
chk_paths.unshift( script_prefix[ prefix ] || './' );
// check each of the paths for the script that was requested
( function check_path( paths )
var cur_path = paths.shift();
if ( cur_path === undefined )
// no more dirs to check; not found
request.setResponseCode( 404 ).end();
// check to see if the file exists within the path
var filename = ( cur_path + suffix );
console.log( filename );
fs.exists( filename, function( exists )
if ( !exists )
// next!
check_path( paths );
// serve the file!
fs.readFile( filename, function( err, data )
// an error occurred
if ( err )
log.log( log.PRIORITY_ERROR,
"Failed to serve file (%s): %s",
filename, err
request.setResponseCode( 500 ).end();
// cache the data in memory so we don't have to do this again
if ( cache )
script_cache[ file ] = data;
// send the data wrapped to support the CommonJS format
request.setContentType( 'text/javascript' );
// get the requested module name and secure it
var module = request.getGetData().module;
if ( module )
// secure module name from any attacks
module = module.replace( /[^a-zA-Z0-9\/]/, '' );
// serve as a CommonJS module (which won't work client-side
// by default)
"(function(module,require){" +
"var exports=module.exports={};" +
data +
"\n})(modules['" + module + "']={},mkrequire('" + module + "'));"
// do not serve a CommonJS module
request.end( data );
})( chk_paths );
// request was handled
return Promise.resolve( true );